I dont think its right to convert from one religion to another. Even if it's someone converting to my own religion (Sikhism), I wouldn't be ok with it. I think that a person's religion is a part of their identity and upbringing. It doesn't seem appropriate to throw all that away. I mean if people of two different religions love each other, they shouldn't have to convert at all! Instead they should just learn to appreciate their differences. But I am aware of the fact that real life isn't as "sugar coated" as my post. There are some narrow minded people out there who can't appreciate other religions!! So, all I want to say is to learn to accept your own religion and try to find someone within your religion!! This can save ALOT of drama!! Not to put down any muslims, but I was dating a muslim a few years ago and he asked me if I would be willing to convert perhaps in the future. And I told him "NO WAY". I can't give up something that has been a part of my life for over 18 years. Plus, I can't hurt my family in such a way. So just some advice, before you convert (from any religion to another) think about the effect it'll have on your family. How can you possibly hurt the people who brought you into this world?
Conversion to any religion for anything
other than faith is wrong, I can agree on that.
But conversion in general being wrong, I think you are very wrong here. It is about conviction and principle. Sikhism would not exist today if the Gurus simply stuck with their birth religions, and you would not even be here today telling people NOT to change their religion.
In fact, if everyone followed this rule, Christianity and Judaism, Buddhism and Jainism, and Hinduism as we know it today would not even exist!
Sikhism teaches us to seek God, a God that is beyond religion. The Gurus taught us to question popular social and religious practices and not to waste time on meaningless customs & rituals.
I think your response is far removed from what Sikhi and Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaches.