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Regarding Sikh Girls


Apr 24, 2006
Amar ji, I believe I do know a Sikh girl, it's Aad ji!
Bhagat ji

How refreshing -- I am going through a "mindless zombie" episode in another area of my life as a Sikh :cool: and have had to just back out of a discussion for fear of being truly offensive. You are right. These men had physical and moral courage and they were uncommonly brilliant, schooled in human nature, and down-to-earth.

What has happened to the rest of us? :eek: It proves we are not Gurus that is for sure!

Aad Ji I forgot to ask, what is this "mindless zombie" episode in your life?

You are a Sikh girl and this topic is Regarding Sikh Girls so I believe I am not going off topic, when I ask this.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Amar ji, I believe I do know a Sikh girl, it's Aad ji!

Aad Ji I forgot to ask, what is this "mindless zombie" episode in your life?

You are a Sikh girl and this topic is Regarding Sikh Girls so I believe I am not going off topic, when I ask this.

Bhagat ji

So once again I smile reading your comments. However, I will never be a girl again -- alas I am almost a crone. But smile nonetheless.

The mindless zombie story can't be told in a pubic forum because feelings and privacy of individuals would be hurt -- even if they never read this which they probably never will. However you know within Sikhi there is the theory and the reality of making choices that are directed by Waheguru in the larger sense. This story -- well some people I know knuckled under some sangat politics. They did some things that originally they objected to because it was, in their view, necessary to submit to God's will and be humble. God had nothing to do with it. It was politics.

As a convert, this is an area that puzzles me about Sikhi. I think there is a difference between submitting to God and submitting to a crazy idea. Also a difference between being humble and allowing others to treat you in a rude and careless way. And also a difference between being "in ego" and being sensible. My response in the situation I referred to was to simply and quickly bow out, saying that my negativity would only poison the atmosphere. No need for that. There were others who actually cried out in ardaas for God's help and then went along with the plan anyway. The plan BTW had to do with "forcing" people to learn Gurbani in a way that I viewed as counterproductive . Another BTW, I don't recall that Waheguru forced anyone to do anything. But I was told by one person that it was His Hukam. :confused:

I gave up Roman Catholocism because of this kind of thinking.


(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
I have beard and turban, but this is also attracting sikh girls that are very liberal that happen to have brothers or fathers that have turban and beard.

Also another problem is some liberal girls start to like turbanned guys from reading sikh history, but they don't change their own values.

The fact isn't helped with so many sardars being players or making gfs, etc...
I don't see a problem with sardars getting girls, although personally are girls from many other non-sikh backgrounds that are attracted to sardars. The problem for me is more finding sikh girls with traditional/cultural values, and less ones that like sardars.


Apr 24, 2006
The fact isn't helped with so many sardars being players or making gfs, etc...
I think you meant "The fact isn't helped with 'almost no' sardars being players or making gfs, etc..."
So to comment on what I think you meant. Singhnis are made to think that they should not get into a relationship because it's either anti-gurmat or anti-culture. Sardars know that ,so they don't bother. BUT others don't and sometimes the Singhni falls for the other guy (or a girl) who took that chance.
That is my theory anyway.


(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
lol, not exactly, what I meant was, it doesn't help in the fact with many girls that are liberal in their values being attracted to sardars, when the sardars are also picking up women.

In some areas in the UK, sardars have a rep for being players, so the the less respectable type women seem to go for sardars as well. And I was sdaying in my case, I don't seem to have a problem attracting these sorts of women, but I actually find it difficult to find, nevermind attracting, women that are more cultural/traditional.

I don't think there is a problem with sardars attracting singhnis, or is there?
Unfortunately for me, in the past, most of the girls that came from religious families that have been attracted to me, may have had looks, but have somehow shown a bit too much excess baggage for my liking. Some of them may have taken amrit, but they can't really get rid of the excess baggage, and some have even gained more. They were looking for men, because quite frankly, they had ex-bfs before, so it was normal for them to get a man. So from then on I decided to go more for traditional/cultural types, for whom values come before religion and stuff :D


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I think you meant "The fact isn't helped with 'almost no' sardars being players or making gfs, etc..."
So to comment on what I think you meant. Singhnis are made to think that they should not get into a relationship because it's either anti-gurmat or anti-culture. Sardars know that ,so they don't bother. BUT others don't and sometimes the Singhni falls for the other guy (or a girl) who took that chance.
That is my theory anyway.

Bhagat ji

What you are saying does make sense. And -- this sounds like an emotional DMZ for Sikh girls. Nothing works. Nothing happens easily for them. Everything is complicated.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Bhagat ji

DMZ is code for demilitarized zone. Usually constructed when armed conflict reaches an impasse and belligerents agree to the creation of a zone or corridor of land that separates the armed forces. This is a tense place because although no overt armed conflict is occurring there, conflict could break out at any time. Just one person has to cross the line so to speak -- and shots are fired, the agreement becomes void, the zone is breached, and both parties are in conflict again. Between North and South Korea there is a DMZ -- also there have been other DMZ's in history.

