Note I said between two humans, because I think many people suuffer from the 12th Night Syndrom i.e. they are more in love with the idea of being IN love!
Randip ji,
Indeed I did note that distincntsion. But to which other species is the charge love your God and love each other as you would your God, directed to? Also if I am to love others as I love God, whom am I directed to love, the cat, the fish, the dog, other humans?
Being in love with the idea of love is also very, very normal. Love grows, it deepens it looses it's adolesant vibe as we loose our adolesance, in short it changes and the lucky ones may well learn that the idea of love means nowt when compared to actual love, to loving and being loved.
Not only is it the greatest of commands it is the greatest force. In real ways people have been known to kill and die for it.