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Our 4 Days In Maya


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ
सलोकु मः ३ ॥
Salok mėhlā 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ਸੂਹਵੀਏ ਸੂਹਾ ਸਭੁ ਸੰਸਾਰੁ ਹੈ ਜਿਨ ਦੁਰਮਤਿ ਦੂਜਾ ਭਾਉ
सूहवीए सूहा सभु संसारु है जिन दुरमति दूजा भाउ ॥
Sūhvī▫e sūhā sabẖ sansār hai jin ḏurmaṯ ḏūjā bẖā▫o.
O red-robed woman, the whole world is red, engrossed in evil-mindedness and the love of duality.

ਖਿਨ ਮਹਿ ਝੂਠੁ ਸਭੁ ਬਿਨਸਿ ਜਾਇ ਜਿਉ ਟਿਕੈ ਬਿਰਖ ਕੀ ਛਾਉ
खिन महि झूठु सभु बिनसि जाइ जिउ टिकै न बिरख की छाउ ॥
Kẖin mėh jẖūṯẖ sabẖ binas jā▫e ji▫o tikai na birakẖ kī cẖẖā▫o.
In an instant, this falsehood totally vanishes; like the shade of a tree, it is gone.

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਲਾਲੋ ਲਾਲੁ ਹੈ ਜਿਉ ਰੰਗਿ ਮਜੀਠ ਸਚੜਾਉ
गुरमुखि लालो लालु है जिउ रंगि मजीठ सचड़ाउ ॥
Gurmukẖ lālo lāl hai ji▫o rang majīṯẖ sacẖṛā▫o.
The Gurmukh is the deepest crimson of crimson, dyed in the permanent color of the Lord's Love.

ਉਲਟੀ ਸਕਤਿ ਸਿਵੈ ਘਰਿ ਆਈ ਮਨਿ ਵਸਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਨਾਉ
उलटी सकति सिवै घरि आई मनि वसिआ हरि अम्रित नाउ ॥
Ultī sakaṯ sivai gẖar ā▫ī man vasi▫ā har amriṯ nā▫o.
She turns away from Maya, and enters the celestial home of the Lord; the Ambrosial Name of the Lord dwells within her mind.

ਨਾਨਕ ਬਲਿਹਾਰੀ ਗੁਰ ਆਪਣੇ ਜਿਤੁ ਮਿਲਿਐ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਉ ॥੧॥
नानक बलिहारी गुर आपणे जितु मिलिऐ हरि गुण गाउ ॥१॥
Nānak balihārī gur āpṇe jiṯ mili▫ai har guṇ gā▫o. ||1||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to my Guru; meeting Him, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||
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Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
aaad002 & pk70
Thank You for the responses on page 1 of this thread, I had not read all of them until today. I was not offended, pk70, though thank you for caring about my feelings; it's a relief - as I actually have had a kind of 'attack' heaped upon me, and it actually has been motivated by my not being what passes for a Christian in America nowadays, so - therefore - I tend to be rather defensive.:inca:
And to you, aaad002, I Thank You for (always) being so compasionate regarding any dsicomfort or percieved offense that you detect in the content of my entries; you are a Beautiful Person!!!:yes:
I have good reason to hope that with Barack Obama at the Helm, and the 'Right-Wing Super-Racists'; who I deeply offended, in 1982, by betraying The EVIL Ku Klux Klan; no longer in the key Buereacratic positions that they've been using to cause me to experience a lot of unnecessary stress - largely by violating my rights as a Physically Disabled person (as that's been Painful!), that I will Mellow Out a LOT!!!:eek:
Hopefully, this will lead to more, more pertinent motivational moments, and more postings from myslef, that don't lead all of you to feel that you've offended me; as I'm afraid that I've been using SPN both for the Interesting Blogging that we've all enjoyed, but also as a kind of 'Toxic Emotion/Stress Dumping Ground'.
Thanks for listening with patience and caring; and know that - since we share many of the same antagonist - I may just have a viable litigatory retort to some of what those who would call you a "Towel Head", and me a would-be Anti-Christ who is out to steal their childrens Eternal Souls (and no, I'm not kidding! That's why I seem so 'touchy'), have been up to over the last eight years!!!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
"Thanks for listening with patience and caring; and know that - since we share many of the same antagonist - I may just have a viable litigatory retort to some of what those who would call you a "Towel Head", and me a would-be Anti-Christ who is out to steal their childrens Eternal Souls (and no, I'm not kidding! That's why I seem so 'touchy'), have been up to over the last eight years!!"

