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Rumalaa For Guru


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

I stand corrected !! :)

Please be sure that you have not pushed me in wrong direction.


Sep 16, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Dear Balbir singh ji and Gill ji

thanks for your post as they helped making me more recepptive to guru shabd

Quote "Balbir ji, how to do the "true simran". How will I come to know it, please let us/me know that as well."
Try to seek the company of a True Sadhu or Saint. Beg for it.
Beg it from whom?
God or Sadhu?

please Explain


AMg 873
ang 873
Page 873

goNf ]

mo kau qwir ly rwmw qwir ly ]
mo ko thaar lae raamaa thaar lae
Carry me across, O Lord, carry me across.

mY Ajwnu jnu qirby n jwnau bwp bITulw bwh dy ]1] rhwau ]
mai ajaan jun tharibae n jaano baap beethulaa baah dhae
I am ignorant, and I do not know how to swim. O my Beloved Father, please give me Your arm. ||1||Pause||

nr qy sur hoie jwq inmK mY siqgur buiD isKlweI ]
nur thae sur hoe jaath nimukh mai sathigur budh sikhulaaee
I have been transformed from a mortal being into an angel, in an instant; the True Guru has taught me this.

nr qy aupij surg kau jIiqE so AvKD mY pweI ]1]
nur thae oupaj surug ko jeethiou so avukhudh mai paaee
Born of human flesh, I have conquered the heavens; such is the medicine I was given. ||1||

jhw jhw DUA nwrdu tyky nYku itkwvhu moih ]
jehaa jehaa dhooa naarudh ttaekae naik ttikaavuhu mohi
Please place me where You placed Dhroo and Naarad, O my Master.

qyry nwm Aivlµib bhuqu jn auDry nwmy kI inj miq eyh ]2]3]
thaerae naam avilunb buhuth jun oudhurae naamae kee nij math eaeh
With the Support of Your Name, so many have been saved; this is Naam Dayv's understanding. ||2||3||


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Jatinder Singh


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Jatinder Jee!

Quote "Beg it from whom? God or Sadhu?"
God is the giver of everything. HE gives everything through somebody. HE gives Naam through a true Guroo, Sadhu or a Saint.
Thanks for the wonderful Sabad from Naamdev Jee. In this Sabad Naamdev Jee is not begging for the Naam Simran. He is requesting Raamaa for help to accompany guiding across. This stage is possible only after receiving true Naam and recognizing its importance.


Quote from TGill Jee "Please be sure that you have not pushed me in wrong direction."
The purpose of the discussion is to realize the hunger for truth.
The fruits of such discussions are realized eating those as Naam Prasaad.

Balbir Singh


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Balbir ji,

It suddenly struck my mind, I mean the last pauri in Japji Sahib.

jat pahara dheeraj suniyaar
aheran mat ved hathiyar
bhow khala agan tap tao
bhanda bhaau amrit {censored} dhaal
ghariye sabad sachi taksaal
jin ko nadar karam tin kaar
nanak nadri nadar nihal

Doesn't that mean that love is a pre-requisite (a bhanda) for sabad (naam).
Please clarify my query..:unsure:



Jan 22, 2005
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

But how to find the sadhu whose company shall we keep ?

Gill Ji

The best sadhu whose company will make our life easy are the cassets of Maskins Sahib and Jasbir Singh Khannewaleh You will always find an aura of spirtuality around you while playing these cassets. If you go around any dera you will feel sorry for wasting your precious time.

Regards Sahni Mohinder


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Quote "Doesn't that mean that love is a pre-requisite (a bhanda) for sabad (naam). Please clarify my query.."
Japujee begins with Jap. Later Gurdev explains the developments and results of Jap. Some of these results are that Jat becomes PahaaRaa, Dheeraj becomes Suniyaar . . . Bhaandaa becomes Bhaau.

Quote from Sahni Mohinder Jee "The best sadhu whose company will make our life easy are the cassets of Maskins Sahib and Jasbir Singh Khannewaleh You will always find an aura of spirtuality around you while playing these cassets."
Mohinder Jee, in which Bazaars or shops these Sadhus (cassettes) are available?

Balbir Singh


Jan 22, 2005
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Mohinder Jee, in which Bazaars or shops these Sadhus (cassettes) are available? Balbir Singh

Balbir Jee

You can download from internet or these cassets are available at Gurudwara Bangla Sahib. Trust me it is my experience, these cassets are best sadhu. I have even downloaded these cassets in my mobile so that I can always play and stay around them.

Regards Sahni Mohinder


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Balbir ji

What does "Jap" mean ? Does it mean sabad (naam) or it is different ? . So, If jap is the beginning then why the taksal is required to "gharo" sabad again...!!

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all!

