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Islam Ode To Aurangzeb


Dec 13, 2005
Ode to Aurangzeb :}8-:

Tamaasha karai Maseed jaakeh oochi maarai azaan
In an act of show you go to the mosque and perform the call for prayer

Paapiya Tera koi Ibadat raab noo nay pehchaan
Oh sinful one your act of worship is not recognised by god

Taras naa aiya tenoo sahibzadiya noo keeta halal
Unmercileslsly you killed the sabizadas as if they were a sacrifice

Mussalmaan aap kahondaii paar dajjal hai dajjaal
You call your self a muslim but your are the anti-christ

Choote kasam kadhe inna piaraa tera Koraan
You swore false oaths on your beloved Koran

Sunnah hun maangda aurangzeb da kurbaan
Now Islamic law requires for your death

Khalsa sadaa rukhoo sukhi eh saree sansaar
The khalsa will bring peace to this whole world

Nishani naa rehnee teree kadnaa twaanoo baar
No sign of you will remain we will remove every last one of you

Teraa shataan rooh da nay milnaa koi tikana
A satanic soul like you will find no peace

Narak nay Kabul karde, soor da janam pawnaa
The hells won’t accept you, you will be born as a pig

By Inderjit Singh Dhillon:}--}:
Sep 11, 2005
Wow , what a well written Poem.

But , Aurangzeb is no more today , so what's the use writing it.

But , today there are many more Auranzebs ,like Osama bin laden , Dawood Ibrahim , and many more .

Why not Act Now , catch them by their ears and put them behind the bars.

Other wise after 100 years , then again a person will write ...

Ode to Osamabin Laden.


Unmercileslsly you killed the ........... as if He was sacrifice ..



Dec 13, 2005
Satsriakal Devinesanitive Ji :)

I think what your saying is essentially true that their are many aurangzebs today and I acknowledge this, when I was writing this I thought of our own history and todays present and feel that perhaps if I share my poem of days gone by, then people will see the cycles of historical abuse and that if certain religions do not change, then they will continue to repeat history because reality moves in one direction and will not be changed by anyone.

Have a nice day :wah:

Dec 8, 2005
Dear Brother


I have written a thread under
President BUSH for Golden Temple

Sikhs To Give Helping Hand To Muslims

trying to convey the same feeling.

It is needed to mellow them down.

We are in part reason refugees over the world because of there cruelty to evict us out from our home in 1947.

Thanks to Christianity we have our faith still intact on this planet.

We must repay them at all costs as a dear friend would do when ever they need it .



Dec 13, 2005
hps62 Ji:)

I do not agree that we need to be thanking christianity that we have our faith intact, I believe we have to thank our guru only, american cannot be equated with christian, same way progress cannot be equated with american. This is all the will of vaheguru so lets thank vaheguru only.:)


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
ISDhillon said:
hps62 Ji:)

I do not agree that we need to be thanking christianity that we have our faith intact, I believe we have to thank our guru only, american cannot be equated with christian, same way progress cannot be equated with american. This is all the will of vaheguru so lets thank vaheguru only.:)


Dear all,

USA is a truly SECULAR NATION...read its Constitution if in doubt. The GOVT never lets its guard down and never lets "religion" enter the classroom, the Courts, the Legislatures,Congress, Senate..etc.

It is Osam propoganda that it is a Muslim-Christian WAR..its NOT. Its a war of TERROR against DEMOCRACY and Peace. Sikhs stand for DEMOCRACY and PEACE and ALL religions.

Jarnail Singh
Dec 8, 2005
dear Indy


Yes you are right.
We need to thank our Gurus only.
They gave us qualities by which we are sucessful world wide.

I retrace my comments


hps62:) :D :star: :wah:
Sep 11, 2005
Dear Friends

Think from the heart , and then reply Honestly , that do you really believe that due to one and only thing anyone can be successfull .

If it is only the religion responsible for one's success then why the same people as long as there in India they pull each others legs when they go abroad they learn good things.

If religion is only doing the things then why didn't they learn good things while remaining in India only.

As long as the person is in India he/she believes in take first give later , but after going abroad learns the just opposite .

As long as the person is in India , he/she feels ashamed in doing the job which makes his/her status low , but in abroad they do the same thing but feel proud.

As long as they are in India , they are insincere , but after going abroad they learn to be sincere .

There are many things to say but every time people misinterpret it .


Dec 13, 2005
Dear DS ji:)

I hear what you are saying but must tell you that I was born in this country and my family and many others brought over their "BAD LEARNINGS" the only reason why we have shruggged them off is because we have fought really hard with our culture and society, people who come from india to uk will often say how backwards we all are and this is because India had a smooth progression. But you are right that education can change people, but ulimately employment is also important because too much freetime leads to radicalism in religions. I hate to keep bringing this subject up but in canada sikhs are making same-sex marriages an issue in the up and coming election there argument is that the foundations of society will breakdown but this has never been explained I dont think they know what that statement means either, its just an obscure concept used when people cant explain the reason why something exists which is repugnant to them. So there is not always good learning from people abroad, these people want to destroy everything that people abroad have been fighting to uphold which is equality for all so I would say to you that you too can have good in india but you have to fight for it because we did too.:wah:

Inderjit Singh Dhillon:rofl:
Sep 11, 2005
Oh Dear Friend

I knew it what you have written it , But that's not the thing which wanted to point out .

Its the thing that Many People shout aloud that AKAL is doing all the things .

Does Akal or GOd has a direct connection with each and even Human being , if it is so then why don't we have prophets or gurus come out of the remote dense forests .

Here what DS wants to convey is the when we Interect with diverse cultures and different religions , societies we share good as well as bad things .

Now don't get offended , However evil the christians may be , but you and others must agree that there Akal or God has done no direct miracle .

