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Vikram singh

Feb 24, 2005
Recently I came across this sensational news article published in "Khalsa Fatehnama" magazine.

I am putting a short story here:
Pind Baraich is very close to one of Rada Swami deras. Dera guys wanted to expand there Dera so they asked villagers to sell their land to them. Most of the villagers were not ready to leave their ancestoral homes.

Dera guys starts using other tactis to evacuate the village:
1) Village transformer has been blown and there is no electricity in village for more than one year. Village homes and Gurdwara uses Candles to do their daily chores.
After appealing again and again to various authorities, villagers have been asked to talk with Rada Swami Dera Secretary.
2) Dera gundas often comes to village, frighten some lonely members of families. There have been incidents of violence between Dera and Villagers.
3) The road to the village is digged and is full of ditched. The road is in worse condition for transportation.
4) Some families left the village, others are fighting bravely. Dera guys have digged 30-30 feet ditches by the side of houses and there is danger of house walls falling down.
5) Dera Secretary openly boasts of his political power and claims Badal is with them. He also claims that even congress will not try to mess with their cult.

Some journalists (from tribune) went there to cover their story. They were man-handled by Dera sponsored gundas. A report was published once in Tribune, nothing after that.

This time, a team from Fatehnama went there, with full preparation to cover the story. They took pictures of village and interviews villagers and covered the story.

Only one "Kissan Jathebandi" is somewhat supportng the villagers. None of the religious or social organisation has come in open to support them

If it is all true, then it's a big nexus and it will slowly engulf many villages in many areas.
Can we do something on it?
May 24, 2008
Radha Soami Dera has encroached upon about 2500 acres of river Beas land by earth filling it . As a result of that about the river Beas has changed its course leading to the submergence of about 5,000 acres of fertile agricultural land down stream . It has rendered hundreds of farmers landless resulting in a few suicides also . The suicide news I saw in PTC News just a few days back .

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Once a King was granted a wish...he was given a choice to have his "life" placed in a parrot....and as long as the parrot was well and alive..no weapon on earth could even harm the King....he lived fearlessly knowing only death could come to him IF anything happened to his parrot !! But one day a sage did find out...and told a warrior the secret of whay the King was invincible...the warrior avoided the King and went straight to the parrots cage, and wrung its neck...immediately the King fell down dead !!
The Radha Soami Dera is invincible..as its life is in the parrot called BADAL !! As long as Badal wins....NOTHING and NOBODY can harm even a hair of the RS....:ice::u)::star:
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Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Recently I came across this sensational news article published in "Khalsa Fatehnama" magazine.

I am putting a short story here:
Pind Baraich is very close to one of Rada Swami deras. Dera guys wanted to expand there Dera so they asked villagers to sell their land to them. Most of the villagers were not ready to leave their ancestoral homes.

Dera guys starts using other tactis to evacuate the village:
1) Village transformer has been blown and there is no electricity in village for more than one year. Village homes and Gurdwara uses Candles to do their daily chores.
After appealing again and again to various authorities, villagers have been asked to talk with Rada Swami Dera Secretary.
2) Dera gundas often comes to village, frighten some lonely members of families. There have been incidents of violence between Dera and Villagers.
3) The road to the village is digged and is full of ditched. The road is in worse condition for transportation.
4) Some families left the village, others are fighting bravely. Dera guys have digged 30-30 feet ditches by the side of houses and there is danger of house walls falling down.
5) Dera Secretary openly boasts of his political power and claims Badal is with them. He also claims that even congress will not try to mess with their cult.

Some journalists (from tribune) went there to cover their story. They were man-handled by Dera sponsored gundas. A report was published once in Tribune, nothing after that.

This time, a team from Fatehnama went there, with full preparation to cover the story. They took pictures of village and interviews villagers and covered the story.

Only one "Kissan Jathebandi" is somewhat supportng the villagers. None of the religious or social organisation has come in open to support them

If it is all true, then it's a big nexus and it will slowly engulf many villages in many areas.
Can we do something on it?

