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Sikh Girls Marrying Non Sikhs In India

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
This can be seen from a different angle as well and Sikh parents must be first to stop it. Patriarchal mindset is huge in Punjabi Sikh families. The desire to control what women and girls do, the desire to keep them sunordinates.
Let me ask you, in Sikhi do you believe males and females should have fully equal rights to all positions of leadership and all seva, including Panj Pyaras? If not, then you are contributing. Do you believe a wife has to serve her husband and be obedient and submissive - as a subordinate? If so then you are contributing.

From girls standpoint if her own religion and culture is seeing her as a subordinate and expecting her to have less rights and freedoms as males then there is no difference she sees how women are treated in other religions. Or she may just become not religious at all.

Sikhi is supposed to be equal. Women have no lesser place but in reality in Sikh families in India, I have seen it with my own eyes girls are treated very lesser and differently in many cases. As far as Sikhi goes, women still can’t do kirtan at Darbar Sahib, or even think about touching the palki sahib let alone do palki sahib seva, she will be scolded by jathedars as if she desecrated SGGSJ. Certain mindsets in some Sikh groups tell women they are to be subordinate to their husband and obey and serve them. Women are almost universally denied right to do seva as Panj Pyaras even if their avastha is high and they are strict in their rehet. Women are rarely elected to management committees of gurdwaras. Very few ever reach any leadership position. Most are expected to do langar seva mostly, and never be in any forward role. Men are expected to have full leadership and control.

So from girls standpoint what is the difference?? Any talk of having equal position in sikhi and in Sikh families is usually lip service only. So what does it matter to her the outcome is the same... she ends up anservant to her husband and his family and always in subordinate role.

Practice real sikhi and raise your daughters to know they are equals and don’t ever tell them they have lesser rights than Sikh males. Encourage them to take Amrit and stand side by side with Singh’s and even aspire to do seva as Panj Pyaras or be president of a Gurdwara committee one day and be an example. Then they will see Sikhi as something precious to never let go of.

Now I realised you're female, Respected Madam Jee, You true about my natural assumption about male
> Who's fault is this deprivation??
It's lack of promote our culture and spreading Sikhism ideology in new generation as well as loose bonding with faith, While Luxury life style and materialistic thoughts are major phenomenon ,
Well I m not only focusing on these girls I m concerned about all " fatal diseases in community " like Drugs, Unemployment, Beadbi incidents(Disrespect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib)Unbalanced Economy of Punjab etc, With the grace of God I got solutions as well, But couldn't stop interfaith marriages in India and I can't implement without supportive governance coz I belongs to poor family.

>> I agreed that Pre Marry affairs have in some levels in community ,But affairs with in non-sikhs leads them to conversion,specially in Hindia.
Parents must teach their kids about moral values lessons specially Girls, Coz in future girl would become "Jan ni" and "Jan ni "would produce warriors! If she married in atrocities families than, Wat she produce ??? (An Vote negative to Sikh Refrendum ??) If Girls would stay In touch with culture, faith and social current affairs, They may get knowledge of our great history and their moral values would be save. You lives in Canada so do not knows about the ground level reality in India, Where minorities is dissolving in Majority with an sponsored propaganda.
>>> Xenophobia used .......Sikh girl married in interfaith would be decline of her own race and personality as I discussed before
I m aware that Black races Christians are Native American and many developed countries, Here I talked about "Desi Girls" who are facing immigration problems.
>>>>Translation of that proof page from Hindi to English:As per " love jehad"
•Marriage with Sikh girl 700000 INR.
•Marriage with Punjabi girl 600000INR.
•Gujrati Girl 600000INR.
Check whole price list for conversion into Islam, But top reward is 700000 INR for marry Sikh girl into Islam. .......On the contrary Saffron Wearer( Ghar Wapsi) offering more than "Love Jehad" for converting Sikh girl into Hindus. ..
Proof attached. .

Bhull Chukk Di Khima Yachak
Nov 21, 2017
Respected Madam Jee, Sorry for late reply..
Para 1 ) Parents only wants to see their daughters happy and luxurious life with western thoughts, They don't bother about her husband's religion in many cases,Western Movies and vulgarity has been become part of Entertainment. Majority of girls are copying just as same as actress and role model (Fake shine and artificial look)...

