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Sehajdharis Seek Separate SGPC If Voting Right Denied

Do You Think the Idea of a Separate SGPC for Sehajdhari Sikhs Practical? Please share your views.

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Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
Pcj ji,

Guru Fateh.


Can you elaborate this with the examples from SGGS, our only Guru. Unfortunately what you are saying makes no sense but a simple ranting laced with disdain. You have to back up your thoughts in your posts with references.

Once again, you need references to prove your point. What was anti human about the sacrifices of our 5th and 9th Gurus?

A Sikh means a student, a learner, a seeker. So, do you claim you are none of that which contradicts your last statement at the end of the post. Why this self contradiction?

Please define Lord according to your own value system.

Ik Ong Kaar means, One Source of All there is, which is Creative Energy. Do you believe in the Energy that is the Source of All or not?

This again is a self contradictory statement. Please define The Almighty Lord and his/her attributes.

That's what the word Sikh means. So why this self contradiction?

Thanks for indulging me in this learning process.

Tejwant Singh

I can answer all of these question but I like to warn you first that my reasons often offend Sikhs. That's why I suggest that you don't ask for the answers...

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I can answer all of these question but I like to warn you first that my reasons often offend Sikhs. That's why I suggest that you don't ask for the answers...


Guru Fateh.

Does your Almighty Lord teach you to doubt others or give the benefit of the doubt to them?

What kind of truth are you trying to seek if you feel so much disdain that your comments come with a "warning" of your being offensive when we are trying to learn from each other?

Why this self insecurity? Is this part of the doctrines of your Almighty Lord?

How can your giving references from SGGS be offensive?

Why this defensive posture?

Please read my edited version and respond and never be afraid to seek the Truth which is the cornerstone of Sikhi.

Interact without being hateful and disdainful.:)

Hope to learn from this interaction and please respond each question as asked.

Thanks and regards

Tejwant Singh


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California

Guru Fateh.

Does your Almighty Lord teach you to doubt others or give the benefit of the doubt to them?

What kind of truth are you trying to seek if you feel so much disdain that your comments come with a "warning" of your being offensive when we are trying to learn from each other?

Why this self insecurity? Is this part of the doctrines of your Almighty Lord?

How can your giving references from SGGS be offensive?

Why this defensive posture?

Please read my edited version and respond and never be afraid to seek the Truth which is the cornerstone of Sikhi.

Interact without being hateful and disdainful.:)

Hope to learn from this interaction and please respond each question as asked.

Thanks and regards

Tejwant Singh

Since you insist, I quit considering myself Sikh after reading

Saakat Besuva Poot Ninaam (ang1239)
The infidel is nameless like a prostitute's son.

in this article posted on Sikhnet:

(CLOSED) - True Meaning Of Amritdhaaree And Non-amritdhaarees

I simply refuse to consider someone my guru who calls someone "son of a prostitute" even though he is referring to a so-called infidel. Of course, nobody can point finger at someone that he or she is an infidel. But why even refer to anybody, who is not son of prostitute, as son of a prostitute. If calling someone son of prostitute is considered bad, then why even refer to a son of prostitute as a son of a prostitute.

Plus, this article is about difference between an Amritdhari and a non-Amritdhari and author is claiming that non-Amritdharis are among those people to whom the guru referred to as son of a prostitute. That's pretty bad but it wouldn't happen if guru hadn't written something so denagrating in the first place.

Of course, my objection to referring to someone as 'son of a prostitute' is offensive to Sikhs but it's not because of me. It's simply because they are not ready to accept the truth. But since you wouldn't take 'no' as an answer, I had to post it here.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
PCJ Ji...
The EMPHASIS in the line you quoted is on "NAMELESS"....not either the "infidel" ( sakat is one who doesnt beleive in GOD/Creator )..or the "Prostitute" or he son/daughter.

Nameless..is an attribute....and a FACT of life...as a P sleeps with so many men..who knows the name of the father of her children..just like we cannot know which dog is the father of the puppies born in the street. They are just "nameless" unlike those born IN MY HOUSE as I know the ***** and the Male dog who fathered them...My ***** ahd just ONE puppy - named Marble..while the ***** in my backyard gave birth to 10 puppies..just as beautiful, playful, and lovingly lovable...BUT stil I would call them "nameless"..no Vet will issue them a certificate ( as Marble Has)...THAT IS A FACT and It has to be stated as MY GURU has done.

