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Sikh News Mandira's Tattoo Leaves Akal Takht Fuming, Again

Do You Support Akal Takht's Reaction to Mandira Bedi's Tattoo?

  • Yes, Please Explain.

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • No, Please Explain.

    Votes: 19 76.0%
  • Unsure, Why?

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 7, 2009
This angry lot in the Sikhi tent should go through their family members, blood relations. How much they are following the actual SIKHI? and How many of their near & dear are in SIKHI SWAROOP? Lot of non-sikh & sikh people in Punjab and other areas of the World are living with same TATOO on their arms and other part of the body. Why these said to be "CONTRACTORS OF SIKH DHARM" (Drm dy Tykydwr) find something else to gripe about rather than showing their ire at this. Lot of publications, News Papers and other Magzines always print these symbols. After reading, it is always thrown to the dustbin.
Drm dy Tykydwr Pull on Swords against their SIKH brothers, at that time where was their SIKHI?
First, they should learn the actual meaning of
<> and follow the actual SIKHI with true heart, not with dirty politics in religion.
Can they give us the list where not to write this beautiful symbol of omnipresence of The Source?

Their disdain shows more about themselves than the supposedly flaws they have claimed in Mandira's character. BETTER to improve their own character FIRST.


Apr 3, 2005
I understand the sentiments of Mai ji, Kanwardeep ji and others who are against tattooing or consider things like this as an offense.

I am not against using Ik onkaar symbol tattoeing by common people.I am just against use sikh religious symbols used by celebraties for the sake of publicity or fashion

Earlier the people who use to tattoe ik onkaar use to keep it for their entire life.One should ask mandira for how long she is going to keep this symbol even if someone does not protest 1-2 months,maximum 6 - months then what is the point for tattoeing it ?Fashion or publicity ?


Apr 24, 2006
I don't know about Akal takht. They might have time on their hands. But Sangat ji, this thread has gotten 41 replies in three days!
Suddenly, when it comes to religion, what Mandira does becomes our personal matter.Even for us this has become the hottest discussion. Who are we to blame Akal Takht?

Get over other's people tattoos and other such mundane actions and enjoy your life to the fullest!! :wah:

Bahadar S

Nov 15, 2009
United States
Yea i remember the first time she did this, now im really getting mad shes a TV Anchor shes not that busy to not make some time respect the religion of Sikhism and get it removed Strict Action should definetely be taken by the Akaal Takht:angrymunda:


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Hmmnn.... Scratching my head....where do we draw the line on this??

Say for example it had been a man who had tattooed this on his forearm?
Are we going to have a map of acceptable areas of the male and female anatomy where a tattoo of this type would not cause any level of offence?

Don't get me wrong, I agree vigilance and care is necessary. For example, we already have one ancient Hindu symbol of light that was exploited and stolen when it became the Swastika for Hitler and his Nazis and is now more or less permanently adopted by the far right

So absolutely, we must set standards and keep an eye on things and should express a clear view that we do not endorse this and we are not happy with it. But the rest of the demands that followed I think are a bit of an over-reaction

And she may just have indirectly raised the profile of Sikhism in the process which may not be a bad thing at all.....


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Should this pic draw similar fire from the panth or Akal Takht? This is boxer Andrew Kooner.


  • kooner-a.jpg
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Aug 6, 2006
Very good question asked by Narayanjot Kaur ji. May be nobody will bother about Kooner's tatto because in sikhism also, the male dominance still persist. Gurbani teaches us to respect the women equally but like many other things we do not obey gurbani. Not only the tatto issue, there are many otherthings like polygamy or extramarital affairs etc where women are critisized and men are let free at many occasions. This is the reality whch need correction as per gurbani.

Singh Balbir

Jun 4, 2005
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa!!
Waheguru ji Fateh!!

As per Dr. Inderjit Kaur, President of Bhagat Puran Singh Pingalwara, Amritsar, Mandira has lost her mental balance. Many such patients, who act differenlty for cheap fame, do visit her regularly.

IKONKAR is not to be engraved on the back, nape, arm etc. One should learn the meaning of IKONKAR & work for the betterment of the poor people in the world.


Balbir Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Singh Balbir ji

I have enormous respect for Dr. Inderjit Kaur but is she a psychiatrist? Before any answer is given however, can you point us to an article where she makes her diagnosis of Mandira in a public sense? Or perhaps if she did she was speaking off the cuff and did not expect her comments to be taken as a diagnosis?

According out our gurus we have all lost our mental balance. :happykaur: We are deluded.
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Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Very good question asked by Narayanjot Kaur ji. May be nobody will bother about Kooner's tatto because in sikhism also, the male dominance still persist. Gurbani teaches us to respect the women equally but like many other things we do not obey gurbani. Not only the tatto issue, there are many otherthings like polygamy or extramarital affairs etc where women are critisized and men are let free at many occasions. This is the reality whch need correction as per gurbani.

Not to mention that we women are not denied our right to perform some sewa and sing kirtan at Harimandir Sahib for some very silly reason. :angrykudi:
We need to stand up and assert ourselves and insist, but I doubt anything will change as long as the Badal Cabal is in charge of all things Sikh in [India]. :geekkaur:
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Apr 3, 2005
Very good question asked by Narayanjot Kaur ji. May be nobody will bother about Kooner's tatto because in sikhism also, the male dominance still persist. Gurbani teaches us to respect the women equally but like many other things we do not obey gurbani. Not only the tatto issue, there are many otherthings like polygamy or extramarital affairs etc where women are critisized and men are let free at many occasions. This is the reality whch need correction as per gurbani.

