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Oral Sex With Partner

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: O S with partner

Definitely aad jio...
there is enough place for only ONE - we either give to the 5 or to GURU JI...our choice.
Its also true that the 5 are Mahabali Jodeh...powerful....BUT Guru Jis Grace cna defeat them/control them.
Gyani JS


Apr 24, 2006
Re: O S with partner

sIts ALL "HIM/HIS HUKM". Once we understand that..we begin to "eat to live..and not Live to eat.... we "sleep" to rest..and not rest to sleep...whatever takes us nearer to the Guru...
"Live to eat" is also His Hukam
"Rest to sleep" is also His Hukam
keeping us away from the Guru is also his Hukam

Saying something is his Hukam doesn't solve anything because in fact, EVERYTHING is his hukam.

Love your wife with all the Love and Heart and Mind...and you will be nearer to Guru JI...as well. Thats a good bargain..Sacha Sauda.
So he shouldn't have OS with his wife? or should he?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: O S with partner


In my humble opinion, I do not think Gyani ji is suggesting that Waheguru has an anything goes attitude toward the world and life -- so therefore yes is His hukam and therefore no is His hukam. What Gyani ji may be saying is this. When we fill our hearts and souls with God (can't say it any simpler than this) :idea: then his hukam for any one of us will become clear.

I say this because the topic is not a simple one. It is actually very complicated. One partner may not want oral sex (let's not shy away from the real words) and the other might. One may feel it is unholy and the other may feel that it is a natural thing. Should the one who is unwilling submit because it is His Hukam for the partner who desires this.

In some (not all) Buddhist traditions women accept any kind of treatment from husbands that comes their way, because mistreatment is also the will of God. They are taught to abase themselves to their husbands because "the will of God." Sikhism does not walk down this path. We have to think a little deeper about what that means -- the will of God. It does not however mean becoming passive and fatalistic.

Gyani ji, are you not saying -- Look into your own hearts and share what is there with your partner? One soul in two bodies. :) It takes a little work.


Apr 24, 2006
Re: O S with partner

So if they both agree and are ready for it without any pressure, does that mean it's party time?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: O S with partner

dear aad jio..you have taken the words right out of my...keyboard....
Methinks you are getting the hang of understanding Gurbani and His hukm..real fast..congrats are in order...may Guru Ji Bless ever more.
Definitely.."anything goes..party time..etc etc." is Not..... Even if murder and rape is also "his HUKM"...following the Guru trodden path..that wouldnt be for me...He does give us a CHOICE..we can be Saadh or CHOR...the Doctor who brings life into this world or the Murderer who snuffs one out..although BOTH follow his HUKM... we have a choice too. That is where the Paap is condemned BUT not the Paapi...because the paapi can be turned around...with the help of Gurmatt.
Gyani JS


Apr 24, 2006
Re: O S with partner

Definitely.."anything goes..party time..etc etc." is Not..... Even if murder and rape is also "his HUKM"...following the Guru trodden path..that wouldnt be for me...He does give us a CHOICE..we can be Saadh or CHOR...the Doctor who brings life into this world or the Murderer who snuffs one out..although BOTH follow his HUKM... we have a choice too. That is where the Paap is condemned BUT not the Paapi...because the paapi can be turned around...with the help of Gurmatt.
Gyani JS
So is "party time" (I love that term :D) paap? Are you directly relating party time to murder/rape? Are you saying party time is for Chors and not for Sadhs?

(you say its his hukam (and I know that: hukumai under sabh ko bahar hukm na koi) but you don't answer the question! we know its Hukam so let's go beyond that!)
Re: O S with partner

dear aad jio..you have taken the words right out of my...keyboard....
Methinks you are getting the hang of understanding Gurbani and His hukm..real fast..congrats are in order...may Guru Ji Bless ever more.
Definitely.."anything goes..party time..etc etc." is Not..... Even if murder and rape is also "his HUKM"...following the Guru trodden path..that wouldnt be for me...He does give us a CHOICE..we can be Saadh or CHOR...the Doctor who brings life into this world or the Murderer who snuffs one out..although BOTH follow his HUKM... we have a choice too. That is where the Paap is condemned BUT not the Paapi...because the paapi can be turned around...with the help of Gurmatt.
Gyani JS



Mar 27, 2006
Re: O S with partner

Veer Manjeet Singh jee,

I would attempt to answer your question within the sikh perspective of what all I have experienced/understood during my life.

First of all, I am equally attracted to the various kind of pleasures in life. Some pleasures attract me with greater intensty and some with little lesser.

Now coming to your question, whether Oral sex is allowed in sikhism or not, the simple answer would be that the Guru Sahibs had left a very clear answer to this.

1> First under the purpose of human life :-
a> Why we got this life in the first place?
b> After providing the answer to the first question, they go on telling us
how to achieve the objective of this human life.
c> And the rest of gurbani explains about the problems we face while trying to
achieve the objective of our human life.
d> Then Guru Sahib gives us the principle techniques to overcome these
problems so that we donot fail in our objective.

The answer to your questions lies in the "Guru ka Bhaana Mann'na"

Bhaana = Bhaa jaanaa
Mann'na = Mann Laina

Guru nu jo Bhaavnda hai , uss gall nu mann laina, hee sikh da dharam.

We normally take the Bhaana in a negative sense, as if something wrong has happnened, and since we can't do any thing about it, so we should agree to it positively by the act of Bhaana Mann'na.

