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USA Obama Ordered To Convert To Islam

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Obama ordered to convert to Islam
India Gazette
Tuesday 28th December, 2010

US president Barack Obama has been told to convert
to Islam.

A leader of Somalia's Islamist insurgency, Fuad Mohamed "Shongole" Qalaf, has threatened Mr Obama with attacks on the US if he does not convert.

Qalaf said in a radio message that if President Obama did not convert, Somalia's al-Shabab militia would launch immediate attacks.

Al-Shabab has not yet launched an attack outside Africa.

Western intelligence officials have expressed concern at the threat, as many young Somali-Americans have been targeted by the group for recruitment.

Some have traveled to Somalia for training with al-Shabab, which has ties to al-Qaeda and is believed to have been behind the twin 2008 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people.



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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I have one of those OMG reactions to this story. This is a crazed scenario.

The immigration of Somalis to the US was a result of the devastating tribal wars there, followed by US incursions. Their immigration was facilitated by "refugee" status. In other words, Somalis came here to escape economic, social, political oppression. The usual immigration restrictions were not applied. In less than one generation, so many have made incredible strides professionally and economically. If there are cases of crime in urban and ex-urban areas where they have immigrated, I am unaware of it. In short, the transition to a western way of life has seemed relatively smooth (of course there are exceptions).

So what has happened?
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
SOMALI MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS turning American small towns into Islamic welfare enclaves

Newly arrived Somali immigrants flock to small towns and cities such as Lewiston, Maine; Shelbyville, Tennessee, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Clarkston, Georgia, and Jamestown, North Dakota, where they head straight for the local welfare office.


The Jamestown Sun reports that 400 Somalis have applied for public housing in the past four months. The Somali immigrants in Garden City, Kansas and nearby small towns have created the Somali Community Center of Southwest Kansas in order to tap into public welfare programs. Within this section of the heartland, white Christians have become the minority.

In East San Diego, the newly arrived Somalis have created a Little Mogadishu. The streets are lined with Somali stores, shops, and mosques. In the midst of this ethnic enclave stands the Iftin Charter School, where K-8 students are introduced to Arabic. 99% of the student population is Somali; Arabs constitute the remaining 1%.

The American Somalis now display the highest unemployment and poverty rates in the country. They also remain the least educated. According to Andrew Liepman, the deputy director of intelligence at the National Counterterrorism Center, Somali-Americans face “greater insularity compared to other, more integrated Muslim immigrant communities, [which] has aggravated the challenge of assimilation for their children.”

This problem is crystallized by the present situation is Lewiston, Maine, where African Muslims, many from the Bantu tribe, began arriving in 2001 at the rate of 100 a month.

Mohammed Maye, the president of the African Community and Refugee Center in Clarkston, Georgia posted a map of Lewiston on the wall of his office. “Go to Maine,” he advised the Somali immigrants. Abdullahi Abdullahi, the president of the Somali Community Development Organization in Clarkston, upheld this advice by telling his fellow countrymen that, unlike Georgia, Maine has terribly cold winters, but “the welfare system is better.”

Lewiston, indeed, was better. The small town in Maine with a population of 30,000 provided welfare to anyone in need, with the state picking up half the tab. Recipients, including the Muslim refugees, were allowed a generous five years of assistance before their benefits became terminated, and extensions for several additional years on the public dole were not difficult to obtain. Single parents could stay on welfare and go to college.

Public housing was also available, although, with the influx of Somalis, the housing projects became packed to capacity. Many of the new project dwellers were single Somali mothers with large broods of children.

Those who are unable to obtain public housing were handed Section 8 vouchers, which the federal government provided to subsidize their rent in private apartments. The northern city with its frigid climate became welfare heaven for the arrivals from the vast desert areas of northern Africa.

The newcomers have shown scant interest in securing employment. When Renee Bernier, the president of the Lewiston city council, offered to hire 30 Somalis at the rate of $8 to $10 an hour to hold warning signs at construction sites, few displayed interest. The handful, who did apply, said that they were only willing to work between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The Somali population of Lewiston now exceeds 40,000.

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
From Somalia With Love
by John Hayward
Posted 12/27/2010 ET
Updated 12/27/2010 ET

Much of Somalia is under the control of an Islamic militia called al-Shabab, whose hobbies include piracy and supporting al-Qaeda. Their Christmas gift to America was a blood-curdling speech on Somali radio, in which a spokesman said, “We tell the American President Barack Obama to embrace Islam before we come to this country.”

