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Naam Simran And Failure


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Life is a game of chess. Upon the board are mortals of many rank and file, all assigned a life’s purpose between the birth and death, beginning and end. Mans task is release his soul from the burden of ignorance, sins, paap, hate and fear holding him captive within his own mind. Upon discarding these hindrances to freedom he is liberated spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. It is whilst his focus remains upon other matters than his end goal or main objective, he wavers in confusion, distracted by earthly trivialities and temporal pursuits.

Man tikaana, stilling the mind, focussing upon peace and stability, understanding family issues and why they are raised maintain calm and equipoise in times of conflict. Remaining true to the goal of spiritual detachment whilst honouring one’s life and household responsibilities is a life spent in excellence and success.


Feb 25, 2008
pk ji ssakal,

I admire the way u write, your artical on Naam Simran a failure is extremely important & revealing.Tell me what is the truth.what should a person do who is taught all his life to do Naam Simran.

ieh swfy glq iKAwl hn ik jy AsI Kws qrIky nwl rb dI pUjw krWgy qW Eh swnUM ipAwr kry gw vrnw nhIM[ rb nUM swfI worship nhi chaheedi usnoo sadi friendship chaeedi hai. God loves us unconditionally. he is not an angry god, or a judgemental God. when He is prevading in all of us & experincing thru us whom shall He judge & whom shall He throw in hell.we have huge misunderstandings & misgivings about God.All religions are saying different things no body knows the real answer.we are wasting our life.The most important thing is to understand who we are?jf .we are part of Him.mMn qUM joiq srUp hYN [jy swirAW ivc vwihgurU Awp hI vrq irhw hY qW aus nUM iksy koloN kI cwhIdw hY? srb BUq Awp vrqwrw srb nYn Awp pyKnhwrw[
prmwqmW nUM swfI dosqI cwhIdI hY swfw ipAwr cwhIdw hY swfw ismrn nhIN.pIky jI gurU ikrpw kry quhwnUM vwihgurU Awpxw Awp jxw dyvy [mhWbIr isMG

Sat Sree Akaal Mahabir Singh ji
Many thanks for your kind words.
To respond to your views (which sound like a question too), I must admit that I never think (thought either) what the Lord wants from us because if my thinking were enough, I would have reached there where still I long to go. Literally, it is the Guru who has advised me that the Lord wants us to live in His love, to be in His simran. Guru asks his followers
ਜੋ ਸਾਸਿ ਗਿਰਾਸਿ ਧਿਆਏ ਮੇਰਾ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਸੋ ਗੁਰਸਿਖੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਵੈ (SGGS305)
Jo sās girās ḏẖi▫ā▫e merā har har so gursik gurū man bāvai.
One who meditates on my Lord, Har, Har, with every breath and every morsel of food - that GurSikh becomes pleasing to the Guru's Mind.

Again, Guru stresses on “Simran”
ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਾ ਸਿਮਰਨੁ ਸਭ ਤੇ ਊਚਾ
Parabẖ kā simran sabẖ ṯe ūcẖā.
ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਉਧਰੇ ਮੂਚਾ Lord's meditation is the most exalted of all.

Parabẖ kai simran uḏẖre mūcẖā.
Through Master's meditation many have been saved.(SGGS263)

Unlike you, I do not want to assume at my own, just am trying to follow what Guru ji asks to do to be worthy of HIM. Guru though says He manifests in us but still Simran is very important as per Guru Advice, even being aware of his being within us ( as you stated in Punjabi), changes the land scrape, Simran helps to be aware of His being within. I wonder why you have taken “Simran” into very limited meaning!
Now let’s take on what you have thought about Lord’s wish. As per your statement, He wants our friendship. Well, He is “nirvair”, regardless our behavior towards Him ( Mool Mantra-Japji). After having said that, let’s analyze “our friendship” towards Him. What is friendship?” A relation based on sincerity, love and readiness to sacrifice. If any element out of these misses, friendship remains highly fragile. We remember our friend, we believe in him/her. We think about him/her, it all comes down to” be in love and be aware about the friend.” So does the simran. Guru says