BTW..even the Men who slept with the P..have not the slightest idea...whether they "fathered" any children...to them also the KIDS BORN TO P are NAMELESS as the Men are Nameless...as is the P also Nameless !!! Its NAMELESS that is the COMMON DENOMINATOR !!! Now tell me whats WRONG with this FACT.

BTW..the fault lies with the "translators..(infidel..OMG what an injustice to sakat !!) and people who find fault even without actually looking...and then Throwing mud at the GURU for stating a Fact. I would advise you to go to a properly qualified "translator" to understand the GURU. The Guru is a "ferari/Porche" of sorts..and one doesnt go to a bike mechanic to "understand" a Porsche...the best he will do is RUIN it.:geeksingh:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
input from one of the kids in my kiddie gurbani class...
If I had known that one could "drop" the Guru for stating a fact that is common knowledge..I would have dropped out of school as soon as the Class Teacher wnated to see my "birth Certificate" to find out my daddy's name. How dare the teacher want to KNOW that" fact" ?? what right he had to CHASE AWAY the poor GIRL who DIDNT HAVE the BIRTH CERT as I had. The poor girl went away crying...refused admission to a Govt school for not having a piece fo paper i had with me..simply becasue my dad was KNOWN unlike hers. What a DENIGRATING thing the "teacher" did ???? He should have just kept quiet, admitted the nameless / certless kid..????
This is just an Example form the Worldy world we live in...vis a vis the "nameless"..the "certless"...the Paperless..the Passport less..why are some called "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" ?? arent they human ?? do we LEAVE the USA..Canada..in PROTEST ?? Afterall soembody is responsible for this...for calling them "illegal" ??? why ?? alert the Human Rights Orgs..but best of all LEAVE THE COUNTRY/ITS LEADERS who condone such..who wrote such laws..who practise such discrimantory actions....!!! OH..???? OH ?? who can issue Birth certificates to sons of P's...??? so they wont be nameless..and so we can be happy...with our Guru for not stating the OBVIOUS.
Sometimes the simple is not so simple...even a kiddie can teach me a thing or two...just finished the class..on a high note..learnt so much today. THANK YOU JIOS.:clevermunda:


Apr 3, 2005
People can adopt all the different path thinking that different paths will lead them Lord. But just because people choose different paths thinking that these paths will lead them to The Lord, it does not mean their path is the true path to lead them to The Lord. There is only one path (spirituality) that will take someone closer to Lord. There is nothing people can do to learn spirituality. In fact, those who attempt actually don't learn it. The only way to learn spirituality is when it comes naturally, provided people don't mess it up by following wrong paths.

Your statements are quite contradictory.First you said that spirituality is something that brings someone closer to god,now you are saying that people who think their path is true path that may be not for some people.Now you are saying that sprituality comes naturaly
and one don't need to learn anything

Now my question is who is going to decide which path is right which is wrong.Who has the Authority

Let me give you examples.

person A believe's in Naam simran

B believes in lestening loud kirtan

C believe's in That by sacrificing animals he can come closer to go

D believes in vipaasna meditation

E believes in worshiping idols and treating them like gods will him closer to god

Now all of them are following their version of spirituality and belives that their path is right one.Who is going to decide which one is right.
who has the authority ?There is good chance that some of these people may fight with each other that who is right and who is wrong.so like religion spirituality also can create divisions.

Many monas are gullible. They think that putting a turban on, people have become better than them. Then there are monas who know that putting turban on their heads doesn't make people better than monas but they still believe in religion and that's why they call themselves Sikhs.

But reservation in Sikh colleges for Amritdharis and so-called Sehajdharis clearly shows that monas are being discriminated against in Sikh colleges. You have been supporting all this and yet you question the same thing. I have also come across some of the Sikhs who believed in hiring Sikhs only.

