i am rabjot singh.
thanks for your warm welcome
Best Wishes
thanks for your warm welcome
Best Wishes
Welcome all.
Please start posts in areas of interest.
Welcome to Sikh philosophy web site. The grain of knowing or seeking others to explore the truth has been grown in your heart right from the birth.But time is coming when the grain is opening up with desire to do something practical for what you are on this earth.Like you mentioned that you have not contributed any thing . No, the biggest contribution is made when you realize of doing something.
Let Sat Guru Ji show you the way to be in his NAM all the time and spread goodness aground you where ever you go.
Sikhism is very practical and guided by Guru Nanak Dev ji 's teachings with added Gurbani from nine GURUS. You must feel proud of such a religion which always seek SARBAT KA BHALLA.
We have no ritual to follow but the truth is the only truth and lead a simple, humble life.The most impotants teaching of Gurus about ritual,cast system ,lost of love among fellow sikhs,selfishness ,all is over shadowing the real teaching to be spread in the world.That is why sikh relegion could not make all the world aware how wonderful is the messages to the world where all human being are one and there is only one GOd for all human being no matter what lable one is carrying arround..
Sikh do not need a mediators to pray Onkar.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,
I thank the members and administrtors of SPN for welcoming a humble sikh like me in their forum. I look forward to a nice informative association.![]()
Hello to all,I am Johnny., a 60year old male from Alabama USA. I have no formal religion. I do believe in one God,creator, first cause.