Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!
There seems to be a widespread confusion about Naam, Simran, and Gurmantra. We will discuss some important characteristics of the all three together, because they are closely related. This article is bound to be long. To avoid distractions, there are no references for the quotes. As always, an attempt is made to write the entire contents according to Gurbani. Just read it and then verify it with Gurbani. Then, please point out my mistakes.
I must applaud you for searching Gurbani and sharing with Sikh fellows. You have tried to take basic points and in a suggestive language.Also you tried to explain them. When you cover a big area, some problems do occur; all the same, it was my pleasure to share my approach in that context.
Many of the questions put on this site are triggered by either misinterpretation of Gurbani or confusion around the words used in Gurbani.I used to confuse on these points before but not any more after studying Guru Granth. Many couldnt satisfy my quest save for Dr Sahib Singh, Gurbachan Singh Talib and Pr. Teja Singh and Dr Baldev Singh Scientist (USA) who strictly tried to follw Satguru’s Gurmat. On various issues, you can still disagree with the said scholars but it is not much though. Why do I regard their works close to Gurmat ideology? Because they kept totality of Gurmat in mind while working on Gurbani. I did over come my confusion after finding difficult Gurwak interpreted by Guru Sahiban themselves and found no contradiction in it as some peudo scholars claim.
If any one is interested really to understand Gurbani and practice accordingly, he/she should start with mool mantra. I shall try to explain all points discussed in Sikh 80’s post in concise text. Interpretations by Guru Sahibaan in GGS Ji are priceless in this context.
Satguru Nanak started with “Ikk Onkar”, it is an answer to his followers about the supreme being. Regardless the different claims people have about Him, He is one, it is defined in various Shabad also by hinting about “ kete Nama”. Followers are warned in Gurbani not to fall for any other One repeatedly through out GGS ji like”tudh bin dooja ko nahi, tu raheaa smayee” Rag Mlar ki Var Mehla 1 (1291). Ikk Onkar is also known in GGS ji as SACHA, NAAM, SHABAD, GURU. GURDEV, GURGOPALA. Many times people took the word Guru in all contexts as Guru Nanak and his sroops when they read Gurbani. That is a mistake Also stressed is given about Ikk Onkar in Asa Mehla I : Sahib mera eko hai 11 eko hai bhai ekko hai(350)( My master is one only one.)Dr Sahib Singh gives in Guru Granth Darpan, examples after examples how The creator was called in various words such as Sacha, Naam, Shabad, Gurdev, Gurgopala.like at page919, 943 etc. List goes on.
Then comes answer for the theistic, “ SATNAAM” in this context, “Sat” means reality and existence. Some translate it as true but best meaning suits here in this context after the word Ikk Onkar, is reality and existence; it is declared that He is just not an assumption or presumption or mere myth but a reality.
“KARTAPURAKH” this word removes a lot of confusion about the Almighty. He is a creator, active, all is His Creation. People get rewards; achievements etc are all as per His Ordinance. Whatever is done is due to Him, none other should take credit of any thing because only His Will prevails.
NIRBUO NIRVAIR, Creator has not fear of any one since He has created everything visible or invisible., He is beyond animosity, it is not possible He can have animosity.
“AKAALMURAT AJUNI” both words are related to each other. If there is birth, death follows; it is basic principle of nature. So Ikkonkar is beyond birth and death. Any one takes birth has to die. The Enlightened personalities faced the natural principle; however, Tha Absolute One is above this principle. If Sikhs in this context dare to say He incarnates, or He came in the form of Satguru, they are simply disrespecting Satguru in a horrible way. Compliments given to Guru should be decipher as” they were like Him” See page 931, one who realizes him becomes like Him”, however, He doesn’t take birth, very strict instruction to the Sikhs is given in Moolmantra, how low they can stoop to violate this Hukam Bharu Mehal 5 ghar 1(1136) Satguru curses such idiots. Another example may be suitable here. A Mother dearly loves her son and says” mera putt tan raja hai” her comment doesn’t mean in reality her son is a king. Satgur is revered so highly in Sikhism because Satguru leads the seekers to HIM and helps the seeker to get free from the chains of Maya.Satguru is worthy of that esteem. The Ultimate worship is performed to The Supreme Being. Ardaas is (should be) addressed to Him only
ਪਉੜੀ॥ਕੀਤਾਲੋੜੀਐਕੰਮੁਸੁਹਰਿਪਹਿਆਖੀਐ॥ਕਾਰਜੁਦੇਇਸਵਾਰਿਸਤਿਗੁਰਸਚੁਸਾਖੀਐ॥ {ਪੰਨਾ91}
In essence. Pray to The almighty if you are in need to do something. With the guidance of Satguru , His blessings , wish comes true certainly.
Then SWEMBH” means He is from Himself, self extent, no one did or could establish or create Him, He illuminates by Himself. Though Satguru has tried to express the inexpressible, he also declares that actually because of His being Infinite, it is not possible to explain Him in words.
“GURPARSAD” some scholars say it means that He can be known by His grace only, many say that He can be realized with the blessings of Guru. In Guru Granth Sahib the later meaning is stressed through. His grace is considered extremely important.also I take both meanings for me to proceed on the Gurmatt. The next waak is about His eternity; His existence was, is now and will be for ever.
