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No Punjabi In Punjab?


Jul 14, 2011

Here in the UK the future of Panjabi is bleak. The main problem is the newer generations apart from Gursikhs (those that read Gurmukhi on daily basis), do not speak Panjabi amongst themselves, only when required(parents, relatives in India).

Youngsters here in the UK can hardly string together a sentence together in Panjabi. If they can't speak the language then their kids have no chance. Unfortunately this modern/western culture is taking over. Youngsters are more interested in English movies, English culture, clubbing, dating.............They are influenced heavily by TV. Whatever their favourite stars are wearing/doing is most important to them. I can't see this situation reversing anytime soon.

I wouldn't be surprised in few decades time that majority of Panjabi's in UK will lose their mother tongue completely. Even freshies (newly arrived panjabis) when they come over rapidly adapt to western culture. They completely change their fashion, stop wearing panjabi clothes, cut their hair, go to pubs and clubs etc.

Another problem is the lack of new literature in Panjabi/Gurmukhi. If there were new novels written in Panjabi by good writers this would help.

However, Gumukhi will remain Atal (eternal) because Gurbani is Atal.

Gurmukhi/Panjabi will be forever preserved in Shabad Guru, no person,government can change that.

Above all knowing Gurbani is most important.

Rabb Rakhe


Apr 3, 2005
Rajneesh Ji ,
I travel all over India for my business . There is not even an iota of Hindi in Gujarat , Maharashtra (except Mumbai ) , Karnataka , Andhra , Kerala , TN , Bengal , Assam , Orrisa & all Eastern States . I fail to understand why this Hindi love is RESERVED for Punjabi speaking state of Punjab only . Is it because the Punjabi is considered as the language of the OTHER people ie Sikhs only by a section of Punjabis .

Dalbirk ji

When a language get associated with a religion then unfortunately other Religions start opposing it.Just look at Pakistan they adopted Urdu which is the language of Delhi Up muslims but because muslim league firmly believed that Urdu is the language of muslims ,so the present day Pakistan adopted it.despite the fact that Urdu speaking people were in very much minority in pakistan and Punjabi speaking are in Majority.

I am sure many Punjabi Hindu's and muslims feel threatened that if they speak Punjabi then the future generation may tilt towards sikhism


Jul 14, 2011
Harry Haller ji

I did not mean to offend anyone in my post.
Lets make it clear, culture and religion are separate things.
I am just stating what I see around me. The youth in general are rapidly becoming westernised.
However I have no problem with each person individual choices, that is up to them. You are right in that we cannot expect panjabi culture to grow in foreign countries.

However GurSikhs that do nitnem speak Panjabi/Gurmukhi when they are doing paath. They read Gurmukhi/Panjabi when reading arths.

Most (not all) non-amritdhari's living in the West are very unlikely to study/learn Gurmukhi. That's why I say it will be GurSikhs that will carry the torch of Panjabi language in the future.

Any Sikh that has pyar (love) with SatGuru ji will make an effort to learn Gurmukhi.

As for Panjab, the language is strong in rural areas, in the pinds (villages), youngthrough to old speak Panjabi. The main problem lies in the shaers (cities), here the youth think it is cooler to speak English or Hindi. The influence of western culture, hollywood, bollywood has a big influence.

Hopefully parchar of Gurmat will increase and the problem will solve itself.

Satguru Mehar Karan

Rabb Rakhe

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

you did not offend me, my brother, having lived the life I have, I find it difficult to accept that people should be saved from themselves, ie, give people freedom, and they will choose the path of most fun and least resistance. There seems to be a certain line of thought that freedom, information, exposure to western elements, will ruin people, and I take issue with this line of thought, in the short term, it may be true, but long term, I think people should be allowed to flourish as Gursikhs not because they have been mushroomed (kept in the dark), but because having access to all points of view, they have chosen the sikhi one.