ਹਮ ਮੈਲੇ ਤੁਮ ਊਜਲ ਕਰਤੇ ਹਮ ਨਿਰਗੁਨ ਤੂ ਦਾਤਾ
Ham maile ṯum ūjal karṯe ham nirgun ṯū ḏāṯā.
We are soiled, Thou O Creator art Immaculate, we are virtueless and thou art our Donor.( means we are not as pure as you are oh Lord, we don’t have those virtues you have)
it is a statement one can make only after dismantling” ME/I- force or claims” Guru also, while guiding us towards Him, asks us to mind” Lord’s fear” in our hearts; why? AkaalPurkh loves all, we are supposed to love Him too, then why to fear from Him? Answer is very interesting, it deals with” I/Me force” if it becomes fearless then it does what it wants or thinks. Guru ji says” abandon it” Discredit it, it creates only hindrances in our love for Him. We obey law, underlining instinct is fear, it also deals with “I” means “I” cannot do always what it wants, there is a Law of the land, in the same way, Law of Lord needs to be feared of. So,Simran puts” I” in back seat and Lord remains priority. Simran leads to that state of mind,
“ Mannyai, Mann rakhyai bhao” is not that simple statement, it is like flying without weight of “ME”, usually, I/ME’ becomes heavy, flying becomes impossible. So, as per Guru, His Simran is not limited to reciting or singing but to transform the soul to be in Harmony in His Ordinance.
Thanks !:)
Oct 14, 2007
vwhu vwhu AMimRq nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ] (515-19,)
vwhu vwhu AMimRq nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ] (515-19, gUjrI kI vwr, mÚ 3)
Waaho! Waaho! is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtained by the Gurmukh.

I also came across a line that I am sharing with you. Like pk70 ji had done his research and came across one line, this line has been of tremendous value to me.After I came across this line many riddles unfolded themselves.

It is true that we should carry on our Simran but it is equally important that we keep on reading Dhan Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj ji. Many questions get answered automatically with passage of time.

All the Luck to all.
Oct 8, 2008
Sadhsangat ji ,
sat siri akal .
Actually, all these spiritual recepies meant to bring you to state of mind to a point when you start understanding His game ,' tamasaha'. Even after that you will never be able to decide exactly where His will or human will starts or end ? Gurubani`message
is to try to describe the infinite , omnipresent , omniscient , omnipotent - through the feelings of the saints . What i have seen is that that gurubani is being discussed for the discussion as a convention on every forum like any other academic issue . For me , being religious does not mean being spiritual which is attained through one`s private journey . The goal is to gain spirituality, how you do that can only depend upon your relation with Him . it may be through Gurbani as guru , or as it was said 70 jamme bhagat jan 14 satgur rai concept . one school of thought should not portray its approach as superior than others because , its for Him to decide in DARGAH . you know what ? we are not told that spirituality is not sole property of any school of thought , depending upon anyone`s AMAL , one can be near to Him or not . I am not a thorough paathi , only a listener of some kirtan. Just simply start reading or listening to gurubani will produce rasa or vairaga , then journey will start itself to feel what guru Teg Bahadur is trying to say in Salok mahalla 9th , guru Amar Das (?)in Anand sahib?
Please , perform the prayer in your own way , you will stop questioning others opinions or ways of worship , because He is omniscient and without losing any time further, please try to imbibe the message practically which can easily become clear that OUR GURUS TALKED OF GOOD PRACTICES NOT OF CRITICISM .
May, Satguru bless everyone!
Sarbjit Singh


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
I have studied many religions and they all convey a similar underlying peace of mans need to shed sin nature, hate and by gaining understanding release his soul from worldly attachments retaining him in fear of what lies beyond the bounds of his imagination and the universal realm, or Swarg. I am immensely proud to be a Sikh although unorthodox. The Sikh community are disinclined from seeking to convert other religious followers to their faith to boost numbers, and find being masters in their own homes and Lords of the extended communities a quest befitting to those of requisite authority and wisdom.

