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UK Not Just White Girls, Pak Muslim Men Sexually Target Hindu And Sikh Girls As Well


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Related story from the Hindustani Times
Sigh of relief among Hindu, Sikh communities in UK
Yudhvir Rana,

AMRITSAR: There is a sigh of relief among Hindu and Sikh communities of UK after sentencing of seven Pakistani men by a court in United Kingdom for indulging in sexual grooming of minor girls.

"Grooming is a process whereby these depraved men start plying these young girls with attention, presents, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs to win them over. They then manipulate and blackmail them into performing sex acts and get them into prostitution. These underage girls are then passed around for sex among friends and other men," UK-based advocate Jas Uppal told TOI on Monday.

"Grooming had been going on for decades in UK. I know that both Hindu and Sikh communities reported cases to police. However, these reports were dismissed by police," she said, adding that right-wing groups in UK had also highlighted cases of white British girls being sexually exploited by Muslim men, predominantly of Pakistani origin.

More at this link http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...kh-communities-in-UK/articleshow/20869108.cms


Nov 4, 2013
Islam is a totally MISSIONARY religion committed to making EVERYONE Muslim, as according to the Koran the world is divided up into two parts, Dar-as-Islam (House of Faith) a title which applies to all Islamic countries and Dar-al-Harb (Household of War), land not yet surrendered to Allah, which is the rest of the world. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage Jihad (Holy War) against Kafirs, infidels and unbelievers, that's what the Koran calls non-Muslims and make them submit to Islam. Violence against Kafirs is encouraged in the Koran, if gentle persuasion doesn't work!!

Let me say just this. There is nothing in the Quran about Dar as Islam and Dar al Harb. In the Quran, the whole world belongs to God. Jihad against Kafirs is only allowed when the non-believers punish a muslim for practising his faith, by driving him out of his home.

Oh gosh. Here we go.

I find that article insulting.

CONVERSIONS INTO ISLAM almost always occur out of a persons IGNORANCE or MISUNDERSTANDING of their own religion. Take time to understand your religion and educate others. The process of conversion is usually very SUBTLE and GRADUAL. It always occurs progressively UNDERMINING YOUR CULTURE and RELIGION through misquoting religious texts and falsifying historical events. Be on guard and stop them from speaking lies about your religion. The HUT and other Muslim groups have said that they aim to make FRANCE, an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC by the year 2015 and Britain by 2025 through CONVERSIONS, IMMIGRATION and high MUSLIM BIRTH RATES.

Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Choochoochan ji, (you don't give much data of self, so I don't know if you're old or young, male or female, or whether you reside in India)
You have to realize the experience Indians specifically have had, concerning the impact of Islam. Especially vis a vis Sikhs, the encounters with Islam have been fraught.
Throughout our history, from the very beginnings of our establishment, we have been subject to a long campaign of forced conversion -at swordpoint- to Islam. Too many of our martyrs have come at the hands of muslim tyrants. Literally thousands upon thousands of lives were given up resisting forced conversion. So we know a little about the 'boots on the ground' realities of encountering Islam. In the face of this, high-sounding Quranic references for or against conversion sort of lose some conviction.
As far as this issue of grooming children into sex and prostitution, Yeshua (Jesus) had something to say about this:
"But whosoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to 'stumble', it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea." -Mark 9:42


Apr 3, 2005
Islam is a totally MISSIONARY religion committed to making EVERYONE Muslim, as according to the Koran the world is divided up into two parts, Dar-as-Islam (House of Faith) a title which applies to all Islamic countries and Dar-al-Harb (Household of War), land not yet surrendered to Allah, which is the rest of the world. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage Jihad (Holy War) against Kafirs, infidels and unbelievers, that's what the Koran calls non-Muslims and make them submit to Islam. Violence against Kafirs is encouraged in the Koran, if gentle persuasion doesn't work!!

Let me say just this. There is nothing in the Quran about Dar as Islam and Dar al Harb. In the Quran, the whole world belongs to God. Jihad against Kafirs is only allowed when the non-believers punish a muslim for practising his faith, by driving him out of his home.

Oh gosh. Here we go.

I find that article insulting.

