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Sects Propaganda Against Radha Soami Satsang Beas Dera

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Initiation Ceremony for Dera​

The Dera initiation ceremony is an important part of becoming a fully fledged Derawallah. Please be aware of the following:-

Firstly, some brochures of the latest Audi SUV are very important, its a good idea to get in touch with the things that you will be praying and working for.

Secondly, attractive female relatives must be brought to the ceremony, for one to one instruction from Babaji

Thirdly, meat is forbidden, as killing of animals is against dera principles, however, goading traditional Sikhs and killing them is actively encouraged!, just don't eat them!

You will know the Baba, as most Babas have comical, almost caricature like features, and a fondness for Teutonic automobiles


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

So you mean to say Jesus is jamdoot or kaal? :D

no..sir ji.....Humans dont have ability to guess who is power of kaal and who is not....we cant even predict other human being..can we?? no..

Could we predict jesus? no..thats y we hanged dem on cross.

Could others predict kabir saab,bulleshah? no...they got insulted in society

Could humans predict sikh gurus?? no....thats why they were tortured...

Do i need to say anything more? ..no..


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Does some human person other than yourself save you ?

I don't need any such saving, -The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, solely can save me!!

Yes ,we need power in form of humans....
Guru Granth Sahib guides us n warns us but if you think it can lead us from the trap of kaal n guide us inside ..no...

Sir,I m again repeating that we need guru inside coz he guides us and those who went inside tells us ...why guru is necessary..i never gone inside and it will be my fortune if i go n see....

and those who go dont tell us coz these things are prohibited to explain in public and it cant be explained...

I have limit to explain and i even dont know why i m writing for it...


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Gurjot317 ji

Could you kindly explain what you understand by the term ''naam'' ?
Also, please explain what the procedure is to be initiated and accepted by the dera and how this may differ or may well be used along with amrit sanchar ?

I thank you in advance for joining on here and explaining your views to us.

Firstly i would like to say dat i dont hv much knowledge..i write on the bases of what i see in reality n as a human how much i can control my self and i see history n in our family n others too that what shud i learn from dem so that i can do improvement in my self...

"Naam" is understood in different terms by different people ...well,what so ever given in dera(i dont know well,coz its not necessary for me to know about it..i m under age) is the naam to control to our n win our mind n kaal or its ways through which it controls human...

its necessary that we must be over 25 coz at this age most of the people starts earning and can easily understand the values of life so its kept over 25..

I wrote many times dat here in spirituality everything starts from inside and target of every human is to get soul from whole body n concentrate it on the 10th gate or 3rd eye...

and those who goes inside dont tell wat they saw n wat they felt ....so dont expect from me to say anything which i dont know at all...


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Initiation Ceremony for Dera​

The Dera initiation ceremony is an important part of becoming a fully fledged Derawallah. Please be aware of the following:-

Firstly, some brochures of the latest Audi SUV are very important, its a good idea to get in touch with the things that you will be praying and working for.

Secondly, attractive female relatives must be brought to the ceremony, for one to one instruction from Babaji

Thirdly, meat is forbidden, as killing of animals is against dera principles, however, goading traditional Sikhs and killing them is actively encouraged!, just don't eat them!

You will know the Baba, as most Babas have comical, almost caricature like features, and a fondness for Teutonic automobiles

Present guru used to use WagonR car not some Audis :)...
and yeah u r free to write anything....as i said ..i say 10 things wrong and these are changed into 1000 in no times and u r example of dat..

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Present guru used to use WagonR car not some Audis :)...
and yeah u r free to write anything....as i said ..i say 10 things wrong and these are changed into 1000 in no times and u r example of dat..

other than amusement, is there any other point to this thread?

you say you are here to learn, as indeed we all are, but to learn first you have to unlearn everything that you know is wrong.

Defending Babas and living Gurus is wrong, you seem to think it is not, so whilst you embrace that, what can you possibly learn?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Choice of words..reveals....the reality.."Propoganda"....implies LIES and UNTRUTHS..and IF SPN has that..then what there to LEARN ?? Subterfuge/lies/etc are known HUMAN FAILINGS esp of those who call themselves Masters, Living masters, Gurus Satgurus etc...so actually there is no learning..its something else alltogether...lets just watch the fun...


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

other than amusement, is there any other point to this thread?

you say you are here to learn, as indeed we all are, but to learn first you have to unlearn everything that you know is wrong.

Defending Babas and living Gurus is wrong, you seem to think it is not, so whilst you embrace that, what can you possibly learn?

No sir ji,I have learnt a lot from ur side and my objective was that i should know wats the reson that ppl talk too much against dera and write fke things..and u self wrote that babas look for girls and use audis :lol:
I m not surprised and i never felt it wrong coz bowing my head doesnt make me weak,it makes me proud oderwise.