My friends village (Dhillon) is on the other side of the Beas, and even they have had problems with these guys. They are NOT good people at all.
May 24, 2008
Once a King was granted a wish...he was given a choice to have his "life" placed in a parrot....and as long as the parrot was well and alive..no weapon on earth could even harm the King....he lived fearlessly knowing only death could come to him IF anything happened to his parrot !! But one day a sage did find out...and told a warrior the secret of whay the King was invincible...the warrior avoided the King and went straight to the parrots cage, and wrung its neck...immediately the King fell down dead !!
The Radha Soami Dera is invincible..as its life is in the parrot called BADAL !! As long as Badal wins....NOTHING and NOBODY can harm even a hair of the RS....:ice::u)::star:
Gaini Ji ,
How right you were on this account ? I went to Amritsar on Sunday
I was amazed to know that Bikramjit Singh Majithia the brother in law of Sukhbir Badal was married recently to the grand daughter of Charan Singh ( past Dera head of Radha Soami , Beas ) in Delhi . Badal can stoop so low for the sake of votes that he has joined as the relative of most ANTI-SIKH Dera in whole of the world .


May 15, 2008

We shouldn't give our land to any DERA"S no Matter what.

We have only one Guru that is Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Parkash Singh Badal JI, you are the one who we should blame for all those DERA"S in India

Sorry to say but This is Truth nothing but Truth

Wahe guru

Gurfateh Ji


May 19, 2008
Mr. Badal, Who he is is any one Know!
Where was he born and when was he born. How pain full must be for his Mother and and father to raised a child like that.

For Votes Mr Badal can do anything. He can even sell his own children for that and his own Mother and you are talking about attending a marriage ceremony.

Who created the Dera's Who created the 1984 attacked on Golden Temple
Now we have to face his son God's know how many children s does his son has out side of his own house.
Waheguru Maaf kare but this is the fact
SATNAM WAHEGURU:yes::yes::yes:
Aug 6, 2006
Expansion of deras ! and that also at the cost of homes and agricultural land. In such cases the elctronic media's help can be very useful. I thing we all should send messages to different new channels, we should flood them with such messages so that they will bring up the issue on TV channels. Discussing in the forums is very constructive thing but bringing these issues to the knowledge of masses is even more important. Masses must know whats happening.
Please don't expect anything from these politicians. They care for there power only.
May 24, 2008
Seeker 9 Ji ,
Actually the Radha Soamis are the biggest & the bitterest enemies of Sikhs if you go to attend any SATSANG of theirs then you will know the singleminded focus of them is to destroy Sikhi by hook or crook . I am saying this after attending four of their sessions .


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Seeker 9 Ji ,
Actually the Radha Soamis are the biggest & the bitterest enemies of Sikhs if you go to attend any SATSANG of theirs then you will know the singleminded focus of them is to destroy Sikhi by hook or crook . I am saying this after attending four of their sessions .

Dear Dalbkirk Ji

That is interesting

I am no fan but there are RS converts in my immediate and extended family and over the years I have attended a number of Satsangs including a few delivered by their present Master

I would have to say he has never said anything derogatory about SGGSJ

Passages have been quoted and interpreted but nothing ever disrespectful

As for Sikhs, I did once hear him say words to the effect that it's one thing to go to the Gurudwara, it's another to practice the teachings in your daily life. So he appeared to be encouraging Sikhs to embrace and practice the scriptures

Again, I am not a fan and am just quoting from my own experience



Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Dalbirk ji shuld give some details that what derogatory or anti sikhi was being preached during satsang. Those details will help a lot to understand what dalbirk is trying to say.

Dear Roopsidhu Ji

I think that would be very helpful

I forgot to say earlier that it is also my experience that what is preached and what is practiced are often very different

I noted earlier a lot of RSs consider themselves superior and are prone to establish their own rules and behaviour patterns.....so what Dalbirk Ji says is entirely plausible from the Sangat.

But I would be surprised if anything like that was preached
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May 8, 2010
I dont understand these Rada Swamis..... so you can be a muslim, hindu or sikh or whatever and go and join this splinter group called rada swami. If you become a rada swami then are you giving up your sikhi for a new way of life or is rada swami and add-on to whatever religion you are?

I heard they keep the guru granth sahib present in their sangat but place it lower then their master because the master is condered higher than the Sri Guru Granth SahibJ!

Did the rada swami masters not come to Southall some time ago in the 80sand start having sex with women that could not have children becuase they promised them some sort of love potion to make them have kids? Then the real SInghs found out about these babas and pretended to follow their cult and when they got close enough they shot him. After the baba got shot he stood up and said no bullets can do anything thing to me because I am from God, then the Singh said how about this and shot him in the head. The followers where waiting for him to stand up again but he did not and later they found out that he was actually wearing a bullet proof vest.....