@sukhsingh - Pardon my ignorance ( if you take my phrases like this one as a mockery to you then you must have a thin skin because I do not mock but write and speak this way and people I interact with rather enjoy it), would you be kind enough to elaborate what you mean by "I know don't really get into the technocratic details.. Me included" in lay man's terms so I can understand what you are trying to convey with tangible examples from the SGGS, our only Guru.
I get confused by your posts at times, which sound a bit angry for the reasons only known to you. Your terse short responses do not add anything to the interaction but they only affect the writer who is expressing him/herself in that way. We are all here to learn and disagreements are part and parcels of the learning process.
What is your opinion about the so-called DG and Hemkunt?
Would love to learn from your views.