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Naam Japna

Oct 14, 2007
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 89

pauVI ]
pourree ||

so AYsw hir nwmu iDAweIAY mn myry jo sBnw aupir hukmu clwey ]

so aisaa har naam dhhiaaeeai man maerae jo sabhanaa oupar hukam chalaaeae ||
Meditate on that Name of the Lord, O my mind, whose Command rules over all.

so AYsw hir nwmu jpIAY mn myry jo AMqI Aausir ley Cfwey ]

so aisaa har naam japeeai man maerae jo a(n)thee aousar leae shhaddaaeae ||
Chant that Name of the Lord, O my mind, which will save you at the very last moment.

so AYsw hir nwmu jpIAY mn myry ju mn kI iqRsnw sB BuK gvwey ]
so aisaa har naam japeeai man maerae j man kee thrisanaa sabh bhukh gavaaeae ||
Chant that Name of the Lord, O my mind, which shall drive out all hunger and desire from your mind.

so gurmuiK nwmu jipAw vfBwgI iqn inMdk dust siB pYrI pwey ]

so guramukh naam japiaa vaddabhaagee thin ni(n)dhak dhusatt sabh pairee paaeae ||
Very fortunate and blessed is that Gurmukh who chants the Naam; it shall bring all slanderers and wicked enemies to fall at his feet.

nwnk nwmu ArwiD sBnw qy vfw siB nwvY AgY Awix invwey ]15]
naanak naam araadhh sabhanaa thae vaddaa sabh naavai agai aan nivaaeae ||15||
O Nanak, worship and adore the Naam, the Greatest Name of all, before which all come and bow. ||15||​
Oct 14, 2007
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 240

gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5 ||
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:
imlu myry goibMd Apnw nwmu dyhu ]
mil maerae gobi(n)dh apanaa naam dhaehu ||
Meet me, O my Lord of the Universe. Please bless me with Your Name.

nwm ibnw iDRgu iDRgu Asnyhu ]1] rhwau ]
naam binaa dhhrig dhhrig asanaehu ||1|| rehaao ||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, cursed, cursed is love and intimacy. ||1||Pause||

ibnw jo pihrY Kwie ]

naam binaa jo pehirai khaae ||
Without the Naam, one who dresses and eats well

ijau kUkru jUTn mih pwie ]1]
jio kookar joot(h)an mehi paae ||1||
is like a dog, who falls in and eats impure foods. ||1||

nwm ibnw jyqw ibauhwru ] ijau imrqk imiQAw sIgwru ]2]
naam binaa jaethaa biouhaar || jio mirathak mithhiaa seegaar ||2||
Without the Naam, all occupations are useless, like decorations on a dead body. ||2||

u ibswir kry rs Bog ]

naam bisaar karae ras bhog ||
One who forgets the Naam and indulges in pleasures,

suKu supnY nhI qn mih rog ]3]
sukh supanai nehee than mehi rog ||3||
shall find no peace, even in dreams; his body shall become diseased. ||3||

iqAwig kry An kwj ]

naam thiaag karae an kaaj ||
One who renounces the Naam and engages in other occupations,

ibnis jwie JUTy siB pwj ]4]

binas jaae jhoot(h)ae sabh paaj ||4||
shall see all of his false pretenses fall away. ||4||

sMig min pRIiq n lwvY ]

naam sa(n)g man preeth n laavai ||
One whose mind does not embrace love for the Naam

koit krm krqo nrik jwvY ]5]

kott karam karatho narak jaavai ||5||
shall go to hell, even though he may perform millions of ceremonial rituals. ||5||

hir kw nwmu ijin min n AwrwDw ]
har kaa naam jin man n aaraadhhaa ||
One whose mind does not contemplate the Name of the Lord

cor kI inAweI jm puir bwDw ]6]

chor kee niaaee jam pur baadhhaa ||6||
is bound like a thief, in the City of Death. ||6||

lwK AfMbr bhuqu ibsQwrw ]

laakh adda(n)bar bahuth bisathhaaraa ||
Hundreds of thousands of ostentatious shows and great expanses

nwm ibnw JUTy pwswrw ]7]

naam binaa jhoot(h)ae paasaaraa ||7||
- without the Naam, all these displays are false. ||7||

hir kw nwmu soeI jnu lyie ]

har kaa naam soee jan laee ||
That humble being repeats the Name of the Lord,

kir ikrpw nwnk ijsu dyie ]8]10]
kar kirapaa naanak jis dhaee ||8||10||
O Nanak, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy. ||8||10||

Feb 14, 2006
veer Ji,

It is against the hukam of Panj Piare to disclose the technique for saas giras simran. I urge you to speak to the Panj Piare who gave you this instruction and too exercize sanjam on this topic, as I myself have been corrected for saying too much detail.
Oct 14, 2007
veer Ji,

It is against the hukam of Panj Piare to disclose the technique for saas giras simran. I urge you to speak to the Panj Piare who gave you this instruction and too exercize sanjam on this topic, as I myself have been corrected for saying too much detail.