Sikhs offer their Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Rumaalaas. Who told them that their Guru needs clothing?
Please explain.

Balbir Singh

I think the Rumala's etc were designed to protect against dust, humidity etc. It is another example of something practicle that has become a ritual.

The Chaur for example was used just to keep flies away, but it has becaome a ritual to wave it over the 11th Guru.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Books or CDs that carry the message of Sri Guru Granth Sahib serve the same purpose of educating the people of the world. Ancients used to write wisdom scripts on palm leaves. Ayurvedic scholars still have palmleaf writings when the same can be put into a hard disc or CD.

Imagine the mixed response one will get from the sangat in a gurdwara if - instead of performing prakash and smapti ceremony of Granth Sahib, it got replaced by a ceremony of opening and closing a laptop with the SGGS saved in the hard disc along with the various other banis.

Who is going to decide on new Maryada. We cannot have an up-dated Maryada every 5 years. Because human emotions take a longer time to come in terms with rules and regulations and the sikh panth. Some people take 7 to 12 years to come in terms with their inner selves before embracing Sikhism. If the Maryada is changed too often too soon, then there is going to be more confusion in the already confused minds.
Instead of spending time explaining about the wisdom of the Gurus, we will end up explaining to our children why there are so many sects in Sikhism.

Imagine a Sikh boy telling his parents in year 2020 : "Mom, you won't believe what happened today. A new sikh boy enrolled at school today and we got talking about our differences. He even invited me to go to the Gurdwara where they have the Sri Guru Granth Sahib in the book form with real pages."
Mom replies, " Wow, son that's brilliant. I'll come with you and take some photos of the book, it will be a historical event for me too. Don't know if I would be able to contain my tears. I have always wished there was unity amongst all the sikhs."


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Quote "What does 'Jap' mean ? Does it mean sabad (naam) or it is different ?"
Thirst shows the basic need. The wisdom of drinking is in drinking water.
Meeting God is the natural aptitude. The wisdom of Jap is in japping the Sabad.

Quote "So, If jap is the beginning then why the taksal is required to 'gharo' sabad again...!!"
With Jap one begins japping the Sabad. Its continuity is 'gharhee-ai sabad sachee taksaal'. It is minting the same ONE Sabad.


Quote from Randip Jee "I think the Rumala's etc were designed to protect against dust, humidity etc. It is another example of something practicle that has become a ritual."
Thanks for your views. May I ask why they did not use a wooden box for this purpose?


Quote from Begum Jee "Imagine the mixed response one will get from the sangat in a gurdwara if - instead of performing prakash and smapti ceremony of Granth Sahib, it got replaced by a ceremony of opening and closing a laptop with the SGGS saved in the hard disc along with the various other banis."
Modernizing or replacing rituals do not help the conscious mind grow. True Simran of Naam helps.

Quote "Instead of spending time explaining about the wisdom of the Gurus, we will end up explaining to our children why there are so many sects in Sikhism.
So our purpose will be truly lost."
No way, explaining the wisdom of truth is possible. Still, the way is to experience it. It is the true Naam Simran.
All activities are in vain till its purpose is to receive true Naam.
All activities are worth enlivening true Naam.

Balbir Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Balbir Ji,

As you can see, the Sangat has been honest enough by answering from their hearts when they responded to your "rumala question". If your intention was not really the rumala issue but to stress on the point of naam simran, then why didn't you come to the point from the beginning ?

May I request that you discuss the steps to achieve Naam Simran in your very creative way so that we can benefit from your personal encounters. Chances are that we will not meet face to face or even talk by phone.

If you do have good intentions for the Sangat, we are all ears.

~ begum ~


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Balbir ji

Thirst shows the basic need. The wisdom of drinking is in drinking water.
Meeting God is the natural aptitude. The wisdom of Jap is in japping the Sabad. With Jap one begins japping the Sabad. Its continuity is 'gharhee-ai sabad sachee taksaal'. It is minting the same ONE Sabad.

- :).. You are really funny !!:}{}{}:


Jan 22, 2005
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Books or CDs that carry the message of Sri Guru Granth Sahib serve the same purpose of educating the people of the world. Ancients used to write wisdom scripts on palm leaves. Ayurvedic scholars still have palmleaf writings when the same can be put into a hard disc or CD.

Imagine the mixed response one will get from the sangat in a gurdwara if - instead of performing prakash and smapti ceremony of Granth Sahib, it got replaced by a ceremony of opening and closing a laptop with the SGGS saved in the hard disc along with the various other banis. "

Begum Ji

It all depends how we use the modern technology. For example with the advent of nuclear technology whether we use it for destruction or peaceful purpose. I find hearing kirtan from my mobile so handy and useful that I feel now I am addicted to hearing kirtan and nothing else.

Regards sahni mohinder


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Begum Jee!