2) Our Gurus gave us right of gender equity, But within some limitations,At foundation time of (Khalsa panth) Panj Piyare" who came forward to present their head were all male..So it has been become doctrine, That "Panj Piyare" would be a male, Non of any female came forward for sacrifice for Khalsa Panth on that time. .But " Mata Jeeto Jee" had contribute to make 'Amrit' for "Panj Piyare" We just following the same principle and role of ratio by Sikh females during Khalsa Panth, Sikh religion is religion of "martyr" and warriors, So male played an important role in foundation and defend of Panth. Mostly religion are dominated by male, But it's not mandatory that during Gurdwara Election Sikh female not treated as male. .Bibi Jageer Kaur was elected as a president of SGPC, Palki sahib sewa, langer sewa, Keeratn sewa all doing by boths males and females, In case of Gurdwara Darbar Sahib. ..that is completely in control of "Badal"masand , He used filthy tricks ever to get in power, so there may be bit discrimination with females.

3) Submissive-while Sikh male and females have rights of equity, But if they comes in majority and if they thinks they are able to do "management" works, They can come forward, But must be supported by her members,Then she may be elected in committee president, I read many articles Where in developed countries lot of females are elected as a member and president mostly in England and Canada. .

4)Strongly agree with your last para Respected Madam Jee. ...Our families are forgetting our traditional activities and contributions of females in Sikhism, So our moral values are going lower to depth. ..Social Reform and awareness is must important thing. .

5) Females in Developed countries are fully enjoying their rights but not in India, Because Indian culture is depends on traditional views, it's based on vote bank politics as well as communal disturbance activities, Poor governance never wants to develop their individuals thoughts. .

Bhull Chukk di Maafi dediyo jee
I m not Native English speaker, So lot of mistakes


Aug 13, 2012
Our Gurus gave us right of gender equity, But within some limitations,At foundation time of (Khalsa panth) Panj Piyare" who came forward to present their head were all male..So it has been become doctrine, That "Panj Piyare" would be a male, Non of any female came forward for sacrifice for Khalsa Panth on that time

I'm sorry but your logic is completely flawed..

First and foremost either you believe the message of guru nanak gives equality to all or you do not. It is not possible to have ifs and buts! There are no limitations..

Equality amongst all is a fundamental..!

Panj piare were all men who stepped forward, but you make a illogical leap to suggest that provides exclusivity to men.. Because if that action was exclusive to the individuals who partook then no one other than them could be panj piare
Aug 4, 2018
Hindu girls marry to Hindu men, Muslim girls marry to Muslim, Catholic girls prefer Catholic but it's a fact that Sikh girls don't want to marry Sikh men... I think It's all about money and power thing... before 1984 every woman wanted a Sikh man as their groom because Sikhs were far ahead from other communities in terms of religion, money.culture, tradition and lots of people from other religion and lower cast people were accepting Sikhism. Therefore Indian government (Hindu government) has always been jealous of Sikh community that's why they did everything to put us down, they used their mind games, political power and finally used their arm forces. They killed lakhs of Sikhs, looted Punjab, raped women, even evil himself sank through the floor watching that inhumanity against Sikhs... However, you can see the transformation of these so called "Sikh Girls" gradually they started to abandon Sikhi they are getting married to Hindus, Muslims and clean shaven punjabi munde... In Sikhism equal rights and same teaching given to men and women but that shows Sikh girls do not want equal rights they are concerned only to fulfill their sexual desires. Now they don't want anyone with turban and beard and Amritdhari Sikhs are forbidden for them.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Hindu girls marry to Hindu men, Muslim girls marry to Muslim, Catholic girls prefer Catholic but it's a fact that Sikh girls don't want to marry Sikh men... I think It's all about money and power thing... before 1984 every woman wanted a Sikh man as their groom because Sikhs were far ahead from other communities in terms of religion, money.culture, tradition and lots of people from other religion and lower cast people were accepting Sikhism. Therefore Indian government (Hindu government) has always been jealous of Sikh community that's why they did everything to put us down, they used their mind games, political power and finally used their arm forces. They killed lakhs of Sikhs, looted Punjab, raped women, even evil himself sank through the floor watching that inhumanity against Sikhs... However, you can see the transformation of these so called "Sikh Girls" gradually they started to abandon Sikhi they are getting married to Hindus, Muslims and clean shaven punjabi munde... In Sikhism equal rights and same teaching given to men and women but that shows Sikh girls do not want equal rights they are concerned only to fulfill their sexual desires. Now they don't want anyone with turban and beard and Amritdhari Sikhs are forbidden for them.