Thanks for pointing out.
It is noted for future compliance.



Apr 7, 2008
new cumberland pa,usa
In reading your post, I am reminded of a quote from my teacher, Yogi Bhajan.
I have much to learn in this life and as I do my daily banis, I find all of life's answers thru Guru's words. Hearing throughout my day the precious words of Guru's shabd guides me in the direction of truth. Wahe Guru!
Guru Nanak Ji tells us quite simply in JapJi.
"JAP"-Chant & Meditate
It has been the Guru's words that have healed me after many years of illness,
and it is the Guru's words alone that save me from worry, despair and anger.
I have found my true home in the Blessed security of Guru's Bani.
Being in this human form is a gift which can be wonderful & difficult.
The SiriGuru Granth Sahib serves as an "Owner's Manual" instructing us on how
to live our lives in Peace and Contentment.
How does one connect to the spirit of the Soul without the contemplation of Nam? I do not know.
Through teaching kundalini yoga, I see many people "stuck" in their limited minds.
Through the experience of chanting Nam in meditation, (I teach Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan who based his teaching on Sikh values and Guru's words) students become "lighter" as the inner calm takes over.
As Guru's Grace shows on their faces, I feel the Infinite Blessing of the
spirit in All.
May the Longtime Sun Shine Upon You,
All Love Surround you
And the Pure Light within you,
Guide your way on.
Sat Nam.
Oct 14, 2007
Dear Mahandeva,
It is really interesting to learn that you are a teacher of kundalini Yoga. It may not be very appropriate place to discuss Kundalini yoga.But we are handicapped by some constraints or the other.

We shall be grateful if you could, when you have the luxury of time, explain as to the concept and practice of this. I am sure many would be interested in this aspect of the unexplored area.
Oct 14, 2007
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

rwm nwmu jgq insqwrw ]
(1129-3, BYrau, mÚ 3)
The world is saved through Name of the Lord.

Bvjlu pwir auqwrxhwrw ]1]
(1129-3, BYrau, mÚ 3)
It carries the mortal across the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||

gur prswdI hir nwmu sm@wil ]
(1129-4, BYrau, mÚ 3)
By Guru's Grace, dwell upon the Lord's Name.

sd hI inbhY qyrY nwil ]1] rhwau ]
(1129-4, BYrau, mÚ 3)
It shall stand by you forever. ||1||Pause||

nwmu n cyqih mnmuK gwvwrw ]
(1129-4, BYrau, mÚ 3)
The foolish self-willed manmukhs do not remember the Naam, [the Name of the Lord./superfluous]

ibnu nwvY kYsy pwvih pwrw ]2] (1129-5, BYrau, mÚ 3)
Without the Name, how will they cross over? ||2||

Awpy dwiq kry dwqwru ]
(1129-5, BYrau, mÚ 3)
The Lord, the Great Giver, Himself gives His Gifts.

dyvxhwry kau jYkwru ]3]
(1129-5, BYrau, mÚ 3)
Celebrate and praise the Great Giver! ||3||

ndir kry siqgurU imlwey ]
(1129-6, BYrau, mÚ 3)
Granting His Grace, the Lord unites the mortals with the True Guru.

nwnk ihrdY nwmu vswey ]4]6]
(1129-6, BYrau, mÚ 3)
O Nanak, the Naam is enshrined within the heart. ||4||6||

BYrau mhlw 3 ]
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

nwmy auDry siB ijqny loA ]
(1129-6, BYrau, mÚ 3)
All people are saved through the Naam, [the Name of the Lord.-superfluous]

gurmuiK ijnw prwpiq hoie ]1]
(1129-7, BYrau, mÚ 3)
Those who become Gurmukh are blessed to receive It. ||1||

hir jIau ApxI ik®pw kryie ]
(1129-7, BYrau, mÚ 3)
When the Dear Lord showers His Mercy,

gurmuiK nwmu vifAweI dyie ]1] rhwau ]
(1129-7, BYrau, mÚ 3)
He blesses the Gurmukh with the glorious greatness of the Naam.

rwm nwim
ijn pRIiq ipAwru ]
(1129-8, BYrau, mÚ 3)
Those who love the Beloved Name of the Lord

Awip auDry siB kul auDwrxhwru ]2]
(1129-8, BYrau, mÚ 3)
save themselves, and save all their ancestors. ||2||

In the above sabads one finds reference to Name of Lord and Naam.
1.Are these two significantly different?
. For me the name of the Lord is 'waheguru'.
2.Is it not the name of Lord.?

What is 'Naam' then ;it is the sum total of devotional and spiritual aspect of sikhism.
It may be too crude a question.But still it is a big question for me.
Naam is given by the Lord Himself. [bani]
3.Is'waheguru ' not the Naam and name of Lord ?
4.Are these not the same?

Kindly enlighten.

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