JimRinX ji

I think that once you can say what you said above -- out in the open and to other people, you are on your way to a mellow way of thought. It is a process. It happens because you can put that thought out into the universe and know that somewhere in the universe there are others who understand and do not judge you for acknowledging your feelings of pain and injury. Look forward to hearing from you again.
Jun 1, 2008
Respected namjap ji,
brother i was standing without any thought in my mind suddenly i saw mens who came running and started climbing a hill which was just few steps ahead of me and i thought what are they doing? suddenly a thought came can i do the same thing i went and i tried along with some other fellows i was amazed when all those who accompanied me have reached and i was still in the foot steps i tried to explain my self sainty you must have worked harder and all that stuff but when i saw those mens at the top i really felt bad so bad that all my philosophy failed to keep me calm i said enough and a very negative attitude followed this i was helpless.can you explain me why this foolish sainty was feeling bad was there a feeling of guilt,sadness of my failure or i was jealous of others success.:confused:plz help me i need an answer .
may Allah bless you


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Respected namjap ji,
brother i was standing without any thought in my mind suddenly i saw mens who came running and started climbing a hill which was just few steps ahead of me and i thought what are they doing? suddenly a thought came can i do the same thing i went and i tried along with some other fellows i was amazed when all those who accompanied me have reached and i was still in the foot steps i tried to explain my self sainty you must have worked harder and all that stuff but when i saw those mens at the top i really felt bad so bad that all my philosophy failed to keep me calm i said enough and a very negative attitude followed this i was helpless.can you explain me why this foolish sainty was feeling bad was there a feeling of guilt,sadness of my failure or i was jealous of others success.:confused:plz help me i need an answer .
may Allah bless you
Saint Soldier; I don't know if I can help you - but I can relate to the emotions that led you to write this entry, and how they drive you to seek the advice/help of others, as I was once a troubled 18 year old man, too.
Take, for example, your choice of 'Saint Soldier' as your 'tag'; I can tell that you long to behave in a truly Saintly manner - and that you wish that you could make others behave in a more saintly manner, as well; as I once believed that I had the Wisdom to judge those around me to teh degree that I felt that I should be allowed to force them in some way or another, to behave in a manner that I felt they should.
The only problem is that, like most men and women so young, while you have some kind of a thing within you that drives you to be a Better Person - you also know, deep within your Heart, that you don't really have either the right to do so, or - truly - the actual level of wisdom that would be neccesary for you to have, to make overiding that fundamental truth a just and fair thing to do; and that, along with so much else in the world that you see - especially those things which make you jealous with yearning, bothers you in a most profound and troubling manner.
It's O.K., Saint Soldier; I wasn't able to come to terms with such feelings myself until i was at least 25!!!
The answers you seek are already at hand; in the wisdom that will lead you to the Sikhi (I hope taht I use that definition right; as I mean to say a sort of Sikh 'Bhakti', but I'm a Buddhist/Sikh/Muslim/Everything - by Gods demand - and I am still learning too), in the wisdom of the Buddhas' teachings about how engaging in loving-kind mutual self sacrifice will provide everything that everyone (you too, of course) needs all of the time, the example set by Mahatma Ghandi, etc..
It just takes some time to get in tune with things; especially for us Males with our raging Hormones - which are even more trroubling, at your age - etc.; so, like we say in America, "Don't let it (or them) get you down, Man!";)
I'm not sure what cultural moores that you choose to - or are expected to - live by; but the Loving Arms of a Woman - be she your Soul Mate, or not - can be of great solice at such a youthful age; though please don't be offended by my Western Decadence for saying so - it's just that we all have to deal with those Hormones, no matter what we believe or think or belive is correct behavior in regards to that subject.
Hang in there, and; if you aren't living as affluent of a lifestyle as you'd like to - or as the others around you - and that makes you feel like a failure; then, instead of dwelling upon that fact, try to focus upon the blessings that you do have - even if they amount to nothing more than having a Smaller Carbon Footprint than that Guy with the Maserati!:yes:


