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Sikh Sangat Challanged Prof. Darshan Singh On Distorting Dasam Granth Bani

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
SIKHI is and was NEVER about "NUMBERS".....how could it be..as GURBANI describes its Path as SHARPER than the sharpest Blade of the Khanda....FINER than the thinnest Human HAIR....so HOW can such a Path be for large numbers....LIONS are NEVER as numerous as {censored}roaches ....how can they be ?? {censored}roaches will be {censored}roaches...and Lions will be LIONS...WHY didnt God make LIONS multiply as {censored}roaches...ants..termites...fleas...ticks..mosquitoes....?????

2. SCHOOLS...Colleges..UNIVERSITIES....never go for "NUMBERS"...by saying..lets PASS Each oen that enters our gates...lets award each one a PHD...and viola..we will have a BILLION PHDs in a YEAR !!! What a BRILLIANT EDUCATION MINISTER that will make ??? WHY ?? Simply becasue not everyoen who enters a school doesnt become a PHD.. The SIKH who enrolls in GURMATT SCHOOL...MUST BE "HEADLESS"....if he CANNOT GIVE HIS HEAD..he is just that...a sikh with his own HEAD ( Large numbers)...and those that agree to be HEADLESS ( are FEW) That is REALITY. NO one FORCES any SIKH to give up his HEAD...its entirely VOLUNTARY..then WHY do they go into that "mode" and ask those that wnat to go HEADLESS...why ?? why a re you headless??? are you holier than me..are you better..are you more religious... why cant I be "HEADLESS"...and KEEP MY HEAD TOO !!! otherwise known as have the cake and eat it too...its NOT POSSIBLE.


May 15, 2008
WHU r v 2 challenge d authenticity of respectable DashamGranth completely written by Sri Guru GobindSinghji Maharaj?

First of al Gurfateh.
<FONT color=black><FONT face=Verdana>Second, do not say we. Because "Dasam Granth" the name is not given by Guru Gobind Singh JI I meant Dasam Granth.<?"urn::happykaur:
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Feb 27, 2010
Where is you proof it was written by Guru Gobind Singh ji, in its entirety?

the 5 takhts together hav issued several statements in the past n also recently dat the complete baani of dasham granth is a work of guru gobind singh ji.
from nowhere if sum 1 tomorrow tells me that my parents r fake with whum i m living with many years,do u wish dat i shud leave my parents n start living a life without their guidance?

for history of dasham granth u shud pls visit:
Dasam Granth

i feel the whole issue is being made to divide sikhs on the basis of granths now which in past was on basis of sect,rituals,etc....

n if u still blieve that dasam granth is not a composition of guru gobind singh ji [which i strongly feel u shud not] perhaps u shud giv us an answer who wrote it n about its origin......

on the basis of ur oppsition 2 dasham granth, i feel u shud suggest 3 more baanis for sikhs 2 recite in place of jaap,chaupai and swaiyye.

pls stop trying to hav an illusion abt dasham granth only bcoz darshan singh says so.darshan has already earned loads of $ by supporting dasham granth initially now he is earning double by opposing it.....

dasham granth is not our guru.our guru is only n only guru granth sahib ji

dasham granth gives us answers to innumerable questions about our origin,abt origin of lahore,the timeless one[akaal],etc

similarly it inspires one abt how guruji n sikhs had 2 fight several battles when they were required............

if u oppose dasham granth, sikhs will not able to even name all the shastars which are present in many gurudwaras, their history will vanish.....

without reading dasham granth ppl very easily start opposing it only bcoz some1 popular is opposing it or some one has uploaded videos lacking knowledge about dasham on you tube or so.............

let us try avoid questioning on origin of dasham granth.becuase its a trap 2 divide our sikhi brotherhood.

sorry if i hurt ne1's feelings in this post.............




