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Nov 7, 2020
Hi, hello, Sat Sri Akaal everyone. My name is Avie and I am from India. I am new to Sikhi, I am passionate about learning and exploring more. ๐ŸŒป

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
I Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal, am a Sikh from the core of my heart since I have lived this life for 77 long years and found it to be so clear and human that it applies to the entire society. It starts with the simple IkOngkar and Karta Purukh meaning that 'There is One God who is the Creator of the entire universe. It implies that each being is created by Him hence has a common brotherhood. This also negates the differences of caste, creed, colour, community or religion and equality among all. Hence it sans all enmity, egotism, greed, evil will and the like. Its base is in Truth, where God is Truth (Sat(i)naam) and True is His Creation and demands us to be truthful and clean both in mind and body. Guru Nanak clarified this through the practice through 'Kirat Karo, Wand Chhako, Naam Japo' which means that we must earn our living with truthful labour; share with others especially the needy and remember the Lord who is the Giver of everything. This has been followed by Sikhs whom you will find very hard working and then distributing their earning especially food to the needy from their earning all over the globe and will find them remembering God not only in Gurdwaras but also at their home and also while travelling. There is so much to learn especially from their religious scripture Sri Guru Granth Sahib which has writings of the chief saints from all religions then existing in India. They believe that religions did not exist when God created the world; these are all created by men much later on; hence Sikhism is not by force as some religions are but are by choice.
Dec 5, 2020
Vahiguroo ji ka Khalsa Vahiguroo ji ki Fateh
My name is Charankamal, I'm kesdharee sikh, from a family of gursikhs, and am keen to know how we can reform our leading bodies in a way that is inclusive and builds stronger principled defence of the oppressed.
For me, caste is a major factor of injustice in India and amongst the diaspora more widely. I cannot see a way forward for the panth unless we take action to tackle this.
I am aware of how our history has often been influenced or decimated by regimes that sought to co-opt our strength to their own ends. However I also believe we should have a pluralist approach that brings together the different traditions within our history.
I've been guilty of dogmatism in the past as a younger me, and have seen the damage it can do. I hope in conversations here I do not replicate those mistakes.
Bhul chuk maaf kari
Vahiguroo ji ka Khalsa Vahiguroo ji ki Fateh


Aug 13, 2019
Vahiguroo ji ka Khalsa Vahiguroo ji ki Fateh
My name is Charankamal, I'm kesdharee sikh, from a family of gursikhs, and am keen to know how we can reform our leading bodies in a way that is inclusive and builds stronger principled defence of the oppressed.
For me, caste is a major factor of injustice in India and amongst the diaspora more widely. I cannot see a way forward for the panth unless we take action to tackle this.
I am aware of how our history has often been influenced or decimated by regimes that sought to co-opt our strength to their own ends. However I also believe we should have a pluralist approach that brings together the different traditions within our history.
I've been guilty of dogmatism in the past as a younger me, and have seen the damage it can do. I hope in conversations here I do not replicate those mistakes.
Bhul chuk maaf kari
Vahiguroo ji ka Khalsa Vahiguroo ji ki Fateh

What Dalvinder Ji wrote above is the Truth. The only thing I would disagree with, is that Sikhism was never meant to be a religion, as Guru Nanak taught us there is no Hindu, no Muslim, only one. Gurbani teaches us to ditch rituals and to replace them with Truthful Living, ie, be good, do good to self and others, silencing the mind and the thieves etc.

It tells us that the True religion is Truthful Living which has been taught to us by bhagats from before the Gurus in Gurbani as well as the Gurus with a great depth of love. Gurbani applied to your life is all that is needed, living Free of the rubbish of Maya, the five thieves.

Helping the oppressed takes strength, challenging societal norms, stereotypes and injustice which is far too often accepted by the masses. We need to be strong, fighters with warrior spirits, live by the sweat of our own brows and use that income to help others when needed.

Look at he recent protests... how often do masses so great in number protest worldwide the way thats being done. The Gurus taught is these lessons by the way they chose to live life, we just need to follow suit without fear and insecurity.


Mar 9, 2021
Ram Ram brothers and mothers, My little name is Ram Muni. I am but a child of the Udasi Sampradaya and so have no authority to speak on what is or is not Udasi. I will try my best to communicate what I understand to be Udasi While I learn more about the eternal guru. My love for BaBa Sri Chand Ji drives me to learn more about the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Perhaps owing to my affection for BaBa Ji, I also feel obliged to engage in duologue as I feel BaBa Ji, and the Udasi are not well understood or have in recent years been highly misrepresented by other populist movements.