I am very proud of this fact. I have great respect for good Christians and Islamic, many being as devout to the cause of spiritual salvation as Sikhs. Religion is no longer s spiritual Path to Gods threshold but a temple of God overrun by power mongers and sinners. These seek to break the power and standing of other good respectable faiths, in conversion to gain power to the bandwagon they ride upon in luxury. There is no love for God or his creation involved. Sikhs are gaining an understanding of other faiths, and if lost souls find their comfort in our temples or beliefs they are welcomed reliant heavily upon their following scriptural guidelines, the scriptural mores and disciplines of the Adi Granth are infinitely perfect and timelessly sound. Spiritual substance, ancient morality and familial pride negates the need to slander or berate other faiths to enhance Sikhism, or seek to convert other to boost our numbers, numbers that were circa 1984 struck down and massacred. Sikhs stand strong and this is the beauty of a faith that has suffered a serious of blows without losing heart and spiritual strength.

Gain understanding of all faiths and belief systems, remain loyal to one’s own. Waffa se manzil payenge. The smallest religion stands strong because it places great values upon each member. If the mettle and calibre of each individual deteriorates then groups seek comfort in numbers, a mass throng, a rabble as a route to power. Mortals individually strong in faith and spiritual power tend not to seek to conquer the minds or world of others. That is its beauty.

Peace Love and Blessings ...


Mar 24, 2005
Re: Naam Simram and Failure

Pad pad poti Jag Mua, Pandit Bhyo na Koi,

Dhai ashsar prem ke, padhay so Pandit Hoi,

This particular verse is not part of Sri Guru ganth Sahib" is a part of Beejak, a collections of Kabir Ji's writings.
It is a relevent doha to many who reads scriptures over and over again without puting any effort to comprhend it. A similar verse by Kabir Ji in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is " Kabir keechar aata gir pario, Kitchu na ayo hath. Peesat peesat Chabio soee nibhio sath.


Mar 24, 2005
Re: Naam Simram and Failure

Dear PK70 ji, I did not mean any disrespect to anyone. You posted a Gur ka Sabad- a word of knowledge, indeed it is a world of knowledge. One should see the same knowledge in all other quotes.

If the frog mind rights down everything the Bee sings and recites it at certain time of the day or at any time and all the time, I really do not believe he will ever realize the value of the lotus. Despite of his recitations he will die looking for value in the pond, then the lotus is no good to him, all his recitations will not protect him from dirt.

If the Frog was a good Student (Sikh) he only needs a few words from the Bee to see the lotus and its benifits but accoding to Kabir Ji even two and a half letters in the word "Prem" are enough for a dedicated student. The word prem contains the same knowledge contained in the quote above.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Naam Simram and Failure

Pad pad poti Jag Mua, Pandit Bhyo na Koi,

Dhai ashsar prem ke, padhay so Pandit Hoi,

This particular verse is not part of Sri Guru ganth Sahib" is a part of Beejak, a collections of Kabir Ji's writings.
It is a relevent doha to many who reads scriptures over and over again without puting any effort to comprhend it. A similar verse by Kabir Ji in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is " Kabir keechar aata gir pario, Kitchu na ayo hath. Peesat peesat Chabio soee nibhio sath.

eropa234 ji

Thank you for confirming that the verse is not part of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj.:)
Oct 14, 2007
Repetition is the essence of this life. Eating, breathing, sleeping and doing daily jobs are all repetitions. Simran and reading are are also the same.
But it is so for Gurus who have seen some advantages for us.

Much damage has been done to Sikhi by the advocators that we should not repeat the reading of Granth sahib or what would we attain if we do five banis on daily basis. [Maskeen ji]

I think repetition has helped me a lot in understanding what is bani.
Had it for one or two readings I should not have made sense from bani.It is good to repeat the things till these are ingrained in us/our grey matter and doing path becomes enjoyable.

But we all have our preferences.No one should feel to stick to this opinion.We are all free and intelligent creatures.
WjkK WjkF

ismrq sws igrws pUrn ibsuAws ikau mnhu ibswrIAY jIau ] (80-14, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)
I remember Him in meditation with every breath and morsel of food, with perfect faith. How could I forget Him from my mind?

ieku iqlu nhI ivsrY pRwn AwDwrw jip jip nwnk jIvqy ]3] (81-3, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)
They do not forget, even for an instant, the Support of the breath of life. They live by constantly meditating on Him, O Nanak. ||3||

so hir sdw iDAweIAY iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ]
(81-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 4)
Meditate forever on that Lord. Without Him, there is no other at all.
hir kIrqnu gwvhu idnu rwqI sPl eyhw hY kwrI jIau ]3] (108-1, mwJ, mÚ 5)
So sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, day and night. This is the most fruitful occupation. ||3||[/FONT]


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
I think repetition has helped me a lot in understanding what is bani.
Had it for one or two readings I should not have made sense from bani.It is good to repeat the things till these are ingrained in us/our grey matter and doing path becomes enjoyable.

