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Controversial Preparing For My Day In Court


Apr 16, 2018
I hope I can be a good example of a Gursikh to you, and would not mind you comments about my defense.

Hello I'm a Indie game developer and am planing to make a serious adult edutainment Interactive Fiction MMOG game. Partially because in the early 90's I was working on a filter that flagged adult education as porn. and Adult Edutainment seemed like a novel idea. Partially because of Keith Fulton's PornShift comment. Partially because I'm a survivor of Child Sexual Assault.

As for my CSA I was Raped(I hate using that term for non forced sex but its the closest thing to describe my experience) when I was 12 and it was the worst thing imaginable. Then When I was 23 I was in a situation in life where I was thinking I mess the good old days when I was kept up all night by the memories of my CSA. I'm no longer a CSA victum I'm a CSA survivor, I'm no longer being victimized by it.

The serious part of the game is to teach 'The Yes Game ' The context of the game is PokeWomon. Which is to rape what Pokemon is to {censored}fighting. SO you travel around battles Wild PokeWomon and *Taming* some of them. You can tame them Pokemon style, battle the PokeWomon with your own PokeWomon until they are weak then force yourself on them(The bad way to do it that is penalized) or you can Dragon Quest Monsters style, give them food and befriend them until they are willing to be tamed by you. Beyond the Initial Taming there is Upkeep Taming that gives the player a change to experience a more realistic version of The Yes Game.

For the sex simulation I'm thinking of something like Skotos, or Powered by the Apocalypse, and the standard AIF(Adult Interactive Fiction) Arouse system on steroids.

Taming will be handle in a Dating Sim like way(think Tokimeki Memorial on steroids) thanks to a Social Physics Engine based off of Prom Week, and SlaveMaker style time-management minigame.

I can heard you asking "But isn't your target audience include minors? Isn't that illegal/immoral?"

First the legal issue since that will kill the some of the moral outrage(to those that have faith in the law) and Being moral doesn't make it legal.

YiffieMon has serious artistic and/or political value so is not legally obscene material.

The courts have said in the past that Child Pornography is illegal only for 5 reasons:

The government has a very compelling interest in preventing the sexual exploitation of children.
Distribution of visual depictions of children engaged in sexual activity is intrinsically related to the sexual abuse of children. The images serve as a permanent reminder of the abuse, and it is necessary for government to regulate the channels of distributing such images if it is to be able to eliminate the production of child pornography.
Advertising and selling child pornography provides an economic motive for producing child pornography.[2]
Visual depictions of children engaged in sexual activity have negligible artistic value.
Thus, holding that child pornography is outside the protection of the First Amendment is consistent with the Court's prior decisions limiting the banning of materials deemed "obscene" as the Court had previously defined it. For this reason, child pornography need not be legally obscene before being outlawed.
Access to Child Pornography decreases sexual exploitation of children[1]
"Distribution of visual depictions of children engaged in sexual activity is intrinsically related to the sexual abuse of children. The images serve as a permanent reminder of the abuse, and ...to eliminate the production of child pornography." We shouldn't stick our fingers in our ears and pretend that CSA doesn't happen, Ignoring the problem only makes it worse. Anyways the courts have rules that to be "intrinsically related to the sexual abuse of children" means that it has to depict real children being sexually assaulted[2]
"Visual depictions of children engaged in sexual activity have negligible artistic value." This one doesn't really matter, It's telling us"We know CP isn't obscene, but lets say it is anyways." But I'll blast it anyways;The first amendment covers works with only serious literary, political, artistic or scientific value, not only momentous artistic value. It may be small but it is not flippant.
"Advertising and selling child pornography provides an economic motive for producing child pornography." Circular Reasoning"We have a compelling reason for outlawing the production of CP because We have a compelling reason to outlaw the production of CP" You can say "But they really meant they have a compelling reason in preventing the CSA that goes in the making of CP" But then they have no reason to outlaw virtual child pornography[3]
So the only question left is YiffieMon being played by people under 18 CSA? I don't want to get into the "Is Sexting Child Pornography debate"(But I will if I have too), so lets focus on if YiffieMon's users are Children. No YiffieMon's intended users are Young Adults(Don't believe me? What ages are Young Adult Fiction for? But just because it was historically the case doesn't mean that it is the case now so I turn the case over to Mike A. Males [4])

So it's legal but is it moral?

Some say that "Child Pornography Images are wrong, and it has no place in society" I say that CSAI's place is as evidence of Child Sexual Abuse and that as due-process it should be available to anyone that wants to prove that the CSA happened. And if it isn't evidence then it helps to prevent CSA[5] so is morally justifiable.

As for the children, what ever age consider them to be, Well if the child consents and the parents Consents I see nothing wrong with it. And if the parents aren't doing a good enough job keeping Sexuality away from their kids, then those kids need The Yes Game most of all!

I argue that protecting Children from Sexual Assault is not the sole privilege of parents, that the responsibility falls of all of society to make that society A safe place for children.

And remember that YiffiMon Online's #1 safety is: "Pretend you are catfishing" If you want to make up someone to catfish go ahead, also feel free to catfish yourself. But remember you must not do anything that would prove you as who you really are! Do not reveal your true identity. Your privacy and confidentiality are important.

[1] The Effect of Easy Availability of Pornography on the Incidence of Sex Crimes: The Danish Experience
[2] Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition - Wikipedia
[3] Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition - Wikipedia
[4] Mike Males homepage
[5] The Effect of Easy Availability of Pornography on the Incidence of Sex Crimes: The Danish Experience



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