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Self-Improvement By Meditation

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Self-Improvement By Meditation
By Jeff Cohen

There are particular moments in life where you wish to depend on other people’s advice. Some would readily give it to you with best intentions. Despite these intentions, you are always going to blame those people if anything goes wrong.

Every time you find yourself at a crossroad, specialists strongly advise you to always make the decisions by yourself. The burning question is: how will you know how to make the best decision?

No matter how young or old you are, you must have reached a point in your life where you need to make a big decision. This major decision will probably affect your entire existence.

There is no doubt that there are certain moments in life when you feel helpless and disoriented. In such case, you could use some self-improvement advice in order to figure out how to proceed with your life.

The answer is never simple.

There is one self-improvement tool that can greatly help you have great results. This tool is popularly known as meditation.

Meditation has been used for centuries in certain rituals and by ancients civilizations. Old and famous books, discuss how people meditate in order to discover themselves and fight the evil forces. Upon gaining self-mastery, they develop self-control over their decisions and lives.

How do you do meditation?
First, you need to be away from sources of distraction. You cannot analyze your deepest feelings and thoughts and watch a movie at the same time.

Second, ask yourself a series of questions that will help you determine who you really are. The questions should relate to everyday aspects.
  • What do you like doing?
  • What made you most proud of yourself during your entire life?
  • What is it that you always wanted to do and you never found the time?
  • What role does money play in your life?
  • What is it more important for you? Is it you family or career?
  • How much do you depend on others?
If you are concerned about certain decisions, let all the questions be related to that issue. Do not forget to write down the answers. Try to concentrate and be honest. After all, nobody will judge you. Write the first thing that comes into your mind.

All these questions will help determine exactly where you stand and what you want from life. All you have to do is to get the right interpretation of your own replies.

In order to do that, help yourself to a cup of tea or your favorite coffee and take the time to do a thorough analysis. Mark with a red pen answers that you are proud of and mark with a black one the things that do not make you proud.

Post the list in a place where you can see it more than once a day, or post it in more than one place.

You will notice that little by little, the black things on your list will start turning red. Do not forget to renew the list when most of it has turned red! It is best to be aware about your expectations from life.

Take this simple self-improvement advice and see the positive results for yourself!

source: Self-Improvement By Meditation






Jul 21, 2004
Meditation is the process of self-improvement or remodelling. It is said that the pupa 'meditates' upon the multicolored and winged butterfly by cocooning itself and fasting for days together. Here lies the lesson. First idenify the model or icon you want to become. "Meditate" on the model singlemindely till you achieve that. Needless to state that you would get inspired by th pupa approach.