1. The Hindu connection is just ONE local BJP honcho who was EXPOSED by Said NEWSPAPER...also Hindu owned..so they chose to go for ghaggha...convulted but true..
2. And those SIKHS who make so much HOO HAA HAAA about DG and all that never UTTERED a SINGLE SQUEAK...showed their TRUE COLOURS are DEEP ORANGE true bleu RSS....
3. Ghagghas arrest and bried internment provided the OPPORTUNITY for those like minded sikhs but with minor idfferences to sit and be UNITED for ONCE !! Just see..Taksalis hate TEA...hate even someone talking about MEAT...BUT they very Happily SHARE the stages with NIHUNGS who not only drink "tea" but ALCOHOL/DRUGS..and EAT whole BAKRAS they slaughter themsleves !! The nanaksarees, the radha soamis, the sirsa wlallhs. the namdharees, the rarrehwallahs etc etc etc 1008 DERAS ahve 1008 MARYADAS..BUT on DG, rakhree, snagrand, hardwaar teeraths etc etc they are SOLIDLY UNITED even though all these are ANTI-SGGS teachings...they are 1008% UNITED on DG !!....BUT the so called "Missionary types"..dispute and have SWOLLEN FACES over MINOR differences like Prof darshan Singh didnt do this..or Ghaggha didnt go there..or Dhunda went to Akal takhat..and Prof darshan didnt go..etc etc..and REFUSE to look at each other although on MAJOR ISSUES they hold exact same opinions !!! ALL claim they follow only ONE GURU SGGS..etc etc..but on tiny issues..they FIGHT like pregnant cats !!
On the Ghaggha issue also lots of like minded ones were initially SILENT...just like the ones totally ANTI-GHAGGHHA.....But slowly the like minded ones were persuaded to set their minor tiny differences aside and UNITE on Ghagghas side..a GOOD DECISION for UNITY.