I would not want to be a Gursikh only because I was shielded from the world, surely a Gursikh is such because they chose Gurumukh over manmukh, the key word being chose, not forced,

However I am not a parent, nor do I come across many sikh families in my day to day life, so it may be an idealistic opinion
Jan 1, 2010
If we assume that every human being born into Punjab should speak Punjabi language only then it is impossible. You will find more than 90% persons those understand Punjabi in Punjab. But if go to any other state how much %age of person you will find those understand Punjabi. I hope negligible %age all over India say 1% of India's population. Logically every person in Punjab admit that the person should be having good command in Hindi as well.
I had put a simple question that suppose you are alone in rest part of India and you met with an accident. In which language will you communicate at that stage. If we can speak Hindi language whether will you find people in Punjab those understand Hindi in villages or English or any other regional language and vice versa. You go to any village of rest of India in which language will you communicate in other state's village.
Sir, I can write, read and speak urdu language. Though in Punjab hardly you will find .1% persons those can write, speak and read urdu language paragraph. In our age group those persons are not .001% even. Does it make sense that I stress on Urdu language and propagate in that favour.
Besides Punjabi language I have good command on Punjabi language even. I had been connected with Punjabi daily newspaper as well. If besides English, Hindi, Punabi, Urdu I learn French then whether I will start porpagting that the French language is the only language in the world.
Kindly discard Fanaticism. We should not be fanatic and should change our mind set. Why we people have having very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
99% of TAMILS coming form Taqmil nadu to work in malaysia dont have a word of Hindi inisde their head..not even Namasteh..I KNOW because i deal with such immigrants daily.So IF I was 'sick" in their State..I would be better off knowing some tamil words..

The REALLY COMMON language of INDIA is HINDUSTANI...not HINDI which is the torchbearer of the FANATICS who scream Hindu/HINDI/ Hidoostan...and destroy mosques and Gurdwaras and carry out massacres of minorities and christians all over.
The NEPALIS, the Bengalis, The Assamese etc i deal with..usuallay can speak HINDUSTANI.....NOT HINDI...and of course SANSKRIT is a DEAD Language...just as Latin Greek etc.
Jan 1, 2010
As far as i know, malaysia does not have their own original language, its all coming from another parts of the world and they mix it up together. Why are you stressing to Tamil nadu. Tamilians have different history. If we talk about Indonesia it will be off the topic. Though Indonesia is much better than Malaysia. Why Malaysia remains in news regarding the abuse of Indonesian maids. In Malysia Tamilians are in plenty and you yourself knows the history of tamilians very well. In Malaysia not only malay but chinese language is also being spoken and the Tamilians used to speak in Tamil. Can you differntiate between Sri lankan Tamilians and Tamil nadu's tamilaans. The tamilians have different culture they used to eat briyani and tandoori foods. The story of LTTE has not been forgotten by anybody.
So, we should keep the topic to Punjabi and should not spread the topic to the other lines.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
If we assume that every human being born into Punjab should speak Punjabi language only then it is impossible. You will find more than 90% persons those understand Punjabi in Punjab. But if go to any other state how much %age of person you will find those understand Punjabi. I hope negligible %age all over India say 1% of India's population. Logically every person in Punjab admit that the person should be having good command in Hindi as well.
I had put a simple question that suppose you are alone in rest part of India and you met with an accident. In which language will you communicate at that stage. If we can speak Hindi language whether will you find people in Punjab those understand Hindi in villages or English or any other regional language and vice versa. You go to any village of rest of India in which language will you communicate in other state's village.
Sir, I can write, read and speak urdu language. Though in Punjab hardly you will find .1% persons those can write, speak and read urdu language paragraph. In our age group those persons are not .001% even. Does it make sense that I stress on Urdu language and propagate in that favour.
Besides Punjabi language I have good command on Punjabi language even. I had been connected with Punjabi daily newspaper as well. If besides English, Hindi, Punabi, Urdu I learn French then whether I will start porpagting that the French language is the only language in the world.
Kindly discard Fanaticism. We should not be fanatic and should change our mind set. Why we people have having very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions.

Rajneesh ji,

Guru Fateh.

We are talking about two different things here, it seems. The fact of the matter is that Punjabi is somehow with the false propaganda by some has been linked to Sikhi rather than with the region. All Sikhs that I know and I know many, living in different states or born there speak the native regional language and also Punjabi because it is instilled at home.