A little about myself, while born in America my parents are not religious and from around 14 i started identifying as a Buddhist 4 years ago I enrolled in a program B.A in Buddhist studies that I finished in 2020. Just 6 months after arriving in India, on a Trip to Bodhgaya I became stuck for nearly 2 months there due to the whole demonetization ordeal. While there I lost all intellectual interest in Buddhism due to many various reasons. I almost decided to quit my studies and returned home once I could finally get Cash from an ATM and return to Delhi. While I was having a little solo protest outside the main gate of the Maha Bodhi Temple I met Ram Ram baba, who is now my guru Bhai. "the protest was concerning foreigners monks included all wearing their shoes inside because the shoe ban was lifted in 2012 on account of pressure from the Tibetan Buddhist Community"

I had not met him yet, but Ram Ram baba saw how angry I was becoming day by day as other foreign tourist belittled me and my "selfish narcissist protest" as they saw it. It is due to his lesson that I remained in India and finished my studies. that lesson was "Don't get mad -angry- get MAD -pagal/crazy. I continued to meet with Ram Ram baba over the next two years receiving countless lessons until the 2019 Prayagraj Kumbh Mela. There he introduced me to a retired Sri Mahant of the Bara Udasi Akarda. He pleaded with him to take me on as his chela and after so I received Guru diksha 2 days later. I love traveling with my Guru Ji who even at the age of 100+ years spends most of his time going from one place to the next at the request of his devotees. The devotees then sponsor large Bhandaras that are open to the public. My Guru Ji is like a traveling langar its amazing And I feel blessed to study his feet.

Om Kabir Sai Ram
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Mar 11, 2021
Sat Shri Akal everyone,
This is Guruke Singh from Chandigarh, India.
I am a 38 year old married for 13 years and have a 4 year old daughter.
I run a few websites and also take projects to develop websites.
Guruke Singh


Apr 16, 2021
Hi all,

I'm Barjinder Singh from the UK. Came across some of topics / discussions via Google and thought I'd join and participate.

Look forward to the journey.

Kind regards,



Apr 19, 2011
Hi. My buddy Dr K redirected me here. I disappeared to UNLEARN - which is not an easy task. Being ingrained by so called Sikhi practices from childhood to adulthood can be like getting frozen in mental paralysis on a crossroad.
I have greatly enjoyed my identity as a Sikh all my life as at the tender age 12 my Chinese class teacher told me that I was ONE OF A KIND and treated me special . I was the only Sikh boy in the top 1st class in my school. I never got bullied in my primary all the way to Uni. Some how I had a strong belief that my Guru whom I represented in Image is always by my side with some kind of Protective Shield. As a youth who loved travelling I always got recognition and respect because of my turban from China to the US of A.

Maybe IGNORANCE is BLISS as I felt I was the chosen one.

I guess I woke up when my beloved father ( the best in the world) suddenly left us for good.
It is then my enquiry into death began and I turned to our Gianis Babes & Sants for answers and got non sensible answers. One even said my dad needed some help in the spirit world.
Long story short. NOBODY KNOWS.

Thus began my search and my good friend Dr Karminder with his new research - got me into a whirlpool of confusion.
Am still spinning . Hope to come out a Sachiara some day after cleaning and clearing all the stains/imprints of the past memory/data of misinformation . Sikhi Seeker.
Jul 16, 2021
Greetings all, Saat sri akaal ji!

I just joined SikhPhilosophy and heard about this place in the comment sections from watching the "Basics of Sikhi" videos of Jagraj Singh. I kept doing internet searches and research, finding myself here reading about what I was learning from Youtube.

I feel very honored to be here and hope that we can both benefit from our discussions. It's good to make your acquaintance! As we say in Italian "per piacere" :)

Ciao ciao!

P.S. --- I feel called to a similar life in my own faith, and find comfort here among those devoted to developing their relationship with Almighty God. Just like my scriptures come alive when I study the Greek, so too I think it is wise for me to learn Gurumukhi!

A presto!
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Jun 1, 2004
Welcome to SPN! :giggle: You can go through our treasure of knowledge by using our search features on the topics near to your heart. We hope you enjoy your stay over here. :kaurflagblue:


Jun 4, 2021
sat sri akal

my name is gurjap kaur. i am very thankful for this forum. feels like the true heart and spirit of sikhi lives within many of the discussions. grateful to everyone for sharing knowledge here <3


Jul 31, 2021
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
With most respect to senior members I beg apology for not using Gurumukhi as working on Lap top it is difficult for me. My name is Sarbjit Singh Laungia I am a Medical doctor (MBBS), graduated fro Odisha, running a Dental Hospital at Ropar Pb. For couple of years I am on Facebook as well. Since 1979 I came to work and stay in Punjab and has experienced the Religious and Political happenings in Punjab. I feel Blessed being kept in association by SGGS and blessed with Gurbani/Gurmat. I am always trying my best to understand Gurbani by Gurmat only and pray Waheguru ji to enable me to filter off the Vedantic or Unmatt interpretations of Gurbani due to the Nouns events and Vocabulary used in Gurbani for educating the masses/Sikhs in Indian Subcontinent Which have been prevalent here from thousands of years and still impacting the people. I am also interested in Simaran and enjoying Mental tranquility still interested in Liberation struggles of Khalsa Panth.
Very very Humbly the most Junior among you
Sarbjit Singh Laungia
Aug 29, 2021
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To introduce yourself now, simply roll down this page and enter your message in the Quick Reply message box!

And, please enjoy your stay over here and have a nice time!

Warm regards,

Sikh Philosophy Network

Sat Shri Akal To All

I am Akashdeep From Punjab .. I am blessed to born in a Sikh Family and I am very curious to know and understand Gurbani