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Islam Muslim Guy And Sikh Gal


May 3, 2009
Both of you (your and your b/f) have different priorities.
You want personal happiness. You like being with him. Although you believe in one God, still you don't care about religions or different ways of life. You are the best:thumbup:
On the other hand, he can leave you but not his religion (must be some false version of religion, where he believes his is only true religion). He knows that you love him and ultimately will agree to his terms. Also if he is religious, then you must understand his mindset that you are also a trophy for a muslim guy(mostly Pakistani or Bangladeshi, due to their recent historical inferiority complex) to bring another non-muslim to folds (same can be said about all the religions but muslims are best). I still remember my Pakistani colleague parading his new Chinese wife with Hijab in office.
This is human nature. Punjabi and other Asians would be more decent with their white wives, than if they have Punjabi or Asian wives.
There are more chances that Black man would have Asian wife than vice versa. There are very slim chances that Punajbi sikh or hindus have Pakistani wives, but even if they have, they would try to hide it.
On the other hand, Pakistanis will proudly introduce sikh/hindu/white/other new wife to other Muslims.
This issue is not about God or your journey towards it.

Thank you.
This is main reason that i dont believe in the religious side of life.... it causes too much heartbreak and pain - on the other hand i know it makes people happy, i appreciate that.
im just trying to find a way round it. his parents will never accept me and i get so miserable wen i think about it. i love him and want to be happy with him. but i say to him that his family are the most important thing, girlfriends just come and go but family is there forever.

im not backing down on my decision to be who i am and to stay as who i am.
wrong or right, who knows but i feel purer in my heart being honest about my views instead of saying im a Sikh but doing things i shouldnt do which disrespect the religion....:hmm:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
For MOST of them..a new wife is a CONQUEST....see what i got !! It seems their religion scores points for each new conquest especially if they are from another religion..sikh/hindu/white. Thats why they Parade their converts, wives etc in public....trophies to be shown off...
Good luck to anyone who wants to be such a trophy/conquest...remeber trophies seldom remain centre stage for long..they end up on the SHELF shortly....the moment a new trophy appears...and they are allowed to have FOUR at any one time....so Caveat Emperor...BEWARE.:D:D:D:D:D


Apr 3, 2005
the hardest thing is that i cant let go of him. when im with him i have never felt so much love and never had anyone love me the way he does, and them feelings work both ways too, my day isnt complete without seeing him..... so i cant let go.

In Europe and USA There are around 50% marriages that end up in divorce.majority of these could had said the same thing that they can't live without partners before marriages but still after marriages Divorces happen on a large scale. These are just temprary feelings.What will you do if he suddenly leaves you irrespective of religion? You are not going to stop living

if religions is ment to be good then why does it make things feel so bad?
i dont understand.

On the topic of religion I just want to say That one cannot say that all the Religions are same.In islam there are 72 sects while in another religions there are many sects too_One cannot say that all the sects
are good or bad.

lotus lion

Jan 2, 2008
Hi jk_81 et all,

Every once in a while this topic resurfaces on forums, but if I may speak frankly, I believe that jk_81 is actually a guy, mid-late 20's, who wants to cause a stir. Of course I can be wrong, but truly doubt it.

Please note that this has come out during the time that Sikhs houses are being destroyed as they refuse to pay the Jizya Tax for not being Muslim in Pakistan.

Source: Taliban demolishes Sikh properties in FATA for failure to pay ‘protection fees’

A direct question to you jk_81 what are you thoughts on this?

Sikh women who even have one once of self-respect do not do this as this as it is well known that is the path to abuse, degradation and humiliation, as these posts will show.

I feel that jk_81 is a guy for several reasons:

1) The Pink writing, it is a case of 'thou protests too much' you are trying to over compensate for the lack of femininity.

2) The over-Ditzyness of this troll. The air headedness and so forth. Once again an attempt to over compensate.

3) The 81 Aspect of your avatar implies some link to the year 1981 therefore at least 27-28 years of age. You do not come across as one, but admittedly an observation in regards to this.

Like all of us here, I interact with women regularly over the Internet and have been doing so for a number of years, but I have never known any of them to actually act in such a way, and yes whilst this could be a possible case, I sincerely doubt it because of the sheer way that this has been presented.