When Haryana was carved from Punjab, a new language called Haryanvi appeared and Punjabi disappeared and it was done on purpose.

Punjabi is more spoken in Pakistan than in Punjab. I know many Punjabi Pakistanis here who love to speak in Punjabi although they do not know a single word in Gurmukhi. Many tell me that they communicate in Punjabi with Urdu scripts. During the girls' weddings of any religion in Punjab, it is a common thing that some one from the girl's side reads a poem called " Sikhya" which means as advice that was written in Punjabi,Hindi and/or in Urdu Punjabi but always read in Punjabi.

So, to deny that there is not a calculated agenda by some to eliminate Punjabi from the region because of its link to Sikhi shows the fallacy one dwells in.

The more languages one knows the better it is. As, you said, you speak many languages which is a good thing but no one should try to eliminate a language because it has been linked to a religion rather to the contrary, the languages who are in danger of dying should be promoted more because with the death of the language, many other things die.


Tejwant Singh


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
If we assume that every human being born into Punjab should speak Punjabi language only then it is impossible. You will find more than 90% persons those understand Punjabi in Punjab. But if go to any other state how much %age of person you will find those understand Punjabi. I hope negligible %age all over India say 1% of India's population. Logically every person in Punjab admit that the person should be having good command in Hindi as well.
I had put a simple question that suppose you are alone in rest part of India and you met with an accident. In which language will you communicate at that stage. If we can speak Hindi language whether will you find people in Punjab those understand Hindi in villages or English or any other regional language and vice versa. You go to any village of rest of India in which language will you communicate in other state's village.
Sir, I can write, read and speak urdu language. Though in Punjab hardly you will find .1% persons those can write, speak and read urdu language paragraph. In our age group those persons are not .001% even. Does it make sense that I stress on Urdu language and propagate in that favour.
Besides Punjabi language I have good command on Punjabi language even. I had been connected with Punjabi daily newspaper as well. If besides English, Hindi, Punabi, Urdu I learn French then whether I will start porpagting that the French language is the only language in the world.
Kindly discard Fanaticism. We should not be fanatic and should change our mind set. Why we people have having very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions.
Rajneesh Madhok ji the biggest damage to Punjab and Punjabi was done by the Hindus in Punjab. During the splitting of Punjab into Haryana and Himachal, the Hindus declared to be speaking Hindi even when they spoke Punjabi in undivided Punjab. Deleted a negative generalization about Hindus, as politically motivated Hindus could be documented as the source of the problem, not all Hindus. It is important to be more specific. Thanks/spnadmin.

Sat Sri Akal.
Jul 29, 2011
If we assume that every human being born into Punjab should speak Punjabi language only then it is impossible. You will find more than 90% persons those understand Punjabi in Punjab. But if go to any other state how much %age of person you will find those understand Punjabi. I hope negligible %age all over India say 1% of India's population. Logically every person in Punjab admit that the person should be having good command in Hindi as well.
I had put a simple question that suppose you are alone in rest part of India and you met with an accident. In which language will you communicate at that stage. If we can speak Hindi language whether will you find people in Punjab those understand Hindi in villages or English or any other regional language and vice versa. You go to any village of rest of India in which language will you communicate in other state's village.
Sir, I can write, read and speak urdu language. Though in Punjab hardly you will find .1% persons those can write, speak and read urdu language paragraph. In our age group those persons are not .001% even. Does it make sense that I stress on Urdu language and propagate in that favour.
Besides Punjabi language I have good command on Punjabi language even. I had been connected with Punjabi daily newspaper as well. If besides English, Hindi, Punabi, Urdu I learn French then whether I will start porpagting that the French language is the only language in the world.
Kindly discard Fanaticism. We should not be fanatic and should change our mind set. Why we people have having very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions.

rajneesh ji,

there is no problem in learning other languages,i know this much of hindi that others can understand, and i think most of can speak hindi. hindi is our national lang and we respect that....and it is also a compulsory subject in all schools be it a private or government.......my point is that hindi is becoming our first priority,,,,mother tongue is a very powerful thing which none shud ignore...


means to say what u will transfer to next generations it is the mother tongue which makes us feel proud and make us different....

when we go to other states we present ourselves by our langage. there is no need of justifying that we r punjabi.

everyone learns hindi but dont make that a priority.....no bad in learning hindi but one should be capable of speaking and writing punjabi thats why government is taking strict rules regarding our mother tongue....

