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New Group For SPN?

May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
"Sikhs for Change"
By Khalsa_starr

Waheguru Ji Ki Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fetah!!

Hello SPN leaders and Users (admin?), this may be old news to a few of us user here, but i felt the need to tell everyone else of an idea a few of us have in mind. A new group (or division) for Sikh Philosophy Network.

"Sikhs For Change" The name is self explanatory, however it is also not the final name, since this group should be open to everyone, suggestions are welcome. Anyways back to the group.

The success of the thread titled "Language barrier for Converts" has prompted me to not just talk about this issue, but alos to start acting on the ideas suggested. It is clear that there are more issues that alos need to be carefully looked at and solved these are: Gurdwara leadership/operating, conduct of sikhs today, sikh youth topics, and many others (i can't tjink of right now).

So with that said, i think it would be a good idea if we had a group dedicated to sikh who want to see change happen in their own community and for sikhs in general. This group would have a seperte web site page and have a seperate forum. Here is a few ideas in minbd:

- Since this group could be a division of SPN, dual membership would not be needed.
- One forum for now, others can be set up if the need is there. The focus would be for the language issue.
- As for group leaders, admins and mods would be applied to this group.
- Web page for resources and links back to SPN.

More ideas are needed to make this a posibility, i am working details out with the admin. I'll update this thread once further progress is made.

-Khalsa Starr
Jul 13, 2004
"Sikhs for Change"

This is a very good initiative. During that discussion, we came across

1. John took the concern with local committee, and the response he got is so much encouraging.... in fact, making a way to others who are thinking on the similar needs.
2. Gyani ji already posted the link of needed software
3. Anothe Veer pointed out how projectors, PC could be used towards this.

Another one, I want to suggest, to make simultaneous step by new comers... e.g. Nam Hari Kaur ji has put dedicated efforts to learn Punjabi.. so we need to move onto that side also. I am sure, Lee has got some ideas too, which may come out in further discussions.

Apart from language, there are so many things needed to keep us and world in harmony.. and the change must start from within with persistent fire inside us... as things dont change overnight. I hope and believe that, the enthusiasm level of people involved continues towards betterment.

About ideas proposed:
1. I am also not in favor of dual membership.
2. New forum, I dont see any problem with that. But perhaps that could be merged with social issues/current affairs forum.
3. My nomination for Group leaders is anyone who shows interest to further the cause. I propose Khalsa_Starr's name as leader of this forum. Right now, Khalsa_Starr, CaramelChocolate, Nam Hari Kaur ji, Gyani ji seem to make a great group. Anyone with more implementable ideas are welcome to join, anytime.

May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
Sounds good, Avind.

Things are progressing, i really think that another web page should be set up for this group, but under SPN.

And your right, "things dont change over night" this is great step towards creating a new group for change. And in the future, a new organization!

As for leadership, that's another good idea Avind. Looks like you got it all covered, the admin and i need to talk about the web site idea first.

I can help out with that if it's needed.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Good. Lets get cracking. I am all willing to give all i got.

1. NO Dual memeberships... I agree. Get this set up under SPN.

Rest is up to khalsa Staar veer...Lead on and we follow.

Jarnail Singh Gyani.


Jun 23, 2005
Eugene Oregon USA
Sat Nam All;

Ghandi said:
"Be the change you want to see in the World"

Perhaps this can be a reminder to us as we go about facing our challenges together.

I like the name "Sikhs for Change" or perhaps some modification of that. Some conservatives might see this name as representing a "revolutionary" attitude and be triggered by that, but since this is a virtual group on a web forum, I would not expect much negativity from that. Perhaps a name that suggests that we are wanting to implement the "Equality for all" that is already said to be inherent in Sikhi might be greated more warmly. Just a thought.

If I am understanding the concept here, I suppose discussions on different aspects would then be on different threads within this new area. Sikh youth male/female double standards would be one thread; language issues another thread; education of newcomers either under language or else another thread. Is that the idea?

Things that I have some personal interest in relating to "changes"
  1. Education of newcomers - I would like to hear what other converts have experienced in their communities - regarding help they have or have not recieved in learning about Sikhi;
  2. Open discussion - not just perjorative judgement making based on few or no personally observed facts - of 3HO and other Sikh "cultures" - mostly to explore and share the similarities and differences and discuss these. This might best be done by people who can speak for one "form of expression" of Sikhi and others speaking for others, rather than any one person trying to make the comparisons themselves. Speak about what you know about - only. I do not know if there even are any others here who live in a primarily 3HO Sikh community as I do.
  3. Brainstorming with each other for ideas to help each of us with our own individual situations in our communities so that we are not alone with our challenges.
  4. Education of children - this includes discussing the double standards issue and the poor role modeling by parents issue already brought up at SPN. The role modeling issue has been mentioned by 32 yr old Gurumustuk of 3HO on his weblog www.mrsikhnet.com - in the JUNE writings where he mentions the materialism of his parents generation (people about 50 or over - my age group).
  5. Language barrier for children and newcomers
  6. ADDED DAYS AFTER original posting of above list: Acceptance of Sikhs of non-conventional sexual orientation.
What else do people wish to work on here?
I would suggest that the thread starters attempt to lay out some clear guidelines as to what is really desired - as I began to do in number 2 above; to get beyond "whining" or passing judgements and move directly to reporting facts; making observations and suggestions. There are plenty of places at SPN where "anything goes" and people can just express their grievances and frustrations. Hopefully this area can have a focus on moving forward. That does not mean that frustrations can not be introduced - but that the posting member will want to contribute to making a change.

