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Hard Talk Recurring Thoughts on India under a Triumphant Narendra Modi


Apr 6, 2019
I disagree, the threat I am talking about is not physical survival. The threat I am talking about is the most insidious ideology I have ever seen. Hindu nationalism has this ideology it works to destroy scripture and structure. There is a reason why Buddhism flourishes outside of India. There is a reason why Sikhism does not make the gains in India that it has in the diaspora.

There is said to be 4 distinct phenomenon. The Turkish phenomenon which attacks openly the centre of a power. The White House phenomenon which restricts the centre through economic strangulation. The Jewish phenomenon which caters for those within a circle of interest and denies self-determination to those outside of the circle. The final phenomenon is the brahmanic one which blurs the boundaries between difference then haggles its way to the lowest common denominator. The last phenomenon is the most dangerous as it creates a society of lost souls. Yes, life is not good enough for the brahman himself and his antedote is to make waste of all of us then at least were the same.

I don't need to sit down and think about this I suggest you read some history. With all of the other phenomenons a community gets to come back from its subjugation. No I'm not a Khalistani I hate the word itself. I do believe in a strong federal structure for India and believe that if it comes to it then it should be implemented by force.

Pakistan is intent on maximising its territorial space within the region it does this through the bogey of Kashmir and by Islamic militias. This is a state policy not a mandate from its people. This approach is finishing Pakistan off not India nor the Sikhs. In fact there is a favourable disposition towards the Sikh community from its masses one only realises this when going to Pakistan. The military however enjoys any division within Indian society. These 2 things are important to understand any threat. The Pakistani army is battle hardened I believe they can very easily take on the Indian forces, this is not because of Jihadi islamism, this is because the people (sikhs) who once vociferously defended India no longer believe that it makes sense to fight for something which damages their way of life. This is a serious matter because it will result in an imbalance of the subcontinent, Sikhs won't be finished off nor will they go the way of Buddhists, and for your information during partition Sikhs were sadly very effective in ethnically cleansing its population of the Muslim. The propaganda machine has crafted the idea of the Muslims being an insurmountable horde, certain factions want you to believe this like a fork in the road, we're scary so don't mess with us, they're scary so mess with them. It's a joke!.

The existence of hindutva and rss is unacceptable and must come to an end, I see the situation in Canada with Quebec as an ideal coexistence scenario, this is what we want. I believe strongly in sarbat da bhalla, I don't believe you can be biased when you have this value. So what is the problem, well there are 2 main reasons why people nowadays are not forthcoming with the truth. Firstly it is a lack of energy the people have become tired and become followers. Secondly the ability to reject appeals to the collective conscious is a hard task it involves upholding your own conscience. Saying I don't care is the motto for our generation, but as time passes extremely quickly the thorn in our side becomes more visible but the tragedy is that by then its too late. I focus on the issues affecting sikhs with great zeal, I do this because because I don't want us to have to contend with the default, a trump a modi or a brexit.


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
Sikhism used to make gains in India through Hinduism itself in the past when many Punjabi hindus used to give their sons into Sikhism . That stopped due to militancy in Punjab in the 1980s not due to Brahmanism .

The whole talk of only Sikhs being capable of protecting India from Pakistan is full of hubris nothing else . If the Indian military is modernised then it will be able to protect India without Sikhs if they choose to stay away from the conflict .

The intake of Sikhs in the armed forces started with the British who considered only them to be politically reliable and supportive of British rule after 1857 mutiny . Does not mean others are not capable of fighting .
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Jun 8, 2019
I disagree, the threat I am talking about is not physical survival. The threat I am talking about is the most insidious ideology I have ever seen. Hindu nationalism has this ideology it works to destroy scripture and structure. There is a reason why Buddhism flourishes outside of India. There is a reason why Sikhism does not make the gains in India that it has in the diaspora.

There is said to be 4 distinct phenomenon. The Turkish phenomenon which attacks openly the centre of a power. The White House phenomenon which restricts the centre through economic strangulation. The Jewish phenomenon which caters for those within a circle of interest and denies self-determination to those outside of the circle. The final phenomenon is the brahmanic one which blurs the boundaries between difference then haggles its way to the lowest common denominator. The last phenomenon is the most dangerous as it creates a society of lost souls. Yes, life is not good enough for the brahman himself and his antedote is to make waste of all of us then at least were the same.