Jul 29, 2011
Rajneesh Ji ,
I travel all over India for my business . There is not even an iota of Hindi in Gujarat , Maharashtra (except Mumbai ) , Karnataka , Andhra , Kerala , TN , Bengal , Assam , Orrisa & all Eastern States . I fail to understand why this Hindi love is RESERVED for Punjabi speaking state of Punjab only . Is it because the Punjabi is considered as the language of the OTHER people ie Sikhs only by a section of Punjabis .

yess, this exactly is the situation in any other state,our punjabis talk their in hindi but they used to reply in their own language.....i think in punjab here is more percentage of hindi lovers than rest of the country!!!!!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Just TOO Many millions speak PUNJABI around the world....those hoping it will die dream on...Micrsosoft Google tec wont be releasing fonts and all in PUNJABI if it was dying...the fact is despite the Indian Goivts support of Hindi..PUNJABI is running neck and neck with Hindi...everywhere....Guur Nanak ji chose this language..it will never die...
Jan 1, 2010
rajneesh ji,

there is no problem in learning other languages,i know this much of hindi that others can understand, and i think most of can speak hindi. hindi is our national lang and we respect that....and it is also a compulsory subject in all schools be it a private or government.......my point is that hindi is becoming our first priority,,,,mother tongue is a very powerful thing which none shud ignore...


means to say what u will transfer to next generations it is the mother tongue which makes us feel proud and make us different....

when we go to other states we present ourselves by our langage. there is no need of justifying that we r punjabi.

everyone learns hindi but dont make that a priority.....no bad in learning hindi but one should be capable of speaking and writing punjabi thats why government is taking strict rules regarding our mother tongue....

Princess Kaurji,
The point was that no doubt we should learn Punjabi but side by side Hindi is the very useful language when you are travelling in rural parts of India and Pakistan. Most of the Indians and Pakistanis will understand Hindi/Urdu compared to any other language, even though English has higher esteem. With the knowledge of Hindi one can move to Pakistan, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Guyana, Fiji and Trinidad and Tobago even. Because in these countries you can find people those understand Hindi.
Secondly on education point of view you can find more books in Hindi language for study on any topic than any other language in India.
I can confidentally say that the Speakers of Dravidian languages like Malyalam, Telgu and Kannada ----Not Tamil will easily understand Hindi language as the particular languages are having most of the sanskritized Hindi words. In other words these languages are sanskitized.
Princess Kaur ji, You admit one thing that we should learn other languages as well. When you yourself admit that you can understand Hindi language very well it means that you can conversate fluently in Hindi. Now the point is that you admit that Hindi is our national language and we all respect this language, secondly this is the compulsory subject in all schools.
Now I come to your point how can you say that in Punjab Hindi has become the first priority. All the official work is being done in Punjabi, the student who fails in Punjabi language is declared failed. The Punjabi language is being taught up to Graduation level, the student might be the student of any stream like Arts, commerce, Medical or Non medical. How can you say that the Hindi is considered the Priority subject. How can you say that Punjabi language is being ignored.
Nobody has forgotten the mother tongue.
The mother tongue whichever it is being understood by the children. We don't need to stress that the children should learn that language. The question in other states is that how we shall communciate with the general public, the question here does not arise that we have to prove that we are punjabi.
I second your thought that every body learn hindi but one should not make it a priority language. I have put before so many examples regarding steps taken by the Government how can you say that Hindi is the priority language. I once again say that the Government should implement Punjabi language but in case of Government Departments in which one has to go to courts and need documents for international use. The English language should be adopted so that the public should not be harassed.
Jul 29, 2011
Princess Kaurji,
The point was that no doubt we should learn Punjabi but side by side Hindi is the very useful language when you are travelling in rural parts of India and Pakistan. Most of the Indians and Pakistanis will understand Hindi/Urdu compared to any other language, even though English has higher esteem. With the knowledge of Hindi one can move to Pakistan, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Guyana, Fiji and Trinidad and Tobago even. Because in these countries you can find people those understand Hindi.
Secondly on education point of view you can find more books in Hindi language for study on any topic than any other language in India.
I can confidentally say that the Speakers of Dravidian languages like Malyalam, Telgu and Kannada ----Not Tamil will easily understand Hindi language as the particular languages are having most of the sanskritized Hindi words. In other words these languages are sanskitized.
Princess Kaur ji, You admit one thing that we should learn other languages as well. When you yourself admit that you can understand Hindi language very well it means that you can conversate fluently in Hindi. Now the point is that you admit that Hindi is our national language and we all respect this language, secondly this is the compulsory subject in all schools.
Now I come to your point how can you say that in Punjab Hindi has become the first priority. All the official work is being done in Punjabi, the student who fails in Punjabi language is declared failed. The Punjabi language is being taught up to Graduation level, the student might be the student of any stream like Arts, commerce, Medical or Non medical. How can you say that the Hindi is considered the Priority subject. How can you say that Punjabi language is being ignored.
Nobody has forgotten the mother tongue.
The mother tongue whichever it is being understood by the children. We don't need to stress that the children should learn that language. The question in other states is that how we shall communciate with the general public, the question here does not arise that we have to prove that we are punjabi.
I second your thought that every body learn hindi but one should not make it a priority language. I have put before so many examples regarding steps taken by the Government how can you say that Hindi is the priority language. I once again say that the Government should implement Punjabi language but in case of Government Departments in which one has to go to courts and need documents for international use. The English language should be adopted so that the public should not be harassed.

rajneesh ji,

i think there is no end to this conversation. i only want to say is that we r all learning hindi in schools and colleges and can understnd and speak hindi. but inspite of that its becoming priority in most of our families. parents restrict thier children from talking in punjabi. and in schools also hindi is the priority, then where a child will learn to speak punjabi????? its only get restricted to the syllabas upto matric or plus two standard!!!! afterwards punjabi is completely discarded. implementing all works in punjabi by government would not do any good.

if hindi is spoken in schools and everyone can learn hindi their then there is no point that parents should restrict their children,,,actually m giving you the live example!!!my all friends of punjab used to conversate in hindi, i was only punjabi speaker among them,,,condition is becoming very worse....there is a great harm to our language...there should be a balance.

and coming to other states we r taught this much hindi that we can conversate in hindi.... and u know that tamilnadu is completely against the hindi.

the student who fails in Punjabi language is declared failed this should be the rule to mark the importance of language if it is not so noone will take seriously the langauge and then the condition will be worst of all.

there must be awareness about our language among people which is not so especially in new generation....i dont what the show off in speaking hindi??? according to me they r the most illiterate among all!!! speak hindi whereever required like in schools,colleges in class but not everywhere!!!



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
rajneesh ji,

i think there is no end to this conversation. i only want to say is that we r all learning hindi in schools and colleges and can understnd and speak hindi. but inspite of that its becoming priority in most of our families. parents restrict thier children from talking in punjabi. and in schools also hindi is the priority, then where a child will learn to speak punjabi????? its only get restricted to the syllabas upto matric or plus two standard!!!! afterwards punjabi is completely discarded. implementing all works in punjabi by government would not do any good.

if hindi is spoken in schools and everyone can learn hindi their then there is no point that parents should restrict their children,,,actually m giving you the live example!!!my all friends of punjab used to conversate in hindi, i was only punjabi speaker among them,,,condition is becoming very worse....there is a great harm to our language...there should be a balance.

and coming to other states we r taught this much hindi that we can conversate in hindi.... and u know that tamilnadu is completely against the hindi.

the student who fails in Punjabi language is declared failed this should be the rule to mark the importance of language if it is not so noone will take seriously the langauge and then the condition will be worst of all.

there must be awareness about our language among people which is not so especially in new generation....i dont what the show off in speaking hindi??? according to me they r the most illiterate among all!!! speak hindi whereever required like in schools,colleges in class but not everywhere!!!

