Searching for meaning - and discussion!
Hi all,
Came across this site unexpectedly, though part of me feels like it was for a reason... so this is my hello.
I have for almost my entire life been highly skeptical - if not disdainful - of 'religion' as such. However, my life has recently taken a turn for the worse. In the midst of my desperation, I borrowed a cd from my mum that contains shabad kirtan and an english commentary. Surprisingly (or perhaps not) I have found it immensely helpful in understanding how I have worked to get my life in this state. I am thus, while still immensely skeptical of 'finding all the answers' in religion, finding myself very curious about the tenets of Sikhism, its philosophy and how I might now engage it from a new perspective - one that forgets my often hostile feelings towards religion. I am 'Sikh', though in all honesty, that means little more than a general familiarity with its basic ideas and a kada on my wrist worn more for a kind of cultural rootedness than anything else.
So I guess I'm saying hello and that I hope to learn something.