But the miracle have been done by human beings only with the gifts of God or AkaL .

However the christians are evil as per other people , but I don't consider them evil and neither the Muslims .

But don't you think that Christians have some good things which you and all the sikhs have absorbed and assimilited .

There are some things in life which influence people Indirectly .

Don't you think that if British wouldn't have invaded India , where would India have been .


Dec 13, 2005
Devine Sanitive Ji,:D

Which christianity has influenced the sikhs?, modern age is not christianity, however modern age too has influenced chriatianity, christianity is consumerist in nature as it has been repackaged throughout the centuries to keep up with change, I would say that reality changes and yes we learn the change when there is a clash of realities.

Dec 8, 2005
Dear Indyji


I can answer why is same sex mariage bad for society :-

Imagine a society where every body had same sex marriage.
This would lead to no children being born as god/:wah: required that man and woman co- inhabit to have a child .

So when the currant generation grew old there would be no generation left to inherit the land .

It would then become a lonely place on this planet.


hps62:) :wink: :star: :}{}{}:


Dec 13, 2005
Satsriakal HPS62 jI:)

"Imagine a society where every body had same sex marriage.
This would lead to no children being born as god/:wah: required that man and woman co- inhabit to have a child .

So when the currant generation grew old there would be no generation left to inherit the land . "

This is akin to a muslim telling all the islamic world that sikhism is bad because it prevents us from creating a khilafat to further dar-ul-islam, so therefore we should not allow for sikhism because it will become dar-ul-haram.

You cannot deny the sovereignity of man to be who they are, if your child is a homosexual and you really need someone to indherit the land then foster or adopt an orphan their are plenty of irresponsible heterosexuals who sleep with one another then dump their kids in hospices.

I am sorry but the arguments used here are only reflective of a culture where inheritance exists, I actually feel sorry for homosexuals who are born in such an environment.

I also have contacted the SGPC on this issue I wonder if they will get back to me I doubt it.

Dec 8, 2005
Dear Indy ji


You seem to always stump me.

Granted you are right.

I am in full favour of an individual right if he is a homo sexual then so be it.

there always be heterosexuals to inherit the land.

I do cherish individual right.

:confused: Does it mean we have no responsibility toward society whose fruit we enjoy in so many different ways?




Dec 13, 2005
Satsriakal HPS62 Ji,:wah:

Sorry for stumping you dont mean to.

":confused: Does it mean we have no responsibility toward society whose fruit we enjoy in so many different ways? "

I have wrote about this before: In India there used to be a religion which existed prior to Sikhism, in this religion there was a core concept of societal moral law, this law seeked to make man responsible for the immoral acts they committed and justice was therefore seen as assuring salvation for the immoral individual so they would not have to face the wrath of god, society also had to purge its lands of immorality in order to not incur the wrath of god. In Sikhism this concept is incompatible, when the purpose of man is to achieve salvation when alive a man or a women has to live a life in balance so they can focus upon that ideal, morality is therefore an individual effort it is not a societal responsibility, there is no wrath from god there is just rebirth for all and that includes the one with the most highest moral values as well as the greatest sinner on earth. However after sometime the concept of man being a measure of his/her own morality slowly faded and the idea of moral law became an unseen cultural endeavour and there was a notion of guilt and shame that was born through such a culture. Today it is not as bad instead another religion which existed the time of Sikhism had a hierarchical structure in society and the whole of society was assimilated into its own pigeonholes and given definition by those higher up in the rungs this lead to the birth of division in Sikh society and formation of differing groups rather than sovereign individual members in the religion.

I hope that helps,


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
devinesanative said:
Dear Friends

Think from the heart , and then reply Honestly , that do you really believe that due to one and only thing anyone can be successfull .

If it is only the religion responsible for one's success then why the same people as long as there in India they pull each others legs when they go abroad they learn good things.

If religion is only doing the things then why didn't they learn good things while remaining in India only.

As long as the person is in India he/she believes in take first give later , but after going abroad learns the just opposite .

As long as the person is in India , he/she feels ashamed in doing the job which makes his/her status low , but in abroad they do the same thing but feel proud.

As long as they are in India , they are insincere , but after going abroad they learn to be sincere .

There are many things to say but every time people misinterpret it .

Dera Devinesnative Jio,

Are you SURE ?? are the foreign "Indians" that good, sincere etc etc
A "bad apple" is equally bad..no matter where it is..and a good one remains good no matter where you keep it....and one bad apple will spoil the entire gooni full - whether the gooni is in punjab or in Canada.

You seem to be pretty disillusioend about the "punjabis" that have managed to go abroad ( while you havent got the chance ? maybe - i am just guessing - so dont take offense). I was in PUNJAB not long ago....and i heard these gripes from those that are there ( in their heart they would love to go abroad...and from the looks of it they would sell their grandmothers to do it..but as long as they "dont get the chance"..they GRIN and claim they are Happy in Punjab..blah blah blah Falanney ne apni kurree bech tee kanada jaan laieey..falanney ne aapni jameen bech tee amreka jaan wasteh..but what they dont say is..MEIN beeeh sabh kuchh karan nu tyaar haan..par kee karaan koi travel agent hee nahin mildah..koi vaseela nahin bandaa !! so it is really sour grapes !!) I "KNOW' fro sure becasue the moment i said somethign to the tune of.."Malaysia needs Punjabi workers...all the above immediately changed their tunes..and began to ask HOW can I GET OUT ??

I dont blame any of these..it is every human's right to IMPROVE HIMSELF..economically socially etc etc and he can do it anywhere he likes..be it in Punjab, malaysia, america canada germany turkey...but be truthful about it..dont hide behind untruthfulness..

Bhul Chuk maaf

Jarnail Singh Gyani
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