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O Khotey-aa! - Hey You Idiot!


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Re: O Khotey-aa! ,Which include Khushwant Singh

Dear SPNADMIN and findingmayway,
Our alegiance goes First Human, second Sikh, third Punjabi or any other sikh stater, fourth Indian and fifth the world inhabitant.

If your 1st allegiance is to a human being then how can you rate India above other countries? Isn't that a discriminatory stance? Throughout your posts you seem to confuse being Panjabi with being Sikh. The 2 are separate things are need to be kept separate as much as possible as a lot of Panjabi cultural practices are not compatible with Sikhi, such as preference for boys. There are several threads that discuss this further. It is often said that Sikhi is all inclusive and is a philosophy for all humanity. However, if you are restricting it to Panjabis then this is less inclusive than restricting who can do kirtan in official divans!

My comment about Singhs is to do with baptism - do not muddle that with Sikhs/Singh issue. I consider Sikhs and Singhs as levels of achievement in Sikhism. You may agree with me that there are a lot more sikhs (who are not baptised) and lot fewer Singhs (who are baptised Sikhs). If it was easy to be a Singh we would have the situation reversed i.e. more Singhs than Sikhs. Sikhs of Guru Nanak faith are no different than Singhs except they may not stand out as fine examples of Guru Gobind Singh's embodiment. I have mentioned in some of my comments that Sikhi is NOT EASY to practice but we have to if we want to be Singhs and fight problems of Sikhs today.

I'm sorry but I don't understand how this relates to the issue in hand as the issue is about Sikhs or non-Sikhs. Sikhs includes amritdharis and non-amritdharis. Both groups do not have allegiance to another group therefore do not have a conflict of interest. One example is if a Hindu were to do kirtan, they might twist shabads that mention brahma or other Hindu gods to support Hind viewpoints and therefore dilute the actual meaning of the shabad (and this has actually happened). Sikhi is not easy to practice-agreed. This is why it is even more imperative that we do all we can to stop wrong things being taught. Why the big difference between Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh ji? Guru Gobind Singh was the 10th Nanak. His teachings and actions were completely consistent with the other Nanaks-it is a continuum!

By picking on secondary issues "dilute the roots"
I have been looking through some attrocities committed by Indian authorities on Sikhs during 1984 and no conclusions reached and no one owning up - how is emphasis on Sikh Maryada going to help those who lost their families, whole gurdwaras razed to ground, sikhs boiled in oil, burnt with tyres around their necks.
Sikhi needs us to be pure 'Khalse' so that no matter where we stand we will be right!

Yes! If we followed the SRM more and therefore were truer Sikhs then people would not have walked over us as more people would be brave enough to stand up and exert our rights. It is precisely because Sikhi has been diluted that we are struggling to deal with these things. Let us not dilute things further.

As I see it we pick on issues like 'rehat maryadas', 'dasam granth', interpretations of 'ardas' that we have been reciting for 300 years and hounding our own kith and kin who get misguided for what ever reason!!
This are the 'diversions' that leave us no time for the real issues. Embracing the SIKH values and family!!!

These are not diversions but are real issues. If these are ignored, more and more principles of Sikhi will be lost or distorted. If all and sundry are allowed to dictate their own terms then Sikhi will not remain as there will be much confusion. We look to the Gurdwara to learn, therefore the Gurdwara must keep the roots strong. Only if the roots are strong will Sikhi remain open to all.

Gurus' teachings will also give us strength to accept what is right or wrong in the SRM!!!!

Most definitely! However, we need to learn what the Guru's teachings tell us first.

As an aside, here are some of my ponderings. Guru Nanak Dev ji was born into a Hindu family yet we do not call him a Hindu as he did not follow Hindu dharma. Bhai Lehna was no longer a devi worshipper after he followed a Sikh way of life. In that same vein, can we really say Bhai Mardhana was a Muslim? He was born into a Muslim family but by becoming Guruji's companion and following a Sikh way of life I would say he became a Sikh.
Oct 29, 2010
Re: O Khotey-aa! ,Which include Khushwant Singh

Dear findingmy way,

Trying to put India first brings the 'haqiquit' reality home. Try being true to yourself first, when majority Indians do that India will be first. By just saying so is closing your eyes to truth. When one is born one can only be human before all else.

I apologize for confusing Sikhs with Punjabi - not intentional - just my roots are there and I try to be a Sikh.

I was discussing the issue about Sikhs and Singhs with a friend and came to the conclusion it should be Sikhs and Khalsa.
The difference, in my discussion, was that they both follow the same principles, but Khalsa promises it to Guru Gobind Singh that he will up hold those principles.

I know that I cannot as I have tried and that is a SIN and lying to Guru Gobind Singh.

May be you want to visit site <cite>www.[B]saintsoldiers[/B].net And see what India has done for Sikhi in return for what Sikhs did for India
I also include those people who have followed Guru Nanak's teachings, that discard the Hindu and Moslem traditions, that are pretentious and not progressive, if they truly followed his teachings they are Sikhs - who do not promise anything but 'do their best' to be a 'Sikh defined by Nanak's Philosophy'.

SRM issue - I have to tell you that I have only learnt about these very recently and again I am doing my best to first master them and then to see if I can obey and do justice to the cause.
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