I don't need to sit down and think about this I suggest you read some history. With all of the other phenomenons a community gets to come back from its subjugation. No I'm not a Khalistani I hate the word itself. I do believe in a strong federal structure for India and believe that if it comes to it then it should be implemented by force.

Pakistan is intent on maximising its territorial space within the region it does this through the bogey of Kashmir and by Islamic militias. This is a state policy not a mandate from its people. This approach is finishing Pakistan off not India nor the Sikhs. In fact there is a favourable disposition towards the Sikh community from its masses one only realises this when going to Pakistan. The military however enjoys any division within Indian society. These 2 things are important to understand any threat. The Pakistani army is battle hardened I believe they can very easily take on the Indian forces, this is not because of Jihadi islamism, this is because the people (sikhs) who once vociferously defended India no longer believe that it makes sense to fight for something which damages their way of life. This is a serious matter because it will result in an imbalance of the subcontinent, Sikhs won't be finished off nor will they go the way of Buddhists, and for your information during partition Sikhs were sadly very effective in ethnically cleansing its population of the Muslim. The propaganda machine has crafted the idea of the Muslims being an insurmountable horde, certain factions want you to believe this like a fork in the road, we're scary so don't mess with us, they're scary so mess with them. It's a joke!.

The existence of hindutva and rss is unacceptable and must come to an end, I see the situation in Canada with Quebec as an ideal coexistence scenario, this is what we want. I believe strongly in sarbat da bhalla, I don't believe you can be biased when you have this value. So what is the problem, well there are 2 main reasons why people nowadays are not forthcoming with the truth. Firstly it is a lack of energy the people have become tired and become followers. Secondly the ability to reject appeals to the collective conscious is a hard task it involves upholding your own conscience. Saying I don't care is the motto for our generation, but as time passes extremely quickly the thorn in our side becomes more visible but the tragedy is that by then its too late. I focus on the issues affecting sikhs with great zeal, I do this because because I don't want us to have to contend with the default, a trump a modi or a brexit.

Are you based in India?

You are overworking on your worries about BJP - Hinduism won’t be able to gobble Sikhism even if they wanted (they don’t have such intentions, their worry is mostly on Muslims)

Pakistanis have this dream of Ghazwa E Hind and especially crave Punjab.. just go to UK and see the amount of Pakistanis who shout for Khalistan but go do grooming on Sikhs. Conversion by any method is justified by their religion.

In KPK in Pakistan, the local Abdul’s throw stones on Sikh houses because as a community, their religion will always prescribe hatred for Kafirs.

Read the Quran, you will get a big insight into how the Muslim mindset works. I say this as someone who grew up in a Muslim country.

To me BJP is better than Muslim loving, Sikh hating Congress.


Jun 8, 2019
Apprently, punjabis collectively consider BJP/RSS a bigger threat to their communal fabric than Congress in the current scenario.

Including my wife’s family.

I say their assessment comes from a lack of understanding of the full scenario and also an addition of misguided propaganda.


Apr 6, 2019
No, 23 million people are not collectively misguided that must be some pretty amazing campaigning. This election has proven Sikhs have not been infected with ghulami da soch/slave mentality. They rejected the rot and are on the right side of history in doing this. In a decade or so people will look back and say that our choice was right the same way the majority of Indians today look back at the indira saga with disgust. There was a time in the not so distant past where the same Indians cheerleaded for the Congress back then. This volte face highlights who the backward classes really are.


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
The so called 'right side of history' called congress party does not even buy anything for defence in it's ten years in power . Today India is at a military disadvantage to Pakistan due to this . Remember if fighting occurs Punjab is right at the border of Pakistan and if Pakistan gets the advantage in a fight you Punjabis will be left to the tender mercies of the Pakistanis . I sincerely hope no fighting happens till the new rafale fighterjets and S 400 air defence missiles contracted by Modi government come in 3 years .

