Hehe for me this line is an inaccurate representation of Sikhi.
We need morality to run the politics. We don't need political control to run morals.
In the long run, a Sikh doesn't care for state, land, politics etc. Sikh survives anywhere he goes on Simran. That is the greatest strength. They can take away everything from us. Hang us upside down and even cut our hair. But they can never take Simran away from us while we breathe.
Sat Sri Akaal,
TRULY written and well said. we need
Are we running, are citizens having frame work for running politics,.
Are citizens who are seeking morality, are coming forward to decide on MORALITY of
POLITICIANS and POLICE and policy makers.
or POLITICIANS are rules over TAX PAYERS, they can alter any rule for convenience.
For Eg
The new rule to reduce the public offence and teach them morality, challan is made 50 times.
This was a very effective step, challans were reduced, people were carefull and morality was introduced by this WAY. But what about IMMORAL police implementing and exploiting common people. THERE SHALL BE PROOF OF OFFENCE MANDATORY FOR CHALLANING. Do government has facility before imposing such NORM are they not aware of there practices.
And when Political Person do Corruption, than challan shall be seizing there wealth, which they have hoarded while ruling, and that will improve POLITICS.
Can citizen frame laws for LEADERSHIP to be ethical, than only political people will understand its not ruling but HIGHER MORAL SERVICE of humanity.
WORDS and PRACTICE of ESSENCE of WORD brings transformation in WORLD.
We are far way from practice, thought is GOOD, but better if implemented in REALITY and bring in PRACTICE.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh