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Sep 16, 2004
Re: Hello

Dear Philosopher

You are most welcome on this forun to share , express ,and learn

Have agood time here

Jatinder Singh
Dec 8, 2005
A homage to our " Missing SIKH girl " "My sister , mother & daughter"

welcome philospher

I want to initiate philosophy on the missing " SIKH GIRL " who is aborted and is not amongst us today on 20 Dec 2005.

Why do we sikhs kill our girls ?:confused:

are we

1. Greedy for wealth to be earned from dowry--- ? Anti sikh activity as our Gurbani says earn out of your hard work and not out of in laws wealth.

2. Scared that we will not be save her honour ? --- Are we sikhs supposed to be scared.

3. Are we Savage ? -- No I think we are a Kind and a compassionate religous group .

4. Are we foolish ? --- No I dont think so . We have A PM in our own country and a Ex Chief minister in a distant land of British columbia in Canada -- An unbelieveable feat :star: .

5.Short sighted ? -- I mean thinking of only ourself and the immediate next generation.-- I think this is not our legacy. Our ancestors gave up their life 500 years ago so that we could be the harbinger of torch of life. I personally feel we sikhs have a rendevouz with destiny till Akal.

6. Is there some unidentified enemy that we are not able to see or understand who wants us to opt out of our march to destiny ?:confused:

This is just the begining of my thoughts on this great site more as I " PONDER ":idea:


Dr H P Singh


Jun 1, 2004
Re: Hello

Dear Philosopher and Dear Dr. H P Singh Ji

We hope we are upto your expectations. Dr. Sahib Ji, please keep us informed with your cruel yet true reminders to our dead psyche. :waheguru:

Dear Philosopher,

One things intrigues me, you said your were searching for work "Angeetha" in search engine, just out of curiosity what do mean by that word.



Sep 16, 2004
Re: Hello

Greedy for wealth to be earned from dowry--- ? Anti sikh activity as our Gurbani says earn out of your hard work and not out of in laws wealth.

2. Scared that we will not be save her honour ? --- Are we sikhs supposed to be scared.

3. Are we Savage ? -- No I think we are a Kind and a compassionate religous group .

4. Are we foolish ? --- No I dont think so . We have A PM in our own country and a Ex Chief minister in a distant land of British columbia in Canada -- An unbelieveable feat

Dear Dr Sahib

What i think is sikhs in punjab are most importantly less of a sikh or just sikh in name as they got sikhi as free stuff as their birth right so they never bothered looking inti it
where as when one goes to far off land ( overseas ) he cant ignore this either he leaves it or bother to look into sikhi so this problem is les prevalen t in NRI and non Indian sikhs

second in punjab there are two types of people who are involved most in these acts
one is the poor families afraid of the social pressure and economic constrains of bringing up of female child due to very poor social structure where there is dowry , and dependence of women on male counterparts for economic and social reasons

Second group is over proud and egoistic Agricultural community or Jatt wad
from whom the ego is the main thing for existence in life and having a female as their daughter and sister might bring their egoistic mind set down so it is like complesxes of problems

but solution is still the same the more people will realise and explore about their religion the less such problem will become

Jatinder Singh


Dec 27, 2005
Manchester, UK

[SIZE=-1][/SIZE]WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa,[SIZE=-1] WhaeGuru Ji Ki Fateh!

Hi All, I'm Raj from Manchester/Birmingham (UK). I'm a new seeker on the Sikhi path and have just found this excellent forum for the exchange of ideas!

I'd love to hear from other people in the UK (if there are any on here) and espicially other new seekers on the Sikhi path.

Like many people my age, Sikhi has always been something that was "there" in the background but quite often masked by the insidious Punjabi culture that is so rife in the UK.
It was only until I met a dear friend who is a Gurmukh, that I am now here...accepting my fate with open arms and FINALLY happy, knowing the direction I must take in life.

I think Sikhi is that one thing (bar God) that I needed in life to get some clear direction and sense, and to finally see the problems inherent in our culture at the moment.

