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Sikh Girls: A Confused Lot. Are Parents To Blame?


Oct 5, 2004
Though...inspiration, especially in a personal sense, is a very good motivator to encourage people to change. Our Guru's understood this only too well thus became a living and personal inspiration to everybody.

I'd say, seeing the Khalsa's going into battle and laying down their lives, would become an inspiration to the people around them in how they should model their OWN lives....works both ways hunna?

Gursharan Singh

Hardeep LOL

Aug 31, 2005
I disagree to some extent, as a sikh boy (haircut) I know almost everything about my religion and other religions. This is because I have the desire to know. If the sikh youth have no desire in the u.k. about their religion then that is up to them, that is their freedom.
Personally you are right about not enough youth are interested, but saying that alot of youth are interested and are affiliated with a number of organisations, i know this from my own city coventry. The youth in the u.k. that do know sikhism put to shame the youth in india, they haven't a clue and do not seem interested instead they try to be more westernised.

One of the problems of the sikh youth in the u.k. is there is not enough education for them. for example you walk down the street in an asian area and almost certainly you will see flyers for speeches and discussions inviting islamic youth of u.k. and these are held in english. How many sikh discussions are there in english on a widescale? hardly none, we have sikh camp and thats about it, we need education in english in every city. the gurdwaras keep telling us to become interested, but then seem only to satisfy the 2nd generation who come from india where does that leave us?
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!
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Mar 18, 2005
Southampton, England
Hardeep LOL said:
I disagree to some extent, as a sikh boy (haircut) I No almost everything about my religion and other religions. This is because I have the desire to no. If the sikh youth have no desire in the u.k. about their religion then that is up to them, that is there freedom.
Personally you are right about not enough youth are interested, but saying that alot of youth are interested and are affiliated with a number of organisations, i no this from my own city coventry. The youth in the u.k. that do no sikhism put to shame the youth in india, they haven't a clue and do not seem interested instead they try to be more westernised.

One of the problems of the sikh youth in the u.k. is there is not enough education for them. for example you walk down the street in an asian area and almost certainly you will see flyers for speeches and discussions inviting islamic youth of u.k. and these are held in english. How many sikh discussions are there in english on a widescale? hardly none, we have sikh camp and thats about it, we need education in english in every city. the gurdwaras keep telling us to become interested, but then seem only to satisfy the 2nd generation who come from india where does that leave us?
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!
Thank you hardeep, rightly said! I mean everyone knows the Gurudwara Committees.. How THEy behave! Treat Gurudwara as thier income, as their PROPERTY. WAHEGURU. TO my knowledge, they don't really care about the youth.

And on top of that, I noticed that only two types of people stay in the Guru Ghar. Old retired poeple who talk about their own young life who about others (including chuglai) and little children who run around the place. The youth are usually outside chatting about Bhangra/Bollywood or Girls/Boys.

I hope that in the future... the Punjabi Culture will spearate form the SIkh religion.. in the minds of people. BEcuase this, in my views, is the main cause.
Oct 5, 2005
new delhi india
this sort of biased behaviour is qhat cofuses the youth of today, if our religion lys down strict guidelines they should be followed, however forget about fathers and brothers abusing alcohol, its known for a a fact that the niang singhs of sikhisim consume a more local form of booze called 'bhang', i dont really think restarint is what they were telling us, its more like dont abuse it. i feel that somewhere along the line between the first and the last guru, the message was lost


Sep 16, 2004
feel that somewhere along the line between the first and the last guru, the message was lost

Dear Kaur ji

It would be more helpful if you can elaborate this point of your

Jatinder Singh


Mar 18, 2005
Southampton, England
huh?! the message was NOT lost. the message was lost as soon as Guru Ji became in a different form. We as Sikhs are so pathetic we fail to see Guru Ji as a Guru rather than a "book". You cant just blame Guru Ji for what his Sikhs are doing.. its our OWN fault!!! So please, dont insult Guru Ji:) They were 1 JYOT, all were Guru Nanak DEv Ji..



Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
DEAR DrKhalsaji, It is not a fault of a single person. It is being heard from my childhood. I'm at 31st step of life. The only Thing I want to say that This thread has the very true topic. Harpreetkaurji elighten the facts of the common Sikh's house. But she is not aware that how much is she confused herself by herself or by her mother, who taught her like this. It is very much disturbing to a Gursikh when a Sikh can draw a line in between 10 GURUS. The more common fact is that we are not aware of our state of mind. But we can talk about the difference between GURUS. How can a Sikh achieve the high spiritualism, If we are not opening our soul towards Waheguru, Materials of today's world are distracting us from that. We must have the knowledge of our GURUS and must we surrender to supreme. So many answers we can find in ourselves but anyone can be Giani but sometimes in life one have to open his mind by listning to a person. IN Japji Saheb Guru Nanakji said, Kahte pavit, sunte puneet. Just look at the message of Harpreetkaurji, this states the confusion of Sikh Girls.
Oct 5, 2005
new delhi india
sat sri akal
i am terribly sorry if my statement hurt anyones sentiments, especially when it comes to the religion that one is born into, sex, politics and religion are all very sensitive issues and this site is highly explosive. well its all about expressing your doubts, there is nothing wrong in that, im certinally not slandering any of the gurus or saints, just putting my thoughts across, and if they tend to bring out aggression, then i think il find my answers by just browsing through the comments listed by other learned members of this site, i know mu knowledge of gurbani might not be enough to add quotes, but i do undertand and therefore i question and comment, as im only human, once again i apologise to any memeber who felt offended by my thoughts, bhul chuk maaf. and p.s, rosethorne ji , what did my mother have to do with any of this? im afraid u were being a bit judgemental there, dont account her for my thoughts, interpretation and thought expression is not a genetic defect.


Sep 16, 2004
sat sri akal
i am terribly sorry if my statement hurt anyones sentiments, especially when it comes to the religion that one is born into, sex, politics and religion are all very sensitive issues and this site is highly explosive. well its all about expressing your doubts, there is nothing wrong in that, im certinally not slandering any of the gurus or saints, just putting my thoughts across, and if they tend to bring out aggression, then i think il find my answers by just browsing through the comments listed by other learned members of this site, i know mu knowledge of gurbani might not be enough to add quotes, but i do undertand and therefore i question and comment, as im only human, once again i apologise to any memeber who felt offended by my thoughts, bhul chuk maaf. and p.s, rosethorne ji , what did my mother have to do with any of this? im afraid u were being a bit judgemental there, dont account her for my thoughts, interpretation and thought expression is not a genetic defect.

Dear Khalsa ji

There is no need to hold your self from asking question about any topic thatbothers you and this is the soul purpose of the website . I nderstand that some disscusion take a turn which seems explosive but all of us here on forum havemanaged to handle all this situations in the past well and hope so in future with akals bleesings

Anyway as for me i never found your comment sto be insulting towards our guru ji but surely would like to know more in detail about your comment as i could not understand it fully
feel that somewhere along the line between the first and the last guru, the message was lost

I hope you will understand my point that all the heat generated in arguments i snot there to stop you puting your thoughts forward but understand the issues in more detail :)

Jatinder Singh
Oct 14, 2005
I dont think its really the parents, since parents have been brought up with different standards. I think its the media influence of western culture. The fact that we want to me more "white." Dont get me wrong, youth may not display this, but why do we buy, parasuco short skirts. Ecko tops and Rocawear jeans? Simple reason, Exceptence. The parents are just trying to uphold the values that were given to them by their parents (current grandparents.)


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear Gursikhs, Why we blame our GURUS to make us right, Because we have no faith in HIM, But we are possesive about our Parents. How disgusting this is. It is just a matter of thinking. Whatever we are having in this world is from our parents, But from where we got our Parents, It is not our will to take birth in any one's house, It is AKAL's wish for us. And we can draw lines in between our GURUS. Just think of this, Is it not an answerable to everybody. Parents are deserving of the blame of not awekning their wards because parents today are only materialistic not knowing about any spirituality. Then why not to blame Parents. I'm also father of two, I don't know about thier future, what they do or not. But it is my duty to accept any fault of mine which is if disturbing their life.

