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Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

Yes Tejwant ji, though the forum members might have been inspired by the learning in the forum to walk the walk, it can only be quiet satisfaction for SPN. It will be Nishan Sahib only that will be held aloft.

But that's how its supposed to be isn't it?


Apr 3, 2005
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!


1st To Aman singh ji For creating this beautiful website on sikhism

2nd To Narayanjot ji For dedicating so much time to SPN

And then to Gyani ji, Mai ji and all the members of SPN for all the contribuition they have made to SPN .

I hope SPN will keep moving on and will create many milestone.:happy::happy::happy:


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

I was just wondering why other Sikh sites have such confidence in SPN. They keep directing their members to SPN. Here're a few comments about SPN in other websites:-

from sikhnet forum :
I apologize to the rest of the sangat here for not being able to answer Himmat post, but if he is confident in his ideas and thoughts then he should try to write them on SPN, where his post will be answered.

Mainstream Sikh Websites proudly has SPN on their list

Amrit World » Blog Archive » Mainstream Sikh Websites

[SIZE=-1]14 Apr 2009 ... SikhSewa.co.cc Sikh Sewa - Providing The Sikh Experince to the ... Sikh
Electronic Greeting Cards, Radio, Email, Discussion Forum, ... Link to SPN may
look like: Sikh Philosophy Network : Connecting people to Sikhism ...[/SIZE]
Amrit World Linkssikh/ - 19k - Similar pages


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

Thanks to each of you who has posted since we passed the 10,000 member mark. I like to think that this is a very happy day because what has happened: This Family of Intelligent, Interested and Dynamic People has reached a new level. And every one of you has contributed not only to our growth but to the quality of our forum.

There really is no other Sikh forum like SPN because our threads represent the diverse interests of our membership. Your diversity and your support of the concept of diversity is what makes SPN attractive and makes SPN work, and that enthusiasm keeps the heart of the forum beating a healthy beat.

I thank all of you! There really is nothing quite like the members who past and participate in discussions, moderators, mentors, and even those silent readers who never post that have made SPN a success.

And a special thanks to Aman Singh ji for his kind way and his imagination and his persistent belief in this forum and what it stands for.

Jul 13, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!


1st To Aman singh ji For creating this beautiful website on sikhism

2nd To Narayanjot ji For dedicating so much time to SPN

And then to Gyani ji, Mai ji and all the members of SPN for all the contribuition they have made to SPN .

I hope SPN will keep moving on and will create many milestone.:happy::happy::happy:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

Imho..its Aman ji who gets most of my "vote"...its the even-handed, well balanced, completely faithful to Sikh rehat Maryada, Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and no nonsense zero tolerance for troublemakers/spammers/rude and vulgar posters/ approach on the part of the Admin that makes for a well "populated" Forum. OUR undivided Loyalty and Faith in SGGS and the Chardee Kalla of the Guru Khalsa Panth always means we have BOTH feet in one Boat and we can never sink.
The Second allocation of my vote goes to Narayanjyot Kaur Ji..who has indeed brought so much "value added" direction to SPN. Her deep commitment to all things SIKHI/GURMATT, her total dedication, her intuitive uncanny knack for detail, and TRUTH above all ensures every poster gets a fair deal on SPN - no playing favourites..a spade is a spade.
My Third part of the vote goes to my fellow posters, who always have an encouraging word, who always click the THANKS button, take the time to read and comment, who seldom get angry/annoyed even with posters who may annoy and mislead...THESE are the Bread and Butter of SPN...without active POSTERS..we are a lame duck.

And last but not least a vote of thanks goes to my fellow mentors, Japji04 Mohinder Singh Sahni Ji, Mai Harinder Kaur Ji, Naam Japp ji, Kanwaldeep Ji, DalbirSingh Ji...and the rest who make a daily visit to SPN worthwhile.

I have every confidence thta SPN will now grow by leaps and bounds..as the 10,000 BASE Membership is a figure enough to generate lot more Networking. Hope we reach our Sava Lakh - 125,000 deadline real soon....say 2 years..by 2012 !! when SPN is 10 years OLD !!..:happysingh::welcome:


Jun 1, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

Gurfateh ji,

Thank you Tejwant ji, Harbans Ji, Gyani ji, namjap ji, Narayanjot ji, Arvind ji, Kanwardeep Ji and all SPNers for all those over whelming kind words of encouragement. It would be absolutely dishonesty on my part to acknowledge all this appreciation heaped upon me as All kudos, applause & appreciation belongs to You!! Fact of the matter is that There would be no SPN without you and without you there would be no SPN!!

