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May 11, 2010
Glasgow, Scotland
Hi Guys,

I'm on here to find out as much as I can about following Sikhi, as I have that as my aim. For a long time I've been looking for God (Not that He's gone anywhere, but you get my drift)!

I realise that for one to be a Sikh, there is no conversion process, that it is more a way of life and inward beliefs, rather than outward ceremonies. Which I like. I realise one can take amrit down the path, but whether I would ever be ready for that is open to conjecture.

If I ask any stupid questions please forgive me, or if I use Punjabi phrases in the wrong context, also please forgive me.

I look forward to getting to know you all and learning from you.

In peace,



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome Tanuki ji


It is our honor to welcome you. Please browse to your heart's content through all of our threads. When you have questions please use them to to start a new thread...a new discussion.. and a chance to interact with other forum members. If you need help, let me know, let one of the mod's (yellow id's) or mentors (purple id's) know, and we will help you.

Sat Nam
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May 24, 2008
Welcome Tanuki Ji,
<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p> </o:p>
Rest assured there are no stupid questions,
But there can be stupid answers.
<o:p> </o:p>
Make your self at home. I sure you will enjoy here.
<o:p> </o:p>
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May 16, 2010
Whelp, I'm Matt. I found this site because all I had were some vague conceptions of Sikhism and I like a lot of its practices and the peaceful devotion of its followers. I wish that some of my spiritual brethren would act as respectful as some of the Sikhs I've talked to.
I came here to learn more because a lot of it just doesn't make sense to me. Although what I've read and watched so far has helped enlighten me as to what the general beliefs are, they are starting to make less sense on a larger scale.

My personal beliefs are of no religion, I am a seeker of Truth wherever It may reside. My journey through researching the different faith structures have led me to being convinced that the Holy Bible is the Inspired Voice of Truth, even though I am neither Jew nor Christian. I believe that Yahuwah Yahushua Ha Mashiach came in the flesh and died for my sins. However, don't worry, I'm not one of those radicals who ruin the True Message who will condemn someone to hell and constantly tell them they're going to go there if they don't repent right here right now. People like that anger me.

Also, I tend to have an inquisitive, deconstructing mind. I went to a Socratic Great Books college for a short while (Shimer College,) there were no textbooks and no lectures, only original works of authors and round-table discussion among students. So what I'm saying is, please don't get offended if I attack an argument or viewpoint. I tend to look at what someone is saying and deconstruct and reconstruct it completely to see if there are any holes in their statement. I don't do it to attack, I do it to understand, which is why I came to this site. I also tend to compare faiths and ask for an explanation/resolution of the differences, because some things just don't make sense about certain religions when looked at from the outside on the grand scheme of things.

Also, I love to learn about hidden things in Holy Books that many others may not know. Like the Bible, there is so much knowledge hidden within story parallels, or with numbers or with meanings of names or whatever (I even found something that completely destroys the central argument of Islam from messages hidden within their own beliefs, and noone has brought it to them officially yet for some reason, huh.)

Which reminds me, are there any good resources on hidden messages or multiple levels of interpretation of Sikh Scripture?

Also, can you recommend a short, valid overview of Sikhism for me to look at? I know about some concepts in general, but I want like a Sikh-approved summary of beliefs, something I can mold whatever new knowledge to? I know there's Wikipedia overviews and the general outlines of "Learn your religions" books, but I tend not to trust any of those because I know how they can grossly misrepresent different faiths.

Also, if you can't tell, I tend to be a bit talkative.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome mattqatsi ji

You and I have already interacted on the thread about the mathematical structure of scripture -- I am not sure which one though.

That was a fascinating treatise even though I did not understand it. Please read my response.

I enjoyed it enough to be able to say with confidence that you will certainly offer us many hours of intelligent conversation in the future. Make yourself at home here. Do not fade away.

Narayanjot Kaur

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Welcome Matt ji!

I will jump right in. As you are an intelligent, educated person, I will send you to the pure essence of Sikhi, part of our morning prayers, the Jaapji Sahib. Jaap means chant/sing and meditate, ji is an honourific placed after a name denoting respect, Sahib is also an honourific meaning great. This is the beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib ji. This prayer is very deep and meaningful. There are no secret teachings here, I think, but what you get out of it depends on the level of your own personal spiritual growth. For me, it is never twice quite the same.

My personal, favourite translation can be found in a pdf. file at http://www.sikhzone.net/images/download/japjisahibeng.pdf. If you would like to hear it in the original, it is here at SPN at Sikh Philosophy Network.

The text preceeding "Jaap" (Chant and Meditate) is called the Mool (Root) Mantar and is a sort of summation of Sikh belief, rather similar to a statement of faith. ikonkaar

All that notwithstanding, another view of Sikhi gives the three pillars of Sikh practice: 1) Prayer and Simran, 2) Earning an honest living, 3) Sharing what you have.

You might like also to look at the Sikh Rehat Maryada (SRM) which most Sikhs subscribe to, at least in theory. Sikh Reht Maryada, The Definition of Sikh, Sikh Conduct & Conventions, Sikh Religion Living, India.

We currently are having a discussion about "when all the extraneous stuff is weeded out, exactly what is Sikhi?" in the thread Mere Sikhi (yes, I borrowed the title from C. S. Lewis).http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikh-sikhi-sikhism/29099-mere-sikhi.html

Whew. Enough already, maybe too much in an introduction thread!