One wonders how Pakistanis will behave with sikhs if they come as conquerors . I really hope it doesn't come to that .
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Apr 6, 2019
You keep talking about the defence budget, the world's strongest army spent trillions on it's defence budget and they are fighting an enemy external to its borders. That enemy is not on a payroll and still they have brought the opposition to its knees. What will India do with its modern army when the enemy is within? Forget Pakistan mate first treat your own citizens like your own citizens.

I never said Congress was the party on the right side of history, I don't believe we had any other choice and the Captain is not like the Congress party. Being stuck on the border is not the only way which we're trapped.


Jun 8, 2019
No, 23 million people are not collectively misguided that must be some pretty amazing campaigning. This election has proven Sikhs have not been infected with ghulami da soch/slave mentality. They rejected the rot and are on the right side of history in doing this. In a decade or so people will look back and say that our choice was right the same way the majority of Indians today look back at the indira saga with disgust. There was a time in the not so distant past where the same Indians cheerleaded for the Congress back then. This volte face highlights who the backward classes really are.

Nothing says slave mentality than voting for 1984 criminals Congress, mate.

Brainwashing can go a long way.

The same virus that has infected Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, is trying to creep its way into Punjab. One which overly promotes the value of “secularism” with a certain taqqiya practicing, kaafir hating minority.

I see some misguided dhimmi Sikhs with lack quranic knowledge trying to defend Islam and the Muslim community on social media. Funniest situation.. dhimmi sheeps trying to protect the wolves. These same sheeps will vote for “inclusive” congress which really is just Muslim appeasing.

We are lions, we should fight against hate in any form, even if it’s mask in the name of a religion.

Our population is not big enough for any party to consider us as a vote bank unfortunately.

I have to agree though, Captain Amarinder is a diamond in a pile of Congress trash.

BJP is far from perfect, but it’s the viable option till a new party that promotes Sikh values and ethos is formed.


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
Drugs are being pushed by Pakistan into Punjab . Sikhs are getting drug addicted due to which their population is declining . Also their martial ardour is also declining due to drugs and fewer Sikhs are joining the army . Whole thing is a Pakistani gameplan to demoralise sikhs who resisted stiffly in 1965 and 1971 wars . Yet BJP /RSS are supposed to be the problem . What thinking !!

This Sikh author feels that the film udta Punjab should have been called udta sikh because drug problem is mainly among Sikhs---

Concentrate on the main problem of drugs and eradicate them and try to increase dwindling Sikh percentage of population in Punjab . Blaming the Hindu nationalists is a senseless diversion of your energies nothing else .
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Apr 6, 2019
This is incredibly poor rhetoric from both participants. Let's shorthand this, drugs have poured into many states in India including punjab through the state of rajasthan there is an invisible hand here. Punjab drug problem is a recent one, however youths across India have been dying enmasse for decades, thank you for your specific concern for punjab. This is the poor brainwashing I am talking about. Captain was right to lodge a protest when the udta film came out,he said quite rightly that the problem was not to scale, see how many people are sucked in. Journalists too are responsible for the disinformation.

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
Admittedly BJP wasted the mandate it got . The so called ' acchhe din' ( good days ) never came . Economic growth was higher than China earlier but now it is below that of China . Unemployment is at a 45 year high . I suspect it is due to the demonetisation blunder made by BJP . The economy simply hasn't recovered from it .

But still I would vote for Modi . At least he is doing something for defence by buying some defence equipment . The Pakistani strike after Indian bombing of balakot displayed deficiencies in Indian military . The congress government literally did not buy anything in it's 10 years in power for defence . Allowed Pakistan to get military advantage over India . Indian fighterjets were equipped with inferior air to air missiles compared to Pakistani fighterjets as Congress had neglected defence completely .

Sikhs are unnecessarily getting worked up about the polarization angle . This is not Nazi Germany in the making . The Hindu nationalists never were against Sikhs . They are against Abrahamic religions like Islam and Christianity ( though not against Judaism due to Israel's good relations with India ) but not against dharmic religions like Buddhism Sikhism or Jainism .

