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Physically Challenged And "Sewa"


Oct 22, 2011
A Poor, needy and physically challenged person, who is unable to do any kind of "Sewa" for anybody, or in Gurudwara sahib. But is perfect in doing "Simran" everyday.

As it is being discuss in another thread that "Sewa" is more important for one "Sikh", But such kind of peoples are ever helpless to do so, but they can do "Simran" easily.

  • Is such person eligible to call himself/herself as "Sikh" ?
  • Can such person never attain enlightenment ?
  • Which kind of "Sewa" can such person do ?
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Physically challenged and "Sewa".

Such a person can do many types of Sewa, counselling, listening, talking are all types of Sewa, as is helping people cross the road, or even just buttering the roti's at langar,

Only study of SGGS, in my view brings enlightenment, Simran and Sewa are things we do with our actions and thoughts that are in line with being enlightened, not the source of enlightenment, that remains the SGGS


Oct 22, 2011
Re: Physically challenged and "Sewa".

Such a person can do many types of Sewa, counselling, listening, talking are all types of Sewa, as is helping people cross the road, or even just buttering the roti's at langar,
If such person will spend all the time in doing so and so... How will he/she be able to fulfill other needs of family ie: Children Schooling, Food for the family, Clothes for family, House rent etc... ?
Or one should start mooching to meet all these need ?
Very well we know that how expencieve is daily life these days, So i think such person needs a double work to compleate all family needs and we are aspecting "Sewa" from them :grinningsingh:
Such person needs our "Sewa" and we aspecting "Sewa" from them.

Only study of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, in my view brings enlightenment, Simran and Sewa are things we do with our actions and thoughts that are in line with being enlightened, not the source of enlightenment, that remains the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
What if the person is Blind by birth ?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Physically challenged and "Sewa".

If such person will spend all the time in doing so and so... How will he/she be able to fulfill other needs of family ie: Children Schooling, Food for the family, Clothes for family, House rent etc... ?
Or one should start mooching to meet all these need ?
Very well we know that how expencieve is daily life these days, So i think such person needs a double work to compleate all family needs and we are aspecting "Sewa" from them :grinningsingh:
Such person needs our "Sewa" and we aspecting "Sewa" from them.

What if the person is Blind by birth ?

One can do Sewa for ones family and friends, all of the above, in my view, count as sewa, in fact, to do sewa at the expense of your family, strikes me as foolish and egoistical,.

No one expects sewa from anyone, we do sewa because we want to, anyone who does sewa as it is expected, is on the wrong path, in my humble opinion.

The entire contents of the SGGS are already in our heads, through essence of Creator, when we read, it merely validates what we already know, a blind person can read Braille, a blind person can listen, I am not sure what point you are making here brother

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Re: Physically challenged and "Sewa".

As I see it, sewa is as much an attitude as an action. I am among the physically challenged, my left side is partially paralysed, I am crippled with arthritis and my eyesight is none too good. Nevertheless, I do sewa. Some of it is on the Net, of course, but I realise many people are unable to be online and very many cannot read or write (horrors! but that's another thread.) Life still presents opportunities.

Example: a few days ago, I was sitting in one of those carts for the handicapped in my local supermarket, when I heard a group of young thugs bad-mouthing a Muslim woman. I aimed the cart right at the group and they scattered in a hurry. The young lady and I exchanged smiles - not a word spoken, but the day was brightened for both of us. (I suppose I could have just hollered at the thugs, but this was much more fun.)

I think just listening without judging is a very good sewa, too. Many people have no one who will listen and we all (I think) feel the need to be heard. A blind person can do this.

Is saying Ardas sewa? I think so and that is something we can all do.

The thing is to go through life with the attitude of "how can I serve?" The opportunities will present themselves. The possibilities are endless. We just lack imagination.

A related question, perhaps for another thread. The Amrit ceremony can be somewhat challenging for the physically fit. Could it and should it be modified for the physically challenged? Or is it only meant for the physically fit? motherlylove In colloquial terms, can a gimp become a Khalsa? (Since I am a gimp, I am allowed the use of that word.)
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Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Re: Physically challenged and "Sewa".


What if the person is Blind by birth ?

Chinu ji,

Just recently a braille edition of SGGS ji has been produced and there are numerous recording of SGGSji.

Less high tech, someone can read to the blind person. That is a lovely bit of sewa that greatly benefits not only the people directly involved, but the whole Sangat. Again, the possibilities are even greater in number than the objections. Only a bit of imagination is needed.


Oct 22, 2011
Re: Physically challenged and "Sewa".

One can do Sewa for ones family and friends, all of the above, in my view, count as sewa, in fact, to do sewa at the expense of your family, strikes me as foolish and egoistical,.

No one expects sewa from anyone, we do sewa because we want to, anyone who does sewa as it is expected, is on the wrong path, in my humble opinion.

The entire contents of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are already in our heads, through essence of Creator, when we read, it merely validates what we already know, a blind person can read Braille, a blind person can listen, I am not sure what point you are making here brother
Thanks harry.


Oct 22, 2011
Re: Physically challenged and "Sewa".

Chinu ji,

Just recently a braille edition of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has been produced and there are numerous recording of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jiji.

Less high tech, someone can read to the blind person. That is a lovely bit of sewa that greatly benefits not only the people directly involved, but the whole Sangat. Again, the possibilities are even greater in number than the objections. Only a bit of imagination is needed.
Thanks.. Mai Harinder ji. 0:)
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