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Respected namjap ji,
brother i was standing without any thought in my mind suddenly i saw mens who came running and started climbing a hill which was just few steps ahead of me and i thought what are they doing? suddenly a thought came can i do the same thing i went and i tried along with some other fellows i was amazed when all those who accompanied me have reached and i was still in the foot steps i tried to explain my self sainty you must have worked harder and all that stuff but when i saw those mens at the top i really felt bad so bad that all my philosophy failed to keep me calm i said enough and a very negative attitude followed this i was helpless.can you explain me why this foolish sainty was feeling bad was there a feeling of guilt,sadness of my failure or i was jealous of others success.:confused:plz help me i need an answer .
may Allah bless you

Each one of you, because you are alive, will make a voyage. What will this voyage be like? Who are you? What is the purpose of this voyage ? Why does it have to be made?

The human being is an incredibly sensitive, experiencing instrument. Place in it the truth that resides in you, and it will sing out with ecstasy. Play it with the passion it deserves, and you will hear sounds you have been yearning to hear all your life.

It’s about this life, this existence—not an idea, not a theory, not rules, not some printed pages, but about you and me. The most incredible thing is taking place: you are alive … your existence, your being on the face of this earth.

What kind of road is life?
Some parts are hilly; some are flat; some have a nice, gentle slope; and some way too much slope, slippery.
Walk. The key is not to measure how many miles you have come, but to enjoy every single step you take.

Jun 1, 2008
Sat shri akal,

thank you brothers for your scraps they were really heart touching,they taught me as well inspired me to begin a new life with optimistic ideas but i really m sad with the feeling that has erupted in side me i often burst out at my self blaming others as well as my self for all my sufferings.although my sufferings are not that big still i feel miserable when i c others doing much better than me and specially bcz of the reason that we started moving to our destination at once but i was left behind.they often say that time is the best healer but is it true? time sometimes increases the pain and there is little that we can do but the lesson i have learned is "Do what ever you can do now so that you may not have to repent later" The thing that makes me sad is that i never failed i opted to quit bcz i feared i would fail in half way,fear of failure is bcz of lack of self confidence i wish God showers a lot of self confidence at me now but then it has to be gained using you own wits.
but none of you has described or given any name to my feeling is it guilt,or jealousy or sadness of failure?

May Jesus bless you all


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Part of post by Saint Soldier.
....but none of you has described or given any name to my feeling is it guilt,or jealousy or sadness of failure?
The answer to that, my friend, i - in English 'angst'; and, along with namjap jis' no doubt quality recommendations, I think that you would find solace in the Tao Te Chi; as there is much in the wonderful work of True Wisdom about the Pursuit of Wealth and the True Nature of Happiness - as, depsite the urgings of needfulness that drive our commerialized, possession oriented way of life, there really isn't anyconnection between the two, just like namjap ji says.
It's all in your head, and you will only know true happiness in life - no matter how succesful you become at making money and acquiring things - once you master that concept.
Why, after all, do you think so many wealthy, succesful Movie Stars and Rock n' Roll Icons (think; Kurt Cobain, of Nirvana - who blew his own head off. Obviously he hadn't achieved it, eh?) are so miserable; so drug addicted; so prone to suicidal tendencies?
It's not for lack of money or success, my friend; and know that I know what I'm talking about here, as, for though I'm a very poor disability pensioner - who lost his beloved carreer and his dream of owning a nice country inn to a painful disease that is slowly paralyzing me, ten years ago - I'M NONETHELESS A PRETTY HAPPY PERSON!!!:D
But then I have my books, my intellect, and my SPN 'relief valve' you see!!!;)
Read some more of my Posts, if you have any doubt that you can survive your current crisises - if I've survived what Bush et al have put me through over the last 8 years!!!
And Thank You, for the blind Christians sake, for mentioning Jesus in your posts; I keep telling them that there have been MANY like him - and that they only think they way they do, because Bad People have sent them to WAR over 'God' so many times!!!
You're a Good Man, so hang in there! :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gentle reminder that this thread is the Gurmat Vichaar section forum. The conversation has strayed from vichaar of the Guru's Wisdom as per the Bani of the Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Let's return to the subject of the thread. Thanks.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
I'm a bit surprised by that remark - especially after reading the opening post!
What else do you think is bothering this young Saint Soldier ji, if not the false desires of illusion of prosperity that the Maya represents?
Does he not seem to be a bit perturbed by the unhappy thought of 'falling behind' those who 'started the race at the same time'?
Though, as you know, I'm still learning about Sikhism - and have I have far to go, as there have been so many Gurus allaying to all of so much true wisdom; this thread nonetheless seemed a rather apt place to regard Saint Soldiers angst, to me!
I really feel for this guy! Maybe it's a 'guy' thing.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
JimRinX ji