Oh, yes, and, of course, Naam. :veryhappykaur:
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May 16, 2010
Thanks for the warm welcome, I really can't wait to learn and discuss more. I just hope I won't stir up the waters too much. I tend to get excited about my faith and my God.


May 16, 2010
-What does 'Naam' mean?
-And thanks for the resources, I'll hammer out any specific questions a bit later.
-Haha, clever name for the thread. I love C.S. Lewis and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
-Does this powerpoint presentation provide a pretty accurate yet slim overview?

The link to Scribd has been removed. These links never load properly because it is connecting through as a live connection, thus excessive band width is being used. Sorry



May 16, 2010
Haha thanks, I'll try and be careful. Does providing stark contrasts between the two faiths count as proselytize? I compare and contrast to understand and I was hoping to later provide a side-by-side line-up of the two faiths in order to make sure that I don't hold any misconceptions. Would that be alright?
Also, what is your definition of "proselytize," because I've had people insult my religion and then call me a fanatic because I try to defend myself. I've had others who have stopped conversations mid-sentence just at the name of Jesus. The context was totally the opposite of trying to convert and anyone listening would have agreed that it was only a mention as an example.
It's funny, quote the Koran, quote Confucius, quote the Tao, quote serial killers, quote corrupt politicians, quote the latest perverted celebrity or offensive comedian and you're fine, but the moment you mention the central Figure to the world's largest religion/faith, the force that has had a staggering impact on society for thousands of years, once you even mention the Name of some Fisherman from 2000 years ago, people flip out. Seriously, this Western brainwashed society is just frustrating, are things that bad up in Canada?
(It can get frustrating but it's also reinforcing my beliefs, Yeshua said there was power in His Name and when people completely shut down and become blindly biased, it makes me think...)

^^See, like that. Does that all count as proselytizing because that's all just me rambling.^^

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Thanks for the warm welcome, I really can't wait to learn and discuss more. I just hope I won't stir up the waters too much. I tend to get excited about my faith and my God.


Guru Fateh.

Welcome to the forum and I look forward to interacting with you. When you say," MY GOD", it gives the hint that you believe there is more than one God. In fact "YOUR GOD", says in one of his commandments:

Do not have any other gods before me.

1.If "YOUR GOD" were the only one then why would He feel the need to say the above?

2.Does your mathematical equation solve this paradox about "YOUR GOD"?

3. Or does it show fear and insecurity?

Would love to have your responses and please start another thread with the responses as this is the thread only for the introductions of the members.


Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
.... but the moment you mention the central Figure to the world's largest religion/faith, the force that has had a staggering impact on society for thousands of years, once you even mention the Name of some Fisherman from 2000 years ago, people flip out. Seriously, this Western brainwashed society is just frustrating, are things that bad up in Canada?
(It can get frustrating but it's also reinforcing my beliefs, Yeshua said there was power in His Name and when people completely shut down and become blindly biased, it makes me think...)

^^See, like that. Does that all count as proselytizing because that's all just me rambling.^^

I would say that you have come right up to the edge of proselytizing and this would be where we draw the line. Also, I would like to see the discussion of mathematics and scripture continue in the thread that mattqatsi has started at: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/new-to-sikhism/30450-mathematics-in-scripture.html


May 16, 2010
I would say that you have come right up to the edge of proselytizing and this would be where we draw the line. Also, I would like to see the discussion of mathematics and scripture continue in the thread that mattqatsi has started at: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/new-to-sikhism/30450-mathematics-in-scripture.html
I apologize, I will hold off from any future extra opinions like that. I don't just talk about my faith in excess, if someone asks me a question on anything I know, from physics to Islam to Tao to American Conspiracy Theories, I'll talk their ear off. Please please try to correct me in my quest for humility.


Sep 8, 2009
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.
I am Pirthi Singh from Chandigarh and a newly added member in the Sikh Philosophy Network family. I'm a post graduate in Religious Studies and have already been working with an NGO of International level. We are organizing Camps for youth to inculcate moral values taught in Gurbani ( Sri Guru Granth Sahib) by our Great Guru Sahiban. I am a government employee.


Jun 1, 2004
Pirthi Ji, Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh!!!

We hope to learn from your gracious presence here at SPN! :welcome:



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.
I am Pirthi Singh from Chandigarh and a newly added member in the Sikh Philosophy Network family. I'm a post graduate in Religious Studies and have already been working with an NGO of International level. We are organizing Camps for youth to inculcate moral values taught in Gurbani ( Sri Guru Granth Sahib) by our Great Guru Sahiban. I am a government employee.


Welcome to SPN :welcome:

I am personally very impressed that you chose to do graduate work in religious studies, and that you act on it through your work with young people.

This forum has many members who would look forward to any threads that you start, and discussions that you move along, that flow from your knowledge of religion. And we also would love to hear about your experiences with youth camps, your experiences watching the bani of our Gurus blossom in the minds of young men and women.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome Serenacorbat ji


I hope that you find as much information, good conversation and company, and the sense that you can share your insights with us. We do have very intelligent forum members who have a wide range of interests. Make yourself at home with them. Do also explore all of our other resources: the book store, the video section, the kirtan downloads and more.

Naryanjot Kaur
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