Ambarsaria JI, Your you- tubes reminded me of another such bird, a parrot that is a pet in my nephews house on the island of Penang in Malaysia.This parrot is is named Ash!
Whenever we are on holidays there, the number of times, when we would pick up the phone..only to find it was the parrot that was simulating the ringing tone of their phone!Then on ocassions when the phone would really ring, it would simulate the voice of their maid a wonderful philipino lady, the parrot would shout out the name of one of my grand nephews ...Naveeeen or .. Depaaak ./..another brother of his!
At other times, it would squawk as a horn- as if the car, and we would call out tothe maid that someone is at the gate, only to be told...Noo, sir, it is only assh making a nuisance of itself!!
Along the line it has picked up a vocabulary of about 100 words; among which one is satnam waheguru!At times when it feels like it will chaant satnaam waheguru non stop for minutes...then call out "...what ?be quiet!!
I have often wondered if I could teach it the panj paurian of jaap ji sahib; as it was rattling on one day, after me as I sat out early morning doing my paath in the verandah!
Is that miracle or Gurbani?What do we define that as ?
Gurcharan singh Kulim, Kamuning Hills,Kuala Lumpur.