This is a wrong thought because neither the God nor the Guru do anything wrong, so the bhaana mann'na is obeying the Guru's liking( hukam in other words)

Your dilemma originates from the fact that some state of mind draws you near the feeling that temptation of oral sex and hence the mind deviates. The situation becomes worse when this activity is wrapped in the package of ultimate pleasures.

This is done by those who are man-mukh i.e self-oriented where as the Gurmukhs (the Guru-oriented one's) would simply say that you may get the momentary pleasure from this but you will not achieve the eternal bliss through this.

Since we have never experienced this eternal bliss earlier its difficult for us to buy their argument and the physical pleasure are the one's which we have relished earlier.
So the Gurmukh argument does-not enter our brain easily.

This is the only reason our Guru Sahibaan have suggested that we should try to find the sadh-sangat and join them. Only the company of the Guru-oriented would drive our thoughts in the right direction.

For a short answer, Gurbani has a message of Sanjam and Santokh and these are limits of do's and don'ts.

The pupose of sex is very clear, its reproduction, and since nobody would done it as responsibility, God attached pleasure to its very nature so that two individuals could be attracted to it.

The effort of human being is understanding this reality and get away with illusionary pleasure.

Lucy Ahmed

Apr 28, 2008
dear manjeet singh,

First of all you should question:

"Is it YOUR TRUE PARTNER or not?"

If "Yes", second:

"What you do in your private room (have it lock) is your own business as long as you do not hurt your partner."

I think it's more SIN to hurt your partner or anyone else.

p/s it's my personal view.



Mar 27, 2006
dear lucky ahmad jee,

Had it been a limited to private business, you suggestion would have been more than welcome.

However, the person is question has sought the answer to his moral dilemma in the light of Gurmat, so be the answer.

Whether things are done in dark or light, being a human, an internal call to morality always confronts every human being. Whether we choose to ignore the same or face it is upto our individual self.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The subject is controversial. The discussion so far has not sunk to rudeness and insults. So there is no need for it to sink to that level. No matter how we feel about oral sex, it is possible to discuss the topic within the bounds of respect for other human beings, including sexual partners, and respect for other forum members' sensibilities, and respect for the Gurmat understanding of human sexuality. A post has been deleted for lacking those qualities.Warning to anyone else who is unable to be mature in their participaton.


Oct 28, 2009
I am really dissappointed to learn that my post has been deleted. I thought this was a forum for mature adults and I can assure you that I am a mature adult.The fact that I have been straight to the point does not mean that I was rude or that I lowered the tone of the discussion. I have deleted another comment that is overly personal and possibly insulting to the person to whom it was directed. The same idea could have been stated without naming a specific forum member. So sorry, but these are the judgment calls that moderation has to make now and then. Narayanjot Kaur It is all in his mind and thats why as he says the idea has been attracted to him for such a long time.
I still say the best way forward for him is to try out for himself first and then at least he will have some idea what his partner will be expecting.!!!! Here in the west where i have lived for over forty years, the idea of oral sex is nothing new or strange amongst our punjabi people, infact I personally know so many couples who enjoy it.!!!
As far as sihki goes, I personally think, If you enjoy doing something,without hurting anyone, than in my book its ok. As far as morality is concerned, its upto the individual concerned. We in Sikhism do not marry our cousins, but the muslims do not bat an eye lid. So to each, his own.
So at the end of the day What appeared rude to Narayanjot Kaur was a normal response to an abnormal question from me.
Thank you.
By the way I am a Gursikh too.


Jun 1, 2004
I thought this was a forum for mature adults
Dear Jegi,

It is indeed a forum for matured adults but not a forum for explicit mature adult content... I am even surprised that Narayanjot ji did not issue you a stern warning for your immature approach to the topic in hand... maybe being a new member she might have taken a lenient view...

...but then in your second message you have stated the same thing with much more clarity and maturity. :)

Welcome to SPN!! :welcome:

Aman Singh
Oct 16, 2009
humans no doubt have the best capability of transforming things of necessity into things and acts of pleasure,enjoyment and luxury.
there are some good examples of this sex and alcohol are the better one alcohol was used in the ancient times by doctors while operating on their patients they use to give their patients some alcohol so that he may not feel that pain which may be caused later it was developed as a war artifact since the soldiers under its effect fought bravely without any other thought and without the fear of death soon it was found on the tables of noble men as an intoxicant to enjoy physically present on earth but mentally on the seventh heaven.
sex similarly was a mean of progeny in simple words in order to continue the human race but soon it was seen as a pleasure giving substance and was modified in our society and soon people could see prostitution in the humans
the third thing which i am myself prey to is the vehicles we made, in old times they were used to transport people from one place to another but soon people like me started to enjoy their ride be it a car or a motorcycle people enjoy long drives myself included.
sex is for progeny else it is nothing more than Kama vasana ,lust which our guru held as a human disease and which we must cure in order to be able to call ourself a sikh.............


May 24, 2008
Manjeet Singh Ji,

Sex is between two people. It has nothing to do with others. Looks to me you want the approval from some one higher in the Sikhs so you can feel what you want to do is right or wrong.
If you and your partner happy in what you do then it is no one’s business. What ever you do is ok unless you are forcing or hurting other. Both parties have the right to enjoy what they feel is right.
Some people think sex is to make baby only not to be enjoyed. Those people will tell you it is wrong to enjoy sex. To make baby one only have to do it one time till one want to make another baby. For that test tube baby may be best and don’t get married.
Get in touch with your self. When you will know your self then you wont have to ask others for the approval.
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