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UK Man Found Guilty! She Asked For Divorce, Was Butchered (update)

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
London’s Punjabi community is in a state of shock after the sensational opening of a trial in which a 32-year-old man is accused of orchestrating the killing of his 28-year-old wife and the mother of their two children.

Geeta Aulakh, whose family originate from Goraya near Jalandhar, had her right hand cut off and died from wounds to her arm and head only yards away from where her two young sons were being cared for by a childminder.

Her husband Harpreet, whose family hails from Kapurthala district, is alleged to have commissioned her murder for £5,000 (Rs 3.5 lakh) because she dared to ask him for a divorce. The Aulakhs had a love marriage and lived near Southall, West London, home to many gurdwaras and considered the heartland of the British Asian community.

Harpreet Aulakh, of Chestnut Close, Greenford, 19-year-old Sher Singh from Wren Avenue, Southall, 20-year-old Harpreet Singh from Elmwood Road, Slough and 30-year-old Jaswinder Dhillon of High Road, Ilford, all deny murder.

Claims of the how the murder was organised, and how Aulakh allegedly offered £5,000 to anyone who could carry out the crime, have come from the testimony of the prosecuting lawyer Aftab Jafferjee, QC.

The jury at London’s famous Old Bailey court has also been shown security camera footage of Aulakh buying a machette, allegedly using in the killing.

Mr Jafferjee told the court last Monday (yesterday) “On a November evening last year Geeta Aulakh, having finished work, was on her way to the home of a childminder in Greenford where two young sons were waiting for their mother to collect them.”

Jafferjee explained how the two boys, aged eight and nine at that time, were waiting for their mother to collect them. “She never got to collect them. Just yards from that address her killers lay in wait.

‘They knew exactly where to wait and when to be there. There were three of them, albeit only one would and did hack her to death.

“So savage and determined was this mission to kill her, that when she sought to protect her head with her hands, her right hand was completely severed from her arm.”

According to the prosecution, the murder plot was hatched because Geeta wanted a divorce from her husband and this was unacceptable to him.”

‘”No one else in the world could possibly have wished this utterly innocent and hard-working woman and mother any harm”, Jafferjee said.

He added, “Harpreet Aulakh’s reaction displayed a chilling belief almost certainly culturally rooted in male unaccountability.

‘How dare a mere woman…. challenge that smug chauvinist mindset?”
At the time of her murder last year, Geeta was working as a receptionist at a community radio station in Southall.

Shortly after the murder, one of her work colleagues at the radio station, described how she walked part of the way home with her.

Radio producer Seema Sidha described Geeta as a “happy person” and said they were strolling along and chatting for several minutes. After Seema caught a train home, Geeta continued walking along on her own until she was ambushed.

Source: Tribune India


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Nov 5, 2009
Bangalore, India
re: Man Found Guilty! She asked for divorce, was butchered (update)

Unfortunately, savage acts like these continue unchecked in many parts of India. About 6 to 7 years ago, I came across a similar crime that took place near Chandigarh. A higher caste couple killed their daughter with the help of her brothers for loving a Matharu boy. The family then proceeded and annihilated the Matharus also. The higher caste family claimed that they committed the murders to save their honour!

The event was dramatized and shown on TV in the program "India's Most Wanted".

The sad part is that the false pride of being socially superior is still embedded in the minds of many people of Indian origin and they are still upheld by the rural panchayats in India.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
re: Man Found Guilty! She asked for divorce, was butchered (update)

London’s Punjabi community is in a state of shock after the sensational opening of a trial in which a 32-year-old man is accused of orchestrating the killing of his 28-year-old wife and the mother of their two children.

Geeta Aulakh, whose family originate from Goraya near Jalandhar, had her right hand cut off and died from wounds to her arm and head only yards away from where her two young sons were being cared for by a childminder.

Her husband Harpreet, whose family hails from Kapurthala district, is alleged to have commissioned her murder for £5,000 (Rs 3.5 lakh) because she dared to ask him for a divorce. The Aulakhs had a love marriage and lived near Southall, West London, home to many gurdwaras and considered the heartland of the British Asian community.

Harpreet Aulakh, of Chestnut Close, Greenford, 19-year-old Sher Singh from Wren Avenue, Southall, 20-year-old Harpreet Singh from Elmwood Road, Slough and 30-year-old Jaswinder Dhillon of High Road, Ilford, all deny murder.

Claims of the how the murder was organised, and how Aulakh allegedly offered £5,000 to anyone who could carry out the crime, have come from the testimony of the prosecuting lawyer Aftab Jafferjee, QC.

The jury at London’s famous Old Bailey court has also been shown security camera footage of Aulakh buying a machette, allegedly using in the killing.

Mr Jafferjee told the court last Monday (yesterday) “On a November evening last year Geeta Aulakh, having finished work, was on her way to the home of a childminder in Greenford where two young sons were waiting for their mother to collect them.”

Jafferjee explained how the two boys, aged eight and nine at that time, were waiting for their mother to collect them. “She never got to collect them. Just yards from that address her killers lay in wait.

‘They knew exactly where to wait and when to be there. There were three of them, albeit only one would and did hack her to death.

“So savage and determined was this mission to kill her, that when she sought to protect her head with her hands, her right hand was completely severed from her arm.”

According to the prosecution, the murder plot was hatched because Geeta wanted a divorce from her husband and this was unacceptable to him.”

‘”No one else in the world could possibly have wished this utterly innocent and hard-working woman and mother any harm”, Jafferjee said.