Quote "As you can see, the Sangat has been honest enough by answering from their hearts when they responded to your 'rumala question'. If your intention was not really the rumala issue but to stress on the point of naam simran, then why didn't you come to the point from the beginning ?"
I have a request to all who have offered many 'Rumaalas' to their Guru. When will they come to know true Simran?
Offering 'Rumaalaa' is not a technique of meditation. Nor the true Guru ever asked us to do so.

Quote "May I request that you discuss the steps to achieve Naam Simran in your very creative way so that we can benefit from your personal encounters. Chances are that we will not meet face to face or even talk by phone."
One could have received true Simran long back if getting it was possible by reading it, discussing it.
Still, one can sing it and its results.

Quote "If you do have good intentions for the Sangat, we are all ears."
Only those bring ears near the mouth of the true Guru (GurMukh) who are born with good luck.


Quote from TGill Jee "You are really funny !!"
Better recognize your preachers who are making fun of all Sikhs and the Gurus.

One needs the technique and the means first to mint the coins. Similarly one needs the Gur and the true Guroo first and the minting of the true Sabad starts. All engagements and activities are then God's business through the coin of Naam.


Quote "I find hearing kirtan from my mobile so handy and useful that I feel now I am addicted to hearing kirtan and nothing else."
The true Gurus always suggested listening, true Hari Naam. Singing Hari Keertan is the result of Hari Naam.
In all my company with the Sat Guroo He did not suggest me once to hear the borrowed songs from a Raagee. He also never advised to listen pseudo interpreters lacking true Naam Simran.
Perhaps someone can provide me a reference from the Gurus where they have asked anyone to listen a Raagee. I will be grateful.

The true Sikh and all his living are no more an imitation.

Balbir Singh


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Balbir ji

- I don't subscribe to preachers since childhood !! I don't know whats wrong with me, I only subcribe to my own mann... probably that is why I'm a manmukh.

Quote : Similarly one needs the Gur and the true Guroo first and the minting of the true Sabad starts. All engagements and activities are then God's business through the coin of Naam.

- Must be true..but how will I know ... Alas ! The luck has not arrived yet.
But one thing, you said jap is the pre-requisite and now you say Guru is the pre-condition ( but how to get the Gur? is it possible via jap). Please clear the confusion... I'm still not clear what is jap. how is it different from shabad ? I must be totally confusing all. Let me be more clear

I mean :
- You said you need Gur from the True guru but how to get the gur - what shall we do.
- Earlier you said jap is the beginning and rest is the outcome. So what is the beginning Guru or Jap, what is the difference ?
- Right now I am supposing Gurprasad is the beginning and then comes Jap !! Please correct me ....
- minting is later stage I don't even know the beginning, what is the beginning. Please be precise.



Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all!

One receives the Gur as Prasaad. Jap begins. The Gur becomes true Gur in the company of a true Saint or Sadhu. All happens by God's Grace and our past deeds.

Balbir Singh


Jan 22, 2005
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

"I find hearing kirtan from my mobile so handy and useful that I feel now I am addicted to hearing kirtan and nothing else."
The true Gurus always suggested listening, true Hari Naam. Singing Hari Keertan is the result of Hari Naam. In all my company with the Sat Guroo He did not suggest me once to hear the borrowed songs from a Raagee. He also never advised to listen pseudo interpreters lacking true Naam Simran.
Perhaps someone can provide me a reference from the Gurus where they have asked anyone to listen a Raagee. I will be grateful. The true Sikh and all his living are no more an imitation. Balbir Singh

Balbir jee

you are great. Gurbani rightly states, jithai bolan harieye teethai changi chup/ May God bless you with kirtan.
Regards sahni mohinder


Sep 16, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Quote "I find hearing kirtan from my mobile so handy and useful that I feel now I am addicted to hearing kirtan and nothing else."
The true Gurus always suggested listening, true Hari Naam. Singing Hari Keertan is the result of Hari Naam.
In all my company with the Sat Guroo He did not suggest me once to hear the borrowed songs from a Raagee. He also never advised to listen pseudo interpreters lacking true Naam Simran.
Perhaps someone can provide me a reference from the Gurus where they have asked anyone to listen a Raagee. I will be grateful.

The true Sikh and all his living are no more an imitation.

Dear Balbir Singh ji

Thanks for the post !

I must state thet I dont have wisdom to answer your question but i think all is the domain of akal and so its happening

Still I am cuerious aboutsome things!

Is the physical presnence of Sadhu must to get the Gur or it can be transfered even through pther communication like internet ??

I also enjoy listening to Kirtan ( your so called songs of raagee) and I enjoy it and usually it fills me with joy and strong curosity and desire to realise God

Is all this illusion and nothin really significant in it that can help me spirtually


Jatinder Singh
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