Muslim Guys taking advantage of Sikh Girls is fact, but The Sikhs are doing something about this because Usse kohi choria ne Penia, We are not wearing bangles.



lotus lion

Jan 2, 2008

Several points I would like to bring to everyones attention:

1) SikhForAWeek

A site which was recently pulled off public domain as it showed what Muslim Guys actually think of Sikh Girls.

They sleep with the Girl, video camera/take pictures of it and then to her horror show it to her, effectively blackmailing her.
She is now their Wh**e. Public property who is used whenever they want as she is on the end of a phone. If they want to celebrate or are feeling aggressive, they can have her without her consent.
She is literally owned by them. A slave if you will.
She is also pimped out to make money or used as a sweetener to help pave the way to settle arguments between rival groups.

When they have no more use of you, i.e. Lost your beauty and mind and perhaps contracted a few diseases, they show the videos to the parents anyway whilst pasting you all over the Internet at the same time.

Passages from the now Authors only website include:

"These are all current slags being used and abused by our soldiers...u get me hahahahaha "

"Brap brap brap Another Sikh hoe, who gets passed around regularly amongst the soldiers."

Source: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikh-youth/23246-sikhs-girls-beware.html

Note that this is symptomatic of Muslims wherever they go. Look at the similarities between what is happening to Sikh women and what is happening in Egypt where the more in-your-face style does not even include the seduction of the women as they form the majority.

Source: Dhimmi Watch: Egypt: Christian girl escapes Muslim kidnappers



lotus lion

Jan 2, 2008

2) Passages in the Quran

I do not think we can have a proper discussion without looking into the Qur'an and from my current understanding, this is where everything stems from.

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded;
and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

Source: Qur'an 4:34

To stress the point, the Qur'an teaches that:

If a man feels that his woman is going to desert him:

1) He can verbally insult her first.
2) Then isolate her in the Bedroom and if she still does not yield,
3) He can beat her.

More passages of Interest:

"And who guard their private parts,
Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blameable"

Source: Qur'an 23:05

Where what the Right Hand possesses is a Sex Slave which in this case could be deemed the Sikh Girl in this instance.

Please note there are many more, and I have not even started on the Hadiths, but I fear that this post would become too long so have left it for the moment.

Compare this to the Sikh Dharma:

"We are born of woman, we are conceived in the womb of woman, we are engaged and married to woman. We make friendship with woman and the lineage continued because of woman. When one woman dies, we take another one, we are bound with the world through woman. Why should we talk ill of her, who gives birth to kings? The woman is born from woman; there is none without her. Only the One True Lord is without woman"

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ang 473

Source: The Sikhism Home Page: Women in Sikhism

Here The Sikh Dharma teaches that one should not even speak ill of a women.

"They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who have one soul in two bodies."

Whilst physically one is a Man and the other a Woman with their own duties towards one another, they would ultimately be in a perfect resonance, where not only do they complete each other, they would be sharing the heart and soul of this union together as partners. A perfect platform for raising a family whilst postively effecting society for the better.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ang 788

Source: The Sikhism Home Page: Women in Sikhism

On top of this, in Sikhi women can enter the Gurdwara through the front door whenever they like and not only are they included in the Amrit ceremony, they are actually part of it as Mata Jito added Sugar to the Amrit from the very inception of the Khalsa.

Source: Sikh Spirituality and Contribution of Women



lotus lion

Jan 2, 2008

3) You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake

If you are a Sikh Girl, then take heed of my words and understand that you are nothing more then a trophy. I truely doubt he loves you and you can be easily be replaced as Brothers here have pointed out. You are not special and many sisters have treaded on the same path as you, even more deeper in Love, in even longer relationships i.e. 3 years only to be slapped in the face. Whilst some were saved, others have not been so lucky.

"...The day we got back Sheraz dropped me at the hotel and told me he would be back. I waited, and waited, and waited and waited but he never did come back and I discovered the reason I was sick was becauseI was pregnant.

I didn't know who to turn to because I hadn't spoken to my family for months. The only place I could go was the government. They put me in social care because I was still a minor and the NHS paid for me to have an abortion. 8 years have passed and there is not one day that I don't think of my parents or what I have lost. Although I call them, I feel too ashamed to see them yet. I have started covering my hair again and have started to realize so much about Sikhism that I never knew before. I feel so horrible that I was blinded by my ignorance into accepting Islam, but one day I hope to take amrit. Once I give my head to my guru I will feel that my sins are washed away and then I will be able to face my parents and the world with confidence once again."