He added, “Harpreet Aulakh’s reaction displayed a chilling belief almost certainly culturally rooted in male unaccountability.

‘How dare a mere woman…. challenge that smug chauvinist mindset?”
At the time of her murder last year, Geeta was working as a receptionist at a community radio station in Southall.

Shortly after the murder, one of her work colleagues at the radio station, described how she walked part of the way home with her.

Radio producer Seema Sidha described Geeta as a “happy person” and said they were strolling along and chatting for several minutes. After Seema caught a train home, Geeta continued walking along on her own until she was ambushed.

Source: Tribune India

Unfortunately, in the UK, in the non Jatt community this has continued the stereo type that Jatts are savage and not to be married. I think Geeta was not Jatt.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
re: Man Found Guilty! She asked for divorce, was butchered (update)

Unfortunately, in the UK, in the non Jatt community this has continued the stereo type that Jatts are savage and not to be married. I think Geeta was not Jatt.

This is an easy institutional way out to label the failure of a marriage.To begin with, it is absolutely stereo typed short sighted conclusion.Only two weeks ago, a [ Ramgharia]Sikh father is alleged to have murdered his own daughter in Nottingham.So, would one be justified in concluding.... that has reinforced the stereotyping of the tarkhaan famailies - that ramgharias are closed knit picking savages?

Geeta rightly, is not from a jat background.Her background is from a Punjabi Hindu family.But that has nothing to do with their back grounds.It is absolutely rubbish to associate the failure of the marriage with that.

The marriage failed because the husband is a little educated village peasant from the Punjab , carrying his village mentality and baggage dropped and by fate into a western and developed country, where many of the values do not meet his values and understanding.His ignorance of treating women with mutual respect and mutual understanding has triggered issues that both then failed to agree upon and sowed the seed of discontent.Geeta was born and educated in UK,and held values that were far removed from any similarity with her husbands.They saw each other and "fell in love without any thoughts"...as her family objected because of his drink problems...that they found out .. , they drove her into his arms and comfort....while the two of them ..lacking any hind sight or fore sight about real life together ,they married blindly.Such marriages are doomed these days..and we see increasing divorces of such these days.

Hee thought he was a macho man, a punjabi male dominated mentallity who thinks when he says to women jump, women should ask ...how high?His outdated values gave him the freedom pass to supress woman at will, but such things cannot take plaace in western orienated society and women with western education, and vice versa.That man failed to understand that....and took a life to prove his silly punjabi masculinity.

Parents still pursuing marriages in india for their off springs must really think carefully ...before taking such steps...stupidly and setting the grounds for major values and culturally clashes.

Let us not bring such casteism into where none has existed.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
re: Man Found Guilty! She asked for divorce, was butchered (update)

Man guilty of arranging estranged wife's machete murder

Harpreet Aulakh ordered the killing after his wife, Geeta, had demanded a divorce

Geeta Aulakh murder The court heard how Harpreet Aulakh believed he had lost face after his wife, Geeta, left him and asked for a divorce. Photograph: Sunrise Radio/PA

A man was today found guilty of ordering the murder of his estranged wife, who was hacked to death with a machete in a suburban street as she walked to collect the couple's children.

Harpreet Aulakh, 32, an Indian-born Sikh, arranged the murder after becoming obsessed with the idea he had lost respect among his peers because his wife, Geeta, from a middle-class British Hindu family, had left him and was seeking a divorce.

On 16 November last year his 28-year-old wife, a receptionist at a community radio station, was ambushed after work as she walked the few hundred metres from a bus stop in Greenford, west London, to collect the couple's two young sons from their childminder.

On a street corner she was attacked with the 14-inch machete and suffered appalling injuries to the head and body. Her right hand was completely severed as she tried to defend herself.

Today Aulakh was found guilty of murder at the Old Bailey along with Sher Singh, 19, of Southall, west London, and Jaswant Dhillon, 30, of Ilford, east London.

Jurors were still considering the case of Harpreet Singh, 20, of Slough, Berkshire, and were sent home to continue deliberations . He denies murder.

Aftab Jafferjee QC, prosecuting, said behind the "savage and determined" attack was Aulakh's "chilling" reaction to his wife's desire to leave him.

"Geeta Aulakh was in the process of divorcing him and that would not be tolerated," he said. "No one else in the world could possibly have wished this utterly innocent and hard-working woman and mother any harm."

Aulakh, described by Jafferjee as "smug and utterly unrepentant", claimed in court his wife was his "first love" and he did not kill her. He had thought he was in the clear because he made sure he was captured on CCTV in a pub at the time of the murder.

Sher Singh, an Indian who had come to Britain months earlier on a student visa, was said in court to have wielded the machete. Jurors heard that Aulakh told a friend: "I don't do anything stupid. I get someone else to do it."

But detectives discovered he had offered £5,000 for the killing and had been in telephone contact with Singh hours before it took place. They also found pictures from a wedding in Punjab showing Aulakh with Singh, who was linked to the murder by DNA.

Another breakthrough came when the weapon used to kill Mrs Aulakh was found in a canal and found to be a Brazilian-made machete, whose sole UK supplier had sent a batch of 20 to a shop in Hounslow, only three of which were sold. CCTV from the store showed Aulakh buying the blade days before the murder.

The court heard he had met his future wife at a bus stop in Hounslow when she was a teenager, but her family disapproved of the relationship. They eloped to Belgium and Holland, getting married and starting a family, before returning to the UK.

Jafferjee said that in the weeks leading up to the murder, Aulakh was subjecting his wife to "sheer unmitigated harassment".

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