Sikh80 Ji,

A doctor cannot heal his patients. The doctor merely dresses the wound, but God heals it. A psychiatrist helps in removing the mental blocks in his patients, so that the healing principle may be released, restoring the patients' health.


Feb 25, 2008
Re: Naam Simram and Failure

Dear PK70 ji, I did not mean any disrespect to anyone. You posted a Gur ka Sabad- a word of knowledge, indeed it is a world of knowledge. One should see the same knowledge in all other quotes.

First of all, with all due respect eropa234 jio, please do not think that your comments were insulting. Also let’s not play games in the name self defense. My concern was, after going through an article which addressed some of the hindrances coming in away of successful simran, you could only comment” Wow a lot of quotes. Pad Pad Pothi Jug Mua Pandit Bhyo na Koi(quote eropa234 Ji) Sloka you quoted, if it is by Kabir ji( for me, only Kabir ji’s bani in SGGS ji is Gurbani, the rest, as a Sikh, I am not sure if it is by Kabir ji’s hundred percent), why it is quoted? It doesn’t say a word about “prem” as you talk about in other post. What does it say here? It is referring only to a lot of quotes period. Who was reading and trying to be pundits? None. Quotes were used there to clarify the idea through Gurbani. So please move on, there is no need of new excuses or claims
One should see the same knowledge in all other quotes. If the frog mind rights down everything the Bee sings and recites it at certain time of the day or at any time and all the time, I really do not believe he will ever realize the value of the lotus. Despite of his recitations he will die looking for value in the pond, then the lotus is no good to him, all his recitations will not protect him from dirt.(quote eropa234 Ji)
If the Frog was a good Student (Sikh) he only needs a few words from the Bee to see the lotus and its benifits but accoding to Kabir Ji even two and a half letters in the word "Prem" are enough for a dedicated student. The word prem contains the same knowledge contained in the quote above.( quote eropa 234 Ji)

Eropa 234 ji, in the Guru Vaak in which “frog” used metaphorically, I pointed out an idea about observing a lot of quotes instead of learning some thing from those quotes. Now you are throwing it back to me. Well let’s see if it applies to me? You say,” One should see the same knowledge in all other quotes” Well, what that quote proves in context of your comment? None, check it yourself, I have given it again in the above paragraph in green letters. You were just trying to justify that by studying too much will not make some one “Pandit” It was totally out of context.. Let me make clear another thing, at least about myself. When I discuss Gurbani, I accept quotes from Gurbani to negate ( if any one wants to)the point I try to make; for me, if some one quotes out side SGGS Ji, I need it should be verified by the person who does such quotes. Word” prem” was not there as you quoted it first time( see it is given in green letters above), add to it, the word “prem” was discussed in the article, why it was not picked up by you? It was there. If you miss it, let me quote it here again, also let me ask you why a quote stressing on “prem” was not given by you there in the first place?
ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀ ਗਉੜੀ ਕਿਆ ਜਪੁ ਕਿਆ ਤਪੁ ਕਿਆ ਬ੍ਰਤ ਪੂਜਾ ਜਾ ਕੈ ਰਿਦੈ ਭਾਉ ਹੈ ਦੂਜਾ Gauri Kabir Ji. What avails meditation, what penance and what fasting and worship to Him, in whose heart there is the love of another( Maya etc)? (quote from Naam Simran and Failure)

I have explained why I quoted Guru Vaak with Frog; I have no intention to continue this debate that has changed from "so many quotes” to “ learn from other quotes too” Thanks.:)
Oct 14, 2007
Sikh80 Ji,

A doctor cannot heal his patients. The doctor merely dresses the wound, but God heals it. A psychiatrist helps in removing the mental blocks in his patients, so that the healing principle may be released, restoring the patients' health.

Hum!!! Do you suggest that Doctor is not acting at the behest and inspiration of GOD?
Incidentally, the topic of discussion is Naam Simran and failure. Let us carry on with the same 'Waheguru...;......