You can imagine the tension the case of nerves that builds up in such a scenario.

Now the term DMZ is used as a metaphor in other nonmilitary contexts-- mostly to represent the high level of tension that a person experiences who finds herself trapped by the constant possibility of conflict and who is always in a state of anticipation that the quiet will suddenly erupt into madness. All it takes is one false step, one word, one look, and ..... So what I am saying is these young women seem to me to be living in a continual state of tension, nerves, anxiety, fear, that no matter what they say or do will turn out to be the wrong thing in the opinion of someone. And nothing will turn out to be the right thing for them. Just my opinion from what I have been reading in this thread.

The safest thing to do in such circumstances is to be passive, to comply, to avoid making independent choices. If you do nothing you can't make a mistake, can you? Of course then you would also be giving up on yourself...which is bound to make you very very angry.


Jan 1, 2009
There is no solution. It is not reversible. Humanity goes in a one-way, irreversible path.

Globalization of the world leads to a monoculture atmosphere. People who are very proud of only their own culture and practice only the core elements of their culture will not survive.

Unless a time occurs where individual Sikhs need to band together for a community cause (Govt. secluding and killing sikhs) there is no need for a Sikh to pick one method over another if all options are equal, and he wants to remain the most "fit" for the society he lives in. You simply won't see it happening.

Unless you give someone an economic benefit to commit an individual goal to help a community cause, they simply will not care.

The essence of a democracy is to filter through all communities and make everyone think on an individual scale. "I can rise up on my own"

Although religious people have their motives, let's take it at face value that the majority of any community is not religious. "By keeping my hair the Sikh identity will last longer ... what does that do for me?" is the common question being asked. Yes, the religious observer will say "I am living Guru's words" and thats a reasonable answer. But, for the non-religious ... he gains no benefit on an element that only helps a community (not even help the community economically, just 'religiously' ) ...

Unless something drastic happens, humans in a democracy will continue to act only individually and seek economic benefit.

You'll see the same thing happen to the hijab once the middle east liberalizes...

Sikhs aren't the first people to ever see this trend.

On another note, there's a large trend in Male Sikhs who keep a turban and a beard and ogle at girls in mini-skirts. Unless you want all Sikhs to remove themselves from society, this trend won't stop. And if you want people to stop, you have to provide them with a suitable individual benefit that they will care for. The religious benefit of attaining "god" is no longer a viable option to sell to the masses, the power in the element of "god" is being lost in mainstream society.

Sometimes you have to leave things behind to find a new beginning.

I find it amazing, that after taking so many history courses (I'm assuming everyone here is well-educated), you somehow seem to believe Sikhs are an exception to the natural laws of humanity ? Cultures, and philosophies will always come and go, and continually be revised. Some elements may stay around, but like any culture before us, our time will come.

The Aztecs, Mayans, Samurai ... all these cultures have died before us or changed so much due to globalization that they are not nearly the same anymore ... but somehow you think Sikhs will overcome the global-culture threat ? Why would we want to ? What is the benefit in overcoming the global culture? More differences and boundaries ripened throughout humanity everywhere?
Well, the point you have put is quite an analyzed and a well balanced in terms of the role the time has to play in the changing society..sorry ever changing society. But i would like to put here that the examples you have given ( are true) but they met those ends because they had some drawbacks..they were not abiding by the way human has been created by the Lord, But Sikhs are not so. They live as they are being created, if time wants the change then I think as we have lost the tail we will loose out our hair ( facial or pubic whatever it is) . We are still getting them from our birth so the Supreme power wants the human race to abide by them. So the point I want to highlight is Sikh and Sikhism is not going to come to an end but it's born to rule. The need is to make our Sikh personalities who have their turbans and beards to come out and say we are Sikh, and we people need to do is put wherver possible about them. We have to make them our icons. There are a no. of Sikhs and further I would like to tell you personally Sikhism is rich of such people and I have already started collecting about them and putting them together at SIKHS-Born to rule and succeed .

...........One thing more Sikh religion has seen even more devastating times ( such as of Before Banda singh Bahadur emerged and after 1984 ) so this is not that tough and slowly if we all do something Sikhism will again come out as the purest of all, the khalsa...I would definitely like to hear something from you. At the end I again appreciate the kind of thinking or better say the broad and wide thinking you have.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
hehe bhenji..well said :shifty:

Fateh Jioo!!!

Bhen Ji Jasleen has said it !! and I agree.