Source: Why I Chose Sikhism

To the Sangat, please forgive my harsh tone and the words employed to get my point across in this instance, but we need to wake up.

My best regards,


If you want to help save the Honor of Sikh Women, Donate.
: Sikh Awareness Society :
Sikh Helpline


May 3, 2009
Hi jk_81 et all,

Every once in a while this topic resurfaces on forums, but if I may speak frankly, I believe that jk_81 is actually a guy, mid-late 20's, who wants to cause a stir. Of course I can be wrong, but truly doubt it.

Please note that this has come out during the time that Sikhs houses are being destroyed as they refuse to pay the Jizya Tax for not being Muslim in Pakistan.

Source: Taliban demolishes Sikh properties in FATA for failure to pay ‘protection fees’

A direct question to you jk_81 what are you thoughts on this?

Sikh women who even have one once of self-respect do not do this as this as it is well known that is the path to abuse, degradation and humiliation, as these posts will show.

I feel that jk_81 is a guy for several reasons:

1) The Pink writing, it is a case of 'thou protests too much' you are trying to over compensate for the lack of femininity.

2) The over-Ditzyness of this troll. The air headedness and so forth. Once again an attempt to over compensate.

3) The 81 Aspect of your avatar implies some link to the year 1981 therefore at least 27-28 years of age. You do not come across as one, but admittedly an observation in regards to this.

Like all of us here, I interact with women regularly over the Internet and have been doing so for a number of years, but I have never known any of them to actually act in such a way, and yes whilst this could be a possible case, I sincerely doubt it because of the sheer way that this has been presented.

Muslim Guys taking advantage of Sikh Girls is fact, but The Sikhs are doing something about this because Usse kohi choria ne Penia, We are not wearing bangles.


i havent read all of what u put above because im not interested in the fighting talk and all the who said what about who's religion. this is why iv said on my 1st post that i dont call myself a Sikh, because i dont understand. The fact u think im tryin 2 cause a stir hurts. Everyday i wake ur knowin that my relationship is doomed and its killin me everyday cuz i love him so damn much but we cant be together because of religion. why does it have to be dictated who we should spend our futures with. please understand, im not getting a kick out of feeling like this. I need someone 2 help me see a reason why i cant be with the man i love....


Feb 25, 2008
i havent read all of what u put above because im not interested in the fighting talk and all the who said what about who's religion.(quote jk 81 Ji)
Why not?
If you haven’t read what Lotus Lion wrote, on what base you are saying “ I am not interested in fighting talk?”
Everyday i wake ur knowin that my relationship is doomed and its killin me everyday cuz i love him so damn much but we cant be together because of religion.
You love him; you don’t bring religion in the picture then who does?
why does it have to be dictated who we should spend our futures with
Nobody is dictating anything to you save for your lover
. please understand, im not getting a kick out of feeling like this. I need someone 2 help me see a reason why i cant be with the man i love....
Now look at the statement, you need someone to help you, in what way? Aren’t they helping you by giving examples and you don’t even read that!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s look at the story in your own words, it is filled with suspicions.
[/FONT]i know this thread is old, but i have just come across it....[/FONT]
[/FONT]im an Asian girl (could say Sikh as this is my family background but i dont follow the religion myself - but i DO believe in God) who is in love with a Muslim man.[/FONT]
[/FONT]we have been together for a year and talked about marriage and he has made it clear that i have to convert to Islam - my answer to this was that i cant even follow my own background so how can i follow another?[/FONT]
[/FONT]obviously this hasnt gone down too well with him.[/FONT]
Isn’t it clear as per your own words, he doesn’t like your “not converting” attitude. Right? Now look what your Mom is saying about your lover[/FONT]
“... mym mum is cool with us, she thinks he's great “[/FONT]
Your Mom likes the Muslim guy so much, calls him great, right?[/FONT]
and she's happy that im not going to convert - anyone who knows me will know that i dont back down from decisions..[/FONT]
Your Mom is happy for you to have lover from Islam but also happy not to convert, who are you fooling?[/FONT]
It doesn’t add up.[/FONT]
anyway, the point i want to make is.... that i cant understand how people can say that interfaith marriages shouldnt happen...[/FONT]