The idea of SPN has been built from strength to strength on your unrelenting support over the the years... 10,000 members is just the beginning, i am sure with the grace of The Waheguru, we will surpass many bigger milestones in the coming future... As reiterated by Gyani ji, we have our eye set on Sawa Lakh (125000 members)!! And we are not going to rest until we reach there. :)

Tejwant ji, nobody could have better defined the mission of SPN as you have stated:

It should become the starting gate to start local chapters all around the world where SPN members can pitch in the society in all ways and forms, whether is it feeding the hungry, cleaning the neglected nooks of the city, helping others when there is flood, visiting schools to introduce Sikhi and use its tools to motivate others against prejudice and discrimination. The list is as infinite as THE SOURCE.
Arvind ji would definitely agree that this idea was in our mind from the inception of SPN but as we get busier in our lives and other things take prominence in life, the prime objectives are sometimes compromised... This idea is in fact always at top of the things in our mind... :happysingh:

Gyani ji, SPN would be 10 years old in 2014, so this gives us the leverage of another 2 years of accomplish our target.!! :happy: Imagine, if every SPN'er even invites/introduces only 5 new members to SPN, we will reach 50,000 members in no time... and then invite again invite only 2 members we will conquer this frontier is absolutely no time... the irony of the matter is that we often shy away from our duty to spread of word of SPN to our friends and family... I would like to take a pledge from you that you all will do some activism towards this aspect with due diligence and once we will achieve this target then working towards Tejwant ji aspiration could well become a reality.

Narayanjot ji, Mai Ji you are always very humble in acknowleding you contribution to SPN... You along with Mai ji truly represent the Kaur Power at SPN!! :happy:Without your zeal and tolerating my laziness over the months and years...:shy:

Alright! Let us surge ahead and endeavor to take SPN to a new level.!! :welcome:


Aman Singh
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

:happy:A belated congratulations SPN :happy::happy:.

I could attempt to list who to point out but instead I will thank the admins and my fellow members.
I will mention one person who kind a took me under her wing and helped me immensely and that is my dear sister NK ji :wah:.

I am not a Sikh but was welcomed warmly and treated with respect when I became a much more consistent poster. At some other web site, not Sikhi, I was called many nasty names.

So I thank and congratulate us SPN:}{}{}:

Always peace

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

the century after reaching 10,000 is being achieved within a week....that means speed is picking up..we are now at cruising speed..and YES IF we take the initiative to keep on introducing SPN to everyone we meet..we can make the target real soon...I make it a point to bring in SPN into any and every conversation i have...making my friends think spn is me or my project...he he ....:happysingh:not at all...i reply..its Project of the Guru Khalsa Panth !!:happysingh::happykaur:


Jun 1, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

Questions 24,911 | Answers 110,294 | Members 10,100!! One of the fastest century!!


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

The only active and lively Sikh forum recognized by Project Naad is SPN.

Project Naad is a charitable organisation committed to producing high quality freely distributable content for sharing the wisdom and teachings of Sikh philosophy with humanity. We have created leaflets, presentations, posters & wallpapers and tools for you to download, read and share with everyone. You can also get involved with Project Naad projects, to put knowledge into action.
The content on this website has been designed for:

  • University Freshers Fayres and Events
  • Religious or Cultural India Sikh Days
  • Society Events
  • Gurdwara Reception Areas
  • Interfaith Centres and Meetings
| Project Naad :: Infinity in Simplicity


Jun 1, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,000 Members!!

** Update **

Questions 25,030 | Answers 110,921 | Online 196 | Members 10,205



Nov 21, 2009
Re: SPN Strikes 10,200 Members!!

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru Ji Ki Fat-heh

I hope you guys take this the right way but since when has Sikhi and by extension Sikhi related forums been about the numbers game?

It's an arbitrary value and masks the effect (or non-effect) such forums have on sikhs and others.

Also why are we congratulating each other for it? What sort of self praise machine are we running here?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,200 Members!!

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru Ji Ki Fat-heh

I hope you guys take this the right way but since when has Sikhi and by extension Sikhi related forums been about the numbers game?

It's an arbitrary value and masks the effect (or non-effect) such forums have on sikhs and others.

Also why are we congratulating each other for it? What sort of self praise machine are we running here?

Sarangi ji

Whether we take it the right way -- as you see "right" -- or the wrong way as you see "wrong," we are extremely happy that we are growing. The forum is a community, and the community is expanding. As it expands we do not just acquire more account id's and passwords. Nor is it a matter of more traffic. It is the fulfillment of a goal to be broad and open to points of view as different as yours and mine. With that goal in mind the breadth of the Sikh experience is reflected in this membership. As the membership grows the more clearly is the richness of Sikhism represented on this forum. By growing this membership, we have attracted intelligent people who have intelligent things to say. Is this always the case? No, not always.There are exceptions. Why do I spend as much time as I do here? Or straddle the problems that crop up time to time? Because our members are in the majority emotionally mature, engaged, well-informed, respectful of each other, and smart. That is the reason for our celebration: the members themselves. Welcome to them all.


Nov 21, 2009
Re: SPN Strikes 10,200 Members!!

Narayanjot Kaur Ji,

Thank you for your reply. I do not think that you have got the essence of what I was saying but it's ok. I won't spell it out. I am sure you are intelligent enough to work it out or chose to stay silent on the matter!.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: SPN Strikes 10,200 Members!!

Sarangi ji

It is unlikely that I missed your core argument. Rather than quibble over tactics, I took the opportunity to share with you our strategic vision. Numbers = more of those glimpses into the glistening mosaic that is Sikhi. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that.