I guess im soo caught up in this youth thing, being 18 and all hehe, so i find it hard to say that its alright to have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Once someone becomes of age to get married, then i dont see a problem in going out for dinner of something with someone of the opposite gender.
But as per the question being asked, at the age of 16...girlfriend/ boyfriends are a no no.
Also, once one does step into the world of dating, i think its something that the parents should be fully aware of. They should get to know the person whom you are persuing this relationship with. I've met many people who has hid it from their parents..and in the end it did not go so well.
One thing particularly struck me about this post. "One someone becomes of age to get married" ...
what is "of age" ? And is this not a relative term to how far society has progressed?
The original age of getting married was 13 (puberty!), because most people lived till a bout late 20s or so. My grandmother was married at like 19 or something ridiculous, which would not even be acceptable for most parents today to allow their innocent sikh child to date at that age.
As far as someone using their "God-gifted" brain to answer this question, I agree.
And for the people who say our bodies are raging hormones and we should control them...didn't God give us those hormones? Aren't they raging for a purpose? If they cloud judgment, didn't God want those hormones to cloud judgment otherwise we would have thought our minds are smarter than our bodies ? (which is hardly ever the case)...but, we've created a society where controlling your hormones at that age is more beneficial for you in the long-run (We've become smarter than original god-granted "gifts")
And then there's the other perspective -- "don't do it, it is one of the four main taboos, alongside cutting hair, tobacco usage, and eating halal meat"
Break those four taboos down into historical perspective.
I believe the actual "sin" is to commit adultery, and I believe before it was written as adultery, it was actually written as "Don't marry a muslim woman" -- who were we at war with historically? So, much for that rehit. What a method to separate, divide, and stay in power!
"Don't eat halal meat" -- Wow, what a genius way to keep muslims and sikhs separated during almost any gathering, what a way to never allow a sikh child to invite his muslim friend over for dinner or vice versa -- who were we at war with historically?
History re-written.
Anyways, You live in 2007. Your from the United Kingdom, you should NOT feel sorry for dating. You should never feel sorry for dating OUTSIDE your race/religion, science even wants this to happen ! If you have sex, make sure its consensual, make sure you both are perfectly fine with it, and be aware of the consequences (emotionally, bodily, physically) -- be smart, and use protection.
Love can exist outside of being married.
Can you love someone at 18 years old? I agree, people were having sex at 13 years old, centuries ago, and it was under the same god.
If it doesn't involve anyone else, and no one is being hurt by the action, I see no issue with it.
I wonder how many parents expect their child to grow up to be 30 years old, with a pHD, and just start looking at potential mates, and still be a virgin. The elder generation amazes me yet again lol