People have views as you have yours, so let them have theirs.[/FONT]
if God says that we should be equal and treat people equally - and, if Sikhism & Islam believe that there is only 1 God, do Muslims believe in 1 God and Sikh's in another different one?[/FONT]
From where is this coming? Isn’t your lover who wants you to have his “God” and isn’t you who don’t want to accept his “God” by converting. Why blames are thrown on others? Obviously your lover cannot accept your God?[/FONT]
Why shouldnt 2 people who are so in love be together?[/FONT]
Again, people are not in the picture, its either your decisions and your lover’s decisions that are in force as per your statement, some people are just giving you warning based on the past how Sikh girls were used by Muslim-guys[/FONT].[/FONT] You picked up nothing on that, why? I am not surprised.[/FONT]
why does his religion say that we cant be together? what about peace and harmony? what about love....... i dont understand..[/FONT]
Kindly say these things to your lover and convince him to accept you as you are if the story is really true.[/FONT]
if someone can give me an answer and tell me what i need to do to be with the man i love i would appreciate it![/FONT]
[/FONT]thanks [/FONT]
You are asking a very serious question in very painful situation and ending your post with ice cream eating symbol, Do you think people won’t be able to guess what actually do you want?[/FONT]
Why always a Muslim guy talks about a Sikh girl and a Sikh girl about a Muslim guy? I wonder after reading your post. [/FONT]
I haven’t seen a Muslim girl starting such kind of thread or discussion! Is it there?


lotus lion

Jan 2, 2008
Hi jk_81,

"i havent read all of what u put above because im not interested in the fighting talk and all the who said what about who's religion."

Then I fail to understand how we can have a discussion about this. Time and effort have gone into writing these posts, and you do not even have the courtesy to read them fully.

To summarise:

1) Quotes about what Muslims think was shown for all to see.
2) Quotes from the Qur'an about his matter were shown for all to see.
3) Quotes from Sisters who have walked this line were shown for all to see.

No response to any of them apart from "i havent read all of [it]."

My objective is not to win an argument of some sort as like everyone here I have better things to do with my time. I wish to get to the bottom of this. Simple.

"this is why iv said on my 1st post that i dont call myself a Sikh, because i dont understand. "

I do not understand everything either, perhaps I never will, but that is no reason for me to renounce my Dharma.

I know Many Muslims who know even less about their religion but I truly doubt that they would ever say that they are not Muslim.

If one does not know about the Dharma, Then one should learn.


Max Arthur Macauliffe - Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors Vol 1-6
Harbans Singh - The Heritage of the Sikhs

Gurdwara - The Ebode of the Gurus, a Place where everyone can come, Be they Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Muslim or even of no Dharma.

Meet Sikhs who are more then glad to help.

"The fact u think im tryin 2 cause a stir hurts."

And the fact that apparently a Sikh Women Comes on a Sikh Forum and Says that she has been in a relationship with a Muslim does not cause us hurt? That too given the history and current climate.

From your Avatar, it says that you are from the UK so everyone knows what Muslims are doing with Sikh women. From my perspective, one would have to be crazy to enter into a relationship knowing all the facts. One is only setting themselves up for shame and humiliation as well as their family.

"Everyday i wake ur knowin that my relationship is doomed and its killin me everyday cuz i love him so damn much but we cant be together because of religion."

This is what I meant by the ditzyness. I sincerely wish to find out how old you are.

If you are who you say you are, then you fail to understand what you are loosing, and by the time you do, it will be too late and you will be regretting it.

You can go to the Gurdwara whenever you like, just like me. You will access it through the front door, just like me. You can do seva, just like me. Their is no holds on your participation or understanding.

You are Free to do what you want.

Try going to the Mosque, Infact I implore you to do so, and get back to me with the outcome.

Note that this is just the beginning of the encroachment.

"Why does it have to be dictated who we should spend our futures with. please understand, im not getting a kick out of feeling like this. I need someone 2 help me see a reason why i cant be with the man i love...."

Here is a test to see how much "he" loves you really. Note that this is just a test.

Ask him to convert for you. Say to him unless you convert, i am going to walk out of the relationship. Does not even have to wear a Turban etc, just say that he is no longer a Muslim and has converted to Sikhi and give him a Kara.