CONVERSIONS INTO ISLAM almost always occur out of a persons IGNORANCE or MISUNDERSTANDING of their own religion. Take time to understand your religion and educate others. The process of conversion is usually very SUBTLE and GRADUAL. It always occurs progressively UNDERMINING YOUR CULTURE and RELIGION through misquoting religious texts and falsifying historical events. Be on guard and stop them from speaking lies about your religion. The HUT and other Muslim groups have said that they aim to make FRANCE, an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC by the year 2015 and Britain by 2025 through CONVERSIONS, IMMIGRATION and high MUSLIM BIRTH RATES.

Islam has over 1400 years of history and 50+ countries .Hardly any of them are known for better treatment of minorities of religion looks you have create the sugarcoated version of islam just to please your mind.

Muslims have problem with Hindu's , sikhs in India . They have problem with christians in Africa and elsewhere. they have problem with jews in middle east and with Budhists in Mynamar .It is not like that all these religions are stopping muslims from practicing their faith.Instead of preaching what is written in quran to non muslims its better if you debate with muslim scholars that what is right and what is wrong


Nov 4, 2013
Minorities? You mean like how the Islamic Caliphate actually protected the Jews against the zealots christians during the Spanish Inquisition?

India? You're seriously bringing in India? India is a country where Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians are capable of having problems with one another. Please don't preach until you have faced the realities of it all. Were you there in Bombay in the aftermath of the Gujarat riots? Did you hear of Bohras who were slaughtered just for the fact that they were Muslims? How about the case of the christian evangelist who was torched to death in india because hindus thought he was "taking away" their hindu brethren?

Something for you all to ponder about. I had a conversation with my chinese atheist friend way before my conversation. We were discussing about how is it that polytheism survived to this extent in India and China when it had been wiped out, almost entirely in the Old World and the New World. Now, India was part of the Mughal empire. Her answer, simple. Christianity never was allowed to penetrate those two lands. China because of its closed door policy since before the revolution, staved off christian evangelists. And India was at the helm of the Mughal empire.

I am not denying atrocities took place during the Mughal era in the name of Islam, but to say that their actions represented Islam at its truest form is a statement made in ignorance. And doesn't the Gurbani preach to live a life without ignorance? And if Guru Nanak had said, there is no Hindu or Muslim, why is it that Hindu-Sikh marriages are tolerated whereas a Muslim-Sikh one is not? Why is it ok for a Hindu to wear a Kara, but not a Muslim?

Anyway, i veer off. The point is, Hinduism survived in India, partly because the Mughal empire was established there.

All this maligning Islam or rather, Muslims as a whole, is out of character of anything that was preached and taught by Guru Nanak. I am disheartened by this.


Dec 3, 2011
I am not denying atrocities took place during the Mughal era in the name of Islam, but to say that their actions represented Islam at its truest form is a statement made in ignorance. And doesn't the Gurbani preach to live a life without ignorance? And if Guru Nanak had said, there is no Hindu or Muslim, why is it that Hindu-Sikh marriages are tolerated whereas a Muslim-Sikh one is not? Why is it ok for a Hindu to wear a Kara, but not a Muslim?

DO muslims live without ignorance ?
Do the original middle east muslims (arabs) think of the converted pakistanis as equal to themselves ?

The point is, Hinduism survived in India, partly because the Mughal empire was established there.

Absolute Rubbish and cods-wallop !

Ikk Khalsa

Mar 19, 2013
Here is video from Pakistan stating how Hindu girls are kidnaped and converted to Islam then pushed into prostitution. Police or other governing authorities don't act on it because they think those muslim have done favor to infidel by converting her to Islam. Sorry clip is in Urdu and you can find a lot more clips like this on Youtube.



Nov 4, 2013
DO muslims live without ignorance ?
Do the original middle east muslims (arabs) think of the converted pakistanis as equal to themselves ?

Absolute Rubbish and cods-wallop !

