- Feb 14, 2006
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This is a Sikh philosophy forum, which means the interchange of ideas, opinions, beliefs and interpretations of the participants provided such are expressed respectfully. Since a significant part of the Sikh population considers itself "sanatan" and has done so from the time of the kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and not as some modern subversion of the Indian state, then any discussion of this nature requires fairness to the facts, and not unsupportable slanders. I have no affiliation with the Indian state or even RSS. And for years I supported an independant Khalistan. But it is my studied opinion, that the remarks said in hostility, said with intent to bully the suppression of even the mention that Sikhism has any viable relationship to Hinduism, which are commonly heard among Sikhs are spoken more out of fear than actual conviction. The evidence for sanatan Sikhism is overwhleming, and the arguments against are largely based on deliberate distortions of what Hinduism is, and actually teaches, parroting the worst excesses as the example in an effort to deny similarities. While I do not blame any individual Sikhs, that is a reflection of the true intellectual dishonesty of scholars of the Singh Sabha reform, whose face is today, modern Sikhism. Badgering an unpopular opinion with insults such as pagh-wale Hindu, is, as we all know, the worst insult against a Sikh. Because the truth is, the majority opinion among Sikhs is very disparaging of Hindus and Hindu religion. People can say, "I love Hindus" "I'm best friends with Hindus" "I'm descended from Hindus" until they turn blue. Anyone can hear the comments in Gurdwara or on Sikh forums about the "monkey god" and "Shiva's lingum" and "short, cowardly brown race" said in colorful and curseword phrases. The real attitude of Sikhs toward Hindus, as a community, is one of superiority and disgust. Let's be sincere.Personally speaking, someone coming on a Sikh site to basically promote the idea that there is no Sikhism says it all. What more can I say to that? I think it speaks for itself. The two positions are that Sikhism is an independent religion and the other is that it is tied up in the tentacles of the term Hinduism.
And seeing as every form of Guru was an Indian born on Indian soil, gaining wisdom and spiritual vision from ancient Indic teachings, that Sikhs are not a "separate Aryan race" or the only form of "martial" community, let's consider such self-deceptions as racism of the British with intent to divide and generate hate between people. Such is the politics of genocide, and no wonder genocide has already been the fruit of agitation for separatism, with political intolerance, fear and loathing on both sides of the Sikh-Hindu divide. But don't dare dress up such egotistical pettiness as any form of spirituality, whether it is esposed from Congress, Hindutva, Arya Samajis or Sikhs. It is belittling to the Sikh religion to continue to perpetuate these myths and blind hatreds. I am coming from the influence of a Khalistani community which absolutely deifies shaheeds and men with bombs and machine guns. This is not spirituality. It is a political distortion of spirituality. We have an entire generation of kids who think Sikh-Hindu relations began with 1984, which praise Bhindranwale blindly and condemn Hindus as a community for the political violence of the secular Congress Party.
Again, these distortions have nothing to do with truth. Why are we allowing ourselves to be manipulated as a spiritual community with glorification of senseless violence, political intimidation, and lack of empathy for ALL people instead of "just the Sikh community?" This "us against them" mentality is so juvenile, so destined for political failure as it is destined for spiritual condemnation. We now have a generation of young people who firmly believe they are destined to fight and die to advance the cause of Sikhs, economically, politically and socially, and really do not care anything about anyone else at all. Is this the Khalsa Raj who will treat ALL men and women as EQUALS? No. It is the antithesis. It is the reason why we do NOT have a Khalsa Raj. Is the idea of an independant nation of Khalistan sitting between nuclear Pakistan and nuclear India in the middle of major wars in Afghanistan and Iraq actually some security for Sikh people? Is this what it will take to make the big, strong Khalsa safe in their identity? The Buddhists sit in the middle of India. acknowledge their sanatan roots and have communal harmony. No one has destroyed their ability to be Buddhists. No one has altered their philosophy. We have to see through these political manipulations of the community. IF the violence of the Indian state continued to be directed against Sikhs, then by all means, the struggle should continue. But after so much bloodshed, after so much injustice, after so much sorrow, let us build peace. Vengeance is NOT a dharmic justification, it is based on haumai and krodh. And all it will ensure is more violence, more hostility, and a repetition of the injustices of the past. This is a spiritual philosophy? Who can responsibly speak fro a separate nation of Khalistan now? And to be what? Some ghettoized version of the Taliban? Let's be honest about political Sikh leadership. It would be a nightmare on the way to a disaster party. If the God wanted to establish a Khalistan, it would be standing, and nothing could earth could topple it. But in all honesty, the Sikh separatist movement died the ugliest, bloodiest death and failed amazingly. If anything, it is cursed. What would Khalistanis inherit? A bankrupt farming system? Polluted rivers? Political hostility and perpetual warfare from both India and Pakistan? It wouldn't even be economically viable. So stop the foolish talk about Khalistan. The Sikh Raj did not rule Khalistan. They ruled Punjab. And Punjab has always been a part of Hindustan. Everything about the Sikh Kingdom was based on commonality, harmony, equality and respect for Hindus. Maharaja Ranjit Singh willed the Koh-i-noor Diamond to Jagganath temple, not Harmandir Sahib. So all this Britishized, modern talk of "independant nationhood," "separate identity," "Sikh rights," "Sikh racial differences" is the lowest common denominator of spirituality. It's all MAYA! It has no validity. It's future is death. Why kill more Sikh kids by filling their heads with such nonsense? Why create more fear and loathing in the Hindu community by making apprehensive with idolizing bombers and machine gun-wale religionists? I can say with conviction, some fool toting a machine gun who gets blasted by police services is no instant shaheed who receives mukti. That is a lie and a deception. Everything we do has a karmic repercussion. If we do well, it is a benefit, and if we do poorly, it doesn't matter how many posters people make our likeness, we suffer that. We suffer. How did this jihadi mentality become a part of the noble and tolerant truths of Sikh religion? No one can glorify violence against the innocent and be a spiritual person. It doesn't matter if you call yourself Hindu or Sikh. You are NOT that if you do not protect and defend the innocent from harm. THAT is the essence of Dharma. If our life isn't a blessing for others, then we wasted that life. And if we harmed anyone, when we die, we will regret, because we will feel the pain we caused. So glorification of violence is a nightmare. It is the premonition of hell.

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