So the fact is that a Sikh is less likely to be discriminated against than a Sikh discriminating against others, including monas...

There is already enough discussion on reservation.If you cannot understand Indian conditions then leave it to Indian sikhs

My question is still unanswered .If mona sikhs feel so much discriminated then why do they come to Gurdwara? why they donate money to Gurdwara? Do turbaned sikhs force them to do that?

And BTW it is open truth that sikh separatist movement in India was largely funded by sikhs living outside India which include majority of monas .The urban Turbaned sikhs of India
hardly supported it.So why Mona's which were so discriminated by sikhs were supporting khalistan

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Kanwardeep Ji wrote:
<<<<My question is still unanswered .If mona sikhs feel so much discriminated then why do they come to Gurdwara? why they donate money to Gurdwara? Do turbaned sikhs force them to do that?

ACTUALLY they DONT. I seriously uspect that the "monas" who scream the LOUDEST..about discrimiantion etc etc DONT contribute a CENT..they may not even matha tek a cent....they are a MINORITY..and thier TRUTH comes out as it has right here in this THREAD....people "leaving" for the slightest reasons, no faith in the Guru or to Find out the real truth about the GURU before maligning Him...empty vessels making the most noise...MOST monas are happy and contented to be what they are. ( This is my opinion based on what i see..until surveys are conducted and 'facts" are confirmed- others are also confirming their own confirmations)

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
PCJ ji,

Guru Fateh.

Let me start the response from your bottom comment.

You write:

But since you wouldn't take 'no' as an answer, I had to post it here.
No for what? I asked you some questions and it is you who have refused to answer them, hence showing your own insecurity. One wonders why!

I have read the article which was written in March 2008 and your responses show your intellectual dishonesty of what you have posted here and your own response at Sikhnet.com, not a good trait for someone who claims to seek the Truth as you have done repeatedly in your post.

Secondly, Gitika Kaur, the writer of the article admitted herself in March 2008, being new to Sikhi. She must have learned a lot since then which does not seem to be your case because this matter still bothers you after 2 years, hence your bogus justifications. One wonders what happened to the " Truth Learning Process" that you claim!

Is this the part of the doctrines of your Almighty Lord that teaches you to be dishonest? One hopes not!

But that discussion shall follow in an honest and open manner after you have answered my questions in a truthful way, the way you claim to seek.

I will be anxiously waiting for them and I have posted them again for your own convenience.

<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by Tejwant Singh

Guru Fateh.

Does your Almighty Lord teach you to doubt others or give the benefit of the doubt to them?

What kind of truth are you trying to seek if you feel so much disdain that your comments come with a "warning" of your being offensive when we are trying to learn from each other?

Why this self insecurity? Is this part of the doctrines of your Almighty Lord?

How can your giving references from SGGS be offensive?

Why this defensive posture?

Please read my edited version and respond and never be afraid to seek the Truth which is the cornerstone of Sikhi.

Interact without being hateful and disdainful.

Hope to learn from this interaction and please respond each question as asked.

Thanks and regards

Tejwant Singh

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Tejwant Singh
Last edited:
Oct 11, 2006
Kanwardeep Ji wrote:
<<<<My question is still unanswered .If mona sikhs feel so much discriminated then why do they come to Gurdwara? why they donate money to Gurdwara? Do turbaned sikhs force them to do that?

ACTUALLY they DONT. I seriously uspect that the "monas" who scream the LOUDEST..about discrimiantion etc etc DONT contribute a CENT..they may not even matha tek a cent....they are a MINORITY..and thier TRUTH comes out as it has right here in this THREAD....people "leaving" for the slightest reasons, no faith in the Guru or to Find out the real truth about the GURU before maligning Him...empty vessels making the most noise...MOST monas are happy and contented to be what they are. ( This is my opinion based on what i see..until surveys are conducted and 'facts" are confirmed- others are also confirming their own confirmations)
Gyani Jarnail Singh JI,
Gur Fateh.
So much anger and hatred.?That too coming from a person of much learning and erudiction and whose views are always respected.
So all the so called "monas" who contibuted to the Sikh cause and sacrificed their lives for the Sikh cause, had no faith in the Gurus.
What kind of surveys do you want. Visit any Grudwara in Punjab and see the number of Sehajdharies thronging these places or just watch the live-cast on t.v.
From my personal experience I can vouch for the fact that a major portion of the funds for the Khalistan movement were sent by 'monas' living abroad,and they are still doing it. And the urban Sikhs contibution was almost nill.
Once in answer to my post you said who-ever follows and tuely believes in the teachings of Guru Nanak ji is a Sikh and a Khalsa is a Sikh who has taken Amrit.Now you say only a Khalsa can be called a Sikh.
With regards
Jasbir Singh Kaleka


