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My life and experience with Sikh Bani


Jul 22, 2023
Hello Whaiguru Ji Ka Khalsa Whaiguru Ji Ki Fateh

I want to keep this simple, ever since I was a young child I have recited Bani, and did it with utter discipline, at times more attached to God and at times living in sin, however I never quit and I always did my morning and evening and bed time prayers - jap ji jaap Shaib, Rharas Shaib always and at times the missed my bed time prayers but never missed Reharas Shaib in the evening.

When I was 39 I encountered God. Simple as that God met with me. I need not to go further on about it other than my whole life changed. Superman? Haha literally I became superman physically, yet I am so humble I can’t hurt a fly. I could describe God to the last detail, and tell you many things, my encounter was brief, it did not last long and God did not say anything to me, but all I can say is that if you are ever wondering if Sikh religion is real, it is and I can say God can make you into a superman, for example after I met God I went for a jog and I was able to run so fast I felt the muscles ripping off my legs, and had to stop. I can pick up 200 pounds in one hand and I weigh 170 pounds. It’s all true, I feel like the wind is pushing me from my back when I walk and I have this spinning blue star in my vision it’s like a halo and it’s there always.

Anyways Baba Nanak Dev ji Says “those who say they know God, consider them to be the biggest fool among fools” this is in Jap ji shaib..

Bul Chak maaf
Mannu Bhai


Jul 22, 2023
I just want to mention one thing, about my experience. If you were to ask me what it was like? It was the most terrifying thing I ever encountered my whole life, nothing was beautiful about it at the time and I felt like I was in cardiac arrest, like I was at deaths throws. For a long time I did not even know what I had encountered until I started to realize the fear that God put into me. That in my experience God made me fearful and yet blessed me. I can tell you this much, I never in my life have ever been so terrified, yet now I see how wonderful it was, as it made me fearless, truly I have no fear in me, and before I could say I was a coward.


Jul 22, 2023
I just have left out a few more details and I won’t be coming back here, so I want to tell you I have this sensation in the top part of my forehead this feeling has been going on now for 4 years as I am 42 years old now and this occurred in July 2019 this feeling 24/7 is as if there is some pulsating vibrating going on and it feels like nothing I ever dreamed in my entire life, I can say that I never read this could happen and it just happened that day after my encounter with God, I feel like there is a force around my head it’s hard to describe, like I’m on drugs but not taking any drugs, honestly, it’s amazing. Also in the presence of animals any animal especially cattle because I live on a ranch the cows follow me around like i am there king, eagles come close to me and land at my feet and take off, I had a bear walk by me and it never even looked at me twice when I was on a hunt for deer this was a massive grizzly bear, and I didn’t even flinch. Anyways I have nothing to lie about or make anything up, this happened to me, and I only told this to inspire some of you as well that life can become truly great, never did I imagine I would have superpower and be a superman, literally no money in the world could buy this, and I went through such a hard time after it happened because I had no one to turn to for answers, I had to find them on my own, but believe me there is no other power here than God that can transform a mere human into what I have become, and you won’t here from me again, but God bless all my Sikhs and I love you if you serve God and your Guru


Jul 22, 2023
My final word honestly this is my last time I will talk here you will never hear from me again, what does God look like? Imagine you see clouds and from those clouds appear a ancient serpent, and when it moves the head moves opposite from the body, no legs and is terrifying, most utterly scary, that you may not want to see god in this human from, I truly believe I encountered what death feels like that day, and no matter what anyone says that is exactly what I saw the most ancient looking serpent and when I say ancient I mean it looked like it was so old, beyond age, and I want to point out one thing, there is some Hindu temple in Kerela some vault B, God looks like that serpent on that vaupt if you really wanna know, and I am 100% Sikh of Baba Nanak Dev Ji

Whai Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Whaiguru Ji ki Fateh
Bul CHAK Maaf