In sikhism when a boy cuts his hair and abandon turban then many of his relatibes critices him .Many even refuse to talk to him yet on the other hand when sikh women do waxing or slightly trim their hair no say anything about.
They still proudly say that they are sardarni's.What about this type of sexism?

As far this case is concerned I am sorry to say this case has nothing to do with sexism.People in India hardly knew about who is andew singh kooner on the other hand mandira is a household name.

I don't understand why some people think when a woman is targeted think that she is targeted because she is woman? Are we moving in an age where people cannot even single word against a woman because it makes them automatically makes sexist?We have recently seen this in the case of shashi tharoor where
He tried to defend his G/F by saying that she is targeted because she is woman while the reality is Tharoor and his G/F was not targeted because of gender but because of corruption

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Very good question asked by Narayanjot Kaur ji. May be nobody will bother about Kooner's tatto because in sikhism also, the male dominance still persist. Gurbani teaches us to respect the women equally but like many other things we do not obey gurbani. Not only the tatto issue, there are many otherthings like polygamy or extramarital affairs etc where women are critisized and men are let free at many occasions. This is the reality whch need correction as per gurbani.

Roopsidhu ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said. Narayanjot ji has asked a great question which makes us look in our own inner messy closets.
In fact many machos in Sikhi are proud of the ikonkaar tattooed on Kooner. They somehow feel some kind of kinship with Sikhi like that. This hypocricy and talibanisation of Sikhi has to take a U- Turn so that we can find the tools in the true tool box called the Sri Guru Granth Sahib to tune ourselves towards the ONE.

Having said that, as mentioned before, I have no problem with either of the tattoos.

This unique symbol whose meaning can not be explained even if written on all the paper produced in the world, can not be denigrated in any way or form no matter where it is written,etched or tattooed.

Tejwant Singh
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May 4, 2010
it is a right disicion by akal takth sahib against mandira..........but the seious matteris that ,not only mandira but the modren pap singers like jazzy b and others use symbols of sikhism like khanda in his neck ......which is unacceptable .......it is the great demand of time to stop these anti sikh activities


Apr 24, 2006
Tejwant Singh ji
What does hypocrisy and talibinisation of Sikhism have to do with the tattoos? I don't think you wanted to draw a connection between the two but could you explain why you mentioned those things together?
Sunny ji
Would you care to explain how those are anti-Sikh activities? Which Sikh values do they oppose or violate?


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Dear lee

Unfortunately we are living in world where people are ready to exploit anything whether it is symbols,image etc.At one sikhs use to take sikh jokes lightly ,People use to say its just a joke .With time joke's started to become humilation.

Coming back to topic of symbols.They are associated with religion and feelings
of people.They should not be used by people which are hungry for publicity
or just want to use them as fashion

Kanwardeep ji,

It is all very strange to me, I do understand what you are saying, but I do not understand why it makes people feel such anger, or why anybody would be the slightest bit worried about it.

You talk about the feelings of people, what sort of people do you mean?

What does it matter to you, on a personaly level what a Sikh or even a non Sikhs chosses to do with any Sikh symbol? Does it physicaly hurt you? Does it upset your religious sentiments? How or why?

As I say there is only God, God and your connection to God. Why would anybody want to let the illusionary plays of this world upset them? I just don't understand it.

Let the belivers and non beliveres alike use our symbols how they wish, what does it matter?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Bhagat Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Tejwant Singh ji
What does hypocrisy and talibinisation of Sikhism have to do with the tattoos? I don't think you wanted to draw a connection between the two but could you explain why you mentioned those things together?
I have noticed that you have a habit of nitpicking things of your own desire,choice and liking rather than getting the gist and the meaning of the different conversations happening in the forum. Please do not take me wrong, I do not get offended by your constant actions like these but I find them in fact amusing in a way. It does not further the topic that is being discussed but to the contrary, it filibusters it rather.

If you had read all my posts of the recent events about Sikhi, eg. the stabbing of Manjit Singh Mangat, Prophecies in Sikhi and many more, an intelligent person like you should have known better than nitpick and the worse is to distort what I said in the post, perhaps for your own personal entertainment.

How did you come to the conclusion that I am linking tattoos with hipocricy and talbanisation of Sikhi? This is not what I said or ever mentioned. If you had read my posts under this thread, you would have understood my position which I have stated repeatedly.

I mentioned those two things without having any thing to do with the tattoos for the reasons explained above but what is currently happening in Sikhi and all are linked together and they do weave a tangled web indeed. It is your inference about the link with the tattoos, not mine.

So, please read the post again as a participant rather than with the help of your 'scrutiny lenses' and ask questions to further the discussion.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh
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Apr 24, 2006
Tejwant Singh ji,
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. :cool:

In my question to you I have acknowledged the fact that you did not intend to link the two things:
I don't think you wanted to draw a connection between the two but could you explain why you mentioned those things together?
I was simply asking for clarification.
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