- Aug 28, 2010
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- 73
Ah ok. I get what is what but don't know why. Any ideas?
For the time you should take this too as O.K.
I am sure Sati GuRu will bless you to know this why.
Contnue careful reading of Gurbanee.
Ah ok. I get what is what but don't know why. Any ideas?
Haha it would help if you gave me another hint. 0![]()
Prakash.S.Bagga ji/Bhagat Singh ji I believe we need to watch our posting to keep spn good or even help make spn better. There is a whole thread dedicated to this as well as how this was resolved given the trappings being re-ignited here. Please have some courtesy to keep threads clean as you are not neophytes at spn. Here is the thread,Your observation is correct.
Is it not important to know what is what and why to know about the real truth being conveyed in Gurbanee.?
Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Review of ੴ (Ik▫oaʼnkār)
Bhagat Singh ji thanks.
I have posed for you the following two videos as the key word is (mast). So that we cover all angles of Sihari/Bihari one video uses (masti). So enjoy and explain to us how mast/masti means "intoxicated". I know you use what Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa ji translated, I find it refreshinh to check by self and then decide to follow or not follow and correct,
Masti Bhara Hai Sama - Raj Kapoor, Mala Sinha, Parvarish Song (duet)
Masti Bhara Hai Sama - Raj Kapoor, Mala Sinha, Parvarish Song (duet) - YouTube
Tu Cheez.Badi Hai Mast-Mohra
Tu Cheez.Badi Hai Mast-Mohra - YouTube
You are just creating a confusion making use of DEVNAGRI script.
I may correct you here
The first word is MASTee (With Bihari) not with Sihari as you have wronly written in english.
In the second song the word has been used MUST.MUST not mere MUST alone.
Now the meanings in the first line is MUSTee BHARA ...Lilled by intoxication
and in the second the meaning is MUST.MUST..Intoxicating..intoxicating
a word like hip hip.hip.
Now you can apply this for understanding of Gurbanee.
Sat Sri Akal.You are just creating a confusion making use of DEVNAGRI script. I may correct you here
The first word is MASTee (With Bihari) not with Sihari as you have wronly written in english.
- I wrote Sihari/Bihari to show what triviality people focus on versus common usage and layman language used in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji so all could understand and not just the elite or scholars like yourself. I know what Bihari is and how it is used in Masti
ਮਸਤਿਆ । ਮਸਤ । ਮਸਤੀ
- None of the above require and state you to be intoxicated
Sorry wrong again Prakash. S. Bagga ji. Intoxication or intoxicated imply taking something in and the affects of such.
- Now the meanings in the first line is MUSTee BHARA ...Lilled by intoxication
- and in the second the meaning is MUST.MUST..Intoxicating..intoxicating
I was trying to explain to you and Bhagat Singh ji that for a state of "Mast" or "Masti" intoxication is not necessary or used in the sabad that he got the line out of and I quoted in full.
EXAMPLE: A child could be doing own thing and it will be stated, :Busy in own thing/"Apney kum wich mast"; so on.
This is why translated "Intoxicated elephant" is a mis-translation that Bhagat Singh veer was using.
You may want to review again the Sabad I posted.
Sat Sri Akal.
Kamala ji sometimes reality bites Eh! May be no body felt it was worth responding to. May be you want to rephrase your post to create excitement and involvement and a subject that people can comment on. Perhaps read other posts too, may be it is covered in one of these.L0l I still did not get a answer about the murtis..
Parma ji
You seem to have an obsession with Bin Laden and Iranians- all looking like sikhs because they have turbans and beards!!
I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to say.
Being a sikh, there is no way one could mistake themselves for being a taliban.
This forum can't be funded by Iranians. Maybe Iraqis, Saddams lot, would make more sense!!!!!He had more disposable cash.
Brother I am obsessed with the truth. All I want is to get to the bottom of it, before the madness destroy's Sikhism. Look at sikhism now, so many dera's so much Fakeness. Brother do you know the people that destroyed Maharaja Ranjit Singh's Raj Where Sikhs maybe singhs. They back stab each other and no one knows where the truth lies which will have a knock on effect in the faith as well as it is doing now! In Saudia Arabia, Right where Islam is the bedrock of mecca, do you see there dress code, why dont they dress as the Iranians. Brother I stress to you look at the wider picture these small minded rocks want to keep you as a rock it is easier to smash you that way!:interestedmunda:
How deluded are you people, you trust the same sikhs and singhs that bought down the Sikh kingdom, Now you trust them with your Faith? No wonder, its a mess!
I have said my piece what will be will be!
Sat Siri Akal!
Prakash.S.Bagga ji please post the truth. Forget about personalities and hurting. Let us discuss. It is for the good of Sikhism, the future generations, etc. Let it be "Nirmal"/pure as it can be.There is a saying "Truth usually hurts" that is why people avoid knowing the Truth.
The thing I wonder is, why would the murtis even be in HariMandir in the first place...
The question is wheher there was any Murtis in HariMandir at the time of
GuRu Arjan Dev Ji?
You must be knowing GuRu Arjan Dev ji Founded HariMandir himself and
Every one nows there were no Murtis that time.
If the Murtis are kept after wards by those people having control over HariMandir Sahib ji then one can definitely think this act as deliberately done to undermine the significance of the sacred place founded by 5th
I think now you should be clear in your question and find the truth about the Murtis in HariMandir Sahib ji.
Mr Bagga ji. Although you have thanked me a few times in posts and you probably agree with some of my comments. What has murti's got to do with sikhism. That is some hindu approach. My approach is soley independant solely for the truth nothing more or less. Simple.
Carry on with whatever you feel!:angryyoungsingh:Only the truth will last!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Veer Bhagat Singh ji thanks for your explanation.Ambarsaria ji,
Recall the story of Bhai Bachittar Singh who took on a Mast Hathi in the Battle of Anandpur. This was no special breed of elephant or elephant who had watched bollywood songs. The way to get a Hathi mast is to feed it alcohol. Then you ride it into battle and because it's mast, it is becomes more comfortable with killing things in its path. Every war elephant was made intoxicated so it killed more.
Masti does not require intoxicants but a mast hathi is one who is intoxicated.
Guru Sahibs says the intellect is like this mast/intoxicated hathi in action (ਮਤਾਗਲੁ ਮਤਾ). The drunken elephant kills and destroys; the elephant thinks it is ok to do so. So anything that comes out of the intellect is like the action of the intoxicated elephant, a sin, a mistake, is erroneous and false.
One wonders is the intellect naturally like a drunk elephant or does something intoxicate it? Both. What intoxicates the intellect? The answer is Maya. The intellect for many people is entirely dependent on maya. The intellect cannot exist without maya. Afterall, if they are to bring something into their intellect, if they are to comtemplate, they must contemplate something, some object, some concept, some idea, etc. The intellect is entangled in such things. Once the intellect learns to exist without dependency on some concept, thought, or object then it is said to be sober. Once it untangles itself, then it ceases to be a drunken elephant.