I asked simple question that every thing starts from inside and 10th gate is opened den ur soul travels journey to that almighty...so who will save you in dat way?

Kaal dont leave a single soul even when we are living simply outside,will it leave us inside? no...

if you think that its easy den try it...do it for ur rest of life and take examples of those who spend thousands of years but dint achieve anything..so see where we stand...


Dec 3, 2011
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Yes ,we need power in form of humans....
Guru Granth Sahib guides us n warns us but if you think it can lead us from the trap of kaal n guide us inside ..no...

Sir,I m again repeating that we need guru inside coz he guides us and those who went inside tells us ...why guru is necessary..i never gone inside and it will be my fortune if i go n see....

and those who go dont tell us coz these things are prohibited to explain in public and it cant be explained...

I have limit to explain and i even dont know why i m writing for it...

You think that Guru Granth Sahib Ji can't save us, so I need a guru in flesh and blood ?

Those who find themselves are prohibited to talk... what kind of a secret society is this dera ?

You say you haven't gone inside yourself to find the god within you, then how can you be even 50% sure of what you are claiming ?

LASTLY-you think that the trap of kaal can't be avoided by the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.??????
ANSWER- Sorry, but it seems that this thinking of yours MEANS that you are ALREADY TRAPPED.
... If you had trusted and had faith in the Guru Granth Sahib beforehand, then this trapping could have been avoided.!!!!!!!

GIVE ME SOMETHING STRONG that can convince me that I need a Guru in flesh and bone to help me find the God whom I am already In Touch With ???

Something SOLID and CONVINCING, please.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Re: Propaganda against RSSB


1. http://youtu.be/46dSocbkIw4
2. http://youtu.be/DlqXpJpx83w

THE "NAAM" of Radhasoami sect, given in secret:

1. Jot Niranjan. 2. Omkar. 3. Rarankar. 4. Sohang. 5. Sat Nam


I strongly urge "Gurjot317" to review the book: NAAM OR WORD, by Late Kirpal Singh ( Runani Satsang, Sawan Ashram ) to get "knowledge" of his own life path, before misleading the Sikhs by his propaganda here!
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Dec 3, 2011
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

So, this secret ''naam'' is actually a choice of 5 different words given by the baba that the person must recite in secret.
- am I right ?

Well, how can these people call themselves sikh, if they have disregarded the primary teachings of Guru Granth sahib ji ?
They have already decided to accept this name giving baba as above the Guru Ganth Sahib Ji.

Who the heck is any human being that can claim to be a ''giver'' and ''provider'' of the Guru's Word,and then pretend it's a big blessing and secret.

RSS is also ''ageist'', since you have to be 25yrs old before the initiation!!!
What happens to the 23 yr old who has died battling the kaal ??
May 24, 2008
Sat Shri Akal ji,

This is my first post n thread on the Forum.First of all,i would like to tell you about my objective to come here.I love a girl who shares Khalsa as surname and i was not aware about that there are issues b.w us and i tried to search about the mess then i came to know about the website.I have something to share with you and we believe in sant mat n disciples of Guru granth sahib n girl parents are against RSSB.

I hv heard a lot of things which are anti RssB and which is completely false..


1) Dera allows tobacco etc?? no...
2)Dera allows drinking/Meat etc?? no..
3)Dera captures land etc?? i think no....

We are 6-7 friends who live together and one of them was at gurudwara about which a lot of propaganda was created that dera occupied it by force but its false..

He told me that Land was purchased in 7 crore Rupees and proper registration was done and with full respect Baba ji' guru granth sahib was placed to other place with respect and land was allotted to place Baba ji 's granth.But media and other religious parties made a propaganda that dera occupied land.its rubbish....Even Baba gurinder singh did ardaas and Guru Granth Sahib was respect fully placed to other place..now see wat media says...

4)A week Ago,near ludhiana a satsang ghar was attacked and every thing like doors,taps,walls were hammered by few groups..but they thought that Dera will complain about it but dera dint do it and every thing was fixed in before morning and satsang took place.no paper reported it n not channel.

5)Dera get donations from people....Thats rubbish..watever people send there as donation......you cant arrange a langar of one time with that money....

6)Dera speaks against sikhism?? n ask dem to leave sikhism....no..

I never heard it and there are satsangs on internet ...see where they said so..

and one important thing...i would like to share wid u..it was time when sant maskeen ji was in his last days..

We know that Sant maskeen ji never agreed with dera on one issue and it was that live guru...so few days before his swargwaas,maskeen ji arrranged a meeting with his 12-15 followers with baba gurinder singh.
Since He was against RSSB and baba gurinder singh so he asked his followers with him to ask questions while he will remain silent and he had no respect for baba gurinder singh.He taught 12-15 Questions to all his follower who were with him that u will ask this n that question to baba as ur own questions...in actual,these were the questions in the mind of maskeen ji but he dint want to talk with baba gurinder singh.

During meeting every question was raised n answered by baba gurinder singh ji and maskeen ji remained silent and when discussion was over then baba gurinder asked maskeen ji...

"" Hor koi Question hai tawade kol Maskeen ji jeda tusi poochna chandey ho???""

Maskeen ji got shocked and den he said that its my mistake of whole life that i couldnt recognize you.

There are loadz of bad things said about dera etc but these are false n misinterpreted mostly...I say 10 things wrong and these things changes into 100 in no time...

i would request every body to dont loose your faith n religion but once go to dera and listen n search wat they say....u will get answers of this propagandas.....

So my apologies are in your feet mere bhain prawo....kisi da dil dukhey te hath jod ke maafi hai ...but main rok ni sakya apne aap nu.....

kaafi kuj galat kya gya hai.....
even Radha Soami da matlab hi shiv dayal singh di wife naal jod ke vekhya gya hai....jo bilkul galt hai....

Gurinder singh khud hi bot rich ne n he doesnt control dera etc..n he doesnt own property of dera....

Dear Gurjot Ji ,
the Radha Soamy Dera is nothing more than mercenary making money out of vote bank . Each vote ( radha soamis who have taken so called NAAM DAAN ...... whatever that means ) are the staunch ( fixed ) vote bank of the Dera . The Dera maintains a database of the Radha Soamis who have taken naam which is sold to various political parties for a price of Rs.16,000 to 25,000 per vote for FIVE YEARS , which is manipulated in a way that with whichever party the DEAL is struck , their leaders are invited to BLOOD DONATION Camps , EYE DONATION CAMPS , INAUGAURATION OF HOSPITALS where the said leader gets his time to say a few words in praise of BABAJI . For about 60 years it was CONGRESS which got its share , but now after the marriage of Ganieve Grewal the grand daughter of Charan Singh ex Dera head of RSSB to Majithia the brother in law of Sukhbir Badal , it is Badals all the way especially in 2012 Assembly elections .
The RSSB control 100% of Fortis chain of hospitals , Religare Investments previously owned by RANBAXY owner Parvinder Singh the son in law of Maharaj Charan Singh married to his daughter Minni. The whole management of these two cos is by the board members of RSSB . These two cos are the entities where all the funds collected by RSSB end up .
The philosophy of the Dera is quite simple , recite Gurbani & their own Kacchi Baani & give special treatment to words like SATGURU , SATSANG , GURU , SAADHU , SANT etc etc which is shown to have a need of a HUMAN GURU a Dehdhari Guru , not the SHABAD GURU which Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji clearly says about 100s of times in 1430 pages . Then they say follow the Radha Soami Maharaj , Gurinder's history is actually very colourful convicted for traficking girls to Dubai for Sheikhs , immigrating illegally to Italy are some of his lesser known achievements .
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dalbirk Ji..

Now THATS the TRUTH..the whole truth and the NAKED ABSOLUTE TRUTH..not Propaganda. Its all freely available on the NET for free downloads read-ups etc....IGNORANCE is neither excusable nor bliss...

Our Mission here at SPN is to spread awareness about the One and ONLY Guru of Sikhs..the SGGS. We dont have any agendas to carry propaganda or untruths about others...but when someone opens a can of worms..expect worms to emerge out of the Pandoras Box... WE DONT BLOCK anyone and our SOP is NO false criticism of SGGS or disparaging Sikh gurus, History, Granths etc. Other than that every poster is free to contribute anything and everything within bounds of decency. If someone lives in a glass hosue and throws stones..he cant turn around and complain about others throwing stones and making holes in his glass house...This is a PREEMPTIVE POST.
May 24, 2008
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

No sir ji,I have learnt a lot from ur side and my objective was that i should know wats the reson that ppl talk too much against dera and write fke things..and u self wrote that babas look for girls and use audis :lol:
I m not surprised and i never felt it wrong coz bowing my head doesnt make me weak,it makes me proud oderwise.

I asked simple question that every thing starts from inside and 10th gate is opened den ur soul travels journey to that almighty...so who will save you in dat way?

Kaal dont leave a single soul even when we are living simply outside,will it leave us inside? no...

if you think that its easy den try it...do it for ur rest of life and take examples of those who spend thousands of years but dint achieve anything..so see where we stand...

