Breeb Ji ,
Here are my two cents :
Economics of the Godmen
I wish to clear some plain facts about the mushrooming growth of Godmen in India
It is commonly known to us that during elections votes are sold to political parties for a price But the exact modus operandi is unclear to many Here is how it works There are following elections held in India
1. Panchayat Elections Rate per vote is 5000 to 7000 rs for elections of Panches a furthur expense of 1000 Rs is incurred on the election of Sarpanch among Panches 2. Block Samiti Elections : Rate per vote is 1000 to 2000 , liquor bottles , Poppy husk & few hundered rupees do the trick 3. Muncipal Committee Elections Rate is again 1000 to 2000 per vote same means r used for distribution 4. Muncipal Corporation Elections ( For Big Cities ) Rate is 2000 to 2500 per vote for electing councillors a furthur expense of 500 is made for electing Mayor 5. Lok Sabha Elections Rate is 1000 to 2000 per vote 6 Assembly Elections This is the mother of all elections Rate is 5000 to 8000 per vote morover the winner takes the all important Chief Minister Ship chair So in total a vote costs ( Earns ) Rs 16,000 to 25000 ( 400 USD to 625 USD ) in all 5 years . All the Godmen all they have to do is to invite some political leader to some big SATSANG & that political leader pays his RESPECTS to Godman in front of DEVOTEES The leader gets the unusual big crowd the public gets to see the amount of CLOUT OF BABAJI & to top it all BABAJI gets his share proportionately
Each vote multiplied by 16000 to 25000 Rupees .This BOOTY is in the form of CASH & KIND like land allotment , posting of police officers ,teachers, health workers, transfers of various officials to PLUM places
So stop all this worshipping of Godmen who are mere parasites living off innocent devotees . Read the religious scriptures for yourself ,do honest deeds, limit your desires do some web surfing to know about the religion we wish to follow get out of rut of a human Baba / Godman as far as possible.