(1) is that an excuse for Sikhs to live in ignorance? What has the treatment of pakistanis by arabs got to do with the topic at hand?
(2) Prove it. You know this as well as i do, if Christianity had come through the realms of the Indian Subcontinent, Hinduism would be something of a fanciful religion practiced by ancestors. And Hinduism would have been eradicated by force. Look at all the regions of the world where Christian troops had reached. As i've said before, just because this is my opinion, doesn't mean i sanction what some of the Mughal emperors did. Some were pure dictators.
Sep 19, 2013
(1) is that an excuse for Sikhs to live in ignorance? What has the treatment of pakistanis by arabs got to do with the topic at hand?
(2) Prove it. You know this as well as i do, if Christianity had come through the realms of the Indian Subcontinent, Hinduism would be something of a fanciful religion practiced by ancestors. And Hinduism would have been eradicated by force. Look at all the regions of the world where Christian troops had reached. As i've said before, just because this is my opinion, doesn't mean i sanction what some of the Mughal emperors did. Some were pure dictators.
You are right that if certain Christian states had conquered the subcontinent they would have exterminated Hinduism completely, rather than tolerating its existence like the Mughals. However, these countries (Spain, Portugal, possibly England or the Netherlands during one of their puritanical phases) did not have the military ability to do so. The British at Plassey got lucky, they were able to exploit the chaos and weak rulership that followed the collapse of the Mughal Empire. The Hindu empires such as Vijayanagara, at their heyday, would have given them a much tougher fight, and remember that European troops during the age when religious extermination was common (15th-17th centuries) were considerably less effective than during the 18th-19th centuries.

If we are speaking of missionary activity alone rather than forced conversions, then I agree with you that the Mughal empire played a large role in stopping much of that. The Muslim world was an important bulwark against Catholic imperialism, and we wouldn't have a free world today if it wasn't for the brave fight put up by Muslim states (the Ottomans in particular) against Spain and Portugal.

That's not to diminish the atrocities committed in the name of Islam of course, and India is the place where most of those occurred. The destruction of Hampi was one of the most terrible holocausts in history, along with Timur's invasion of Delhi and the deliberate wars of annihilation conducted by the Afghans against peaceful Indian centres of learning and worship all across the Subcontinent.


Apr 3, 2005
Minorities? You mean like how the Islamic Caliphate actually protected the Jews against the zealots christians during the Spanish Inquisition?

First please look how Jews are treated by muslims in 20 th century

The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination - See more at: http://jcpa.org/article/the-expulsi...elty-and-discrimination/#sthash.6YC4vVFk.dpuf

India? You're seriously bringing in India? India is a country where Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians are capable of having problems with one another. Please don't preach until you have faced the realities of it all. Were you there in Bombay in the aftermath of the Gujarat riots? Did you hear of Bohras who were slaughtered just for the fact that they were Muslims? How about the case of the christian evangelist who was torched to death in india because hindus thought he was "taking away" their hindu brethren?
When partion happened muslims were 9-10% of population now they are 14-15% of India.On the other hand hindu-sikh population is below 2% in Pakistan and 8.5% in Bangladesh .remember in 1951 census Bangladesh was 22% Hindu.Stop quoting 1-2 incidents in which Muslims may have been on receiving ends.Look at broader picture .Minorities start disappearing from muslim nations
Something for you all to ponder about. I had a conversation with my chinese atheist friend way before my conversation. We were discussing about how is it that polytheism survived to this extent in India and China when it had been wiped out, almost entirely in the Old World and the New World. Now, India was part of the Mughal empire. Her answer, simple. Christianity never was allowed to penetrate those two lands. China because of its closed door policy since before the revolution, staved off christian evangelists. And India was at the helm of the Mughal empire.
What a logic from your chinese friend. Christianity was 600 years older than Islam , which Mughal protected Hindu's at that time?

Muslim atrocities started in India from the time of ghaznavi then Ghauri , Qutab din aibak ,alaudin khilji , Timur , Lodhi's and then Babur.Mughal period from Akbar's time was much stable particularly Akbar and his successors made alliance with Rajputs who helped them retain power.Aurangzeb became fanatic and mughal kingdom lost all his power

I am not denying atrocities took place during the Mughal era in the name of Islam, but to say that their actions represented Islam at its truest form is a statement made in ignorance. And doesn't the Gurbani preach to live a life without ignorance? And if Guru Nanak had said, there is no Hindu or Muslim, why is it that Hindu-Sikh marriages are tolerated whereas a Muslim-Sikh one is not? Why is it ok for a Hindu to wear a Kara, but not a Muslim?
Hindu sikh marriages are tolerated because 99.9% sikhs came from hindu's . Many did not think at the time of conversion that they are different from hindu's.You can still found thousands of Hindu sikh families which will tell you that their grand or great grand father was Hindus or sikh.On the other hand muslim in no circumstance marry their daughter out of religion
Sep 19, 2013
First please look how Jews are treated by muslims in 20 th century