May 19, 2006
PCJ starts out as benign... putting some cryptic sense...and whever asked to tell about him/her self.. keeps giving some reference to something written somewhere or some other theory.
Waste of time. Sorry to be direct.
you may be a male, female, formless, lordless, less .... less.... or in the word of rajneesh... More is less.
keep confusing people... and leave without answers.
All reader beware. no point in keeping a hope .
Why to keep bad company? Company makes your future. Do you agree on this PCJ? yes or No? only one word answer is totally acceptable.


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
PCJ starts out as benign... putting some cryptic sense...and whever asked to tell about him/her self.. keeps giving some reference to something written somewhere or some other theory.

What part of this did you not understand?

Basically I was born in a Sikh family and kept my hair until I was 19.

But I quit considering myself a Sikh once I found out that I realized that Sikhi was not what I believed it to be....

Why Lord? Because I believe terms like God, Allah, Waheguru or Bhagwan are simply based those people's perception of The Almighty Lord - The Creator. We start setting limits one Lord when we start using terms that are based on someone else's perception.


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
PCJ Ji...
The EMPHASIS in the line you quoted is on "NAMELESS"....not either the "infidel" ( sakat is one who doesnt beleive in GOD/Creator )..or the "Prostitute" or he son/daughter.

Nameless..is an attribute....and a FACT of life...as a P sleeps with so many men..who knows the name of the father of her children..just like we cannot know which dog is the father of the puppies born in the street. They are just "nameless" unlike those born IN MY HOUSE as I know the ***** and the Male dog who fathered them...My ***** ahd just ONE puppy - named Marble..while the ***** in my backyard gave birth to 10 puppies..just as beautiful, playful, and lovingly lovable...BUT stil I would call them "nameless"..no Vet will issue them a certificate ( as Marble Has)...THAT IS A FACT and It has to be stated as MY GURU has done.

BTW..even the Men who slept with the P..have not the slightest idea...whether they "fathered" any children...to them also the KIDS BORN TO P are NAMELESS as the Men are Nameless...as is the P also Nameless !!! Its NAMELESS that is the COMMON DENOMINATOR !!! Now tell me whats WRONG with this FACT.

BTW..the fault lies with the "translators..(infidel..OMG what an injustice to sakat !!) and people who find fault even without actually looking...and then Throwing mud at the GURU for stating a Fact. I would advise you to go to a properly qualified "translator" to understand the GURU. The Guru is a "ferari/Porche" of sorts..and one doesnt go to a bike mechanic to "understand" a Porsche...the best he will do is RUIN it.:geeksingh:

The bottom line is that had the gur not written this, an amritdhari wouldn't have said that such quotes refer to non-Amritdharis...

That's the worst part part. When guru writes such quotes, people start using these quotes toward people that are only different from them but may not mean that they sakats or infidel.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
PCJ ji

You are clutching for straws at this point, and not making any sense. Now you are saying that gurus' words have negative consequences (as defined by you) because people will take them out of context (as defined by you) and use them for wrong (as defined by you) . I think the next stage in this discussion should take a look at the improbable what-nots of thinking you are introducing.

Your bottom line seems to be that no one should write, think, say, invent, create, institute, or promote any thought, idea or activity that might result in something that you do not agree with.


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
PCJ ji,

Guru Fateh.

Let me start the response from your bottom comment.

You write:

No for what? I asked you some questions and it is you who have refused to answer them, hence showing your own insecurity. One wonders why!