Ramneet Singh,
Would you be kind enough to post the references that you used for the above post? Thanks
Jan 25, 2018
Maybe someone can answer this, but why are some concerned with who others get married with. If you're a Sikh and want to marry someone who identifies themselves as a Sikh to and respects/loves you, good for you right.
Is it the concern that when Sikh women marry into other religions then Sikhi is dying or going away. That the census will show the Sikh Population decreasing? Ok let's just say you're the last couple (or Single) on earth that believes in Sikhi, and all others have married and possibly converted to another religion, is that gonna change your mind, your belief, your faith? If not, then stop caring what others are doing.

Here's what I don't get about those who think this topic is a problem. You don't want Sikhs (men or women) to marry outsiders, but you would be ok with someone converting to Sikhism and marrying a Sikh right? Thus promoting growth in numbers. Then why not go out in the world and promote Sikhi. Ask people of other backgrounds to convert. Go to door to door like Christians and Jehovah witnesses do/did. If your answer is "well that's not how we do it". Well then stop worrying what others do, and worry about yourself, and how you live and contribute to this world.

Is it the goal of Sikhi, that everyone in world should be a Sikh, if it is then we have another topic on our hand.
Aug 4, 2018
It would be better to marry prostitute rather than Sikh girls. Because they are even worse than prostitutes, and those Sikh men who are already married Sikh girls, either they have gotten or soon they are going to get taste of deception because mostly married women are indulged in cheating their husbands. So if you want a faithful wife and true love then stay away from Sikh girls.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
It would be better to marry prostitute rather than Sikh girls. Because they are even worse than prostitutes, and those Sikh men who are already married Sikh girls, either they have gotten or soon they are going to get taste of deception because mostly married women are indulged in cheating their husbands. So if you want a faithful wife and true love then stay away from Sikh girls.
uhm what have you got against prostitutes, I just see people, maybe you should try just seeing people too, might help with all that anger.
Aug 4, 2018
Harry Haller prostitution is a work not a breed or caste... And I had to make this least comparison because they are doing it openly and honestly unlike "Sikh girls" who are bitches in Lion's clothing.
Jan 25, 2018
Harry Haller prostitution is a work not a breed or caste... And I had to make this least comparison because they are doing it openly and honestly unlike "Sikh girls" who are bitches in Lion's clothing.
From another Post you claim 99% of the Sikh women are cheaters, smokers, cut hair, etc. and that they are B#@!$ in Lions clothing? The hell does that even mean. Dude you have to stop and take a step back. You're reacting to something you've obviously experienced, and are thus labeling all Sikh women because of it. No matter how much pain or hurt you are, you have to take a deep breath and calm down. Like I said, a Sikh girl or Hindu, whatever or a guy for that matter. Who ever they end up with should not matter. But you threw in cheating, so that's a different label to tag someone. Even in Western culture (like in the US) where they say 50% of all marriages end in divorce, that's not even 100%
It might be good for you to share what experience you really have. Did you lose a girlfriend, or mom or female relative that cheated on their spouse. Think it might be better to share whats really bothering you rather than keep attacking Sikh women. If you dont want to share here, that's fine, but seem like you need someone to talk to.

Raman Suri

Aug 17, 2020
I do apologise, But I read topic here somewhere about Sikh girls marrying non Sikhs, I m strongly agreed with that topic and it's 100% true, That Sikhs girls prefer do marry with Non Sikhs guys in India. ..The reason behind it vary. .I got chance to travel different part of India and observed, Really lot of Sikh girls married in Non Sikh families and mostly have affairs with Hindu boys. ..

In my next post I will try to share my observation, When I got any response from readers. .

This is truth.

Raman Suri

Aug 17, 2020
Lol. I don't understand why this is such a passionate concern. You will only end up with 1 woman.