I know two such cases....BOTH "Sardars" divorced their Gursikh wives for wearing Dastaars !! according to them this shamed them in Gurdwara..among other sardars !!!
One Gursikh Sardarnee/fully Amrtidharee is a German, ( Born Catholic) Computer Graduate...went to Amrtisar to chhak Amrit/marry a genuine Amrtidahree Sardar Ji. While in Amritsar she not only learnt Punjabi from scratch...but also learnt so "much" ( So fast that it amazes me...WHY ?? Because it took me a lifetime to learn all that !!! and she did it in a decade ).. that she jets around the world doing KATHA on Sooraj Parkash Granth!!! as well as Guru Garanth Sahib, Bhai Gurdass deean Varan..etc etc and also does wonderful Kirtan in Raag !! Her "Genuine Amrtisari Amrtidharee Sardar Ji" was ashamed of her dastaar....and divorced her...ultimatum given was..go to Gurdwara wearing chunni/punjabi suit as others or..go your own way !!!
Second case almost similar story...but more mundane ( Both average middle income..professionals..good earners..just that the Sardar Ji cant stand his wife's dastaar.

So I tend to agree with Jasleen Ji....where there is smoke..there is fire....one needs BOTH hands to clap:thumbup:

Gyani Jarnail Singh


Apr 3, 2005
Bhen Ji Jasleen has said it !! and I agree.

I know two such cases....BOTH "Sardars" divorced their Gursikh wives for wearing Dastaars !! according to them this shamed them in Gurdwara..among other sardars !!!
One Gursikh Sardarnee/fully Amrtidharee is a German, ( Born Catholic) Computer Graduate...went to Amrtisar to chhak Amrit/marry a genuine Amrtidahree Sardar Ji. While in Amritsar she not only learnt Punjabi from scratch...but also learnt so "much" ( So fast that it amazes me...WHY ?? Because it took me a lifetime to learn all that !!! and she did it in a decade ).. that she jets around the world doing KATHA on Sooraj Parkash Granth!!! as well as Guru Garanth Sahib, Bhai Gurdass deean Varan..etc etc and also does wonderful Kirtan in Raag !! Her "Genuine Amrtisari Amrtidharee Sardar Ji" was ashamed of her dastaar....and divorced her...ultimatum given was..go to Gurdwara wearing chunni/punjabi suit as others or..go your own way !!!
Second case almost similar story...but more mundane ( Both average middle income..professionals..good earners..just that the Sardar Ji cant stand his wife's dastaar.

So I tend to agree with Jasleen Ji....where there is smoke..there is fire....one needs BOTH hands to clap:thumbup:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

I am sorry to say but any sardar who just divorce his wife forwearing dastar need to check his mental balace first.It looks like people just finding lame excuses to divorce each other


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kdsji and Gyani ji -- Yes -- These stories of women divorced because of wearing dastar are are hard to believe. But the world is full of shallow people, is it not? With Guru's mercy, because of Guru's mercy, the 2 women's lives are greater in spite of their loss. I wish them well, and without knowing how the stories turned out, I hope they are back on their feet, teaching the world.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
whats the suraj prakash granth?

bhagat singh ji,
the Suraj Parkash Granth is a Sikh History book written by Kavi Santokh Singh.
Its in Brij Bhasha....in poetry...and one of the sources used for sikh history of the Guru period.
It also contains many errors...and wrongful assumptions - one of which is that Guru Gobind Singh Ji was an opium addict..(.bhang)......and that the Khalsa was manifested at the instance of Durga Devi.....through her wish/Boon.
Still a valuable source for sikh history students....

Gyani jarnail Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
kdsji and Gyani ji -- Yes -- These stories of women divorced because of wearing dastar are are hard to believe. But the world is full of shallow people, is it not? With Guru's mercy, because of Guru's mercy, the 2 women's lives are greater in spite of their loss. I wish them well, and without knowing how the stories turned out, I hope they are back on their feet, teaching the world.

Aad Jio,

BOTH turned out to be hugely successfful....and are currently married ( to Amrtidharee Sardars !!) and have wonderful families....and careers. In my opinion..the faulty ones "Khota sikka" were their first husbands....(sneaky feeling they wnated to just get a Green card..and once that was in their pocket....they began to look around for excuses)
Will be sure to convey your best wishes to both...as they still keep in touch
Gyani jarnail Singh


Nov 2, 2007
mississauga, ON
A Man looking for a girl with shaved hair/legs is NOT EQUAL TO A women looking for clean shave guy.

The diffference is the way God made up.
Man are PROVED to be more 'sexual' than women, because of testrastrones and other harmon. The most importance part for a man in relationship is SEX as opposite to 'security and love' which a women look. There is NO other way a man EVER have a women.

Come on ,think about it, why guys merry ????
Guys have everything, they dont want childer , they dont want money-makin-wife, they dont want protection etc. They merry becuase they dont want to slip into 'every girl' .
Nature has made man stronger/handsome/beautiful than women in EVERY sense but to make women his need , he made him 'sex fool'. Thats the trick.

I know these things are hard to grasp but they are NORMAL. Its NOT double strandard.

WHY Women these days have more hair on their legs/arms :- its Not becuase God gave you, its becuase of the pollution , artifictial lives we currently live, bad food we eat, Harmones and all the man-made stuff in 20 th century. This is NOT normal. I dont think women in older times had these problems. This is not normal....

Bhuta bol geya hova ta Bhul chuk maaf. lol
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