I have read the article which was written in March 2008 and your responses show your intellectual dishonesty of what you have posted here and your own response at Sikhnet.com, not a good trait for someone who claims to seek the Truth as you have done repeatedly in your post.

Secondly, Gitika Kaur, the writer of the article admitted herself in March 2008, being new to Sikhi. She must have learned a lot since then which does not seem to be your case because this matter still bothers you after 2 years, hence your bogus justifications. One wonders what happened to the " Truth Learning Process" that you claim!

Is this the part of the doctrines of your Almighty Lord that teaches you to be dishonest? One hopes not!

But that discussion shall follow in an honest and open manner after you have answered my questions in a truthful way, the way you claim to seek.

I will be anxiously waiting for them and I have posted them again for your own convenience.

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by Tejwant Singh

Guru Fateh.

Does your Almighty Lord teach you to doubt others or give the benefit of the doubt to them?

There is no such thing as benefit of doubt. We are who we are. Our every action clearly shows who we are.

What kind of truth are you trying to seek if you feel so much disdain that your comments come with a "warning" of your being offensive when we are trying to learn from each other?

Why this self insecurity? Is this part of the doctrines of your Almighty Lord? This had nothing to do with my insecurity. I simply wanted to warn you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I understand that Sikhs are hurt by this even though they had no control over what their gurus said.

How can your giving references from SGGS be offensive? - Just as I gave you the quote from The Granth. No true guru would use such an analogy.

Why this defensive posture? - What defensive posture? I accept the fact that nobody is perfect, including gurus...

Please read my edited version and respond and never be afraid to seek the Truth which is the cornerstone of Sikhi. - I observe completely the opposite, Sikhs don't want to hear truth...

Interact without being hateful and disdainful.
- Nothing hateful, simply stating facts...

Hope to learn from this interaction and please respond each question as asked.

Thanks and regards

Tejwant Singh


Tejwant Singh

It has nothing to do with my insecurity. I knew that Sikhs usually got offended/hurt by my reason to quit calling myself a Sikh. That was the reason why I warned you first because I didn't want to hurt your and other Sikhs feelings. I understand you have no control over what you guru said and therefore, you should not be hurt for what your guru. That was the reason why I was trying not to mention this.

The bottom line is that a guru has to be careful what to write and what not to write. He must make sure that he writes so perfectly that nobody can take it out of context, including his followers.

Why would a true guru give his followers any reason at all to use what he said toward putting others down?

Secondly, Gitika didn't write this. She is not capable of writing an article. She didn't know the general rule of providing the source. I saw the same article on other sites as well but with time, it disappeared. But I am pretty sure we still find it on one or two other sites.

I haven't been dishonest about anything at all. I always get attacked because I have been honest and I expect others to be honest as well. This matter doesn't bother me anymore. I have simply accepted the fact that nobody is perfect. Therefore, nobody is worth being a guru. I only brought it to you because you asked me about me and this article was part of the information you needed to know. But I was kind enough to warn you first.

Please see my response to your question in red.
Last edited:


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
input from one of the kids in my kiddie gurbani class...
If I had known that one could "drop" the Guru for stating a fact that is common knowledge..I would have dropped out of school as soon as the Class Teacher wnated to see my "birth Certificate" to find out my daddy's name. How dare the teacher want to KNOW that" fact" ?? what right he had to CHASE AWAY the poor GIRL who DIDNT HAVE the BIRTH CERT as I had. The poor girl went away crying...refused admission to a Govt school for not having a piece fo paper i had with me..simply becasue my dad was KNOWN unlike hers. What a DENIGRATING thing the "teacher" did ???? He should have just kept quiet, admitted the nameless / certless kid..????
This is just an Example form the Worldy world we live in...vis a vis the "nameless"..the "certless"...the Paperless..the Passport less..why are some called "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" ?? arent they human ?? do we LEAVE the USA..Canada..in PROTEST ?? Afterall soembody is responsible for this...for calling them "illegal" ??? why ?? alert the Human Rights Orgs..but best of all LEAVE THE COUNTRY/ITS LEADERS who condone such..who wrote such laws..who practise such discrimantory actions....!!! OH..???? OH ?? who can issue Birth certificates to sons of P's...??? so they wont be nameless..and so we can be happy...with our Guru for not stating the OBVIOUS.
Sometimes the simple is not so simple...even a kiddie can teach me a thing or two...just finished the class..on a high note..learnt so much today. THANK YOU JIOS.:clevermunda:

But yes it would make sense to drop out of a class where the teacher assumed without even looking at the birth certificate that someone didn't know his father and compared a child who couldn't produce a birth certificate to a son of a prostitute...