Somali terrorists are already here. The Justice Department has indicted 14 people in three different states for funneling thousands of dollars to al-Shabab. The FBI has been investigating the sudden disappearance of young Somali-Americans over the past couple of years, working on a theory they were recruited into al-Shabab by operatives in Minnesota.

In February, the FBI busted a Virginia associate of al-Shabab who is thought to have smuggled hundreds of Somalis across our porous southern border. The would-be Oregon Christmas Tree Bomber, 19-year-old Mohamed Osman Mohamud, is of Somali birth. According to the Associated Press, at least three al-Shabab suicide bombers deployed in Somalia proved to be American recruits. Meanwhile, Somali terrorism has made itself felt in Europe as well as the United States, as highlighted by last week’s arrest of a dozen terror suspects of in the Netherlands.

Estimates of the Somali population in the United States vary widely, ranging from 70,000 to 200,000 according to a March 2009 report by Deputy Director of Intelligence Andrew Liepman. As a group, they are noted for their insularity, high unemployment, and poverty – a combination of elements which produces fertile ground for al-Shabab recruitment, and good cover for radical elements, who thrive in isolated communities filled with desperately unhappy people who don’t like talking to the authorities. As Liepman says in his report, radicalization is the result of “a number of factors” which “come together occasionally when dynamic, influential leaders gain access to despondent, disenfranchised young men.”

Rival terrorist group Hizbul Islam was recently absorbed by al-Shabab, strengthening their position and removing their primary domestic rival. The radio broadcast calling President Obama to Islam originated from a meeting between leaders of the two organizations. They also announced their united determination to overthrow the U.N.-backed government and wipe out the African Union peacekeepers supporting it.

The Associated Press notes that “Analysts fear that Al Qaeda-linked insurgents are also gaining ground across the Gulf of Aden in the unstable nation of Yemen. If Yemen fell, that would mean failed states on either side of the shipping route leading into the strategically vital Suez Canal, the route taken by a substantial portion of the world's oil shipments.” The possibility of Western forces intervening to forestall such an unhappy strategic climate may be leading al-Shabab to flex its muscles around the world. Hopefully patriotic and law-abiding leaders of the Somali-American community will take the threat as seriously as the FBI and Justice Department.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

These articles are eye-openers. In my area none of this is happening. I live and learn. This is a recipe for trouble. In fact it is horrifying.

Estimates of the Somali population in the United States vary widely, ranging from 70,000 to 200,000 according to a March 2009 report by Deputy Director of Intelligence Andrew Liepman. As a group, they are noted for their insularity, high unemployment, and poverty – a combination of elements which produces fertile ground for al-Shabab recruitment, and good cover for radical elements, who thrive in isolated communities filled with desperately unhappy people who don’t like talking to the authorities. As Liepman says in his report, radicalization is the result of “a number of factors” which “come together occasionally when dynamic, influential leaders gain access to despondent, disenfranchised young men.”

And they were given expedited status to immigrate here. Hmmmmmmmmm
Nov 14, 2010
Somali Muslims in Lewiston, Maine, and elsewhere in USA

Ummm...yeah. Just to put this in proper context -- Bare Naked Islam is a blog, not a reliable, objective news source. Not only is BNI a blog, but it is a somewhat racist, right-wing extremist blog (by its own admission).

Personally I don't think I'd be quoting anything from them here if I wanted the subject in question to be taken seriously... but that's just me.

As for the Somali Bantu immigrant population in Lewiston, Maine and elsewhere in the US -- wow, there are just so many outright alarmist lies in that blog post I almost don't know where to begin.

Take this for example:
Newly arrived Somali immigrants flock to small towns and cities such as Lewiston, Maine; Shelbyville, Tennessee, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Clarkston, Georgia, and Jamestown, North Dakota, where they head straight for the local welfare office.

The last line of the post is the most ridiculous --
The Somali population of Lewiston now exceeds 40,000.

LOL! Oh honey please... do a little research before posting such things! It makes us look bad to repeat such nonsensical lies!

The correct data is that the TOTAL POPULATION OF ALL PEOPLE in Lewiston, ME, is actually closer to 35,000 now. The Somali Bantu population is FAR smaller than that.

But don't take my word for it -- read the data from the US Census Bureau.