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] ieku pCwxU jIA kw ieko
rKxhwru ] ieks kw min Awsrw ieko pRwx ADwru ] iqsu srxweI sdw suKu pwrbRhmu krqwru ] 1] mn myry sgl aupwv iqAwgu ] guru pUrw AwrwiD inq ieksu kI ilv lwgu ]1] rhwau ] ieko BweI imqu ieku ieko mwq ipqw ] ieks kI min tyk hY ijin jIau ipMfu idqw ] so pRBu mnhu n ivsrY ijin sBu ikCu vis kIqw ]2] Gir ieko bwhir ieko Qwn QnMqir Awip ] jIA jMq siB ijin kIey AwT phr iqsu jwip ] ieksu syqI riqAw n hovI sog sMqwpu ]3] pwrbRhmu pRBu eyku hY dUjw nwhI koie ] jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw jo iqsu BwvY su hoie ] guir pUrY pUrw BieAw jip nwnk scw soie ] 4]9]79] {pMnw 45}

SIREE RAAG, FIFTH MEHL: The One is the Knower of all beings; He alone is our Savior. The One is the Support of the mind; the One is the Support of the breath of life. In His Sanctuary there is eternal peace. He is the Supreme Lord God, the Creator. || 1 || O my mind, give up all these efforts. Dwell upon the Perfect Guru each day, and attach yourself to the One Lord. || 1 || Pause || The One is my Brother, the One is my Friend. The One is my Mother and Father. The One is the Support of the mind; He has given us body and soul. May I never forget God from my mind; He holds all in the Power of His Hands. || 2 || The One is within the home of the self, and the One is outside as well. He Himself is in all places and interspaces. Meditate twenty-four hours a day on the One who created all beings and creatures. Attuned to the Love of the One, there is no sorrow or suffering. || 3 || There is only the One Supreme Lord God; there is no other at all. Soul and body all belong to Him; whatever pleases His Will comes to pass. Through the Perfect Guru, one becomes perfect; O Nanak, meditate on the True One. || 4 || 9 || 79 ||

Oct 5, 2005
new delhi india
sat sri akal
i am proud to be a sikh, yes i have commited actions that might go against sikhisim, but for me that is all in the process of learning, maybe i have chosen the long and hard path, maybe i might have to go through many lifetimes to understand the simple facts but im learning, im seeing the insight of the common person, that you cant even take knowledge with you, isnt it better to live life one day at a time, to be humble and forgiving, wasnt this the message?, but we are the ones who misinterpret the messages for our own profit, every religion has gone and is still going through this phase where the simplicity of the message was being twisted becoz of mans ego. its funny, we live our lives gathering all sorts of dreams that once are fullfiled but then we want moksha from moh and maya becoz we feel we have learnt enough and wish to trancend to a diffrent plane, but we cant and we wont coz we havent lerant the simplest lesson of all,,to love unconditionally and to serve without pride, so doesnt that mean that when im in my flow of thoughts i forget my pride and feel a sort of tranquility that one gets when they are not attached, at that time i dont belong to any religion, i belong to humanity.
once again if my thoughts cause discomfort to anyone, i apologise in advance.


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear Gursikhs, We are living in materialistic World but we should have to know about spirituality. One can say very simply about Maya and Moh but in my thinking it is a very vast perspective, And may I'm not able to say it very simply. Because a Gursikh knows that without learning SGGSJi Maharaj,We cannot find the Truth, But we can Argue with everybody. All people in Human form are Humans but if there is no religion then no truth to reveal. What is human, to argue for me, myself. But religion makes a person sensible. Guru's are not a material for Gursikhs but everything we can see or hear is material. Atleast for Gursikhs. We must not run away from materials because that are the base of life. But Gurus are our soul's property, A Gursikh cannot hear to avoid anything about HIM. It is a Gursikh's duty to do the right things not for anyother reasons.