Also, as much as our culture tries, you can't shame or Control girls (or boys) into doing what you want. All you can do is treat the other person well.

Sikh men marry outside too, it's not just women. Also, how do you Know these women in different parts of India are Sikh? Ethnically, people tend to look pretty similar...

I have not checked your profile, but definitely you are a female. Yes, this is a major concern, ask your brother or father in case they are Sikhs and wears turban. Sikh men end up marrying outside their faith because Sikh girls are busy with finding out shortcomings in Sikh boys and not liking their appearances and dating other non-sikh guys. And look at the ratio first, how many Sikh boys(Boys with beard and turban) married to non-sikh girls. I know many sikh girls as my college friends and almost all of them married to hindu families.

You won't write such comment if you know who you are.

There was a time when a Kaur dreams of their future husband, they see a turban wearing man. There was not even a chance of other(Non-Sikh) guys to be their husbands. From that time, other guys always tries to marry Sikh girls which is now happening and is very unfortunate.

They(Sikh girls) need to understand whose blood they have in their veins and that's why others are ready to marry you because you are the queens who gives birth to fearless kings, because Guru Gobind Singh created you.

Girls who remember their father, who knows that their father is Guru Gobind Singh can never fall in love with other guys and never ever think about it. Because those girls are determined and has control of everything and has a sorted life and goals.

This is a wake up call. Otherwise Turban wearing people will get disappeared. Already a lot have been killed in WW1, while fighting for independence, WW2, during partition, As soldiers in wars with China and Pakistan, 1984 sikh genocide.

If sikh girls get serious about this then it may stop the trend of cutting hairs which is quite popular in young sikhs. More on this in my next blog.

They need to understand that the people who killed your ancestors, you are giving birth to their children.

They need to understand that when they marry a Non-Sikh, they kill a whole generation of Sikh and takes other's generation forward.

Check this out : The Sikh Girls...

Raman Suri

Aug 17, 2020
From another Post you claim 99% of the Sikh women are cheaters, smokers, cut hair, etc. and that they are B#@!$ in Lions clothing? The hell does that even mean. Dude you have to stop and take a step back. You're reacting to something you've obviously experienced, and are thus labeling all Sikh women because of it. No matter how much pain or hurt you are, you have to take a deep breath and calm down. Like I said, a Sikh girl or Hindu, whatever or a guy for that matter. Who ever they end up with should not matter. But you threw in cheating, so that's a different label to tag someone. Even in Western culture (like in the US) where they say 50% of all marriages end in divorce, that's not even 100%
It might be good for you to share what experience you really have. Did you lose a girlfriend, or mom or female relative that cheated on their spouse. Think it might be better to share whats really bothering you rather than keep attacking Sikh women. If you dont want to share here, that's fine, but seem like you need someone to talk to.

Check this out : The Sikh Girls...

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
"Lack of Sikhi in the personalities of Sikh girls are responsible for everything. Parents play an important role but they are also corrupted these days."
First, This language confirms that it is not a research and just an opinion based blog.

Second, letss look at your THEORY again
You somehow "ANALYSED" the thinking of 70 Indian Sikh women and 80 Non-Indian Sikh women, out of which 106 told you that they were okay with "Turbaned Sikh Guy" (you said you got a good response from most Indian Sikh women)
Out of 150, You ignore 106 responses ignoring about 70% of your Models and just nit-pick remaining 30% of the People to prove your Pathetic Claim that "Sikh Girls are the reasons for declining Sikh Population".

This is a childish Theory with Childish Bias.
I hope you improve your research methods.
Till next time,
Good Luck.


Dec 21, 2020
'have seen this trend a lot in Bangalore where dark skinned Hindi belt boys/secular south indian boys lure sikh girls into affairs and marriage.
Basically there is no conspiracy here, just a couple simpl.e facts:-
1) sikh girls are on averag.e fairer and fitter. thus more attractive
2) in tech and modern liberal world, sense of humour, effeminate sophistication & verbal domination are keys to social success. and most often, by these criteria, non sikh men are at top of the ladder. and those guys get their pick of the women.
if sikhs want to preserve their ethno-religious identity, better be strict about rules like Muslims or encourage sikh guys to adapt the effeminate cultural domination symbols of the secular world.