If he asks what has brought this on, continue with this line anyway. Truly and seriously. Do not buckle under the pressure or strain, keep going. Do not change your line or be diverted.

Then get back to me with his response.

My best regards,

Lotus Lion


May 3, 2009
hi lotus...
i just wanted to tell you... i have been to the Gurdwara (i go every few weeks these days and i have tried so hard to understand things but i dont and im sorry for any offence i have caused) and i have also sat and thought about what I want.... i want the love from my mum... she's the most important person in my life, and of course my brother.. but i want my boyfriend too.

the only person who has mentioned religion is him, he's said to me that i know what i need to do for his parents to accept me and i said that im not prepared to convert because as people have said, he should love me how i am and no other way because well, lets face it, its me, how i am now, that he's fallen for, not who he wants me to be.

i have said to him before about religion, i have said that we should turn it around and he should become Sikh.... he said no to that because he loves his religion just as much as he does me (he said) but i know his religion is going to come first, and as much as i hate that, i accept it because its his beliefs and im not going to question what he believes... i'll put what i think across but thats it - i have a lot of respect for him.

also, i just want to say.... im sorry that people have thought that im just blagging this, because im really really not. its something thats in my head all the time. i want him to just tell his parents that its tough, we're going to be together forever. but i know its not going to happen just yet but its annoying me because i just want to go to his house and tell his parents exactly how it is and to tell them to get over it. (as horrible as that sounds)

also, i wanted to say... yep a Sikh girl coming on this website to say all of this stuff. but, i dont have anyone that i can talk to about this, like ive said, its in my head all the time and i saw this website after putting in Google 'sikh muslim marriages' so im sorry if im annoying people by being on here but well i need to find things out that i need to find out for myself.
im sorry again.

im not going to comment on this again because people think its just a joke and its not to me..... its my real life. none of you on here know me and im trying so hard to get answers from people who i thought would be able to at least point me in the right direction of where to find answers - and can i say, apart from you Lotus - ive been filled with things that Sikhs have said about Muslims and things that Muslims have said about Sikhs.....and to be honest, this is why i want no part in Religion. My faith lies with God, and how i get to God and how i pray to God and worship him is going to have to be in my own way as it always has been.

Oh, just so you know, i have been on websites where predominantly Muslim people have commented.... and being honest, i have had the same thing from them - which to be fair, i did expect to an extent, but didnt expect to have people criticise me - from both sides..

Im not out to argue about religion, all i want to do is get answers to my own life.... and im sorry that this has caused offence to anyone.... and oh, to pk70...:ice:what would you rather? i put a sad face? my life at the moment with the situation im in puts a sad face on me all the time and everyday when im at work or with my friends or with my family.... i have to put on a happy face so nobody knows whats going on. make your own assumptions pk70. you know nothing about it :mad: better?

take care



Apr 3, 2005
Dear jk

First Please tell us that what kinsd of Advice do you need? many people have already tried to give you advice But it seems you are not interested in any conversation

You always blame religion in your posts but you don't want to understand that it is always muslims that want a girl to convert.There society can never accept a non muslim girl.Sikhs do have inter religious marriages with Hindu's but hardly any side ask another to convert though many willingly start practising
their partners religion and many don't

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
This sounds like a lot of wanting your cake and eating it. :ice:

There seems to be no responsibility for ones actions. I for example had a love marriage, yet I consciously chose a partner who was Sikh. Now that Sikh partner could be Black, white, Chinese, or Indian, but regardless of race they would have had to be Sikh.


Am I biggotted? Am I racist?


The fact is I have seen far too many intereligious relationships fail.

Another fact is jk 81, in order to be with your man you will have to become a Muslim. My advice to you is if you want to be with him, become a Muslim and gain acceptance in the Muslim community.

The last fact is you will get no acceptance here. Sikhs are not in the business of converting or sanctioning those that convert.

Best Wishes

ਮਾਰੂ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀਉ
मारू कबीर जीउ ॥
Mārū Kabīr jī▫o.
Maaroo, Kabeer Jee:

ਦੀਨੁ ਬਿਸਾਰਿਓ ਰੇ ਦਿਵਾਨੇ ਦੀਨੁ ਬਿਸਾਰਿਓ ਰੇ
दीनु बिसारिओ रे दिवाने दीनु बिसारिओ रे ॥
Ḏīn bisāri▫o re ḏivāne ḏīn bisāri▫o re.
You have forgotten your religion, O madman; you have forgotten your religion.

