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Sadh Sangat - What Is It?


Nov 5, 2010
LOTUS Lotus Artificial Life - The Lotus

Though barely able to see the light through the murky water, the new shoot strives upwards until eventually it bursts into the light, bringing the beauty of its delicate petals to the pool's surface.

During their development, the plants filter and purify the body of water in which they find themselves, making the water transparent.

According to a traditional saying, the more muddy and opaque the water is to start with, the more beautiful the Lotus flower.

Cosmic and Earthly Relationship: The Lotus is the bridge between the Cosmos and the Earth. I found a plethora of research information about the spiritual meaning of Lotus; to me, this was obvious from observing how much metaphor the entire plant expresses. The Lotus root remains firmly in the mud, rooted within the primordial womb. To express its inherent beauty and ultimate potential, the flower, the Lotus pushes up through the water and unfurls from pointed leaves and buds into large, breathtaking rounded leaves and flowers. The chalice opens to gather and receive love and light. Although it rises from the mud, no dirt clings to the parts of the Lotus high in the air. The Lotus loves the sun and opens to its warmth. When the flower matures, the seed pod encloses the seeds in a cup-like womb. When fully mature, the stalk bends to release the Lotus seeds back into the water, into the mud to be born again.


May 9, 2006
Sat Sri Akaal,

Charan Kamal is Metaphor or Lotus feet, any reflective perceptions on text. ???

Mind is not accepting as Lotus Feet, gets no where in WORD analysis

ਚਰਣ ਕਮਲ ਕਰਿ ਬੋਹਿਥੁ ਕਰਤੇ ਸਹਸਾ ਦੂਖੁ ਬਿਆਪੈ
Cẖaraṇ kamal kar bohith karṯe sahsā ḏūkẖ na bi▫āpai.
Let the Lord's Lotus Feet be your Boat, so that pain and skepticism shall not touch you

ਮਨ ਚਿੰਦੇ ਸੇਈ ਫਲ ਪਾਵਹਿ ਚਰਣ ਕਮਲ ਚਿਤੁ ਲਾਏ
Man cẖinḏe se▫ī fal pāvahi cẖaraṇ kamal cẖiṯ lā▫e.
You shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires, by focusing your consciousness on the Lord's Lotus Feet.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Does this have relevance to the topic of Sadh Sangat? Apologies if you're leading up to a point - I'm not quite following what it is.


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Without getting SAT of Gurus Bani how a SAINT?

SADH has to follow SAT and SAINT to spread WORDS for ACTION.

Gurus Bani Word has relevance with SELF realisation.

Regret for writting negative. May WAHEGURU pardon my writtin below.

WORD realisation makes action, SIKHs are searching for LOTUS FEET of saints in PUNJAB, and drinking .water from feet. This is result and Instutions like SGPC are sleeping on luxory .Our literature people all are trying to interpret GURBANI to make and sell there books as GURUs BANI has followance, any written TIKA will sell.
No work on MAHAKOSH, or Scientific Words in Gurmukhi to promote language science and culture.

ਚਰਣ ਕਮਲ ਕਰਿ ਬੋਹਿਥੁ ਕਰਤੇ ਸਹਸਾ ਦੂਖੁ ਬਿਆਪੈ
Cẖaraṇ kamal kar bohith karṯe sahsā ḏūkẖ na bi▫āpai.
Let the Lord's Lotus Feet be your Boat, so that pain and skepticism shall not touch you

Charan. Following foot steps
Lotus. Purify, blossom with light
Kar. Doing this
Bohith . Buoyant force uplifting thoughts
Like physical being carried on boat due to buoyant action.
Dukh Negativity from action
Na biapy . Will not cling,

SAT, SAINT, one should have clarity or SELF realisation of each written word of Gurus Bani and practioner makes SADH.

Company those who seeks realisation of WORD and who owes and practice it is SADH sangat.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Last edited:


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

To Seekers,

If right, this has to be a model lesson for TRUTH seekers, how to take learning from GURUs BANI,
All are learned and have much more intellact, but still get misleading text of TIKAS purpose is to learn and self realise WORD .if thats become the state of leaened beings, understand the state of rest of PUNJAB state.. How mislead PUNJAB is where there are so.many TIKAS. How much division for active politics of DIVIDE and RULE

Way of discussion and getting contradiction is ultimate.to get TRUTH.

Thanks to administrators, for providing platform to seekers of TRUTH is the righteous approach.

Further promote learning from learnt cocluded topics as the way to SEEKERS for destination.