Look -- I'm no big fan of Islam, but I'm even less of a fan of spreading hateful rumors and racist lies that get people all worked up over nothing. These people were allowed to resettle in the US because they were *refugees*, okay? Not because they plotted and planned to spread Islam by coming here. They were invited to come out of compassion, because they were persecuted and suffering. My state has provided resettlement services for many of these people as well. They are hard-working, they want to be good neighbors, and they do not push their beliefs on others.

I recommend you take a look at this trailer from this documentary about the experience these poor souls have had preparing to assimilate into their new homeland.

The entire documentary can be viewed online here:

Facts and Data are our friends.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Now I have done some research and the story from an international perspective is even more threatening. The named group Al Shabab has been mounting terrorist incursions into vulnerable and unstable governments in the region. So this is looking to escalate to something of international proportions. There are some very worrying elements in this article. Well beyond the United States immediate concerns.

Somali Insurgents: Obama Must Convert to Islam or Attacks on U.S. Will Come

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ents-threaten-attack-627018837/#ixzz19QoCWveO

MOGADISHU, Somalia -- A leader of Somalia's Islamist insurgency threatened to attack America during a speech broadcast Monday.

"We tell the American President Barack Obama to embrace Islam before we come to his country," said Fuad Mohamed "Shongole" Qalaf.

Al-Shabab has not yet launched an attack outside Africa but Western intelligence has long been worried because the group targeted young Somali-Americans for recruitment. About 20 have traveled to Somalia for training and at least three were used as suicide bombers inside Somalia.

Al-Shabab holds most of southern and central Somalia and has the support of hundreds of foreign fighters, mostly radicalized East Africans.

It seeks to overthrow the weak U.N.-backed government, which is protected by 8,000 Ugandan and Burundian African Union peacekeepers.

The al-Shabab militia launched coordinated attacks in Uganda in July that killed 76 people. It has also announced its allegiance to Al Qaeda and is believed to be harboring a mastermind of the twin 2008 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people.

The radio message was recorded in the town of Afgoye, near the Somali capital, during a meeting of Shongole and Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, formerly the leader of insurgent group Hizbul Islam. The two insurgent groups had clashed several times previously but announced a merger last week. Aweys said his group will fight under al-Shabab's command.

"We have united for the sake of our ideology and we are going to redouble our efforts to remove the government and the African Union from the country," said Aweys on Monday.

In an unrelated development, the Somali information minister said the new Cabinet had approved the use of a private security contractor to train forces in the capital of Mogadishu and the program would start "soon".

Saracen International would train forces for VIP protection, said Abdulkareem Jama. He said he did not know exactly when training would start, what the men's duties would include or how many men would be trained but he said the program included the renovation of a hospital and government buildings.

Somali officials are frequently killed by insurgents, both in single assassinations and en masse in suicide bombings and attacks. The Somali ambassador in Kenya previously said that up to 1,000 men could be trained in the capital for an anti-piracy force and 300 for a presidential guard.

Saracen is already training 1,000 men for an anti-piracy force in the semiautonomous northern region of Puntland.

The program has been criticized by U.S. officials who say it is unclear who is funding it, what its objectives are and whether it breaks a U.N. arms embargo.

Jama said the Somali cabinet had discussed those issues and were satisfied the embargo was not being broken but he did not say who was funding the program.

"There is a need for training," he said. "There was an effort to slow down the project (in Mogadishu) because of those concerns."

The arid Horn of Africa nation has not had a functioning government since a socialist dictatorship collapsed in 1991. Its position on the Horn of Africa means pirates can use its long coastline to capture shipping.

Analysts fear that Al Qaeda-linked insurgents are also gaining ground across the Gulf of Aden in the unstable nation of Yemen. If Yemen fell, that would mean failed states on either side of the shipping route leading into the strategically vital Suez Canal, the route taken by a substantial portion of the world's oil shipments.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ents-threaten-attack-627018837/#ixzz19Qo53a2A
Nov 14, 2010
My response to video:

And to the cleric in the video, with all due respect ---> :blowme:

What is it with Islam in the Middle East? To borrow from C. S. Lewis, it's like "they're so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out"... almost as if they are *determined* to live as if it's still 600 AD.

Whether they like it or not, we are now living in a technologically advanced information society with a marketplace of ideas. The good ideas will flourish and the bad ideas will wither and die.