ਪੇਟੁ ਭਰਿਓ ਪਸੂਆ ਜਿਉ ਸੋਇਓ ਮਨੁਖੁ ਜਨਮੁ ਹੈ ਹਾਰਿਓ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ
पेटु भरिओ पसूआ जिउ सोइओ मनुखु जनमु है हारिओ ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Pet bẖari▫o pasū▫ā ji▫o so▫i▫o manukẖ janam hai hāri▫o. ||1|| rahā▫o.
You fill your belly, and sleep like an animal; you have wasted and lost this human life. ||1||Pause||

ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਕਬਹੂ ਨਹੀ ਕੀਨੀ ਰਚਿਓ ਧੰਧੈ ਝੂਠ
साधसंगति कबहू नही कीनी रचिओ धंधै झूठ ॥
Sāḏẖsangaṯ kabhū nahī kīnī racẖi▫o ḏẖanḏẖai jẖūṯẖ.
You never joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. You are engrossed in false pursuits.

ਸੁਆਨ ਸੂਕਰ ਬਾਇਸ ਜਿਵੈ ਭਟਕਤੁ ਚਾਲਿਓ ਊਠਿ ॥੧॥
सुआन सूकर बाइस जिवै भटकतु चालिओ ऊठि ॥१॥
Su▫ān sūkar bā▫is jivai bẖatkaṯ cẖāli▫o ūṯẖ. ||1||
You wander like a dog, a pig, a crow; soon, you shall have to get up and leave. ||1||

ਆਪਸ ਕਉ ਦੀਰਘੁ ਕਰਿ ਜਾਨੈ ਅਉਰਨ ਕਉ ਲਗ ਮਾਤ
आपस कउ दीरघु करि जानै अउरन कउ लग मात ॥
Āpas ka▫o ḏīragẖ kar jānai a▫uran ka▫o lag māṯ.
You believe that you yourself are great, and that others are small.

ਮਨਸਾ ਬਾਚਾ ਕਰਮਨਾ ਮੈ ਦੇਖੇ ਦੋਜਕ ਜਾਤ ॥੨॥
मनसा बाचा करमना मै देखे दोजक जात ॥२॥
Mansā bācẖā karmanā mai ḏekẖe ḏojak jāṯ. ||2||
Those who are false in thought, word and deed, I have seen them going to hell. ||2||

ਕਾਮੀ ਕ੍ਰੋਧੀ ਚਾਤੁਰੀ ਬਾਜੀਗਰ ਬੇਕਾਮ
कामी क्रोधी चातुरी बाजीगर बेकाम ॥
Kāmī kroḏẖī cẖāṯurī bājīgar bekām.
The lustful, the angry, the clever, the deceitful and the lazy

ਨਿੰਦਾ ਕਰਤੇ ਜਨਮੁ ਸਿਰਾਨੋ ਕਬਹੂ ਸਿਮਰਿਓ ਰਾਮੁ ॥੩॥
निंदा करते जनमु सिरानो कबहू न सिमरिओ रामु ॥३॥
Ninḏā karṯe janam sirāno kabhū na simri▫o rām. ||3||
waste their lives in slander, and never remember their Lord in meditation. ||3||

ਕਹਿ ਕਬੀਰ ਚੇਤੈ ਨਹੀ ਮੂਰਖੁ ਮੁਗਧੁ ਗਵਾਰੁ
कहि कबीर चेतै नही मूरखु मुगधु गवारु ॥
Kahi Kabīr cẖeṯai nahī mūrakẖ mugaḏẖ gavār.
Says Kabeer, the fools, the idiots and the brutes do not remember the Lord.

ਰਾਮੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਾਨਿਓ ਨਹੀ ਕੈਸੇ ਉਤਰਸਿ ਪਾਰਿ ॥੪॥੧॥
रामु नामु जानिओ नही कैसे उतरसि पारि ॥४॥१॥
Rām nām jāni▫o nahī kaise uṯras pār. ||4||1||
They do not know the Lord's Name; how can they be carried across? ||4||1||


Feb 25, 2008
Im not out to argue about religion, all i want to do is get answers to my own life.... and im sorry that this has caused offence to anyone...(81 jk Ji).
I am sure, you haven’t offended any one, so don’t worry about it.
and oh, to pk70...
what would you rather?

