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Need Help - Connecting With The Guru


Mar 19, 2013
Thanks guys for the employment ideas!! But LinkedIn is all the professional help I need!!! I am a baby when it comes to Babaji, naam simran and spirituality and would welcome all inputs on these!!!


Feb 20, 2012
Thanks guys for the employment ideas!! But LinkedIn is all the professional help I need!!! I am a baby when it comes to Babaji, naam simran and spirituality and would welcome all inputs on these!!!

we're all babys when it comes to all this because we can't really make anything happen ourselves...

to go one a car journey we have to sit in the car? in reality thats all we can do sit in the car...in practicle terms this mean making urself ready, available for Gods grace...so doing good deeds because you know from your heart its the right thing...doing your simran etc.

your faith is in the driver of the car (guru)...once the guru is driving, you, as a passanger are their only to witness the journey ahead.

Therefore keep it simple, don;t overthink...
if you get 10-20 minutes of silence...sit in a room...forget about the outside world for a moment...take some deep breaths in and just 'Be' in the moment.... close you eyes, say 'Satnaam' 'waheguru' in your mind...feel at one with those words.

if your mind starts to think of work, and other things...take a deep breath, ignore the thought, and then return to 'satnaam 'waheguru'..

small baby steps are the way forward...any amount of time...

the god you're seeking for, talking to, praying to...is right their in your own being...no need to look any further.

god bless

Ikk Khalsa

Mar 19, 2013
Parrup Ji,

Be strong and look at those millions of poor people who go to sleep hungry every night and dont have houses or proper beds to sleep. God have given us alot and we need to enjoy and appreciate what we have:sippingcoffeemunda:. When you say that you went to Baba Ji's room or you sat infrot of Baba Ji, who do you consider Baba ji? (If you dont mind me asking). I am hoping its not bunch of pitures.


Mar 19, 2013
I am blessed to live in Babaji's house itself!! We have prakash of GuruGranth Sahib ji Maharaj at home!!!

I am an ardent shikh but not a staunch one!! I have lot of respect for all religions but faith only in Guru Granth Sahib! My mom would always refer to Guru Sahibs and Guru Granth Sahib as Babaji and the term is stuck in my mind!!!

I don't know if I am giving my son the right values, but I am trying to raise him with Love for Guru Maharaj. Unlike how I was raised, if you do this wrong Babji will get Mad, or punish you!! I always tell my son to say good night to babaji, say thank you and love you to him!! So that he has love and respect for Maharaj!! Not fear!!! I am blessed that he already has some inclination towards Babaji! He sort of recites Guru Mantar, will wake up and say Ik onkar satnam , or sneak off to Babaji's room to do Chaur sahib!!!:) I am truely blessed by Maharaj

Ikk Khalsa

Mar 19, 2013
Parrup Ji,

You are on right track, just have patient and show faith in Waheguru. Never turn your back towards Waheguru even if you go through really rough time because Waehguru had nothing to lose but us humans have everything to lose. Stay in Chardi Kala!!!!:singhbhangra:

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