Waheguru ji ki fateh.


May 11, 2016
Do you actively seek out bhagats and saints to hang out with? How can you tell they are such? Must they be Sikhs?
*sigh* Fine, I concede defeat. Shabad #4 on this page makes it crystal clear.

So, where y'all keeping the saints? :D


Gyan is the Guru, the Guru is the Gyan.

U have the sadhsangat at your disposal, you posted it on this page.

Now read it and apply it to your life. U don't need to look for outer sadhsangat, they're there in your heart. The spiritual connection is greater than any physical connection.


May 9, 2006

Gyan is the Guru, the Guru is the Gyan.

U have the sadhsangat at your disposal, you posted it on this page.

Now read it and apply it to your life. U don't need to look for outer sadhsangat, they're there in your heart. The spiritual connection is greater than any physical connection.

But, but, the bani says........


May 9, 2006
Lol. You gotta apply, Live and Be it.

When u apply it, you realise that you are it. Like the rest of the Saadsangat.

You realise that you're One.

Can you illustrate your point with reference to Gurbani that talks about Sadh Sangat, please? I've given some examples, or you can fiind your own.

The oneness of all is a given, obviously. However, the Gurbani talks about associating with people who as you say "apply, live and be it". Are you saying this is in no way a literal instruction?

Are you saying that everyone we meet is sadh sangat because we are all essentially god? If yes, then why does Gurbani seem to make a distinction? If Gurbani is not making a distinction like this, please demonstrate to correct me.

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
Can you illustrate your point with reference to Gurbani that talks about Sadh Sangat, please? I've given some examples, or you can fiind your own.

The oneness of all is a given, obviously. However, the Gurbani talks about associating with people who as you say "apply, live and be it". Are you saying this is in no way a literal instruction?

Are you saying that everyone we meet is sadh sangat because we are all essentially god? If yes, then why does Gurbani seem to make a distinction? If Gurbani is not making a distinction like this, please demonstrate to correct me.

just a question.......
why are you looking for Saadh Sangat ? XD


May 9, 2006
just a question.......
why are you looking for Saadh Sangat ? XD

I'm asking about it because it keeps appearing in Gurbani and I'm trying to understand what it means.

I am very happy with the apparent consensus that all talk about it is metaphorical. I haven't been able to integrate with the local Sikh community and I really don't like the idea of running after charlatans. If the sangat Gurbani keeps talking about is really just me and Guru Sahib, that works for me, even if it requires some mental gymnastics when reading the bazillion references to it in Gurbani.


May 11, 2016
Can you illustrate your point with reference to Gurbani that talks about Sadh Sangat, please? I've given some examples, or you can fiind your own.

The oneness of all is a given, obviously. However, the Gurbani talks about associating with people who as you say "apply, live and be it". Are you saying this is in no way a literal instruction?

Are you saying that everyone we meet is sadh sangat because we are all essentially god? If yes, then why does Gurbani seem to make a distinction? If Gurbani is not making a distinction like this, please demonstrate to correct me.

When you begin on the Bhagti path, and start applying the Gyan, you begin to realise that u ARE Gurbani.

Hence you sit with all of the other self realised souls, you vibrate on a higher frequency of Truth. That's the Sadsangat.

Whether they sit with u in the flesh doesnt matter. It has, and will always be the spiritual connection that matters.

Gurbani is the Guru and the Guru is Gurbani. It's a gift bestowed upon us by our greatest lover. Guru is the sadsangat.

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
sadh sangat is the gathering of devotees where only God, Godly guide Godliness is discussed with complete
dedication with heart and soul put to it. if there is one and only one person then if he or she is reading acting upon or listening to gurbany intently is also sadh sangat

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
SSA to all. Dears...MOST if not all, errorrs misunderstandings occur due to the very FAULTY Translations available on the Internet esp the Dr Sant Singh Khalsa one which is terribly basic and superficial.

To really understand how we need to look at Gurbani do please take your time and listen to Dr. Karminder Singh Ji's expositions on JUP Bannee and Sidh Ghost Bannee currently available on SPN, SVF webiste and SVF You Tube Channel. Dr Ji delves deep into how to make the correct translation so we get the real gist and substance of Gurbani.

SAADH is that part of the CREATOR within us all...and Sangat means to connect with HIM...and the GURU is the Medium...thus in the Company of the SGGS, and like minded souls searching for a connection with HIM..is the Saadh Sangat.....ALL those doing this are SS...not those called "Holy Ones..Saints etc etc..." SPN, SVF are good examples of Saadh Sangat !!! Sitting at the feet (charan) of a so called Holy One..whose only thoughts are on how much he can scam out of you...cannot be successful sangat of the Creator who is beneficent and provider instead of grabber (goluck) ??