Such teacher should not be teaching children in the first place....


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
PCJ ji

You are clutching for straws at this point, and not making any sense. Now you are saying that gurus' words have negative consequences (as defined by you) because people will take them out of context (as defined by you) and use them for wrong (as defined by you) . I think the next stage in this discussion should take a look at the improbable what-nots of thinking you are introducing.

Your bottom line seems to be that no one should write, think, say, invent, create, institute, or promote any thought, idea or activity that might result in something that you do not agree with.

Everybody is welcome to write, think, say, invent, create, institute, or promote any thought, idea or activity that might result in something that I do not agree with, but in a civilized manner...

The article clearly shows how Amrtidharis think of non-Amritdharis and because of this quote, they compared them to sons of prostitutes....


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
Your statements are quite contradictory.First you said that spirituality is something that brings someone closer to god,now you are saying that people who think their path is true path that may be not for some people.Now you are saying that sprituality comes naturaly
and one don't need to learn anything

Now my question is who is going to decide which path is right which is wrong.Who has the Authority

Let me give you examples.

person A believe's in Naam simran

B believes in lestening loud kirtan

C believe's in That by sacrificing animals he can come closer to go

D believes in vipaasna meditation

E believes in worshiping idols and treating them like gods will him closer to god

Now all of them are following their version of spirituality and belives that their path is right one.Who is going to decide which one is right.
who has the authority ?There is good chance that some of these people may fight with each other that who is right and who is wrong.so like religion spirituality also can create divisions.

There is already enough discussion on reservation.If you cannot understand Indian conditions then leave it to Indian sikhs

My question is still unanswered .If mona sikhs feel so much discriminated then why do they come to Gurdwara? why they donate money to Gurdwara? Do turbaned sikhs force them to do that?

And BTW it is open truth that sikh separatist movement in India was largely funded by sikhs living outside India which include majority of monas .The urban Turbaned sikhs of India
hardly supported it.So why Mona's which were so discriminated by sikhs were supporting khalistan

This is not contradiction...

Think about it...

If none of the statements (A, B, C, D and E) above is correct in taking someone closer to The Lord, then none of the statements reflects sprituality. But if only one of them takes you closer to The Lord, then only that one statement reflects spirituality. People might be silly enough to fight claiming that their beliefs bring them closer to The Lord, but the fact is that all those practices that do not tkae you closer to The Lord are not part of spirituality.

Your question regarding monas going to gurdwara and calling themselves Sikhs has been answered already but I will answer it again: This is because many monas are gullible. They think that putting a turban over his head, someone has become better than them. That's the reason why they take all this abuse from you people as well. Some other monas however know that turbanned people are hypocrites but they still have faith in gurus and that's why they keep calling themselves Sikhs...

I have tested you people many times. I have called some of the Amritdharis by names similar to the names they call monas by and these amritdharis get upset. So, these monas must be some kind of saints. They take all this abuse from Amritdharis and they still support them...


Apr 3, 2005
If none of the statements (A, B, C, D and E) above is correct in taking someone closer to The Lord, then none of the statements reflects sprituality. But if only one of them takes you closer to The Lord, then only that one statement reflects spirituality. People might be silly enough to fight claiming that their beliefs bring them closer to The Lord, but the fact is that all those practices that do not tkae you closer to The Lord are not part of spirituality.

But who is going to decide which path is genuine. and which is not? Who has the authority?

Your question regarding monas going to gurdwara and calling themselves Sikhs has been answered already but I will answer it again: This is because many monas are gullible. They think that putting a turban over his head, someone has become better than them. That's the reason why they take all this abuse from you people as well. Some other monas however know that turbanned people are hypocrites but they still have faith in gurus and that's why they keep calling themselves Sikhs...