The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination - See more at: http://jcpa.org/article/the-expulsi...elty-and-discrimination/#sthash.6YC4vVFk.dpuf
20th century behaviour of Muslim countries (and late 19th) is tainted with nationalism. During the 19th century the Ottoman Empire and Egypt made a conscious effort to westernise their societies in order to prevent themselves from lagging behind. Not only did they import western industrial, scientific and governmental innovations, they also brought in more destructive ideological influences which were rampant in Europe.

If you want to examine the role of religious minorities in the Muslim world there's a whole stretch of time from ~630 to ~1700 which is far outside the influence of modern westernisation. A period that includes both catastrophes like Aurangzeb's India and successes like the Caliphate of Cordoba.

What a logic from your chinese friend. Christianity was 600 years older than Islam , which Mughal protected Hindu's at that time?
Prior to Vasco Da Gama's voyage in 1498, European Christians (Asian Christians like the Nestorians didn't do the whole 'forced conversion' thing) had no ability to project force in Asia (outside the Mediterranean coast).


Apr 3, 2005
Prior to Vasco Da Gama's voyage in 1498, European Christians (Asian Christians like the Nestorians didn't do the whole 'forced conversion' thing) had no ability to project force in Asia (outside the Mediterranean coast).

Read Choochoochan's post she said that polytheism did not survive in old world that means Europe too.So she is blaming christianity for destroying it.And Europe was by large christian in 1498.If people of Europe voluntarily accepted christianity then why to blame it?
Sep 19, 2013
Read Choochoochan's post she said that polytheism did not survive in old world that means Europe too.So she is blaming christianity for destroying it.And Europe was by large christian in 1498.If people of Europe voluntarily accepted christianity then why to blame it?

Europe didn't voluntarily accept Christianity.

Christians gradually grew in numbers within the Roman empire peacefully. Until Constantine converted to this minority faith (possibly sincerely, there wasn't much political gain for him being a Christian at that time). Then Constantine's successors made it the official religion and imposed it by the point of the sword. The Roman Emperors saw Christianity as a potential unifying force for the ailing state, and didn't care at all for the actual peaceful message of Jesus.

After the empire collapsed the other European countries continued this policy. Charlemagne led vicious wars of conquest against the Saxons and the Avars (a Turkish/central asian people who lived in Hungary), giving them the choice between Christianity or death. Indeed one possible reason for the Viking raids was as revenge for Charlemagne's war with the Saxons. Many other countries in northern Europe were forced to convert by their rulers (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia for example) who expected their entire population to follow them when they moved to Christianity.
The last Pagans lived in the Baltic countries (Prussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland), and these people were forced to convert after crusades began targeting their lands. European nobles from the west would actually travel to Eastern Europe to hunt and kill Baltic pagans for amusement and prestige.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I am reading truly fascinating information. Posters, when you post these historical accounts, try to tie them back to the point of the thread. Make the connection at the end with a sentence or two. Thanks.


Nov 4, 2013
You are right that if certain Christian states had conquered the subcontinent they would have exterminated Hinduism completely, rather than tolerating its existence like the Mughals. However, these countries (Spain, Portugal, possibly England or the Netherlands during one of their puritanical phases) did not have the military ability to do so. The British at Plassey got lucky, they were able to exploit the chaos and weak rulership that followed the collapse of the Mughal Empire. The Hindu empires such as Vijayanagara, at their heyday, would have given them a much tougher fight, and remember that European troops during the age when religious extermination was common (15th-17th centuries) were considerably less effective than during the 18th-19th centuries.

If we are speaking of missionary activity alone rather than forced conversions, then I agree with you that the Mughal empire played a large role in stopping much of that. The Muslim world was an important bulwark against Catholic imperialism, and we wouldn't have a free world today if it wasn't for the brave fight put up by Muslim states (the Ottomans in particular) against Spain and Portugal.