There is a VERY BIG need to educate those my age and younger on the values and ideals of Sikhi and NOT just regard Sikhi a "Cultural" group is currently stand upon alongside Punjabi culture.
The youth of today MUST be shown the wrong they are doing. It does disgust me, so-called Sikh men and women drinking, smoking, promiscuity etc etc etc...we all know in the West what I'm talking about, and I think again it comes down to a lack of education both in a religious sense but also in a moral sense from our parents but also from our ownselves.

We need to be able to teach our kids and friends on the merit and value of Sikhi, because they WILL be the custodians of the panth in the future and they will shape what will happen to Sikhi.

I hope to hear from many interesting people on here, and thank you for reading this!



Sep 16, 2004
Re: Hello all << NEW SIKHI SEEKER

Dear Raj

You are most welcome on this forum and there are many like you on this forum who has discovered the sikhi by one way or the other and includes me as well so I am hopefull that this forum give a good start to you and also we alll will benefit from your knowledge and experience
I also live in UK in Northern ireland at the moment
Hope to hear more from you soon

Jatinder Singh


Jan 8, 2005
Vaahiguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa! Vaahiguroo Jee Kee Fateh!

Aman Singh said:
Faujan ji, tusin aandae ho tae introduce karkae gayab ho jandae ho. Akhir maazra kee hae? :)
Good way to tease people, Veerjee. ;).

:whisling: :u): << love the smilies. :}{}{}:. mad cute.

What is maazra, Jeeo?

bhull chuk maaf karni Maharaj

Vaahiguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa! Vaahiguroo Jee Kee Fateh!


Dec 31, 2005
Sat Sri Akal

My name is Gerbganjan singh, and live in UK, Hounslow...new to this site...
Happy New Year to all of you. May this year bring properity and love in this world.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Hello all << NEW SIKHI SEEKER

Dear Friend ,

Sikhs are the only Creatures in this World , Whose GOD and GURU is one and only one Thing ie STATUS .

So , Not only Drinking , Smoking and promiscuity but there are many things which adds to the STATUS of the SIKHS.


Jun 1, 2004
Welcome Gerbganjan Singh Ji,

Just out of curiosity, what does you name stand for, for being a unique name. :)



Jan 11, 2006
sat siri akal ,(hi )to everyone.
my name is sukh. i work as a customer service.
i live in california.
i feel really proud to part of this spn community.
i will try to do my best to make this spn more sucessful. . i hope i will welcom here.. sat siri akal...


Jun 1, 2004
Ji Aaeyaan Noon to Gurvinder Ji and Sukhdip Ji,

SPN is run by its members and we look certainly look forward to your presence over here. Please have a nice time around here while exploring your depths of spirituality.

Best of Luck
Aman Singh
for Team SPN! :)

Bindy Bains

Jan 13, 2006
Hello, my name is Bindy Bains

Actually, this is an re-introduction.

As i am actually returning to these forums. Anyways, i would like to thank the forum leaders for this great forum and of course the members too!


Jan 13, 2006
Hi everyone

I am Anup and I am going through a quest for god which has reignited after my father passes away on 23rd December.

I live in Melboune and if there are any fellow sikhs who can help me in coping with this loss, I will really appreciate it.


Sep 16, 2004
Re: Hi everyone

anupbat said:
I am Anup and I am going through a quest for god which has reignited after my father passes away on 23rd December.

I live in Melboune and if there are any fellow sikhs who can help me in coping with this loss, I will really appreciate it.

Dear Anup

YOu are most welcome on this forum

I cant really claim to understand about what you are going through
But would surely like empathise with you

But the great thing thing is that you have found Something really valuable out of this event that is the Search for spirtuality

May Akal Bless you in your journey

Jatinder Singh


Jan 14, 2006
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Hi everyone my name is Jasvinder Singh and I am a Law Graduate from Delhi . It is my pleasure to be a part of such kind of nice site
Thankyou and God bless you all
Jan 16, 2006
My name is Gagandeep Kaur, I am 11 and I live in Derby. I am interested in Sikhism related discussions.Who ever wants to add me to their buddy list can.
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