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Q1. What Is Religion?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
From times immemorial, man has felt the need of some power or
deity to liberate him from his toils and to protect him from
dangers. Further, he seeks to obtain peace and hope through
contact with a superior power which is called Divinity.

Society and Religion go together. Religion has occupied an
important place in the history of civilization and philosophy.
It gives a meaning and purpose to human life and satisfies man's
longing for peace and salvation. Some form of Religion existed
in primitive societies. They believed in spirits, magic and
images of gods and offered sacrifices to them. The basic forms
of relgious expression are sacrifice, prayer and ritual.

Religion has been defined as "the relationship between man and
the super- human power he believes in and depends upon".
According to Jakob Burchardt, "Religions are the expression of
the eternal and indestructible metaphysical cravings of human
nature." It includes a rule of conduct or principle of
individual life on which one's peace of mind depends. Religions
offer different paths to salvation. The goal of religion is
getting in tune with the infinite. Moreover, the philosophy of
religion is neither ceremony nor ritual nor going to the temple,
but an inner experience which finds God everywhere.

Relgion consists of a number of beiefs relating to a reality
which connot be demonstrated by proof, but which is an
inexorable certainty to the believer. This reality induces him
to adopt certain modes of action and behaviour. When Guru
Arjan(fifth Sikh Guru) was asked as to which is the best
religion in the world, he answered: "The best religion in the
world is the one which stresses the power of prayer and the
performance of noble deeds." Holy living or altruistic action is
the practical side of religion.


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Member,

Religion is only a guide to spirituality. It is to a seeker what a road map is to a tourist.

With Love and Respect for all.

Aug 28, 2010
If we consider the views from Gurbaani as to What is Religion I think it is impossible to do so as there is no word equivalent of Religion in SGGS ji.
However we have a clear reference of the word Dharamu.Can we consider the meanings of Dharamu and Religion as same.Probably not.
In our Sikh Philosophy there is Role of Dharamu only.
Secondly we do talk a lot about sprituality but what is spritualty as per Gurbaani we have probablynot cleared this so far.We have words like Japu and Simranu of Naamu.
Do the words Japu and Simranu can be considered constituting sprituality.
We should clearly understand from Gurbaani what the Sprituality is.
Therefore it is important to understand the difference between the terms Dharamu and Religion.



Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
What is Sikhi?

Sikhi is what inspires us to get up in the morning, it drives when we get up.
Sikhi is about what we sing when we take a cold shower
Sikhi is what we do first thing after bath, we sit and read
Sikhi is what makes the first rays of morning sun beautiful

Sikhi is about how I greet my family
Sikhi is what I talk about my experiences of last day and realizations
Sikhi is about planning the rest of my day
Sikhi is how I leave for work

Sikhi is the reason I work
Sikhi is my guide at work
Sikhi determines how I interact with those rowdy work going people in the morning
Sikhi is reading phrase 'Work is Worship' and smiling

Sikhi is about being honest at work and finishing on time
Sikhi is discipline and truthful at work
Sikhi is about helping others
Sikhi is about placing others before yourself

Sikhi is what I do after work
Sikhi is the kind of Sangat I have
Sikhi is about thanking many times over
Sikhi is about getting together to prepare for the evening

Sikhi is about singing Aarti in the evening
Sikhi is about having Langar together
Sikhi is doing Ardas before you sleep thanking for last 24 hours
Sikhi is singing Nirbhau ka Sohila

Sikhi is not religion. Sikhi is my life. Without it we are as good as dead.

ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਮੇਰੋ ਪਿੰਡ ਪਰਾਨ ॥ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਮੇਰੀ ਜਾਨ ਕੀ ਜਾਨ ॥
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