In fact such is the magnitude of the threat from Islam that I would recommend dumping the misgivings against Christians inspite of the conversions they are carrying on in the countryside in South India especially , where in states like Kerala the Christian population is close to 20 percent . Reason---we all are threatened by Islamic terrorism . The whole world is . Muslims are rapidly migrating to Europe where the native European women are refusing to produce children thus reducing their population and creating a vacuum that Muslims are eager to fill . So Christianity in Europe is in danger too . In Asia Burma has the Rohingya Muslim problem and Lanka has recently been hit by Islamic terrorism . So Buddhists are threatened too . Unless all of us combine to face Islamic radicalism we might all get overwhelmed by the Islamic tide .
BJP doing something for defense ?
Lol, They ignored threats of Terror strikes on Pulwama Convoy
We Shot down our own Plane.
Now A 13 Crew Plane is Missing.

What was he doing for Defense Again ?


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
BJP doing something for defense ?
Lol, They ignored threats of Terror strikes on Pulwama Convoy
We Shot down our own Plane.
Now A 13 Crew Plane is Missing.

What was he doing for Defense Again ?

The rot set in during congress rule in the defence sector . BJP will take time to correct it .

BJP has contracted rafale fighterjets , S 400 surface to Air missiles , Romeo Anti submarine helicopters , Chinook heavy lift helicopters , Apache ground attack helicopters , m777 howitzers , AK 203 rifles , sniper rifles .


Jun 1, 2004
BJP has contracted rafale fighterjets , S 400 surface to Air missiles , Romeo Anti submarine helicopters , Chinook heavy lift helicopters , Apache ground attack helicopters , m777 howitzers , AK 203 rifles , sniper rifles .

Although, its a very sensitive matter of National secutiry and the Army knows better than us (the civilians or for that matter, the current govt.) about the requirements for the defence equipment.

However, before blaming previous governments, the question remains, when all these contracts come out of the pipeline? Not one in last five years? And Rafale deal already is in the shady waters...

If it is a matter of national security surely it should not take this long for any the deals to materialize in last five years... I wonder... :thinkingmunda:


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
blaming previous governments

Here is India today magazine calling congress defence minister a k Antony the worst defence minister .

The contracted military equipment takes years to come , which is why congress government should have contracted it years ago....but sadly it didn't . Rafale was contracted years ago by Modi government but deliveries will start only in September this year and will be completed only in 2022 .

Deliveries of m777 howitzers have started but sadly one of them broke apart as we used congress era defective ammunition to test it .

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
The rot set in during congress rule in the defence sector . BJP will take time to correct it .

BJP has contracted rafale fighterjets , S 400 surface to Air missiles , Romeo Anti submarine helicopters , Chinook heavy lift helicopters , Apache ground attack helicopters , m777 howitzers , AK 203 rifles , sniper rifles .
yeh, BJP will correct it.

Just like they gave 47 tickets to MLAs and MPs who have criminal cases against them.
45 of these 47 have Criminal cases against Women.

Dont know how you have such a high faith in a govt. Who gives tickets to the people who have MPs and MLAs with criminal cases against them. :)


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
yeh, BJP will correct it.

Just like they gave 47 tickets to MLAs and MPs who have criminal cases against them.
45 of these 47 have Criminal cases against Women.

Dont know how you have such a high faith in a govt. Who gives tickets to the people who have MPs and MLAs with criminal cases against them. :)

Even Congress has given tickets in the past to tainted people . For example cricketer Mohammed Azharuddin who was involved in match fixing scandal became MP courtesy congress party in 2009 . Are you saying Congress has all clean MPs MLAs without criminal backgrounds ?

According to this report 39 percent of BJP MPs haves criminal cases against them but congress MPs with criminal backgrounds are more percentage wise---57 percent .

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Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
Even Congress has given tickets in the past to tainted people . For example cricketer Mohammed Azharuddin who was involved in match fixing scandal became MP courtesy congress party in 2009 . Are you saying Congress has all clean MPs MLAs without criminal backgrounds ?

According to this report 39 percent of BJP MPs haves criminal cases against them but congress MPs with criminal backgrounds are more percentage wise---57 percent .

Logic dude


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
There is a saying... two wrongs do not make it right!

So according to your twisted logic Punjabis voting for Congress which fields 57 percent criminal candidates is okay but hindus voting for BJP with 39 percent criminal candidates is wrong .