I wouldn’t need to put up happy face at least not on screen if I am facing serious issues. Well people differ
i put a sad face? my life at the moment with the situation im in puts a sad face on me all the time and everyday when im at work or with my friends or with my family.... i have to put on a happy face so nobody knows whats going on
I didn’t question that. My comments were limited to screen display.
. make your own assumptions pk70. you know nothing about it

I am sorry if I offended you in any way, if you say “no its real”, I have no problem with that but aren’t you forgetting that You have been advised very nicely by many of your Sikh brothers, only problem is this you just don’t like to read all; it’s like “asking question from the people but not listening when they respond”.
All the posters have tried to guide you in to right direction, now it appears they are lost to figure out what do you want.
Here are your basic things
You love your Mom, she likes him a lot but she doesn’t want you to convert
You also want the love from your brother; it appears he is also not in favor of converting
There is your lover who has made it clear that he loves his religion as much he loves you, the answer of your problem lies right there in his statement. People who are advising you are reacting either because of personal experience or due to information they have on cases like yours. Here you may notice your Sikh brothers have shown concern about you but if you go on Muslim site, they will consider little what you think and lecture you to take an opportunity to join the most wonderful real religion of all times. Funny thing about all is that a few live their religions.:)



May 5, 2009
be carefull with muslim men..to make girls covert they will make u disown ur parents..make u pregnant and then force u to convert and if u dont they will leave you..i swear to god these people are evil minded. if u live in uk and need support email me bains_uk@hotmail.com


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
dala ji

You make your point very bluntly to say the least. However, you are not totally off-base. While it is wrong to make generalizations about all Muslims, what you have described does happen. In fact the daughter of my neighbor found herself exactly in this position. She became pregnant. However ------- she held her ground and did not convert or marry the guy and he gave up in frustration.

lotus lion

Jan 2, 2008
Hi jk_81,

"i have said to him before about religion, i have said that we should turn it around and he should become Sikh.... he said no to that because he loves his religion just as much as he does me (he said) but i know his religion is going to come first, and as much as i hate that, i accept it because its his beliefs and im not going to question what he believes... i'll put what i think across but thats it - i have a lot of respect for him.[?]"

Just like clockwork. Queue Phase II of the relationship. He expects the Sikh Girl to convert, but not himself because he loves his religion.

Look at this. Let every Man Woman and Child read this. Read it, and then read it again. Then read it one more time and understand that this is what is happening with Sikh Women in the UK.

They enter a relationship with a Sikh Girl, Have their fun and then tell her to convert if they have not already walked away.

Even if she does convert, he annuls the Marriage within a year or two anyway as he cannot take the pressure from his family who cannot believe that he got married to a "Kuffar", nor did he ever really want this in reality.

Chances are that he will most possibly get married to a woman from Pakistan to raise a family in the UK without even blinking an eye. He does not want a woman who has got "history" putting it politely.

At best he will forget about The Sikh Girl.

At worse, he will make her into his bit on the side, his Mistress, so she cannot get on with her life or have a family of her own.
Perhaps he will have a child with her because mistakes do happen, and now the poor Girl is literally living in a High rise flat in a rough part of the City on Benefits with her illegitimate child who he does not really care about or look after as this is a Kuffar Child anyway.

Some people may have no problem with this lifestyle, but it is not for me, nor for anyone that i know.
One is living life with no aspiration, honor or dignity and most possibly hand-to-mouth. Absolutely abysmal conditions.

Note that this happens to Sikhs Girls from all backgrounds, be they rich or poor, from a good area or bad. Make no mistake of it, you are being used and abused to weaken the Sikh Dharma irrespective of your understanding.

I wish to say that if we look at the roots of this problem, we will see that one of them is that Sikhs generally do not know about their Dharma.

If one wants to understand the Dharma in a presentation format with other Sikhs who want to learn, just like yourself, I recommend the Sikh course.

The Sikh Course - A new perspective on life...

A One Day course in places such as Slough, Hayes, Gravesend, Southall, Coventry and Leicester plus many more in the pipeline.

Go by yourself, with Friends or Family, but go.

Topics covered include Birth, Death, Happiness, Purpose of Life, Karma and so forth.

My best regards,

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