sincerely; and - Wahe Guru!
Nam Hari Kaur, Eugene Oregon
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May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
NamHariKaur said:
I like the name "Sikhs for Change" or perhaps some modification of that. Some conservatives might see this name as representing a "revolutionary" attitude and be triggered by that,

in a way, "sikhs for change" would be a revolutionary group, since such a group is not in existence today to the best of my knowledge. This group will remain on the cyber side for a number of years (perhaps sooner), then it will make the transition to a real life organization. That of course will only happen when enough peaple join or want such an organization.

when you say conservative, what do you mean?

edit: it's all ok!
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Jul 26, 2004
New Delhi, India
it seems like a great idea..
and i agree with all of the above for an umbrella membership..and as you are talking about a real life organisation..its already in the process and hopefully it will take off very soon..
and i wish khalsa_starr veer good luck and brother please dont feel alone, the whole SPN team is with you..


Jun 23, 2005
Eugene Oregon USA
Khalsa_starr Ji;
When I said "conservatives" might not like the name "Sikhs for change" I meant those who are entrenched in the way things are now and do not see any need to change anything.

- Nam Hari Kaur, Eugene, Oregon


Aug 2, 2005
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

Sat Sri Akal To everyone on this network. I just wanted to say that why don't you start a new forum on to make sikhs Compassionate. Because there is no love for humans is left. The love is only for good living and money pounded Sikhs. What we are and our community is doing on this issue?
Jul 13, 2004
chiecapri said:
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

Sat Sri Akal To everyone on this network. I just wanted to say that why don't you start a new forum on to make sikhs Compassionate. Because there is no love for humans is left. The love is only for good living and money pounded Sikhs. What we are and our community is doing on this issue?
Thanks dear.

Though I get your idea, Please elaborate in more detail.



Aug 2, 2005
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI Fateh

Thanks Arvindji for Encouraging my idea. I just wanted to say that the love towards Waheguru or With Gurbani or the knowledge of Sikh History or the knowledge of Gurbani,one is not reaching to the Waheguru. Wahegruru Is reachable without having much knowledge of anything but with compassion, it is easier. Dhan Guru Nanak DevJi Maharaj, at their time, was not having much educational knowledge but with Compassionate Heart HE became King of all the times. Why not we can see every Sikh as our brother or friend. Why we are so jealous to our neighbours. Every person who is living on Earth Has got the equal right to live on by the God. But are we serving like Guru Nanak has treated us. We are Guru Ke Sikh but no love for others. We are making Gyanis but not Humans.

I can say more on this issue. If you again encourage me. Thanks ArvindJi.
Jul 13, 2004
Dear chiecapri ji,

Guru Fateh jio.

Religion teaches us all those values which are needed to live a life with compassion, love, humility etc. No religion goes against progressive outlook towards life. However, there are followers who have 'Holier than thou' attitude who wants to tell 'my dad is better', and start creating troubles. Troubles also start, when misinterpretation of baanee in different scriptures is done. Wisdom perhaps starts, when someone is having good knowledge of history, with his/her thinking cap on. And also when a person is living upto certain principles e.g. sikh rehat... and at the time not reinforcing own principles on others. I believe, if a principle has a rationale, there is no need of forcing it. And they have full freedom to choose their own path. That makes an individual... a drop of ocean, still part of ocean.

Focus of your post I see as Acceptance of All, i.e. No discrimination, and Compassion to All... which are already principles well known to mankind, perhaps lesser practised though.

But well, even if a few understand these strong needs, and spread the word, that person's life seem to serve one of the purposes of life.

Keep Sharing.

Regards, Arvind.

PS: Recently, I feel a strong need of proper history, unbiased accounts, without distortion... which perhaps is not possible! As individual prejudices are bound to creep in. Just my humble opinion.

chiecapri said:
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI Fateh

Thanks Arvindji for Encouraging my idea. I just wanted to say that the love towards Waheguru or With Gurbani or the knowledge of Sikh History or the knowledge of Gurbani,one is not reaching to the Waheguru. Wahegruru Is reachable without having much knowledge of anything but with compassion, it is easier. Dhan Guru Nanak DevJi Maharaj, at their time, was not having much educational knowledge but with Compassionate Heart HE became King of all the times. Why not we can see every Sikh as our brother or friend. Why we are so jealous to our neighbours. Every person who is living on Earth Has got the equal right to live on by the God. But are we serving like Guru Nanak has treated us. We are Guru Ke Sikh but no love for others. We are making Gyanis but not Humans.

I can say more on this issue. If you again encourage me. Thanks ArvindJi.



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