I sincerely hope that you were not offended or put-off. My comment was based solely on the duty of "mod" or forum leader: i.e., to keep discussions relevant to the thread topic and also according to the purpose of the part of the forum where the thread is located. It was as it says -- a gentle reminder.

Gurmat vichaar has a specific meaning. Gurmat vichaar is not a reflection on personal spiritual opinions. When a thread is posted in Gurmat Vichaar there is an expectation that "gurmat vichaar" will occur. What is Gurmat Vichaar -- it is a reflection on a topic (e.g., maya, dharma, salvation and many other concepts in Gurbani) and the reflection is guided by the Bani of the Gurus. Gur and mat meaning the Gurus' wisdom. Vichaar meaning a meditation or contemplation with understanding. The thread began with Bani of the Guru, and reflection on the Bani and the use of related Bani would be the pattern of the vichaar.

So that is why I said that. You can see some typical examples of Gurmat Vichaar here at SPN, and other good examples at Sikhism: Reflections On Gurbani

And I am sorry if I sounded over-bearing. The thread has gone off-track several times and the thread starter keeps bringing us back to Gurbani.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
It's O.K. aad0002, I didn't realize that this was YOUR Thread, so I understand that you wanted it to be different; I just thought that it was appropriate to apply a little Gurmat to Saint soldiers problems, if that wasn't to immodest of a thing for ME to do.
I thank you for the explaination of Gur and Mat, as well as Bani; as I speak only English (unfortunately).
I'm actually very hard to offend, so don't sweat it - I can 'take' a little construtive criticism, and advice, when necessary - and I look forward to corresponding with all of you in the future, as it has been both a pleasure and and educational experience to have joined SPN!
Now, get us back to the Gurus Wisdom, Ms. thread starter!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
JimRinX ji,

Nam Jap ji was the thread starter. I am only moderating. But I thank you for your kind and thoughtful remarks. You are always a pleasure to talk to.:)


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
ਕਬੀਰ ਮਾਟੀ ਕੇ ਹਮ ਪੂਤਰੇ ਮਾਨਸੁ ਰਾਖਿਓ*ੁ ਨਾਉ
कबीर माटी के हम पूतरे मानसु राखिओ नाउ ॥
Kabīr mātī ke ham pūṯre mānas rākẖi▫o nā▫o.
Kabeer, we are puppets of clay, but we take the name of mankind.

ਚਾਰਿ ਦਿਵਸ ਕੇ ਪਾਹੁਨੇ ਬਡ ਬਡ ਰੂੰਧਹਿ ਠਾਉ ॥੬੪॥
चारि दिवस के पाहुने बड बड रूंधहि ठाउ ॥६४॥
Cẖār ḏivas ke pāhune bad bad rūʼnḏẖėh ṯẖā▫o. ||64||
We are guests here for only a few days, but we take up so much space. ||64||

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