SIREE RAAG, FIRST MEHL: Burn emotional attachment, and grind it into ink. Transform your intelligence into the purest of paper. Make the love of the Lord your pen, and let your consciousness be the scribe. Then, seek the Guru's Instructions, and record these deliberations. Write the Praises of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; write over and over again that He has no end or limitation. || 1 || O Baba, write such an account, that when it is asked for, it will bring the Mark of Truth. || 1 || Pause || There, where greatness, eternal peace and everlasting joy are bestowed, the faces of those whose minds are attuned to the True Name are anointed with the Mark of Grace. If one receives God's Grace, then such honors are received, and not by mere words. || 2 || Some come, and some arise and depart. They give themselves lofty names. Some are born beggars, and some hold vast courts. Going to the world hereafter, everyone shall realize that without the Name, it is all useless. || 3 || I am terrified by the Fear of You, God. Bothered and bewildered, my body is wasting away. Those who are known as sultans and emperors shall be reduced to dust in the end. O Nanak, arising and departing, all false attachments are cut away. || 4 || 6 || (Page 16)


Oct 3, 2005
Dear Verdana

We can not just blame parents, it is the environment and diversions to so many alternative passive activities like TV consume most of our emotional intellectual self and time as well.

We run Gurudwaras not as Itt was meant by Sri Guru nanak Dev ji for Gurbani Vichar but in old format just meant for old audience not the young today's generation. WE must change the format.

I would propose TV Gurbani Vichar and Cyber Sikh Temple. Target youngs in a way that they choose Gurbani Message in the modern pass time. Guru nanak was a great teacher he attracted audience first and then hit their minds with His message. Miracle of Gurbani is that it is Kirtan -its attract if rightly presented wiht meaning in the language and format the today's generation listen and understand be they are in India or abroad.

Parents are also need to learn communication tools to today to keep in touch with their children, lot of parents think parenting is just not rquired to be learnt or rlearnt. It is with time we need to stay in touch to upgrade our al types of skills.

No attempt is made to set up scholarhsips for researchers who are committed for the Gurbani Parchar central world bodies are unco ordinated and every one has own interpretations and there is no think tank to provide further Gyan. All are scattered. These forums are good link at least we trigger debates and bring people who think or care togather to present their point of views. But creation of a Sikh Think Tank with their internet connection can be funded.
HP Luthera
Sep 11, 2005
I agree with HP Luthra Ji , Parenting should be Learnt by Parents ....

Because Parents are First Gurus , With Whom a child or Young always Interacts with .........

Some Parents either are too restrictive or reistive that the young people get diversified ..


Some Parents are too Liberal that they say "He/She is still a child, let him/her Enjoy life"

Most people Belive in "Freedom without Responsibility"

Most people justify their irresponsible behaviour as their Learning process ...... Because they have seen and observed from some other Elders doing the same thing .


Nov 7, 2005
Connected Thread: Sikh Girls - a Confused Lot - Are Parents to Blame?

Thread Recreated From: Sikh Girls - a Confused Lot - Are Parents to Blame?

Sher Singh said:
wjkk wjkf

i think the parents are to blame. How can the youth know what's going on when the ones that are supposed to teach them (parents) aren't doing they're job and telling them to shut up. It's wrong and parents need to understand this. It's their right to teach us about Sikhi. The examples you have given are all true. Parents, i.e dads say not to drink yet they come home drunk is completely wrong. 100% wrong. No wonder the youth of today is so confused parents aren't teaching the youth anything. This should be stopped. Parent's need to understand this.



Nov 7, 2005
Re: Connected Thread: Sikh Girls - a Confused Lot - Are Parents to Blame?

Parents should not teach their children to shut up, but to speak up. As parents how can we address the confusion, if our children can't talk to us. I think the big issue is that many parents don't understand themselves what Sikhism teaches. That is fine, then these parents should direct their children to someone who is knowledeable. Ultimately, children just want to be heard. Parent's don't have to have all the answers, but they should be interested in finding people in their family or community who may have answers.

Proud Singh

Nov 15, 2005

It is the duties of our parents to teach us about our religion and culture but that alone cant show youths the right way. One must be willing to learn and abide by the teachings.I know of parents who have spent so much time on there kids teaching them Sikhism but there kids still do all the things they shouldnt. We should have more programs within our community to teach youths the history of sikhism. The sacrifices our people made so that we can practice our religion. Thats whats lacking in the youths today they do not know there history, if they did everyone would proudly follow Gurbani and would never question sikhism.
Sep 11, 2005
Common Sense , Integrity and maturity are independent of any religion .

Its a lame excuse and justification that parents have not history or something so they get lured by the muslim guys.

Women are very clever , when a guy other than muslim woos them or runs after them , they give them a good deal of lecture on building career and future.

But when a muslim guys woos them their lecture disappears in the thin air .

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