That's not to diminish the atrocities committed in the name of Islam of course, and India is the place where most of those occurred. The destruction of Hampi was one of the most terrible holocausts in history, along with Timur's invasion of Delhi and the deliberate wars of annihilation conducted by the Afghans against peaceful Indian centres of learning and worship all across the Subcontinent.

I honestly thank you for your post. Nope, i have never once made an apologetic argument against the atrocities committed in the name of Islam.

Well, think of it as this. Back then when the christian empires were the oppressors, the muslims had an incentive to show the people of other religions that they were "better" than the Christians. Also, going back to when Islam was in its infantile years, it is possibly arguable that in light of there being no hadiths, the scrutiny of the Quran led to a more accepting society, but that's another topic, for another forum.

One thing i would like to point out is that the fact that the Mughals conquered the Indian subcontinent supports two theories (of my own, admittedly which could be rubbish at best), (i) the hindu empires whilst powerful, would have been no match for the conquering Christian empire of the day, and (ii) the hindu empires were segregated to such an extent, which allowed for a foreign invader to come in and overtake their domains.


Nov 4, 2013
Hindu sikh marriages are tolerated because 99.9% sikhs came from hindu's . Many did not think at the time of conversion that they are different from hindu's.You can still found thousands of Hindu sikh families which will tell you that their grand or great grand father was Hindus or sikh.On the other hand muslim in no circumstance marry their daughter out of religion

Yes, no muslim would marry his or her daughter out of the religion, but tell me this: isn't there a sikh doctrine that a sikh boy ought to marry a sikh girl to preserve the religion of the Gurus? If you're telling me there isn't, i won't believe you. If they do not think they were different from Hindus, why bother with the conversion? Yea so? My grandfather was a supposed Brahmin who converted. What's that got to do with anything? How about the muslims who converted? You do realise that there is a huge number of those, don't u?

I just wanna know this. Why is a Sikh performing some kind of hindu ritual such as worshiping idols, is accepted when i see that as a clear violation of one of the tenets of being a Sikh? Why is then, converting to Islam something so sinister, that someone must have concocted some evil Islamic plan to convert anyone? According to the article, why is it alright for a Hindu to wear a kara but not a muslim? FYI, i was never the recipient of Dawah or anything. Even my in laws, who are Punjabi Muslims left me to learn and question on my own.

I know for a fact that to marry in a gurudwara, the party who was not born a sikh must formally accept Sikhism as his or her religion.

Whether you want to admit it or not, my chinese friend is AWESOME.

Ikk Khalsa

Mar 19, 2013
(1) is that an excuse for Sikhs to live in ignorance? What has the treatment of pakistanis by arabs got to do with the topic at hand?
(2) Prove it. You know this as well as i do, if Christianity had come through the realms of the Indian Subcontinent, Hinduism would be something of a fanciful religion practiced by ancestors. And Hinduism would have been eradicated by force. Look at all the regions of the world where Christian troops had reached. As i've said before, just because this is my opinion, doesn't mean i sanction what some of the Mughal emperors did. Some were pure dictators.

What Christians had done different that Mughals did not do to eradicate Hinduism or Sikhism? Please give me some explanation other than saying look at the History.


Nov 4, 2013
What Christians had done different that Mughals did not do to eradicate Hinduism or Sikhism? Please give me some explanation other than saying look at the History.

You may refer to AngloSikh's posts. A wealth of knowledge.

History records. I dunno what else you would want. Wikipedia?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
KDS forgot to state that 99.9% of MUSLIMS living in Pakistan/India/Bangladesh etc..also came form HINDUS...KDS can only "remember" Sikhs ?? A Fallacy...GURU NANAK JI sahib form DAY ONE declared..I am NOT a HINDU..I TOTALLY REJECT its major fundamentals - janeaus, fasts, teeraths, idol worship, CASTE , Mantrams, ritualised repetitions mediation, reincarnations, Karma etc etc etc...

Rea d Bhai khan Singh nabhas monumnetal book HUM HINDU NAHIN...and see whay SIKHS are NOT HINDUS..not by a long shot...and should not be following blind sheep rituals and idols etc..but cultivate inquiring minds, develop their intellect and be GURBANI oriented..
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