James UK ji, whilst I did not have the opportunity to read your original posts, it is fair to summarise the fact that you believe Salvation is only possible through Jesus Christ.
I will have to slightly disagree with you there.
According to the logic that has been displayed, Gandhi or Bhai Puran Singh would not be sent to 'heaven' as they have not accepted Jesus Christ.
Mother Theresa, on the other hand would be applauded by the Sikhs even though she may have never professed to be one.
It does beg the question, where would a Christian who has not even done 1/10th of what Gandhi and Bhai Puran Singh had done gone, even though he accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour?
My Understanding of Christianity is rather general, but I believe that you are mistaken from a philosophical perspective.
Maybe we can start another thread which compares and contrasts the teachings of the Bible and Guru Granth Sahib, Jesus Christ and The Gurus as suggested by the Moderators. And I mean that with no animosity.
As Christianity is a Missionary Religion, I am of the belief that passages from the Bible have been twisted by the missionaries (which were twisted by the previous one and so on) to suit thier needs at the time to achive their goal, as no complete scripture is present. This was done to get people to convert, which only hardens the missionaries ego and ironically takes them and the people who have been converted further from God.
The Bible is an old scripture with, and as far as I am aware, only a few original surviving pages around.
Translations are also used, not the original Language. This is where the problems start. The deeper underlying meanings that were embedded within the original are forever lost so the complete understanding will never be achieved as one is going on the interpretation provided by a man
It has been fragmented into (thousands?) of denominations by the Priests to convert the masses, so no one really knows who is truly correct. Though they may have a general understanding, more then this is required to obtain enlightenment.
Simply from the above, I would say that the bible is not a complete scripture, as the complete scripture is nowhere to be found, no control of authorship was done about what went into it, and today Christians work off translations.
As a result, one would not be able to eradicate ones ego as one would be striving for enlightenment on Chinese whispers.
Maybe Jesus Christ spoke of the same truth that The Gurus Spoke of, but, unfortunately for Jesus Christ, his teachings were not encapsulated and recorded in the same way as the Guru Granth Sahib.
With respect to the original question, i now feel that i should not simply compare scriptures side by side as i have, rather niavely, put them on parr with a completly authenticated set of scriptures when we never really knew what the other prophet or Guru was teaching.
Rather i should see the direction in which the scriptures are pointing and then look into the their respective Prophet/Guru.
My best regards,