Religions that recognize the equality of men and women (such as Sikhism) will flourish. Religions that promote the antiquated and bizarre notion that men are somehow superior to women (such as fundamentalist interpretations of Islam or Christianity) will die. Fewer and fewer people (especially fewer and fewer WOMEN) will WANT to associate themselves with religions that persecute them and relegate them to being second-class citizens (if not slaves and property of men).

These Imams and Mullahs can rant and rave and stomp and spit and threaten all they want, but that is just...reality.

If they want Islam to flourish, they'd better drag it -- kicking and screaming if need be -- out of the 7th Century and into the 21st or it's going to dig its own grave with this sexist, control freak, angry, bitter, vengeful bullsh*t...

Why any person who isn't suffering from some sort of severe mental illness would want to associate themselves with a hate-filled, fear-based fundamentalist religion is just... beyond my comprehension.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
By that I mean Islamic religious leaders, though really it will likely happen from the bottom up, assuming it happens at all...

Thanks. In the case of this thread we are looking at terrorist extremists in Somalia. Most of the time in recent months we have been looking at threats from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Before that it was Iraq versus the US. I have been alive long enough to remember that this conversation is of much greater duration in the modern world. In fact I remember the overthrow of regimes and Iran and Indonesia, Egypt (the secular pan-Arabism of Nasser), and the crafting of a very provisional truce between establishment in Jordan and the Palestinians who live there. Or the continual political haggling in Saudi Arabia between the Saud family that rules, and the imams who keep them in power. Include in the mix other developments in Yemen, Angola, Somalia, Nigeria. This is an old story, but the names and places have changed once gain.

I found this article and have uploaded it. It is from a very reputable journal, American Anthropologist, not an arch right-wing news venue. Here are some provocative things to consider in excerpted version.

... the clash is inside—and not between—civilizations,
... This is how it goes: Islam and Christianity have in common a
deeply messianic orientation, a sense of mission to civilize
the world, Each is convinced that it possesses the sole
truth, that the world beyond is a sea of ignorance that
needs to be redeemed.

In the modern age, this kind of
conviction goes beyond the religious to the secular, beyond
the domain of doctrine to that of politics, Yet even
seemingly secular colonial notions such as that of a civilizing
mission"—or its more racialized version, "the white
man's burden"—or the 19th-century U,S, conviction of a
"manifest destiny" have deep religious roots. ..

Like any living tradition, neither Islam nor Christianity
is monolithic. Both harbor and indeed are propelled by
diverse and contradictory tendencies, In both, righteous
notions have been the focus of prolonged debates, Even if
you should claim to know what is good for humanity,
how do you proceed? By persuasion or force? Do you convince
others of the validity of your truth or do you proceed
by imposing it on them? Is religion a matter of conviction
or legislation? The first alternative gives you reason
and evangelism; the second gives you the Crusades and
jihad. Take the example of Islam, and the notion of jihad,
which roughly translated means "struggle.' Scholars distinguish
between two broad traditions of jihad: jihad Akbar
(the greater jihad) and jihad Asgar (the lesser jihad),
The greater jihad, it is said, is a struggle against weaknesses
of self; it is about how to live and attain piety in a contaminated
world, The lesser jihad, in contrast, is about
self-preservation and self-defense; more externally directed,
it is the source of Islamic notions of what Christians
call "just war" (Noor 2001).

Scholars of Islam have been at pains since September
11 to explain to a non-Muslim reading public that Islam
has rules even for the conduct of war: for example, Talal
Asad (n.d.) points out that the Hanbali School of law practiced
by followers of Wahhabi Islam in Saudi Arabia outlaws
the killing of innocents in war, Historians of Islam
have warned against a simple reading of Islamic practice
from Islamic doctrine; After all, coexistence and toleration
have been the norm, rather than the exception, in the political
history of Islam, More to the point, not only religious
creeds like Islam and Christianity, but also secular
doctrines like liberalism and Marxism have had to face an
ongoing contradiction between the impulse to universalism
and respective traditions of tolerance and peaceful coexistence,
The universalizing impulse gives the United
States a fundamentalist orientation in doctrine, just as the
tradition of tolerance makes for pluralism in practice and
in doctrine.

