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Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale - A Sikh Preacher Or A Fake?

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Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
If one cares to watch any of the numerous programs on the Sikh Channels by Ranjit Singh then one would not make the above statement. It is quite plain to see that Ranjit Singh only attaches the sangat to Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Is the Pope is a Muslim? No it must be true.:interestedsingh:


Apr 24, 2006
Once you get into this "Preacher or a Fake" business, you miss out on the wisdom that that preacher or fake could give you.

What's more important to you, the wisdom or making judgements?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This thread is vectoring in the direction of a pecking match. Breeb ji if you are considering making SPN your new nest, then prepare to shed your old feathers, and grow new ones. We try very hard to keep the sniping to a minimum. This is my 3rd request to you and your first official warning. Do not make the mistake of quarreling with me either. Thanks.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
bhagat Ji...On Page 721 of SGGS there is a line about the Simbal Rukh..a TREE that is used many times as an example from nature to explain certain idea put forward..
This TREE is extremely TALL...grows to great heights..but it neither has any branches, or leaves for shade and its fruits look very tempting..BUT are in actual fact hard and shelly when unripe and when they burst open, they reveal patches of very attractive white foam like substance (co{censored} cotton). Birds who come to this tree looking for food or shelter soon realsie their folly..as the tree has neither shade/branches for nesting spots nor edible fruits.
Thsi tree is also mentioned in Asa Ki vaar..
But on Page 721 the Stress is on whiteness as an attraction...towards the Outward DRESS of babas and religious FAKES who attract but sooner or later the chela finds out that the simbal tree has no gunns of any kind..just lots of ego that makes it stand out. But just like some bird or other animal keeps climbing the tree and regretting it..many human babas and fakes keep attracting chelas...thats the way it is..and will always be..
the Hard Core chela will turn around and say..so what..at least the "tree" has some wood in its trunk..or at least the white stuff looks beautiful...and so its is...if someone dearly needs the wood/white stuff its ok..no skin off the duck's back ?? why quarrel..and split..even Guru nanak ji couldnt convince everyone !!!Cheers


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Breeb Ji ,
Here are my two cents :
Economics of the Godmen
I wish to clear some plain facts about the mushrooming growth of Godmen in India
It is commonly known to us that during elections votes are sold to political parties for a price But the exact modus operandi is unclear to many Here is how it works There are following elections held in India
1. Panchayat Elections Rate per vote is 5000 to 7000 rs for elections of Panches a furthur expense of 1000 Rs is incurred on the election of Sarpanch among Panches 2. Block Samiti Elections : Rate per vote is 1000 to 2000 , liquor bottles , Poppy husk & few hundered rupees do the trick 3. Muncipal Committee Elections Rate is again 1000 to 2000 per vote same means r used for distribution 4. Muncipal Corporation Elections ( For Big Cities ) Rate is 2000 to 2500 per vote for electing councillors a furthur expense of 500 is made for electing Mayor 5. Lok Sabha Elections Rate is 1000 to 2000 per vote 6 Assembly Elections This is the mother of all elections Rate is 5000 to 8000 per vote morover the winner takes the all important Chief Minister Ship chair So in total a vote costs ( Earns ) Rs 16,000 to 25000 ( 400 USD to 625 USD ) in all 5 years . All the Godmen all they have to do is to invite some political leader to some big SATSANG & that political leader pays his RESPECTS to Godman in front of DEVOTEES The leader gets the unusual big crowd the public gets to see the amount of CLOUT OF BABAJI & to top it all BABAJI gets his share proportionately
Each vote multiplied by 16000 to 25000 Rupees .This BOOTY is in the form of CASH & KIND like land allotment , posting of police officers ,teachers, health workers, transfers of various officials to PLUM places
So stop all this worshipping of Godmen who are mere parasites living off innocent devotees . Read the religious scriptures for yourself ,do honest deeds, limit your desires do some web surfing to know about the religion we wish to follow get out of rut of a human Baba / Godman as far as possible.

dalbirk ji

Somehow I missed this yesterday. It is a keeper. Exactly what needs to be laid out for anyone who is sitting on the fence. Thanks.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Once you get into this "Preacher or a Fake" business, you miss out on the wisdom that that preacher or fake could give you.

What's more important to you, the wisdom or making judgements?

While you are 100% correct, bare in mind what the 10th Master did to Masands. Whilst I hate back biting, we need to point out where people err from the message from the Guru.

I honestly cannot take Dhadrianwala seriously, hence the funny video's on him. The whole thing he does is like a circus, and he is the main attraction. The clown!!lol

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Is calling a "spade"...a spade "bad" manners ???. I have seen the videos of the reaction Mr. Dhadriwallah in reaction to the babbu mann Song Ek baba nanak see....the "langauge" used by Dhadriwallah was in extremely bad taste, his emotions of anger and disgust ran away...that response ( totally unbecoming of a sant baba holy man godman etc ) by a person who wasnt even NAMED or hinted at by Babbu mann resulted in a epidemic of some CLOWNISH Videos and some downright vulgar ones too playing on dhadriwallah and his style of kirtan. As a SIKH I was deeply hurt by such videos..as for whatever it means he is still a fellow sikh...BUT then I realised he brought it upon himslef by his harsh langauge against babbu mann and making some JUDGEMENTS whcih of course he is NOT qualified to make. Even now ehn someone or my gurbani students come across these Vulgar Videos PAODY of Dhadriawallah i admonish them and tell them it is not good to laugh at this becasue its not funny..BUT the vidoes are Viral and cauisng much damage to Sikhism image as well dhadri's own image.....

A Sant/baba/mahapursh has GOT to remain COOL. COMPOSED, TOLERANT, KIND, COMPASSIONATE, FORGIVING....and mUCH MUCH MORE....and THAT is WHY a Diwan held to celebrate the Shaheedee of someone like GURU ARJUN JI cannot cannot cannot CANNOT be DOWNGRADED/SHARED/ at any cost by a MERE HUMAN..no matter how holy/babaish/mahapurashish/ he may be....NO HUMAN can stand anywhere even NEAR the SUPREME Guru Arjun who sat so calmly, cooly, forgivingly, compassionately..on the HOT Plate and didnt say a word against Chandu..Jehangir..etc etc. KITHEH GURU ARJUN JI,.kitheh Baba Dhadriwallah ?? How can he even dare to share...NO. not share BUT .DOMINATE an advert with Guru Arjun ?? Thats why people call a clown a clown...and its NOT bad Manners at all..its the TRUTH. Publics Perception...is a serious subject..and if the public sees someone as a clown..then he is one..clear and simple...BUT the SANGAT is all forgiving.....and if such mistakes are not repeated...its forgiven anytime...
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