That desn't sound like regular Linzer.
Why would you discuss going without protection and not discuss the issue of a potential pregnancy? Of course he was fine with going without protection, they say sex with a condom is like taking a shower with a raincoat on! If anyone is going to have unprotected sex they should be ready for a baby. And it can happen on the first go, I'm sure you know that.
I hope you find love in the end because it sounds like you got a bit of a bum steer with this one.
Glad to hear Linzer isn't always so hard. ;-)
I feel we had discussed the possibility of pregnancy. I think more than once. When we met I said if he was looking for someone to settle down with and have kids I probably would not be his person. Not that I am completely against the idea of more kids with the right person, more that I've "BTDT". I'm also not keen on the idea of getting married again. I would very likely consider both with the "right person" but a lot of times it is the girl who really wants to marry in order to get the big "dream wedding" and...I've done that.
So anyhow his reply to that was that he didn't mind; he didn't feel the NEED to have children right then and there. HOwever, he adores children. Down to changing the dirty diapers of a friend's kids...something a lot of men would balk at. On at least one more occasion, perhaps 2 if my memory is faulty, we discussed what would happen with an oopsie and his reply was "well I guess I'll update my FB status to say I'll be a dad! Simple as that!" pretty much. So my take on it was he wasn't planning kids but would tolerate an oopsie just fine.
Of course I know a child can happen on the first time. I love the man; I won't say I wouldn't have enjoyed having his the time I lost it I really did want it. But whilst I was ready to face the consquences if they should occur I guess he was just paying lip service to pretending he would be ok with it or something.
Oh here is my memory of the other discussion of children which was the night we were together making that child, after the fact. I was telling him something my mom had said about oopsie children and she said "there are a lot of lives that are ruined by oopsies" or something like that and I told him that and we both kind of went "really?!!! Since when is it ok to consider a new life such a negative thing?!". He seemed as appalled as I was at the comment and was like "yeah kids should always be #1 priority".
Thanks for your thoughtful words at the end.