Doctrinal tendencies aside, I remain deeply skeptical
of the claim that we can read people's political behavior
from their religion, or from their culture, Could it be true
that an orthodox Muslim is a potential terrorist? Or, the
same thing, that an Orthodox Jew or Christian is a potential
terrorist and only a Reform Jew or a Christian convert
to Darwinian evolutionary theory is capable of being tolerant
of those who do not share his or her convictions?
I am aware that this does not exhaust the question of
culture and politics, How do you make sense of a politics
that consciously wears the mantle of religion? Take, for
example the politics of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda;
both claim to be waging a jihad, a just war against the enemies
of Islam, To try to understand this uneasy relationship
between politics and religion, 1 find it necessary not
only to shift focus from doctrinal to historical Islam, from
doctrine and culture to history and politics, but also to
broaden the focus beyond Islam to include larger historical
encounters, of which bin Laden and al-Qaeda have
been one outcome...

The problem that leads to Al Shabab's message is not easy to describe, understand or solve. The author, Mandani, is stating that we are looking at something that is greater than nation, politics or religion. Perhaps something that engulfs more than Islam, more than Christianity, more than both combined. Absolutist rhetoric coming from atheism and secularism has not managed to rescue the world either, but may have made a solution that much farther off. This is not an easy problem to decipher. As long as our understanding is local or national, the big picture and all the contradictory realities that go with that, are not going to be obvious to any one of us alone. When we hold a mirror to our own brand of redemption, what do we see? Our brother or our enemy? Ourselves? Or do we see one and the same?


  • Mamdani_article.pdf
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Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
So now Somalians are the fear of the month, for all subscribers to the "Fear of the Month" Club. Am I the only one who feels manipulated by all these fears?

We are told who or what to be afraid of and most of us dutifully follow. It has been like this all my life. It used to be the Russians, then the Chinese. Not all prescribed fears are related to countries. Some are related to health. There was swine flu - twice that I remember - bird flu, hypoglycemia, and, of course, all varieties of cancer. Breathing air, drinking water. Eating meat. Not eating meat. I have even been told repeatedly that I must quickly convert to Christianity because Jesus is coming back, and, boy is he pis sed! It never ends!

It has escalated since 911. Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-Il. The Muslims. And now the Somalians. It is ridiculous!

I do not deny that some - or maybe all - these dangers are real. I am saying two things:

  1. Fear is unnecessary
  2. We are being manipulated by fear.
Dangerous situations can and should be handled rationally, with attention paid to facts. Fear clouds the thinking and distorts reasoning. Fearful people are sheep, easily controlled. It is better to put aside the fear and proceed in a logical manner - especially if the object of the fear is itself irrational, as are some of these Muslim clerics.

Point two raises the question, "Who is manipulating us?" Some suggestions I have heard: the Freemasons, the Council of Foreign Affairs, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, the Devil. Honestly, I do not think it matters. What matters is that we quit reacting emotionally. out of fear, that we quit allowing ourselves to be manipulated.

Most people reading this, I assume will be Sikhs. Singhs and Kaurs, did our Gurus teach us to be sheep bleating piteously on our way to slaughter or did they teach us to be lions and lionesses taking control of the situation and doing the necessary.? Can we reasonably discuss what is going on and possibly come to some agreement of action to be taken. Calmly. Rationally. Without fear.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Dangerous situations can and should be handled rationally, with attention paid to facts. Fear clouds the thinking and distorts reasoning. Fearful people are sheep, easily controlled. It is better to put aside the fear and proceed in a logical manner - especially if the object of the fear is itself irrational, as are some of these Muslim clerics.



Apr 3, 2005
Religions that recognize the equality of men and women (such as Sikhism) will flourish. Religions that promote the antiquated and bizarre notion that men are somehow superior to women (such as fundamentalist interpretations of Islam or Christianity) will die. Fewer and fewer people (especially fewer and fewer WOMEN) will WANT to associate themselves with religions that persecute them and relegate them to being second-class citizens (if not slaves and property of men).

These Imams and Mullahs can rant and rave and stomp and spit and threaten all they want, but that is just...reality.

Siri kamala ji

I wish what You are saying could have been true,but actually it is the other way round
The religions Like sikhism are at much more threat to extinction than islam.Many Sikh women marry non sikh men and turn their back on sikhism and convert to their husband's religion On the other hand
Islam Growing quite fast because of their Birth rate.Truck load of Non muslim women marry and convert to islam .If you have knowledge of Indian Film industry then you could have known that How so many muslims their marry non muslim Girls and convert them to islam.So many of Khans of Bollywood have Hindu Mothers.

The following one is interesting topic to read for you

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