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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Secret welcome! SPN is a good place to turn. If you are looking for friends, English speaking and Punjabi speaking, any other kind of language speaking, who want to share you journey in Sikhi, you can invite members to be friends here at SPN. You can also write visitor messages on their profiles and send private messages. That is a great way to get to know more of us.

Just click on a member's name to see the profile where you can post messages. Or, click on the button beside the name to send a private message. Once you get to a member profile you can also invite that person to be your friend. You can also watch for the your "notifications" (upper right hand corner of every window), so you can accept the friendship requests that other mebers send to you.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome suf'yan ji ji

I hope that you find a lot to enjoy here at SPN. Among all our members will be those who will enjoy talking with you. Among all our threads there certainly have to be those that engage your interests. Enjoy all our resoruces.


Dec 15, 2012
satshriakal secret veer

its really great that you join us .veerjee you will find very caring and lovable people here.everybody is here to help you out .feel free to ask and keep faith in sikhi.dont fell lost waheyguru jee is with us always to show us the right way:)

keep smiling alwayslol
waheyguru jee ka khalsa waheyguru jee ke fatey


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Hi ad welcome to SPN!

I have resized your picture so that it fits in the comment pane and also so that we could see your message. It was obstructed with a larger size.

Please enjoy your stay at SPN. We are very pleased to have you as one of our fellow seekers. You will find our members helpful and dedicated to learning and growing.


Shem Ari

Jan 28, 2013
Madison, WI
Hello, I am Shem Ari. I was raised by an agnostic mother who was raised herself in a pagan/muslim/christian family (We have a unique ethnic mix, hence the multiple religious beliefs in our family). She never pressed religion on my siblings and I, and told us if we ever found something that we felt was the right path to follow it. I am studying Sikhism, had some wonderful Sikh friends who, actually got me very interested in learning about Sikhism by educating me about Sikhism instead of just trying to convert me (I am a firm believer that religions start to go downhill when more worried about the number of converts than the message itself... hence the reason I am interested in Sikhs, all I have met have encouraged a positive view on Sikhism as a whole). I was reading about Sikhism online and kept getting links from SPN, so I figured I would join and see what it's about. I like it here, cool and informational site. Thank you for making an online community like this.


Jan 31, 2013
I wish to learn more about Sikhism and gurbani. Also I'm hoping that I'll find answers of the questions that I am otherwise unable to find because of lack of understanding of the meanings of gurbani. I am very excited to be here and if anyone can answer my very first question that is
Are dates and days have significance in Sikhism? Are we expected to do or not to do certain practices on certain days?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome Nadar ji welcomemundajapposatnamwaheguru:

It was wonderful to read that you are "excited" to be here. It makes me want to do more to make your visits better. Stay tuned to SPN because we have many new things planned that you will probably like.

In the meantime, get to know our members better by visiting threads and commenting on them.

Thanks for joining SPN!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
gagan1245 ji

Welcome to our forum. I do hope that SPN turns out to be a place that you enjoy day after day. Always loved the word "gagan" so it is wonderful to see it in the name of a new member.

There is lots to enjoy here and it s there for you. Don't forget to read/debate/post new threads. Enjoy the jukeobx and the albums. Start an album of your own. Get to know us.

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