When Moolmantra is understood as interpreted by Guru Sahiban, Sikh needs to follow Gurmat path strictly. First , a battle within the mind should be started.Remember we are known as Sikhs.
NAAMSIMRAN ?NAAM JAPNA usually as Sikh 80 explained in detail, repetition of Gurbani ( which is His praise ) without unconditional love for Him in the heart will not bring any fruit. There should be longing for Him, a feeling of separation from Him in the heart. How many we feel separation from Him? Answer lies in our over involvement of worldly affairs. If one is happy what one is having and very much involved in it, his singing Gurbani is a ritual.His love serves as a kind of intoxication and elevates souls to higher state. Ritual is nothing more than a conditional behaviour, while being in it, other stuff can take over the mind(it does we all know, doesnt it?). Even visiting Gurudawara should be taken seriously.
Go there to get something from the Guru. Get Hukamnama, get it into mind, check all the time if Guru Hukam is not disobeyed. Reciting, singing Gurbani, just merely taking Hukamnama and talking about it is not sufficient provided something inside our heart is posted to check on our own deeds.
Simran techniques are explained by many. To me some time they appear to be yoga exercises. Many cannot understand these if they don’t have special talent to meditiate on mind and then move it towards His memory. They talk about sounds, the practice. I personally feel that Sikhs should take Gurmat as a practical way. Here are a few ideas I can share. The best hint about simran I got from Satgur. Is In Maru Mehla 1
ਮਾਰੂਮਹਲਾ੧॥ਕੋਈਆਖੈਭੂਤਨਾਕੋਕਹੈਬੇਤਾਲਾ॥ਕੋਈਆਖੈਆਦਮੀਨਾਨਕੁਵੇਚਾਰਾ॥੧॥ਭਇਆਦਿਵਾਨਾਸਾਹਕਾਨਾਨਕੁਬਉਰਾਨਾ॥ਹਉਹਰਿਬਿਨੁਅਵਰੁਨਜਾਨਾ॥੧॥ਰਹਾਉ॥ {ਪੰਨਾ991}
In essence: People judged Satguru to be a person who just got lost. They didn’t think Satguru fell for The Creator. None other than Him was in His mind. )
Well that is what happens when one falls in love with Him. Remember falling for a person can drag the minds to the extent of craziness! So falling for Him is more powerful. Be aware! Thinking is changed, behaviour is changed and society starts giving strange look because the approach towards life is changed. He starts guiding the soul against all odds.
His Simran is not limited to Shabad kirtan only, the practical aspect is huge. Take a look
ਰੂੜੀਬਾਣੀਹਰਿਪਾਇਆਗੁਰਸਬਦੀਬੀਚਾਰਿ॥ਆਪੁਗਇਆਦੁਖੁਕਟਿਆਹਰਿਵਰੁਪਾਇਆਨਾਰਿ॥੪੭॥ {ਪੰਨਾ936} M-1
( In essence Almighty is realized with Guru guidance, all ego(me) disappeared, pains/sorrows gone and soul lady has realized Almighty Spouse) How? By battling with mind which is grossly involved with maya.While being in love with Him, thoughts about Him take over the control of heart.
More ਰਾਜਨਰਾਮਰਵੈਹਿਤਕਾਰਿ॥ਰਣਮਹਿਲੂਝੈਮਨੂਆਮਾਰਿ॥ਰਾਤਿਦਿਨੰਤਿਰਹੈਰੰਗਿਰਾਤਾ॥ਤੀਨਿਭਵਨਜੁਗਚਾਰੇਜਾਤਾ॥ .... {ਪੰਨਾ931}
( In essence King Lord is contemplated with all heart by battling with own mind. Result was good, I have become absorbed with Him and have seen Him in whole world and over.)
How one can expect a seed to grow if needed land and atmosphere are not provided. It is that simple to understand realization of Him. A strong longing for Him in a heart that is battling against the odds (primal forces like ego etc) is mandatory to meditiate on Him. Without that, keep reading, keep chanting all the effects will be negated by the trash we are facing with every day under the name of wealth, achievements, rewards etc. Sikh just works on a job, manages a business, does( whatever stage he /she is put on)but his/her love for Him dominates all.
No need to urgue on what is Naam, basically it is HIM and our relation to Him. First of all, a relation is needed to be accepted by our minds. Relationship doesn’t survive without love. Without love relationship dies its own slow death.Take example of any relation on this earth. To establish the relationship with Him is a big deal, believe me. Following the crowd mentality can push us away from our real aim of life.Satgur says that don’t doubt for a second, if a longing for Him is established within mind, His grace will follow
ਸੂਹੀਮਹਲਾ੧॥ਜਿਨਕਉਭਾਂਡੈਭਾਉਤਿਨਾਸਵਾਰਸੀ॥ਸੂਖੀਕਰੈਪਸਾਉਦੂਖਵਿਸਾਰਸੀ॥ਸਹਸਾਮੂਲੇਨਾਹਿਸਰਪਰਤਾਰਸੀ॥੧॥ {ਪੰਨਾ729}
( In essence If persons have true love for him, a strong longing is there , doubtlessly His grace will follow and all pains will disappear.) It is a guarantee from Satguru. Then why NaAM simran is not taken seriously by following Satguru strictly. The last half part of Sikh80’s post advocates same idea I have shared with you here.
Rest another time.
Bhul chuk m