May 15, 2008

Jagmeet Singh JI

Gurfateh Read with open eyes
  • Historical, textual and academic analysis of various available Dasam Granth Birs or manuscripts tells us that there was no Bir/Granth/Manuscript of Dasam Patshahi Da Granth or Bacchitar Natak Granth anywhere prior to the 18th century in Punjab, which can be traced back to or associated with Bhai Mani Singh, Baba Deep Singh and Tenth Guru Ji. Further evidence shows us that individual Granth such as Chaubis Avtar, Chritro Pakhyan and Bachitar Natak (14 cantos) were available, but who compiled them together by inserting Bani of Tenth Guru and similar Chhands which were popular in Sikh Daily usage (Gutkas or Oral remembrance) into this heterogeneous Dasami Patsahahi Da Granth with no sanctification of Tenth Guru ji? The role of Henry Colebrook, an attorney and administrator in Calcutta, who never visited Punjab, shows us a Granth as NANAK PANTHI KABHYA in Devnagri with a note "Dasmi Patshahi Granth". It appears that Colebrook assisted in creating, compiling and reasearching this Granth after procuring it from Nirmals Atma Ram and Mahants of Patna Sahib and later placed this Granth in British library where Charles Wilkin was a Librarian. Malcolm also mentions about this Bir in his book History and mentions that the British recognized Sikhs’ power in North and that the British also knew about their strong belief in Guru Granth Sahib ji. They intentionally assisted in Dasam Granth's creation and promotion to gain entry in Punjab and for their political, missionary purpose. Malcolm, assisted the transplantation of this Granth in Punjab Gurdwaras through Nirmalas and Shahids during the time of Khalsa Raj to confuse and divide the Sikhs. Furthermore, Colebrook Dasam Granth (British) and the current Dasam Granth corrected by Sodhak Committee in 1897 are same with minor variations.
Dasam Granth in one volume was an outcome of post-Guru period. It did not exist in the Tenth Guru time. The master under his supervision prepared the authentic version of Guru Granth Sahib and before his physical departure he conferred on it the honor of Guru Scripture of the Sikh Jagat. Bhai Mani Singh, the last scribe of the authentic Damdami Bir, did not make any suggestion to the Guru to compile his Bani in one volume. It is equally important that he did not receive any direction in this matter from the Tenth Guru. This fact of creative history is known to the common Sikh of today that the Khalsa-brotherhood of Guru-period generally committed to their memory the Banis of Dasam Guru entitled Jap Sahib, Akal Ustat and Sawayyas and also Zafarnama. It was easy to preserve them in the written form on loose sheets or in bound copies and therefore, the Sikhs faced on indispensability to incorporate them in a bulky volume such as Dasam Granth. Then why did this passionate desire to create Dasam Granth out of the mass of anti-gurmat literature enter Bhai Mani Singh's brain at Amritsar after 1725 A.D.? Dasam Granth associated with the name of Bhai Mani Singh, includes in its contents of Adi Granth in addtion to the supposed Bani of Dasam Granth. Bhai Mani Singh could never commit such an act of betrayal by desecrating of the original form of the undisputed Guru Granth Sahib.

Current controversy about the Dasam Granth is totally uncalled for. Recognized Banis of Sikh Baptismal (Khanday Batay Da Amrit Chhakauna) accepted by Sikh Code of Conduct, recitation of daily prayers has been there since the creation of Khalsa. Guruship was bestowed only on Guru Granth Sahib, therefore, no other Granth can be installed along with Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Time and time again, SGPC and Akal Takht have issued edicts to reiterate the same. In their letter #36672 it is clearly stated "Chritropakhyan” is not Dashmesh Bani; Chritropakhyans are in fact old Hindu Mythihas Stories. Recently, Akal Takht Sahib has issued another Gurmata on June 6th, 2008, Tercentenary of Gurta Gaddi Diwas. “In obedience of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's last command "Accept Guru Granth Sahib As Guru . This is my order for the panth". The Sikh Panth has always stood by it and has been consistently blessed with guidance by the living light, eternal Guru for the solution of every national crisis.
Finally, Guru Gobind Singh ji had put the final seal of complete separateness by creating Khalsa, the Nash doctrine of Dharm Nash: Bharam Nash, Karam Nash, Sharam Nash, Janam Nash and declaration of Guru Granth Sahib as the sole ideological guide, the living Guru of the Sikhs

Next. Prof Darshan SIngh JI Opened our eyes to see and read, understand. First you have to give a respect to thers no matter you like them or not

Being a Sikh, we can discuss we can talk with open mind, Yes Prof Darshan Singh Was and is right and we are behind the Sikhi and with our Guru That is Guru Granth Sahib which our Guru Gobind Singh ji give a Gur-Gadhi.
That is final.

YOU are from Hazur Sahib If I am right
Why don't you stop the Bkra being Cut on Holla Mahhla watch on UTUBE

At last not least. Prof Darshan SIngh ji I support him


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Bmandur Ji..the real problem is most sikhs DONT READ..they just listen to what the Sant baba ji/Mahapurash said...and swallow it hook line and sinker. Most of our ignorance would VANISH if we ourselves opened the DG and READ what is written...ENGLISH translation is available at gobind sadan site..so no excuses at all.
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