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Sharing a experiential moments of "SADH SANGAT"

Sadh : Self Control

Sangat : Congregation Physical Aspect

Sangat Eternal Aspect : Attachment of "TRUTH to Mind" hence making control of MIND

Learning Experience : Emotions have no correlation with the outer physical world, it is veil of ignorance of humans that situations are controlling mind hence emotions.

It is demonstrated many a times via short experience from GURU's Life where Emotions were balance in situations of LUST GREED and Disagreement of Thoughts.

Gur Ka Shabad Rakwarey, Chowki Chaugirrd hamarey,
Chaugird hamarey ram ka, dukh lagey na bhai.

If one imbibes guru banis shabad to memory system, it act as awareness, and a protection all around.

This acts as a Protection Circle, which protects from negativity to peep in.

Which comes from a Metaphor from Ramayan Refrence,

In Which Seeta As our Senses get disillusioned with Mrig Trishna A vritual golden animal, crossed the Maryada ie protection circle of Rama, and faced negativity and Suffering.

So like Rama made protection Circle, GURU's Shabad Sangat to Mind is Protection Circle for SIKHS (LEARNERS).

How it is practiced in a physical world.

JAB BANI Says: Sochey Such Na Hovey Jai Sochey Lakh Waar.

Repeated thoughts within will not lead to clean our Memory Stores filled with filthy thoughts. . Stubborn MIND does not listen.

So what is resolve.


How to get remove this FILTH of MEMORY System.


What will happen in SADH SANGAT


What are Benefits.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Wahegur Ji Ki Fateh.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Sucham...Soch.."Outer cleanliness"..bathing at 68 Teeraths, in the Ganga , sarovars, etc etc is one of the MAJOR pillars of the old spirituality that SGGS DEMOLISHES by insisting that OUTER cleanliness cannot clean the MANN..the INNER Mind. These PILLARS ate demolished in the beginning of Jup Bani.....fasting, keeping SILENT, etc etc are also in the same beginning verses. The MANN cannot be cleansed by not eating food, od keeping silent, etc etc. This word SOCH is not about THOUGHTS.


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

It was a judgemental reply, shared a experienced scenario.

How being judgement was analysed,

Its not about going to pilgrimage

Its neither about outer cleanliness, nor fasting, or about keeping silence.
Neither going to special place, or a special city.

experienced learning comes with doing it self and sharing impact or results.

Understanding concept of reciting together in a gathering. Experiencing reciting of Guru's Shabad.
At own home but together with many, reciting same words from Guru's Bani in a harmony.

Just shared a recent experience, mental exercise in a huge gathering.

May be experiential learning to be quantified and scientifically questioned for cause effects and results.

Specific is Reciting NAAM (Gurs Bani Words).

Any acceptance, comments, or rejection are critical to learning process.

Thankful for sharing thoughts and comments.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Naam...is The LAWS of the CREATOR...set in motion when He created it and He resides within it. If we go by "Name" then the only one specifically mentioned is NAO TERA NIRANKAAR HAI......and NIRANKAAR means THE CREATOR...again it boils down to HIS LAWS. Unfortunately (?) this has been relegated to simply REPEATING either Gurbani, or words like Waheguru...whereas Gurbani clearly states that even IF i get a million tongues and multiply that by an infinite numer..using them to "recite" is utterly useless..and IF theres Merit..its as much as TILL seed (and that sesame seed sized "merit" is actually... hankaar that I have recited so many times)..this is clealry illutsrated by the mala fereings and tick counter carrying holy men.... Even in the ordinary world no one wnats us to "RECITE" the Penal code, or The Constitution..all wnat us to FOLLOW the Penal Code/Laws etc to avoid penality....there is no merit in reciting it. my thoughts...


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Thread begins with

What is Sadh Sangat.

If our saying comes with this is not Sadh Sangat, that is not Sadh Sangat.
One remains seeker, till the quest is not resolved, and one gets the definete resolve.

Sadh. SELF Cintrol
Sangat Congregation.

What type of SELF control.
What/ When/ Where/ Whose/ Why are five questions always imposed by mind to understand a pearl of thread.

Remains unresolved.

Every unresolved querry earlier resolved by GURUs and so do used as a text, in GURUs BANI. sways SIKHs learning, has to find GURSIKH, who has resolve.
From a huge mass of seekers.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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