I have tested you people many times. I have called some of the Amritdharis by names similar to the names they call monas by and these amritdharis get upset. So, these monas must be some kind of saints. They take all this abuse from Amritdharis and they still support them...

:D:D:D:D To be honest I was really laughing reading above comment.Mona's are real saints of sikhism.They take all the abuse yet they donate to Gurdwara's ,Even one step further they also support Khalistan.Seriously PCJ discussion with you is real fun

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
PCJ ji,

Guru Fateh.

First of all all my questions I asked you to respond to were in the other post that you ignored on purpose. Please go back to post # 78 which has my questions and respond.

It has nothing to do with my insecurity. I knew that Sikhs usually got offended/hurt by my reason to quit calling myself a Sikh

It is laughable to say the least how blatantly dishonest you are. Show me anywhere in my post where I said I was offended. Be truthful as your Lord requires you to do. I am rather having fun here which makes you uncomfy and your posts show that.:)

That was the reason why I warned you first because I didn't want to hurt your and other Sikhs feelings.

One more dishonest remark from you who talks about his Lord being pure. Why are you in this muck then, one wonders!:)

I understand you have no control over what you guru said and therefore, you should not be hurt for what your guru. That was the reason why I was trying not to mention this.

I am not offended by your ignorance either here. You have no idea what our Guru said. You are doing nothing but distorting the facts and showing us more about your Lord who is in hiding because you are too insecure to talk about him/her.

The bottom line is that a guru has to be careful what to write and what not to write. He must make sure that he writes so perfectly that nobody can take it out of context, including his followers.

Ignorance a galore once again. Who are you to tell someone if they are right or wrong when you do not have the courage to talk about your Lord that you mention in every post? You are hillarious to say the least. It is fun skinning your thought process.

Why would a true guru give his followers any reason at all to use what he said toward putting others down?

You are not the follower of our Guru, so why this itch if I may ask?:)

Secondly, Gitika didn't write this. She is not capable of writing an article. She didn't know the general rule of providing the source. I saw the same article on other sites as well but with time, it disappeared. But I am pretty sure we still find it on one or two other sites.

You did not mention that in your response to her article. May I ask why?One more dishonest act on your part
I haven't been dishonest about anything at all.

You have been nothing but dishonest. To prove that, just copy and paste your response about the translation not being reliable that you posted on Sikhnet.com and check your own post#82 in this thread where you took the translation literally. It shows nothing but your dishonesty and falsehood. Which Lord teaches you this?:)

I always get attacked because I have been honest and I expect others to be honest as well.

No one is attacking you here. Now, this is a cop out of a scared person it seems. Asking questions and demanding honest answers is called interaction just in case you did not know.

This matter doesn't bother me anymore.

You are being dishonest here again. If it did not bother you then you would share who your Lord is that you talk about as asked by me many times. You can run, but you can not hide under these false pretenses and facades.

I have simply accepted the fact that nobody is perfect. Therefore, nobody is worth being a guru. I only brought it to you because you asked me about me and this article was part of the information you needed to know. But I was kind enough to warn you first.

Thanks for the warning about you being dishonest. A Guru means a teacher. If you had gone to any school in your life, then you must have had many Gurus. Denial is not the way to seek the truth.

But, it is fun to interact with you because you have been caught with your dishonesty many times.:)

Carry on.

Tejwant Singh


Mar 26, 2008
Fremont, California
But who is going to decide which path is genuine. and which is not? Who has the authority?

Only Lord Himself decides what path is genuine and acceptable. A lot of times, people's behaviour makes it much easier to tell when their path is not genuine than it is.

:D:D:D:D To be honest I was really laughing reading above comment.Mona's are real saints of sikhism.They take all the abuse yet they donate to Gurdwara's ,Even one step further they also support Khalistan.Seriously PCJ discussion with you is real fun

You were lauging because you think you are saint and monas are not even good enough to human.

The way name-calling goes among Sikhs, anybody can easily tell that monas are much more spiritually wise than the amritdharis who call them names. Nobody who calls people names can be spiritually wise.
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