Princess Kaur ji thanks for your great posts and observations.

Let us see if a Punjab Government with some backbone adopts the Tamil Nadu model for Punjabi. I guarantee this will be labelled as a revolt by Hindi speakers!

Sat Sri Akal.
Jul 29, 2011
Princess Kaur ji thanks for your great posts and observations.

Let us see if a Punjab Government with some backbone adopts the Tamil Nadu model for Punjabi. I guarantee this will be labelled as a revolt by Hindi speakers!

Sat Sri Akal.

ambarsaria g,

may b m taking this as a long topic with my discussions.i just dont want any revolt...there r many other things of concern which should b taken care of in punjab. i only want that what a role we can play in this???? its thinking of people that have to b changed and govt cant do any thing by forcibly applying the things.
my only moto is that if my words can reach to a small mass like here only that will be a great thing and we all should contribute,,,,its only, we, who have to change our thinking and opinions......thanks

Jan 1, 2010
ambarsaria g,

may b m taking this as a long topic with my discussions.i just dont want any revolt...there r many other things of concern which should b taken care of in punjab. i only want that what a role we can play in this???? its thinking of people that have to b changed and govt cant do any thing by forcibly applying the things.
my only moto is that if my words can reach to a small mass like here only that will be a great thing and we all should contribute,,,,its only, we, who have to change our thinking and opinions......thanks

rajneesh ji,

i think there is no end to this conversation. i only want to say is that we r all learning hindi in schools and colleges and can understnd and speak hindi. but inspite of that its becoming priority in most of our families. parents restrict thier children from talking in punjabi. and in schools also hindi is the priority, then where a child will learn to speak punjabi????? its only get restricted to the syllabas upto matric or plus two standard!!!! afterwards punjabi is completely discarded. implementing all works in punjabi by government would not do any good.

if hindi is spoken in schools and everyone can learn hindi their then there is no point that parents should restrict their children,,,actually m giving you the live example!!!my all friends of punjab used to conversate in hindi, i was only punjabi speaker among them,,,condition is becoming very worse....there is a great harm to our language...there should be a balance.

and coming to other states we r taught this much hindi that we can conversate in hindi.... and u know that tamilnadu is completely against the hindi.

the student who fails in Punjabi language is declared failed this should be the rule to mark the importance of language if it is not so noone will take seriously the langauge and then the condition will be worst of all.

there must be awareness about our language among people which is not so especially in new generation....i dont what the show off in speaking hindi??? according to me they r the most illiterate among all!!! speak hindi whereever required like in schools,colleges in class but not everywhere!!!

Princess Kaurji,
As you belong to Punjab and would have visited Medical, Engineering, Pharmacy Colleges and other professional colleges in Punjab. Have you come across even 1% students, faculty, staff of those professional colleges those conversate in Punjabi language. Though those colleges are situated in the remotest areas of Punjab and are being run by Sikh managements. Why not you raise this issue in those colleges. Why not more than 1% students, staff, faculty and management conversate in Punjabi. Why 99% persons in colleges conversate in Hindi. In those colleges at least more than 50% students are Punjabis and belong to sikh families because 85% seats in all the professional colleges are reserved for Punjab candidates. Kindly tell me whose fault is this. I am talking about the remotest areas of Punjab, where the village population conversate in Punjabi. When we don't want to conversate in Punjabi in Punjab's remotest areas then how can you say that we shall apply Tamilnadu's policies.
You can influence the students but can not change the mentality. Who has played such type of roles in Professional colleges in Punjab. The reason is that the lecturers deliver lecture in Hindi/ English language. No lecturer deliver lecture in Punjabi language. It is not the detachment with Punjabi language but it is that Hindi language is our national language and so the mode of conversation in Punjab in all professional colleges is Hindi.
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