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Other Religions On Sikhi: WHO CARES

May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
We do not really have any leaders here. There is als very little interation between gurdwaras whose committees are concerned with internal affairs.

Only quite recently has the SAS Sikh Awareness society set up to warn Sikhs of the dangers facing them. Sikh Help Line - www.sikhhelpline.com

This is the kind of thing we face here;

That is something that needs to be addressed, sure is shocking!


May 7, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
At first most of the so called 'leaders' were more interested in buliding a nice Gurdwara, having langar prepared for the sangat, and living a peaceful life, ignoring what was going on outside....they were basically scared. It was the Sikh youth who stood up (most of these people were not Amritdharri,most were 'moneh'), without the support of the Gurdware. Rival gangs were set up against the Muslim youth, who would harrass Sikh girls at schools, colleges, and uni's. These gangs would face each other face on, resulting in injuries, prison etc- its not as if they had nothing better to do.

Now, thankfully, Sikhs are facing it with a more structured approach.

But aren't all Amritdharis are bunch of scary cats anyway? :rofl!!:

Makes you wonder if these so called "Singhs" should even deserve to wear a Kirpan.


Dec 8, 2006
But aren't all Amritdharis are bunch of scary cats anyway? :rofl!!:

Makes you wonder if these so called "Singhs" should even deserve to wear a Kirpan.

I can understand what you mean, but thankfully that was then!! The approach was less professional, you'd hear reports of the Sikh youth storming into town looking to confront the Muslim youth. But now, thankfully, some Gurdware have started to wake up and take action. And the authorities such as Scotland Yard are also aware.


Jan 25, 2007
This thread gets to the essence of it for us as Sikhs. When your religion relies on the high road, it is hard to face adversaries on the low road. What is sadder is that sikhs at all can be 'lured' to other faiths when ours is obviously so much more progressive and based on universal values. In some ways, I think that people who are willing to go to other faiths should do so, we are better off without them! If you call yourself a sikh, and do not know your own history, then what is the point?
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