Gurjot ji ,
Can you spare some 3 ( three minutes ) to go through the following which I feel is somewhat the essence of Gurbani / Sikhism / Sri Guru Granth Sahib " There are five vices in a human being namely Lust , Anger , Greed , Attachment , Ego needed to be overcomed by practising of five virtues namely Truth , Love , Humility , Contentment , Contemplation on Gurbani . Guru Nanak Devji got humanity out of this rut of human ( body ) worship by revealing the concept of SHABADGURU ( WORD as teacher) following which we can achieve oneness with FORMLESS GOD whose qualities are described in MOOLMANTAR as " There is One Universal God ( for whole humanity whether Christian , Muslim , Hindu , Buddhist , Jew , Jain or even agnostic ) His name is truth ( He Does exist ) , He is the Creator , Sustainer as well as the Destroyer ( Karta Purakh ) ,Sans Fear , Sans Hatred , Beyond the Realm of time ( does not grow old ), Does not Take birth or dies , Is Self Illuminated , Is achieved by the Grace of True Guru ( Shabad Guru/Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ) . Keep these qualities of God in mind 24 hours a day & keep remembering Him so that we attain these Godly qualities in ourselves . A Sikh should follow three pillars of Sikhism . 1. Do honest labour / Kirat Karna ( it comes first before Naam ) 2. Naam Japna ( remembering the qualities of God & not Gupt , secret Naam Daan in ears Shosha which is told by Radha Soamis ) 3. Share among less fortunates / Wand Chakko . "
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Nov 6, 2012
Would you please consider the following points, or continue being an ignorant dera follower?
1) Gurinder Dhillon (did not use singh as it is for sikhs, which he is not) recently bowed down in front of the 11th Guru, which your dera calls a book and not a Guru.. SURPRISING!! Why he himself bowed down when he stops you from doing it? A newspaper reported that he did it to repair his damaged reputation among sikhs, a lot of whom are his followers. But, I am not a very big believer in what media says, coz the same media has reported against sikhs many times. I take it positively and look forward to your dera accepting its mistakes and your Guru leaving his false claims of being a Guru.
2) A newspaper started a story about how dera destroyed the basic infrastructure(roads, power supply) of nearby villages to force people to sell land at lower prices. It had to stop reporting the same coz of threats. U know govt is in the hands of these babas. No one dared to report it afterwards.
3)Your first baba, Jaimal (not Singh), asked the villagers for land to construct a gurudwara. The villagers donated it on the condition that it should be registered in name of Guru Granth Sahib. This dera used to do parkash, but stopped doing it later, when a case was filed against the dera for improper use of land. You can see pics of the same.
4)And ur claim about maskeen ji? Dnt lie to prove ur beliefs. Ur dera thinks maskeen ji is no more, so they can make up stories. Rest of his family is still alive, and they must be knowing of it, if it had happened. They can clear ur misconceptions. And, on top of that, if that incident had happened, maskeen ji and his family must have started following Gurinder Dhillon as the true Guru. But his family does not. A futile attempt by the dera again!
5)Radhasoami fools call Guru Granth Sahib a mere book. Go and ask Vasu Bhardwaj from Gujarat (who is not even a Sikh), how he was cured of deadly cancer by just listening to Akhand Paath in Harmandir Sahib. Go and ask!

Still its upto you to take a lesson from the above or not!!
U have the choice of following the wrong path, it will be ur loss.. My duty was to try to make u understand. If u want to be ignorant, its your loss. I am not interested in increasing the number of Sikhs. I believe in quantity over quality. People tell me there are about 30 million Sikhs. More than half of them are mona (whether they cut hair or beard, they r mona), many are following babas, many r corrupt. People r worried. But, I feel it does not matter. Even if there r 5 Sikhs left in the world, it will be better if they r true Sikhs. So, as you can see, there r very few Sikhs than stated(these people can call themselves Sikhs, but they r not). But, does it matter? These few Sikhs r following the Sikh way of life, the true path. The other ones r not lucky enough!
Oct 18, 2012
my oppinion is you still need a teacher to teach us the ultimate art of meditation. the journey inside is very tricky, when we are running after naams, maya will also show some delusions or shadow play, if we pick it up we will be lost. kaal and maya does not like us to earn salvation so easily.. pick up teachers or gurus who had already earned naams themself. if we does not have the real skill in searching the real gurus, then please forget it.. we can see many picking up the wrong gurus, example kundalini gurus.. many were searching god at sushmana,, but actually god was seated at sukhmana. but i do respect sri guru granth very much. in sant mat they speak very deeply on mysticism of sounds, or anhad shabd or unstruct melodies.. this are my views only hope i won t be bann again on this site. sat sri akal
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